Book Title: E-Resource Licensing Explained
Subtitle: An A-Z Licensing Guidebook for Libraries

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Book Description: Published by the Association of Research Libraries and written by library licensing experts, this guide is intended for librarians and library professionals who license electronic resources (e-Resources). E-resource license agreements can be challenging to understand, much less negotiate. This guide puts complex legal concepts and terms into understandable language for those librarians and library professionals without legal training. For each term of an e-resource license agreement, the book explores: essentials of the law, desired results, desired language, tricks and traps, and overall importance and risk. Additional sections and practical tools will be added over time. The authors welcome feedback from the library community to help shape future updates:
Book Information
E-Resource Licensing Explained Copyright © 2024 by Sandra Enimil, Rachael Samberg, Samantha Teremi, Katie Zimmerman, Erik Limpitlaw is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.