Scholia on Orestes 901–1000
Or. 901.02 (rec exeg) ⟨ἐπερρόθησαν⟩: γρ. λαοὶ. —PrZ
TRANSLATION: The reading ‘laoi’ (‘people’) is found. Or: Write (in addition) ‘laoi’ (here).
POSITION: marg. Pr, s.l. Z
APP. CRIT.: γρ. om. Pr
COMMENT: λαοὶ δ’ is interpolated at the opening of this verse in the majority of the mss.
KEYWORDS: variant reading: γράφεται/γράφε
Or. 901.03 (vet gloss) ⟨ἐπερρόθησαν⟩: ἐπεβόησαν —HMBVMnPrSSaCrOx
POSITION: s.l. except marg. HM
APP. CRIT.: ἐπενόησαν V | καὶ prep. CrOx
Or. 901.04 (rec gloss) ⟨ἐπερρόθησαν⟩: ἐβόησαν —OAbF2Rf2Zb2ZcZu
APP. CRIT.: καὶ prep. ZcZu
Or. 901.07 (thom gloss) ⟨ἐπερρόθησαν⟩: μετὰ ταραχῆς ἤχησαν —ZlZmGu
Or. 901.08 (mosch gloss) ⟨ἐπερρόθησαν⟩: ἐθορύβησαν —XXaXbXoT+YYfGGr
APP. CRIT.: ἐθορυβήθησαν XaXbXoYYfGr
COMMENT: There is no evidence that the passive ἐθορυβήθησαν could mean anything other than ‘they were set in confusion’ even in Byzantine Greek, so this reading must be a corruption by the accidental intrusion of ‑θησαν from ἐπερρόθησαν.
Or. 901.10 (recMosch gloss) ⟨οἱ μὲν⟩: λέγοντες —Aa2KXXaXbXoT+YYfGGr
COLLATION NOTES: In Aa, in the margin beside lines 902–906, a later hand (perhaps Aa2) has written a very corrupt version of the fives lines of Eur. TrGF fr. 324 (1–4, 6) Kannicht found in Stobaeus 4.31a.4 (section on praise of wealth). This does not appear to have been inspired by anything in the text in this passage of Orestes.
Or. 901.13 (tri gloss) ⟨ὡς καλῶς⟩: λέγ() —T
COMMENT: After erasure and rewriting T does not have λέγοι/ει in his text here.
Or. 901.14 (recMosch gloss) ⟨ὡς⟩: ὅτι —FPrXXaXbXoYYfGGrZb2ZcZu
POSITION: s.l., cont. from sch. 901.10 X
APP. CRIT.: καὶ prep. ZcZu
Or. 901.15 (rec exeg) ⟨λέγει⟩: λέγοι —V1/3K
TRANSLATION: (For indicative ‘legei’ there is a variant, optative) ‘legoi’.
Or. 901.16 (thom gloss) ⟨λέγοι⟩: ἔλεγεν —ZmGuV3
LEMMA: λέγει in text V, λέγοι s.l. V1/3 POSITION: s.l.
APP. CRIT.: app ον above ‑εν Zm
Or. 902.04 (pllgn gloss) ⟨ἐπῄνουν⟩: καὶ συνεκατετίθετο —CrOx
KEYWORDS: Byzantine or vernacular word/form/usage
Or. 902.06 (rec gloss) ⟨κἀπὶ τῷδ’⟩: μετὰ τοῦτον —AbMnPrSGZl
APP. CRIT.: τούτων Mn, τουτ() Ab
Or. 902.09 (rec gloss) ⟨τῷδ’⟩: ἤγουν τῷ Διομήδῃ —V1FRfZcCrOx
APP. CRIT.: ἤγουν τῷ om. V1F
Or. 903.01 (vet exeg) ἀνήρ τις ἀθυρόγλωσσος: 1ταῦτά φασιν ἐπὶ Κλέωνι τῷ δημαγωγῷ λέγεσθαι, σφαλλόμενοι. 2πρὸ γὰρ τῆς τοῦ Ὀρέστου διδασκαλίας πολλοῖς χρόνοις ὁ Κλέων ἐτελεύτα. 3τάχα οὖν εἰς Κλεοφῶντα τείνει, ἐπεὶ καὶ ἔναγχος οὗτος τὰς πρὸς Λακεδαιμονίους συνθήκας οὐ προσήκατο. 4καὶ τὸ λέγειν δὲ Ἀργεῖος οὐκ Ἀργεῖος ἠναγκασμένος εἰς τοῦτον βλέπει. 5θέλει γὰρ εἰπεῖν Ἀθηναῖον οὐκ Ἀθηναῖον ὄντα αὐτὸν, ἀλλὰ νόθον πολίτην, παρόσον Θρᾷξ ἦν ὁ Κλεοφῶν. 6Ἀριστοφάνης Βατράχοις [679–682]·
7‘φιλοτιμότεραι Κλεοφῶντος, ἐφ’ οὗ δὴ χείλεσιν ἀμφιλάλοις
8δεινὸν ἐπιβρέμεται
9Θρῃκία χελιδὼν
10ἐπὶ βάρβαρον ἑζομένη πέταλον’.
—MBVC, partial Rw
TRANSLATION: They (i.e., some commentators) say that these words are spoken about Cleon the demagogue, (but) in error. For Cleon died many years before the production of Orestes. Perhaps then (the words) are aimed at Cleophon, since in fact this man had recently not allowed acceptance of the peace-treaty with the Lacedaemonians. And also, saying ‘Argive not Argive, forced in’ looks toward this person. For it means ‘him being Athenian not Athenian, but an illegitimate citizen’, because Cleophon was a Thracian. Aristophanes, Frogs: ‘more ambitious than Cleophon, on whose babbling lips a Thracian swallow roars frightfully, sitting on a foreign leaf’.
LEMMA: V, ἀνὴρ ἀθυρόγλω() B, ἀθυρόγλωσσος MC, 904 ἀργεῖος οὐκ ἀργεῖος Rw REF. SYMBOL: MBV
APP. CRIT.: 1 φασιν] Arsen.(φασὶν) (MeMuPh), ἔνιοι φα(σὶν) Rw, φη(σι) MBV, φησὶν C | εἰς κλέωνα τὸν δημαγωγὸν Rw | 2 χρόνοις] χοροῖς C | 3 τάχα] ταῦτα V | εἰς τὸν Κλεοφ. M | συντείνει V | ἐπεὶ] ἐπείγω V | καὶ ἔναγχος] ὁ ἔν. M [V does have ἔναγχος, contra Schw.] | τὰς πρὸς λακ.] παρὰ λακεδαιμονίων Rw | 4 τὸ] τῷ Schw. (misascribed to Arsen.) | ἀργ. οὐκ ἀργεῖος] ἀργείων V | βλέπειν V | 5 εἰπεῖν] λέγειν Rw | second ἀθηναῖον om. Rw | ὁ Κλεοφῶν] Ruhnken 1768: xlv [= Opuscula I.319] after Arsen.(ἐκ δελφῶν ὁ κλεοφῶν) (MeMuPh), ἐκ δελφῶν ὁ κλέων MBVC, ἐκ δελφῶν Rw | 6–10 ἀριστοφάνης κτλ om. Rw | 7 ἀμφιλάλοις] Aristophan. (cf. sch. 904.06), Arsen., ἀμφιάλοις MBVC (MeMuPh) | 8 δεινὸν] δηλὸν M, δειλὸν VC | 9 θρησκία C
APP. CRIT. 2: 1 ἐπικλέωνι M | 2 ἐτελεύται B | 3 προς M | δ’ Rw | 5 παρ’ ὅσον B | 10 ἐπι B
PREVIOUS EDITIONS: Schw. I.186,16–24; Dind. II.228,10–18
COMMENT: Schwartz’s τῷ λέγειν in 4 makes Euripides the subject of τείνει and βλέπει, although he is not named or referred to as ὁ ποιητής. Neither τείνει nor βλέπει in this sense of ‘regard’ or ‘refer to’ has to have a personal subject. | In 5 Ruhnken diagnosed ἐκ Δελφῶν as a corruption of ὁ Κλεοφῶν, so that the reading of MBVC is a conflation of that corruption with a second corruption to ὁ Κλέων. Palmerius 1668: 773–774 had proposed ἐκ Δεουέλτου ὁ Κλεοφῶν, but this toponym is known only from Claudius Ptolemaeus, Geogr. 3.11.11 Δεούελτος κολωνία (in a list of πόλεις μεσόγειοι τῆς Θρᾴκης). | For the rejection of the offering of peace, see sch. 371.01 and 772.02, and for Cleophon see also sch. 772.01 and 772.03.
KEYWORDS: citation of literature other than Homer (with direct quotation) | Aristophanes
Or. 903.02 (recThom exeg) ⟨ἀνήρ τις ἀθυρόγλωσσος⟩: ὁ Κλεοφῶν —V1AaAbF2MnPrSSaZZaZbZlZmZuTGuGZcB3a
REF. SYMBOL: F2 POSITION: s.l. except marg. F2
APP. CRIT.: ἤγουν prep. MnPrSSaZcZu, ἤτοι prep. V1Ab | ὁ om. F2ZZaZbZmTGu | κλεοφώντης Zc
APP. CRIT. 2: κλεοφών F2
Or. 903.03 (thom exeg) ⟨ἀθυρόγλωσσος⟩: πολυλόγος· οὗτοι γὰρ διὰ τὸ πάνθ’ ἃ νοήσειαν ἐκφέρειν τῇ γλώττῃ θύραν οὐ δοκοῦσιν ἐν τοῖς στόμασιν ἔχειν. —ZZaZbZlZmTGu
TRANSLATION: (‘Athuroglossos’, ‘whose tongue has no doors’ means) ‘of many words/speeches’. For these (sorts of) people, because they bring forth with their tongue every thought they might have, seem not to have a door in their mouths.
REF. SYMBOL: T POSITION: s.l. except marg. T (but first word sep. s.l. T)
APP. CRIT.: ἤγουν prep. Zl | οὗτοι γὰρ] οὗτος γὰρ Zb, οἱ γὰρ πολυλόγοι T | διὰ om., s.l. add. Za | νοήσειεν Za
Or. 903.04 (rec gloss) ⟨ἀθυρόγλωσσος⟩: πολυλόγος —V3AbY2CrOx
APP. CRIT.: καὶ prep. CrOx
Or. 903.07 (mosch gloss) ⟨ἀθυρόγλωσσος⟩: ἀκρατόστομος —XXaXbXoT+YYfGGrB4
POSITION: s.l. except X
Or. 903.08 (pllgn gloss) ⟨ἀθυρόγλωσσος⟩: λάλος —AaGu
Or. 903.17 (thom gloss) ⟨θράσει⟩: τῇ ἀναισχυντίᾳ —ZmGu
APP. CRIT.: τῇ om. Zm
Or. 904.01 (vet exeg) ⟨Ἀργεῖος οὐκ Ἀργεῖος ἠναγκασμένος⟩: 1Ἀργεῖος ἠναγκασμένος, ὡσεὶ ἔλεγε νόθος πολίτης. 2ταῦτά φασιν αὐτὸν εἰς Κλεοφῶντα τείνειν, ἐπεὶ ⟨ὡς⟩ Θρᾷξ κωμωδεῖται. —MVCPrSa, partial Rw
TRANSLATION: ‘An Argive forced in’, as if he said ‘illegitimate citizen’. They say that he was directing this at Cleophon, since he is mocked in comedy as a Thracian.
LEMMA: ἀργεῖος οὐκ ἀργεῖος MVC REF. SYMBOL: V POSITION: intermarg. M; cont. from sch. 903.01 Rw
APP. CRIT.: 1 τὸ ἑξῆς prep. VRwSa | 2 ταῦτά κτλ om. Rw | εἰς] ἐκ M | τείνειν] Mastr. (cf. sch. 903.01), τείνεσθαι VCPrSa, γίνεσθαι M | ⟨ὡς⟩ Schw.
APP. CRIT. 2: ταῦτα φησὶν PrSa | ὡς εἰ Pr
PREVIOUS EDITIONS: Schw. I.186,25–187,2; Dind. II.229,1–3
COMMENT: One expects either passive τείνεσθαι with no αὐτὸν, or αὐτὸν with active τείνειν. In later Greek middles are sometimes used indiscriminately for actives, but the dictionaries give no parallel for middle τείνεσθαι in this sense.
KEYWORDS: κωμῳδεῖν
Or. 904.02 (pllgn exeg) ⟨Ἀργεῖος οὐκ Ἀργεῖος⟩: νόθος πολίτης. τάχα δέ Κλεοφῶντα λέγει. —V3
Or. 904.03 (rec exeg) ⟨Ἀργεῖος οὐκ Ἀργεῖος⟩: 1οὐκ ἦν Ἀργεῖος ἐθὰς Ἀργεῖος, ἀλλά τις τῶν ξένων ὢν. 2δεκαετίαν κατὰ τὸ ἐκεῖσε ἔθος πληρώσας ἐπολιτογραφήθη, ὅπερ δηλοῖ τὸ ‘Ἀργεῖος ἠναγκασμένος’. —PrSa
TRANSLATION: He was not an Argive as a regular (native-born) Argive, but (was Argive?) as being one of the foreigners. Having completed the term of ten years according to the custom in that place, he was enrolled as a citizen, which is indicated by ‘Argive forced in’.
APP. CRIT.: 1 ἀργ. ἐθάς transp. Sa | 2 πληρώσας om. Sa
APP. CRIT. 2: 1 ἀλλὰ τίς PrSa | 2 δεκαϊτίαν Sa
COMMENT: For πολιτογραφέω in scholia, cf. Sch. vet. Arist. Ran. 418b Chantry and severall younger scholia on that play, in reference to Aristodemus and Cleophon. For ἐθάς cf. Stephanus, in artem rhetoricam commentaria, CAG 21:2.311,34—312,11 ὥσπερ τοὺς ξένους τῶν ἀνθρώπων περιεργότερον ὁρῶμεν παρὰ τοὺς ἐθάδας πολίτας, οὕτω καὶ τὴν ποιητικὴν ὡς ξενίζουσαν λέξιν μᾶλλον οἱ ἄνθρωποι ἀποδέχονται καὶ ἐκπλήττονται. As for δεκαετία, no ancient source attests to any such procedure. The only parallel, which may well be the source of this scholiast’s claim, is Theodorus Prodromus, de manganis carmina 1.8–12 πολλάκις γὰρ ἐπήκουσας ῥητορικῶν μου λόγων. / ἤδη πληρῶ δουλεύων σοι δωδεκαταῖον κύκλον· / ὁ νόθος καὶ παρέγγραπτος ἐπολιτογραφήθη· / μετὰ γὰρ ἔτος δέκατον ἐπολιτογραφοῦντο / ὅσοι τὸ πρὶν ἐφοίτησαν παρὰ τοῖς Ἀθηναίοις, / κἂν ἦσαν καὶ προσήλυτοι καὶ τῆς τυχούσης τύχης.
Or. 904.04 (rec exeg) ⟨Ἀργεῖος οὐκ Ἀργεῖος⟩: ἤγουν οὐχὶ τὸ Ἄργος ἦν ἡ πατρὶς αὐτοῦ ἀλλὰ ἄλλη τις χώρα. —MnPrSa
TRANSLATION: That is, his fatherland was not Argos, but some other land.
APP. CRIT.: ἀλλὰ om. S
APP. CRIT. 2: τίς all
Or. 904.05 (thom exeg) ⟨Ἀργεῖος οὐκ Ἀργεῖος⟩: Ἀργεῖος μὲν ὡς ἐν Ἄργει γεννηθεὶς καὶ τραφεὶς, οὐκ Ἀργεῖος δὲ ὡς τῶν πατέρων αὐτοῦ ἐκ Θρᾴκης ὄντων. —ZZaZbZlZmTGu
TRANSLATION: Argive as born and raised in Argos, but not Argive because his forefathers were from Thrace.
APP. CRIT.: π(ατ)ρῶον Gu | αὐτοῦ] αὐτ()῀ ZbT, αὐτῶ ZmGu
Or. 904.06 (thom exeg) ⟨Ἀργεῖος οὐκ Ἀργεῖος⟩: 1καὶ Ἀριστοφάνης ὡς Θρᾴκα διασύρων αὐτὸν ἐν Βατράχοις [678–682] φησί·
2‘φιλοτιμότεραι Κλεοφῶντος ἐφ᾽ οὗ δὴ χείλεσιν ἀμφιλάλοις
3δεινὸν ἐπιβρέμεται
4Θρῃκία χελιδὼν,
5ἐπὶ βάρβαρον ἑζομένη πέταλον’.
TRANSLATION: And Aristophanes, ridiculing him as Thracian in Frogs, says: ‘more ambitious than Cleophon, on whose babbling lips a Thracian swallow roars frightfully, sitting on a foreign leaf’.
POSITION: cont. from prev. all
APP. CRIT.: 1 φιλοτιμότερος Zm | 2 ἀμφιβόλοις Zm, and marg. var. in Gu
PREVIOUS EDITIONS: Dind. II.228, app. at 25
KEYWORDS: citation of literature other than Homer (with direct quotation) | Aristophanes
Or. 904.07 (pllgn exeg) ⟨Ἀργεῖος οὐκ Ἀργεῖος⟩: οὐ γνήσιος οὗτος ὁ Κλέων ἦν· τῷ Ἄργει γὰρ καταλεγόμενος Θρᾲξ ἦν τὸ ἀνέκαθεν. —Lb
TRANSLATION: This Cleon was not native-born. For although being enrolled (as citizen) in Argos, he was a Thracian by ancestry.
Or. 904.11 (mosch exeg) ⟨ἠναγκασμένος⟩: κατ’ ἀνάγκην ἦν Ἀργεῖος. —XXaXbXoT+YYfGGr
TRANSLATION: By forceful constraint he was Argive.
POSITION: s.l. except X
APP. CRIT.: ἦν] ὤν T
Or. 904.12 (pllgn exeg) ⟨ἠναγκασμένος⟩: ἀλλὰ κατ’ ἀνάγκην ὢν Ἀργεῖος —CrOx
TRANSLATION: But being an Argive by forceful constraint.
Or. 904.13 (pllgn exeg) ⟨ἠναγκασμένος⟩: ἤγουν ἐξ ἀνάγκης ὀνομαζόμενος Ἀργεῖος —Zc
TRANSLATION: That is, being called Argive by forceful constraint.
Or. 904.14 (pllgn exeg) ⟨ἠναγκασμένος⟩: ἤγουν μετὰ ἀνάγκης καὶ μετὰ βίας —Zb2
TRANSLATION: That is, with forceful constrant and with violence (he was Argive).
Or. 904.17 (thom gloss) ⟨ἠναγκασμένος⟩: βεβιασμένος —ZlZmGu
APP. CRIT.: Ἀργεῖος add. Zm
Or. 904.18 (pllgn gloss) ⟨ἠναγκασμένος⟩: νόθος πολίτης —Gu
Or. 905.01 (905–906) (vet paraphr) θορύβῳ τε πίσυνος: τεθαρρηκὼς, πείθειν δυνάμενος εἰς τὸ περιβαλεῖν τινι κακῷ τοὺς ἀκούοντας, ὥστε αὐτοὺς ποιῆσαί τι κακόν. —MBVCMnPrRbS
TRANSLATION: Fully confident, able to persuade in a way tending to involve his listeners in some evil, so as to do them some harm.
LEMMA: MB(τὲ)VC, πίσυνος τε MnS, πίσυνος PrRb REF. SYMBOL: MBVRb
APP. CRIT.: παραβ‑ MnS | ‑βαλεῖν] B, ‑βάλλειν others | τινι κακῷ] αὐτῷ κακῷ MVCRb, κακῷ τινι transp. B | κακῷ om., s.l. add. S
APP. CRIT. 2: τινὶ BMnPrS | ὅστε Mn | ποιῆσαι τί VCMnPrRbS
PREVIOUS EDITIONS: Schw. I.187,3–4; Dind. II.229,5–7
COMMENT: The order τι κακὸν is common in the scholia, and thus I print the order in the recentiores, parallel to the order in the corrupt version of M and others, rather than B’s order, preferred by Schwartz.
Or. 905.02 (rec paraphr) ⟨ἄλλως⟩: φίλος τε τῇ ταραχῇ καὶ τῇ ἀμαθεῖ παρρησίᾳ —MnPrS
APP. CRIT. 2: τὲ Pr
Or. 905.03 (rec gloss) ⟨θορύβῳ⟩: ταραχῇ —MnPrRZc
APP. CRIT.: τῆ prep. Pr, καὶ prep. Zc
Or. 905.04 (pllgn gloss) ⟨θορύβῳ⟩: καὶ τῇ οἰκ⟨ε⟩ίᾳ πολυλαλίᾳ —Zu
APP. CRIT.: πολυλολία Zu
COMMENT: For the association of θόρυβος and πολυλαλία, cf. Sch. Opp. Hal. 3.24,14 and 16, where θορύβων (καὶ) πολυλαλιῶν is used to gloss ἀλαλητῶν.
Or. 905.08 (vet gloss) ⟨πίσυνος⟩: λεηλατῶν —M
COMMENT: A mysterious gloss: ‘plundering’ or ‘ravaging’ would be odd even as an explanation of the phrase θορύβῳ τε πίσυνος or of the whole line, but the position of the word implies it belongs to πίσυνος alone. It seems to have been written by the original hand, although in this case written at the same time as the text, whereas the other glosses on this page are entered in a second phase with a lighter ink and a finer stroke. The nearby glosses of M2 clearly differ in appearance from this gloss. Perhaps the gloss is displaced from 906 and explains πιθανὸς ἔτ’ αὐτοὺς περιβαλεῖν κακῷ τινι.
Or. 905.09 (rec gloss) ⟨πίσυνος⟩: θαρρῶν —M2VAaAbFKMnPrRSaZb2ZcGuCrOx
POSITION: s.l. (under line, last of page, M2)
APP. CRIT.: ἤγουν prep. Zb2, καὶ prep. FZcCrOx
APP. CRIT. 2: θαρρὼν Mn, θαρῶν F
Or. 905.11 (thom gloss) ⟨πίσυνος⟩: θαρραλέος —ZZaZbZlZmTGu
APP. CRIT. 2: θαραλέως ZZa
Or. 905.15 (pllgn gloss) ⟨κἀμαθεῖ παρρησίᾳ⟩: †διὰ περισσὴ† —Ox2
COMMENT: There is no δια-compound in the vicinity to which the note ‘the prefix δια- is superfluous’ could apply. Perhaps διὰ was a separate gloss (διὰ standing for διὰ ἀμαθοῦς παρρησίας, a standard glossing of an instrumental dative), and περισσὴ is a displacement of the gloss 916.12, adjusted to the feminine to agree with implied ἡ πρόθεσις.
KEYWORDS: περισσός/περιττός
Or. 905.18 (rec gloss) ⟨κἀμαθεῖ⟩: ἀλογίστῳ —AbMnPrRSSa
POSITION: s.l. (above 904 ἠναγκασμένος Ab)
APP. CRIT. 2: ἀλογίσθω Ab
Or. 905.21 (rec gloss) ⟨κἀμαθεῖ⟩: ἀμαθεῖ —R
COMMENT: Clarifying what is present in the crasis.
Or. 906.01 (rec gloss) ⟨πιθανὸς⟩: ἱκανὸς —OBrec
APP. CRIT.: διὰ (?)λαλιᾶς(?) add. Brec (extremely faint)
Or. 906.03 (recMosch gloss) ⟨πιθανὸς⟩: ἐπιτήδειος —Aa2AbMnPrRSXXaXbXoT+YYfGGrOx2
POSITION: s.l. except X
Or. 906.09 (rec gram) ⟨πιθανὸς⟩: πιθανὸν λέγεται τὸ μέσον ψεύδους καὶ ἀληθείας. —Rw
TRANSLATION: What lies between falsehood and truth is called persuasive.
POSITION: between sch. 911.02 and 911.04 Rw
COMMENT: There is no parallel for this definition.
Or. 906.10 (pllgn exeg) ⟨ἔτ’⟩: ἀργὸν —Aa
TRANSLATION: (The adverb ‘eti’, ‘yet, still’ is) without semantic function.
Or. 906.11 (mosch exeg) ⟨ἔτ’⟩: περισσόν —XXaXbXoT+YYfGGr
TRANSLATION: (The adverb ‘eti’, ‘yet, still’ is) superfluous.
POSITION: s.l. except X
APP. CRIT.: ἔτι prep. X
APP. CRIT. 2: περιττόν G
KEYWORDS: περισσός/περιττός
Or. 906.12 (thom gloss) ⟨ἔτ’⟩: σὺν τούτῳ —ZZaZlZmTGu
Or. 906.15 (rec exeg) ⟨αὐτοὺς⟩: τοὺς ἀκούοντας αὐτοῦ —AbMnPrRS
TRANSLATION: (‘Them’ refers to) ‘those hearing him’.
APP. CRIT.: αὐτοῦ om. Ab
Or. 906.16 (rec exeg) ⟨αὐτοὺς⟩: τοὺς Ἀργείους —KRfG
TRANSLATION: (‘Them’ refers to) ‘the Argives’.
APP. CRIT.: τοὺς om. Rf
Or. 906.17 (thom exeg) ⟨αὐτοὺς⟩: τοὺς πολίτας —ZZaZbZlZmTGu
TRANSLATION: (‘Them’ refers to) ‘the citizens’.
Or. 906.18 (pllgn exeg) ⟨αὐτοὺς⟩: ὑμᾶς τὸν Ὀρέστην καὶ τὴν Ἠλέκτραν δὲ —V3
TRANSLATION: (‘Them’ refers to) ‘you, Orestes and Electra too’.
Or. 906.19 (pllgn exeg) ⟨αὐτοὺς⟩: τὸν Ὀρέστην καὶ τὸν Πυλάδην —B3a
TRANSLATION: (‘Them’ refers to) ‘Orestes and Pylades’.
Or. 906.20 (rec exeg) ⟨περιβαλεῖν⟩: παραβαλεῖν —RfSSa
TRANSLATION: (For ‘peribalein’, ‘encompass’, there is a variant reading) ‘parabalein’ (‘set beside’).
Or. 906.21 (rec exeg) ⟨παραβαλεῖν⟩: περιβαλεῖν —Ab
TRANSLATION: (For ‘parabalein’, ‘set beside’, there is a variant reading) ‘peribalein’ (‘encompass’).
LEMMA: thus in text Ab POSITION: s.l.
Or. 906.28 (mosch gloss) ⟨κακῷ τινι⟩: βλάβῃ τινί —XXaXbXoT+YYfGGrB3d
LEMMA: κακῷ X POSITION: s.l. except X
APP. CRIT.: ἤγουν prep. X | τινί om. GB3d
Or. 907.01 (907–908) (thom exeg) ⟨ὅταν γὰρ ἡδύς … κακὸν μέγα⟩: 1ἡ γὰρ τῶν λόγων αὐτοῦ ἡδονὴ εἰς πικρίαν καταντᾷ· 2ἓν γὰρ μόνον θηρᾶται, ὅπως κολακεύσῃ τὸ πλῆθος καὶ ἀποδεκτὸς αὐτῷ γένηται, 3τοῦ δὲ λυσιτελοῦντος αὐτῷ οὐ φροντίζει. —ZZaZbZlZmTGu
TRANSLATION: For the delight from his words ends in bitterness. For he pursues one single goal, to flatter the multitude and prove to be acceptable to it, and he has no concern for what is beneficial to it.
REF. SYMBOL: Z (at 907 ἡδὺς τοῖς), Za (at 907 τοῖς λόγοις), Zm (at 908 μέγα), T (at 908 τῇ πόλει) POSITION: s.l. (at 908) ZbZlGu
APP. CRIT.: 2 αὐτῷ] αὐτὸ Zm
APP. CRIT. 2: 1 κατατᾶν Zb
Or. 907.02 (907–908) (rec wdord) α (ὅταν γὰρ), β (πείθη), γ (ἡδὺς), δ (φρονῶν κακῶς), ε (τῇ πόλει) —M2
Or. 907.03 (rec paraphr) ⟨ἡδύς⟩: [2–3 letters+ γ]ενόμενος / διὰ [5–6 letters]μενος (or ]μενα) —R
COMMENT: One would like to read [ἡδὺς γ]ενόμενος / διὰ [τὰ λεγό]μένα, but the faint and damaged traces are hard to reconcile with this.
Or. 907.08 (mosch gloss) ⟨ἡδύς⟩: ὑπάρχων —XXaXbXoT+YYfGGrCrOxB3d
POSITION: s.l. except X
COLLATION NOTES: B3d here uses ϋ as an abbreviated version of ὑπάρχ(); the same occurs in 1077.02.
Or. 907.11 (mosch gloss) ⟨τοῖς λόγοις⟩: κατὰ τοὺς λόγους —XXaXbXoT+YYfGGrAa2
POSITION: s.l. except X, cont. from sch. 907.08 XXo
APP. CRIT.: ἤγουν prep. T | λόγους om. T
Or. 907.16 (mosch gloss) ⟨κακῶς⟩: κακοτρόπως —XXaXbXoT+YYfGGr
POSITION: s.l. except marg. X
Or. 908.05 (recMosch gloss) ⟨κακὸν μέγα⟩: ἐστί —MnSXXbXoT+YfG(Gr)
POSITION: s.l. except Gr, interpolated into line after μέγα
APP. CRIT. 2: ἐστίν XbXoYf
Or. 909.01 (rec gloss) ⟨σὺν νῷ⟩: μετὰ φρονήσεως —AbG
POSITION: s.l., cont. from next G
APP. CRIT.: μετὰ] ἢ G
Or. 909.02 (mosch gloss) ⟨σὺν νῷ⟩: μετὰ γνώσεως —XXaXbXoT+YYfGGr
POSITION: s.l. except X
Or. 909.03 (pllgn gloss) ⟨σὺν νῷ⟩: καὶ σὺν λογισμῷ —Zb2Zc
APP. CRIT.: καὶ σὺν om. Zb2
Or. 909.06 (thom gloss) ⟨νῷ⟩: γνώσει —ZlZmGuF2B4
APP. CRIT.: ἐν prep. F2, σὺν prep. Zm
Or. 909.10 (pllgn gloss) ⟨βουλεύουσ’⟩: συμβουλεύουσι —XXaXbXoT+YYfGGr
Or. 910.01 (910–911) (pllgn paraphr) ⟨κἂν μὴ παραυτίκ’ … πόλει⟩: ἤγουν ἐὰν οὐδὲν φθάσῃ καὶ βοηθήσει τις ἐκ τοῦ παρευθὺς τὴν πόλιν, ἀλλὰ ὕστερον βοηθήσει θέλων αὐτὴν. —Zu
TRANSLATION: That is, if someone does not act quickly and assist the city immediately, at least later he will help it willingly.
REF. SYMBOL: Zu (to 913)
APP. CRIT.: θέλων] θέλ() Zu
APP. CRIT. 2: τίς Zu | παρ’ εὐθὺς Zu
Or. 910.02 (thom exeg) ⟨κἂν μὴ παραυτίκ’⟩: διὰ τὸ μὴ λέγειν ἡδέως τῷ πλήθει —ZZaZbZlZmTGu
TRANSLATION: (‘Not immediately’) because he does not speak in a way that delights the multitude.
APP. CRIT.: μὴ om., s.l. add. Zm
Or. 910.03 (mosch gloss) κἂν μὴ παραυτίκ’: εἰσὶ χρήσιμοι —XXaXbT+YYfGr
LEMMA: X(παραυτίκα) POSITION: s.l. except X
APP. CRIT.: ἤγουν prep. X | εἶ X
Or. 910.10 (pllgn gloss) ⟨παραυτίκ’⟩: καὶ ἐκ †παραλλήλου† —Ox
COMMENT: Perhaps corrupt for ἐκ τοῦ παραχρῆμα (or ἐκ παραχρῆμα, but the phrase without the article is found only in Suda α 4493,9 against over 200 instances with the article). Alternatively, ἐκ παραλλήλου (scil. τὸ αὐτό) could have been a misguided comment on μὴ παραυτίκ’ αὖθις, to which Ox erroneously prefixed καὶ.
KEYWORDS: ἐκ παραλλήλου
Or. 910.11 (thom exeg) ⟨αὖθις εἰσὶ χρήσιμοι⟩: καὶ γὰρ οἱ τῶν ἰατρῶν παῖδες τοῖς μὲν νοσοῦσι βαρεῖς τὸ καταρχὰς φαίνονται, ἀλλ’ ὕστερον πολλοῦ τινος ἄξιοι δι’ ὧν πρόσθεν ἐλύπησαν τὴν ὑγείαν παρέχοντες. —ZZaZlZmTGu
TRANSLATION: For indeed the sons/disciples of the physicians appear burdensome to the sick at first, but later seem very valuable because they provide a cure for the ills with which they were previously tormented.
LEMMA: αὖθις T REF. SYMBOL: T(at εἰσὶ χρ.) POSITION: s.l. ZlZm, marg. Gu; cont. from sch. 910.13 ZZaZl
APP. CRIT.: τουτέστιν εἰς τὸ μέλλον prep. T (cf. sch. 910.13)
APP. CRIT. 2: τοκαταρχὰς ZZaZmT | τινὸς Zl
Or. 910.12 (vet exeg) ⟨αὖθις⟩: 1λείπει τὸ ἀλλ’ οὖν· 2κἀν μὴ παραυτίκα, ἀλλ’ οὖν μετὰ ταῦτα. —B, partial M
TRANSLATION: ‘But at least’ is to be understood: ‘if not immediately, but at least afterwards’.
APP. CRIT.: 2 κἀν μὴ κτλ om. M
PREVIOUS EDITIONS: Schw. I.187,6 with app.; Dind. II.229,18–19
KEYWORDS: λείπει
Or. 910.13 (recThom gloss) ⟨αὖθις⟩: ἀλλὰ εἰς τὸ μέλλον —AbMnPrSSaZZaZbZlZmTGu
REF. SYMBOL: ZZa POSITION: s.l. except ZZa (preposd to sch. 910.11), above παραυτίκ’ Sa, above χρήσιμοι Ab
APP. CRIT.: ἀλλὰ] MnPrSSa, om. others
Or. 910.17 (pllgn gloss) ⟨αὖθις⟩: εἰς τὸ μετὰ ταῦτα —AaFGu
APP. CRIT.: εἰς τὸ] καὶ F
APP. CRIT. 2: τομεταταῦτα Gu
Or. 910.19 (mosch gloss) εἰσὶ χρήσιμοι: ἐπιτήδειοι εἰς χρείαν —XXaXbXoT+YYfGGr
LEMMA: X POSITION: s.l. ezcept X
Or. 910.20 (pllgn gloss) ⟨εἰσὶ⟩: ὑπάρχουσιν —AaZu2Ox
APP. CRIT.: καὶ prep. Zu2Ox
APP. CRIT. 2: ‑σι Zu2
Or. 911.02 (911–913) (vet exeg) θεᾶσθαι δ’ ὧδε: 1ὁ δὲ τοῦ δήμου προϊστάμενος ὀφείλει τοὺς τοιούτους ἐπιλέγεσθαι δημηγόρους τοὺς καὶ χρησιμεύειν μέλλοντας. 2ὁμοίως γὰρ τὸ πρᾶγμα γίνεται τῷ τε δημηγόρῳ καὶ τῷ τοῦ δήμου προϊσταμένῳ. —MBVCMnPrRbRwSSa
TRANSLATION: The man who leads the common people ought to select such men as public speakers who are indeed going to be useful. For the action comes about in a way that matches the (nature of the) public speaker and the man leading the people.
LEMMA: MSa, θεᾶσθαι δ’ ὧδε χρή V, θεᾶσθαι δ’ ὧδε χρὴ τὸν προστάτην B(πρ() abbrev.)C, θεᾶσθαι MnPrRbS, ἄλλως Rw REF. SYMBOL: MBVRb POSITION: on prev. recto Mn; follows sch. 904.01 Rw
APP. CRIT.: 1 ὁ δὲ … προϊστάμενος] οἱ δῆμοι προϊστάμενοι Sa | first τοὺς om. RwSa | τοὺς add. before δημηγόρους VRbRwSa | δημηγοροῦ[ Rw (damage), perhaps ‑οῦ[ντας] | second τοὺς om. MnPrRbS | μέλλοντας] θέλοντας Sa | 2 ὁμοίως γὰρ add. in blank space V1 | τε] γε VMnPrS, δὲ Rb, om. Sa | καὶ] δὲ V | προϊσταμένω τοῦ δήμου transp. Rw | προισταμένου Pr | at end cont. with 913.06 VMnPrRbRwS
APP. CRIT. 2: 1 ὁφείλει MB
PREVIOUS EDITIONS: Schw. I.187,7–10; Dind. II.229,26–29
Or. 911.03 (911–913) (vet exeg) ἄλλως: 1δεῖ, φησὶ, τὸν ἀγαθὸν πολίτην εἰς τὸ τῆς πόλεως συμφέρον ἀφορᾶν ἀεί· 2καθὼς γὰρ ἂν συμβουλεύσειεν, οὕτως εἰώθασιν ἀποβαίνειν τὰ πράγματα. —BVC, partial Rw
TRANSLATION: It is proper, he says, for the good citizen always to have as his aim what is beneficial to the city. For in whatever manner he might advise, in this (same) way affairs are accustomed to turn out.
LEMMA: VCRw, in marg. B POSITION: follows next in V
APP. CRIT.: 1 λέγων prep. V | ἀφορῶντα (om. ἀεὶ) V | 1–2 ἀεὶ κάθως κτλ om. Rw | 2 καθὼς γὰρ] ὥσπερ V | εἰώθασιν] εἴ V, ωθεν add. V1 in blank space
APP. CRIT. 2: 1 φησὶν C
PREVIOUS EDITIONS: Schw. I.187,11–13; Dind. II.230,1–3
Or. 911.04 (911–913) (vet exeg) ἄλλως: 1τὸν δὲ προεστῶτα τῆς πόλεως, τουτέστι τὸν δημαγωγὸν, οὕτως ἀφορῶντα, πρὸς τὸν λέγοντα, δεῖ κρίνειν. 2ὁμοίως γὰρ, φησὶν, ἀποβαίνει τὸ πρᾶγμα καὶ τῷ λέγοντι καὶ τῷ ἀκούοντι. 3ὥσπερ γὰρ, ἐὰν ᾖ ὁ συμβουλεύων κακός, ἀσύμφορόν ἐστι τῇ πόλει, 4οὕτως καὶ ὅταν ὁ ἀκούων κακῶς ἀκούῃ, πάλιν ἀσύμφορον. —BVCRw
TRANSLATION: The leader of the city, that is, the demagogue, must judge by looking in this way, toward the speaker. For, he says, the affair turns out in a way similar to both the speaker and the listener. For just as, if the one counseling is evil, it is harmful to the city, just so also, when the listener listens badly, again it is harmful.
LEMMA: BC, τὸν προστάτην V REF. SYMBOL: V POSITION: follows sch. 911.02 V; sep. from prev. by sch. 906.09 Rw
APP. CRIT.: 1 δὲ om. B | προστάτην Rw | 2 φησὶν om. Rw | 3 ὁ συμβ.] ὅτε συμβ. C, ὅτι συμβ. VRw | 3–4 κακὸς … ἀκούων om. Rw | 3 κακῶς V | ἀσύμφορος ἐστι C, ἀσύμφορ() ἐστὶ V | 4 ὁ om. C | κακὸς V | ἀκούει V, ἀκούειν Rw | ἀσύμφορ() C, οὐ σύμφορος B
APP. CRIT. 2: τοῦτέστι B | 3 ὅτ’ ἂν B
PREVIOUS EDITIONS: Schw. I.187,14–18; Dind. II.230,3–7
Or. 911.05 (911–913) (rec exeg) ἄλλως: 1τὸν δὲ προεστῶτα τῆς πολιτείας καὶ τοῦ δήμου ἀνερευνᾶν δεῖ καὶ ἀνασκοπεῖν τὸν συμβουλεύοντα ὁποῖος ἐστὶν τὸ ἦθος. 2εἰς ταὐτὸν γὰρ ἀποβαίνει τὸ πρᾶγμα τῷ τε λέγοντι κακῶς καὶ σφαλερῶς συμβουλεύοντι τῷ ⟨τε⟩ δεχομένῳ τοὺς αὐτοῦ λόγους. —VRw
TRANSLATION: And the man who leads the government and people must investigate and thoroughly examine the one offering counsel (to see) what sort of character he has. For the affair comes to the same conclusion both for the one who speaks badly and gives harmful advice and the one who accepts his arguments.
POSITION: follows sch. 911.03 V
APP. CRIT.: 1 πολιτείας] πόλεως Rw | ἀνασκοπεῖν] συμβουλεύειν καὶ ἀποσκοπεῖν Rw | 2 καὶ add. before first τῷ Rw | after λέγοντι add. καὶ ἀκούοντι Rw | ⟨τε⟩ Schw.
PREVIOUS EDITIONS: Schw. I.187,19–22; Dind. II.230,8–11
Or. 911.06 (911–912) (rec exeg) ⟨θεᾶσθαι … ἰδόντ’⟩: δεὶ τὸν δημαγωγὸν καὶ προϊστάμενον τῆς πόλεως οὕτως ἀφορῶντα πρὸς τὸν λέγοντα θεᾶσθαι ἤτοι ἀφορᾶν εἰς τὸ της πόλεως συμφέρον καὶ τοιούτους ἐπιλέγεσθαι τοὺς δημηγόρους τοὺς καὶ χρησιμεύειν μέλλοντας. —O
TRANSLATION: The demagogue and leader of the city must by looking thus toward the speaker observe or look to what is beneficial to the city and must select such public speakers, the ones who will indeed be useful.
POSITION: s.l. (running into marg.)
Or. 911.07 (911–912) (rec exeg) ⟨θεᾶσθαι … ἰδόντ’⟩: φησὶ δὲ ὅτι καὶ τὸν προϊστάμενον ⟨ … ⟩ εἴπερ εἰσὶν ἀγαθοὶ εἰς τὸ τῆς πόλεως συμφέρον ἀφορᾶ⟨ν⟩. —PrSa
TRANSLATION: And he says that also the leader ⟨should consider the speakers to determine⟩ if in fact they are good at looking to what is beneficial to the city.
POSITION: cont. from sch. 913.06 PrSa
APP. CRIT.: e.g. τὸν προϊστ. ⟨δεῖ σκοπεῖν τοὺς λέγοντας⟩ εἴπερ Mastr.
APP. CRIT. 2: εἴπέρ εἰσιν Sa
Or. 911.08 (911–912) (pllgn exeg) ⟨θεᾶσθαι … ἰδόντ’⟩: ὁ γὰρ τοῦ δήμου προστάτης ὀφείλει χρησίμους ἐπιλέγεσθαι δημηγόρους. —V3
TRANSLATION: For the leader of the people ought to select useful public speakers.
Or. 911.09 (911–912) (mosch exeg) ⟨θεᾶσθαι … ἰδόντ’⟩: ἐνταῦθα δὲ, ἤγουν ἐν τοῖς τοιούτοις, χρὴ τὸν προστάτην τῆς πόλεως ἰδόντα, τουτέστιν ἐγνωκότα, θεᾶσθαι, ἀντὶ τοῦ σκέπτεσθαι, ἀκριβῶς σκοπεῖν. —XXaXbXoT+YYfGGr
TRANSLATION: In this place, that is, in such circumstances, the leader of the city ought, by having looked, that is, having come to know, observe, in the sense ‘examine, look into carefully’.
LEMMA: θεᾶσθαι δ’ ὧδε χρὴ τὸν προστάτην G POSITION: s.l. Xb, first two words s.l., remainder in marg. T
APP. CRIT.: ἀντὶ τοῦ] ἤγουν G | ἀκριβῶς σκέπτεσθαι καὶ σκοπεῖν G
Or. 911.10 (911–912) (thom exeg) ⟨θεᾶσθαι … ἰδόντ’⟩: 1τὸ θεᾶσθαι δ’ ὧδε τοῦτο λέγει, ἀντὶ τοῦ σκοπεῖν οὕτω, ποῖός τις καθ’ ἡδονὴν λέγει, καὶ ποῖος οὔ, 2καὶ τῷ μὲν συντίθεσθαι, τὸν δὲ καθ’ ἡδονὴν λέγοντα μισεῖν, ὡς κακῶν ἐσύστερον αἴτιον. 3οἱ δὲ λέγοντες τὸ θεᾶσθαι καὶ τὸ ἰδόντα ἐκ παραλλήλου, ὥσπερ καὶ τὸ ἐτύγχανεν ὢν, ληροῦσιν. 4ἔχει γὰρ οὕτω· 5χρὴ δὲ τὸν προστάτην καὶ ἰδόντα καὶ γνόντα καὶ ἀκούσαντα τούτους θεᾶσθαι καὶ σκοπεῖν ὧδε ὡς ἔφαμεν. —ZZaZlZmTGu
TRANSLATION: The phrase ‘to observe in this way’ expresses the following: (it is) equivalent to ‘examine thus, which sort of person speaks (simply) to please and which sort does not, and (then) side with the former, and hate the one who speaks (simply) to please as being the cause of troubles later. And those who say that the (infinitive) ‘observe’ (‘theasthai’) and the (participle) ‘having looked’ (‘idonta’) are used redundantly, just as in the phrase ‘he happened being’ (‘etunchanen ōn’), are speaking nonsense. For it is like this: the leader, having looked at and gotten to know and heard these men, ought to observe and examine them in the way we (just) said.
REF. SYMBOL: all except Gu
APP. CRIT.: 2 συντίθεσθαι] τίθεσθαι ZlZmTGu | 3 second τὸ om. Zl | second καὶ om. ZlZmTGu | ληροῦσιν] ἀμαθεῖς T, οὐ καλῶς λέγουσιν Gu | 5 first καὶ ZlZmT
APP. CRIT. 2: 1 ποῖος τὶς Za | 2 ἐς ὕστερον Z | 3 λυροῦσιν Za
KEYWORDS: ἐκ παραλλήλου
Or. 911.12 (pllgn exeg) ⟨θεᾶσθαι δ’ ὧδε⟩: σκοπεῖν τὸν μέλλοντα προβληθῆναι εἰς συμβουλὴν —V3
TRANSLATION: (‘Look in this way (or: here)’ means) ‘examine the man who is going to be put forth to give advice.
Or. 911.15 (rec gloss) ⟨θεᾶσθαι⟩: σκέπτεσθαι —AbMnRSSaGu
APP. CRIT. 2: σκέπεσθαι Ab
Or. 911.17 (pllgn gloss) ⟨θεᾶσθαι⟩: ἀκριβῶς σκοπεῖν, ἐρευνᾶν —AaGu
APP. CRIT.: ἀκριβῶς om. Aa, prep. Aa2
Or. 911.21 (pllgn gloss) ⟨θεᾶσθαι⟩: διακριβοῦσθαι(?) —B3a
COLLATION NOTES: Poorly written, but seems to start διακ and end σθ(αι) and have a circumflex on the penult, but the middle strokes make no sense.
Or. 911.22 (thom gloss) ⟨ὧδε⟩: οὕτως —ZZbZmTGuF2Zc
APP. CRIT.: καὶ prep. Zc
Or. 911.23 (pllgn gloss) ⟨ὧδε⟩: ἐνταῦθα, ἤγουν ἐν τοῖς τοιούτοις —Gu
Or. 911.24 (thom paraphr) ⟨τὸν προστάτην⟩: τὸν δικαστὴν τῶν λόγων, τὸν ἄρχοντα —ZZaZbZmTGu
APP. CRIT.: punct. after λόγων ZmGu, after δικαστὴν ZZa, no punct. ZbT | second τὸν] Gu, transp. before τῶν ZZa, om. others
COMMENT: The version of ZZa (τὸν δικαστὴν, τὸν τῶν λόγων ἄρχοντα) is probably a corruption, since δικαστὴν τῶν λόγων is close to Thomas’s view in sch. 911.10, and other glosses suggest ἄρχοντα refers to the leader of the government and not to the first to speak. If the second τὸν is not secondary, it could have been accidentally transposed (or omitted and restored in the wrong place), or τὸν τῶν in ZZa could be a kind of dittography. The version of ZbT with no punctuation could conceivably be meant as ‘the judge as he begins the speeches’.
Or. 911.25 (rec gloss) ⟨τὸν προστάτην⟩: τὸν βασιλέα —RSSa
COMMENT: Mn probably intended to write this, but wrote τὸν προστάτην instead.
Or. 911.31 (rec gloss) ⟨προστάτην⟩: τῆς πόλεως —KGu
Or. 912.01 (thom paraphr) ⟨ἰδόνθ’⟩: γνόντα καὶ ἀκούσαντα τούτους —ZZaZbZlZmTGu
APP. CRIT.: τούτους] om. Za, τούτων T
Or. 912.05 (rec gloss) ⟨ἰδόνθ’⟩: ἀντὶ τοῦ λίαν —K
COMMENT: As the next gloss suggests, this gloss attempts to deal with the apparent redundancy of θεᾶσθαι and ἰδόντ’ by adding a more pregnant force to the latter. That the redundancy was a concern is shown by Thomas’s remark in sch. 911.10.
Or. 912.07 (pllgn gloss) ⟨ἰδόνθ’⟩: ἐγνωκότα —Aa2Gu
Or. 912.11 (912–913) (pllgn exeg) ⟨ὅμοιον γὰρ … τῷ τιμωμένῳ⟩: ὅτι ἡ ἀτιμία τοῦ δημηγοροῦντος ἀνέρχεται εἰς αὐτόν. —V3Gu
TRANSLATION: Because the dishonor of the public speaker comes back to him (the leader).
APP. CRIT. 2: δημηγόροῦντος Gu
Or. 912.12 (912–913) (pllgn exeg) ⟨ὅμοιον γὰρ … τῷ τιμωμένῳ⟩: τὴν αὐτὴν κακίαν ἔχει ὅ τε τὰ μὴ καλὰ δημηγορῶν καὶ ὁ κυρῶν αὐτὰ, ἢ τὸν αὐτὸν ἔπαινον ὁ τὰ καλὰ δημηγορῶν καὶ ὁ κυρῶν αὐτά. —Lb
TRANSLATION: The one speaking in favor of bad things and the one ratifying them have the same vice, or the one speaking in favor of good things and the one ratifying them (have) the same praise.
APP. CRIT.: ἔπαινον] Mastr., ἐπαινῶν Lb
Or. 912.13 (thom gloss) ⟨τὸ χρῆμα⟩: τὸ συμβησόμενον —ZlZmGu
Or. 912.14 (recMosch gloss) ⟨χρῆμα⟩: πρᾶγμα —M2OFKRXXaXbXoT+YYfGGr
APP. CRIT.: τὸ prep. RXXaXbXoTYfGr
Or. 913.01 (rec gloss) ⟨τῷ τοὺς λόγους λέγοντι⟩: τῷ δημηγόρῳ —OCAaMnRSSaGuB2
APP. CRIT.: τουτέστι prep. C, ἤγουν prep. Mn | τῷ om. O
Or. 913.05 (vet exeg) ⟨τιμωμένῳ⟩: τουτέστι τῷ προϊσταμένῳ καὶ τὰ πρωτεῖα φέροντι τῆς πόλεως καὶ τιμωμένῳ —MBC
TRANSLATION: (‘To the one honored’), that is, the one leading and winning the highest position in the city and being honored.
LEMMA: τῷ τοὺς λόγους λέγοντι MC, τῷ τοὺς λόγους δὲ λέγοντι B(with δὲ despite sch.-end punct. before this) REF. SYMBOL: M
APP. CRIT. 2: τοῦτέστι B
PREVIOUS EDITIONS: Schw. I.187,23–24; Dind. II.230,29–231,1
Or. 913.06 (rec exeg) ⟨τιμωμένῳ⟩: τιμωμένῳ γὰρ εἶπε τῷ προισταμένῳ —VMnPrRbRwS
TRANSLATION: For by ‘one being honored’ he meant ‘the one leading’.
POSITION: cont. from sch. 911.02 all
APP. CRIT.: τιμωμένῳ] τετιμημένω Rb | γὰρ om. MnPrS | προισταμένῳ] τιμωρουμένω Mn
Or. 913.07 (rec exeg) ⟨τιμωμένῳ⟩: ἀντὶ τοῦ τὰ πρῶτα φέροντι, ἀντὶ τοῦ τιμὴν ἔχοντι καὶ τὰ πρωτεῖα τῆς πόλεως τιμωμένῳ —VRb
TRANSLATION: Equivalent to ‘winning the highest status’, meaning ‘having honor and being honored with the highest position in the city’.
LEMMA: τῷ τοὺς λόγους λέγοντι V, τῷ τοὺς λόγους Rb REF. SYMBOL: V(at τῶ)Rb
APP. CRIT.: τὰ πρῶτα] blank space of 2–3 words V | φέρονται Rb
PREVIOUS EDITIONS: Schw. I.187,23–24 app.; Dind. II.230, app. at 29
Or. 913.08 (rec exeg) ⟨τιμωμένῳ⟩: ἀντὶ τοῦ τιμὴν ἔχοντι καὶ τὰ πρῶτα τῆς πόλεως φέροντι καὶ τετιμημένῳ —MnPrS
TRANSLATION: Equivalent to ‘having honor and winning the highest position in the city and being honored’.
POSITION: cont. from sch. 911.07 Pr
APP. CRIT.: φέροντι om. MnS
PREVIOUS EDITIONS: Dind. II.230, app. at 29
Or. 913.10 (pllgn gloss) ⟨τιμωμένῳ⟩: ἢ τῷ ἄρχοντι —ZlGu
POSITION: s.l., cont. from sch. 913.19 ZlGu
Or. 913.11 (rec gloss) ⟨τιμωμένῳ⟩: τῷ βασιλεῖ —AaAbMnRSGuB2
POSITION: s.l. except marg. R; cont. from prev. Gu
APP. CRIT.: ἤγουν or ἢ prep. B2, ἤγουν prep. R | τῷ om. Ab
Or. 913.14 (pllgn gloss) ⟨τιμωμένῳ⟩: τῷ πάτρωνι —Aa
APP. CRIT. 2: app. παπρ‑ Aa, perhaps corr. to πατρ-
Or. 913.16 (rec paraphr) ⟨τιμωμένῳ⟩: τῷ τιμίους κρίν[ο]ντ[ι] τοὺς [Ἀ]ργ[εί]ους —K
COMMENT: Whereas the previous interpreters take τιμωμένῳ as passive, this and the next few explanations treat the middle as having an active/transitive sense, with an expressed or implied object.
Or. 913.17 (mosch paraphr) ⟨τιμωμένῳ⟩: τῷ (τιμωμένῳ) αὐτοὺς —XXaXbXoTYYfGrOx2
APP. CRIT.: τῷ om. Ox2 | τιμωμένῳ to be supplied from line in all
Or. 913.19 (pllgn paraphr) ⟨τιμωμένῳ⟩: ἀποδεχομένῳ αὐτοὺς —ZZaZbZlZmTGu
Or. 913.21 (rec gram) ⟨τιμωμένῳ⟩: τιμῶμαι τὸ πρᾶγμα πολλοῦ. —K
TRANSLATION: (Example of usage with object noun:) ‘I value the thing greatly’.
Or. 914.01 (pllgn rhet) ⟨ὃς εἶπ’ Ὀρέστην καὶ σ’ ἀποκτεῖναι⟩: βουλὴ —B3a
TRANSLATION: Advice/recommendation.
Or. 914.02 (rec gloss) ⟨ὃς⟩: ὁ Κλεοφῶν —AbMnPrSSaZu
APP. CRIT.: οὗτος prep. MnS, ἤγουν prep. Zu | ὁ om. Ab
Or. 914.03 (thom gloss) ⟨ὃς⟩: ὁ ἀθυρόγλωσσος —ZZaZbZlZmTGuCrOx
APP. CRIT.: ἤγουν ἐκεῖνος prep. CrOx
Or. 915.03 (vet exeg) ὑπὸ δ’ ἔτεινε Τυνδάρεως λόγους: 1ὑπέβαλλε δὲ αὐτῷ ὁ Τυνδάρεως τοιούτους λόγους λέγειν, ὑμᾶς φονευθῆναι. 2ἢ οὕτως· ὑπέβαλλεν ὁ Τυνδάρεως τοῖς καθ’ ὑμῶν ποιουμένοις τὸν λόγον. || 3ὑπέτεινε δὲ καὶ εἰς τὸ αὐτὸ ἦν τῷ ὑμᾶς λέγοντι φονεύεσθαι. —MBV1C, partial Rw
TRANSLATION: Tyndareus suggested to him that he speak such words, (namely,) that you be killed. Or like this: Tyndareus made suggestions to those speaking against you. || And he ‘stretched under’ (‘hupeteine’), that is, was in agreement with, the one saying you should be killed.
LEMMA: MBC, ὑπο δ’ ἔτεινεν V1Rw REF. SYMBOL: MBV1 POSITION: follows sch. 916.01 V
APP. CRIT.: 1 ὑπέβαλ. … λέγειν (om. ὑμᾶς φονευθῆναι) transp. to end, prep. ἢ οὕτως· Rw | 1–2 ὑμᾶς … τὸν λόγον om. Rw | 1 ἡμᾶς V1 | 2 ἢ οὕτως … τὸν λόγον om. Rw | ὑπέβαλλεν] Schw., ὑποβάλλων MB, ὑποβαλὼν V1C | ἡμῶν MV1 | 3 δὲ om. B | καὶ om. Rw | ἦν] ἢ Rw
APP. CRIT. 2: 1 ὑπέβαλε MV1CRw | ταὐτὸ B
PREVIOUS EDITIONS: Schw. I.187,25–28; Dind. II.231,4–7
COMMENT: The difference between the explanations in 1–2 (with Schwartz’s correction to ὑπέβαλλεν) involves whether to supply a singular or plural indirect object for the act of suggesting. Thus it is plausible, as Biehl pointed out (cf. Willink and Medda), that 916 was not in the text of at least the commentator supplying a plural in his paraphrase. | Note how B unites 2 and 3 by removing δὲ in order to make sense of the participle ὑποβάλλων transmitted from an earlier source to all our witnesses.
Or. 915.04 (mosch exeg) ὑπὸ δ’ ἔτεινε Τυνδάρεως λόγους: 1ὑπέβαλε δὲ ὁ Τυνδάρεως λόγους τοιούτους λέγειν τῷ σφὼ κατακτείνοντι, 2ἤγουν τῷ ἀνθρώπῳ ἐκείνῳ τῷ κτείνοντι ὑμᾶς, τουτέστι τῷ συμβουλεύοντι φονευθῆναι ὑμᾶς. —XXaXbXoT+YYfGGr, partial Gu
TRANSLATION: And Tyndareus suggested to the one trying to put you two to death such words to speak, that is, to the man who was trying to kill you, that is to say, the one advising that you be killed.
LEMMA: G POSITION: s.l. XbGu (above 916 Gu)
APP. CRIT.: T damaged, parts read from Ta (also slightly damaged) | 1 ὑπέβαλε … κατακτείνοντι om. Gu | ὑπέβαλλε T, app. Yf | λέγων G | 2 second τῷ om. Yf | second ὑμᾶς om. Yf
APP. CRIT. 2: 1 σφὼ] φὼ Yf | 2 ουλεύο written over something else Gu
COMMENT: Moschopulus is usually scrupulous about the choice between imperfects and aorists in his paraphrases and glosses, so it may be inferred that he thought ὑπὸ δ’ ἔτεινε should be taken as aorist, against the apparent preference in the old scholion. Triclinius’s imperfect is a conscious choice to differ (cf. sch. 915.12).
Or. 915.05 (rec exeg) ⟨ὑπὸ δ’ ἔτεινε Τυνδάρεως λόγους⟩: ἤγουν τοιούτους λόγους εἶπεν ὁ Κλεοφῶν εἰς τὸ μέσον καθ’ ὑμῶν οἵους ἐνόησεν ὅτι ἀρέσκουσι τῷ Τυνδάρεῳ. —MnPrS
TRANSLATION: That is, Cleophon spoke such words against you in the gathering as he realized would be pleasing to Tyndareus.
COMMENT: This commentator, mindful of what was said about Talthybius and heralds in 893–897, either is being very free in extrapolating the speaker’s intention, or is treating Τυνδάρεως as if it were genitive.
Or. 915.08 (rec gloss) ⟨ὑπὸ δ’ ἔτεινε … λόγους⟩: παρεθάρρυνε —M2Zu
APP. CRIT.: καὶ prep. Zu
Or. 915.09 (rec paraphr) ⟨ὑπὸ δ’ ἔτεινε⟩: κρυφίως ὑπέβαλλε τῷ Κλεοφῶντι. —Sa
POSITION: below line, last of page
Or. 915.11 (recThom gloss) ⟨ὑπὸ δ’ ἔτεινε⟩: ὑπέβαλεν —OMnRRfV3XoYaGZZbGuZcCrOx
APP. CRIT.: καὶ prep. ZcCrOx | ἐπ‑ R | σὲ add. Ya
APP. CRIT. 2: ‑βαλεν] OMnR, ‑βαλε others
Or. 916.01 (vet exeg) τῷ σφὼ κατακτείναντι: 1τῷ λέγοντι τοὺς δύο φονευθῆναι. 2τὸ δὲ κατακτείναντι ὅσον ἐπὶ τοῖς λόγοις οἷς ἔλεγεν. —MBVCMnPrRbS, partial H4
TRANSLATION: (‘To the one having killed you two’ means) ‘to the one bidding that you be killed’. And the word ‘having killed’ (applies) just insofar as in the words that he spoke.
LEMMA: V(σφῶ)CMnPr(κατατείναντι)Rb(σφῶ, app. –κτον‑ a.c.)S (in text ‑νοντι MBCPr, ‑αντι others) REF. SYMBOL: MVRb POSITION: marg. M; follows sch. 913.07 V, cont. from sch. 915.03 B
APP. CRIT.: 1 τῷ σφὼ δὲ ἀντὶ τοῦ prep. B (Bc adds three-dot punct. before this and period after δὲ, as if marking a lemma) | τοὺς] τὰ Rb | 2 τὸ δὲ κτλ om. H4V, add. V1 in blank space | τῶ δὲ MMnPrRb | κατατείναντι Pr, κατακτείνοντι B | οἷον MV1CPrRb | at end add. ὅσον τῆ ἰδία προαιρέσει MnPrS(προαἰρέσει)
PREVIOUS EDITIONS: Schw. I.188,1–2; Dind. II.231,7–8
COMMENT: It seems probable that the note originated with the present ‑κτείνοντι in the lemma and in sentence 2, but that there was early confusion caused by the textual variant ‑κτείναντι, with which the explanation could still seem to make sense (he only killed them figuratively in his words).
Or. 916.02 (rec exeg) τῷ σφὼ κατακτείνοντι: ἤτοι τῷ συμβουλεύοντι ὑμᾶς φ(ονεῦ)σαι —M2
TRANSLATION: (‘To the one killing you two’,) that is, ‘to the one advising that they kill you’.
LEMMA: M2(σφῶ) POSITION: marg.
Or. 916.03 (pllgn exeg) ⟨τῷ σφὼ κατακτείνοντι⟩: τῷ συμβουλεύοντι φονευθῆναι ὑμᾶς —Ox2
TRANSLATION: (‘To the one killing you two’, that is,) ‘to the one advising that you be killed’.
Or. 916.04 (rec exeg) ⟨τῷ σφὼ κατακτείνοντι⟩: τῷ διὰ τῶν λόγων μέλλοντι φονεῦσαι —VRw
TRANSLATION: (‘To the one killing you two’ means) ‘to the one who was going to kill you through his words’.
LEMMA: τῷ σφὼ (σφῶ a.c. V) κατακτείναντι in text VRw POSITION: s.l. V; cont. from sch. 915.06 Rw with ἢ
APP. CRIT.: τῶν om. Rw
Or. 916.05 (thom exeg) ⟨τῷ σφὼ κατακτείνοντι⟩: ἤγουν ἐκείνῳ τῷ θάνατον ὑμῶν σπευδόντι —ZZaZbZlZmT
TRANSLATION: (‘To the one killing you two’,) that is, ‘to that one who was eagerly advocating your death’.
LEMMA: ‑ναντι in text ZaZl, a.c. Z POSITION: s.l.
APP. CRIT.: ὑμῖν Zb
Or. 916.06 (rec gloss) ⟨τῷ σφὼ κατακτείναντι⟩: Κλεοφῶντι κήρυκι —MnS
LEMMA: σφῶ in text Mn POSITION: s.l.
Or. 916.10 (pllgn exeg) ⟨τῷ σφὼ κατακτείνοντι⟩: ἐν ἤθει ὁ λόγος. —Zu
TRANSLATION: The phrase/line is spoken with a marked inflection.
KEYWORDS: ἐν ἤθει | staging, delivery of lines
Or. 916.11 (recThom gloss) ⟨σφὼ⟩: ὑμᾶς —V3F2MnPrRSSaZZaZbZlZmZuTGZcCrOxB3a
REF. SYMBOL: Zu POSITION: s.l. except marg. Zu
APP. CRIT.: καὶ prep. RZcCr, ἤγουν prep. Zu | ἡμᾶς CrOx, a.c. Mn, perhaps R (tiny, ambig.)
Or. 916.13 (rec exeg) ⟨κατακτείνοντι⟩: γρ. καὶ κατατείνοντι. —Sa
TRANSLATION: (For ‘katakteinonti’, ‘killing’,) the reading ‘katateinonti’ (‘insisting’) is also found.
KEYWORDS: variant reading: γράφεται/γράφε
Or. 916.14 (pllgn gloss) ⟨κατακτείνοντι⟩: λέγοντι φονευθῆναι —G
APP. CRIT.: λέγοντι also written sep. above τῷ G
Or. 916.15 (pllgn gloss) ⟨κατακτείνοντι⟩: ὅσον ἐπὶ τοῖς λόγοις οἷς ἔλεγε —ZlZm
COMMENT: From sch. 916.01.
Or. 916.17 (rec exeg) ⟨τοιούτους⟩: τὸ θανεῖν ἐν πέτροις —MnRS
TRANSLATION: (‘Such’, namely,) that you die by stoning.
Or. 916.20 (tri metr) ⟨τοιούτους⟩: koinē long over omicron-iota —T
Or. 917.02 (pllgn gloss) ⟨ἀναστὰς⟩: καὶ σηκωθεὶς —Ox
COMMENT: This sense of σηκόω is found in late Greek and Byzantine vernacular.
KEYWORDS: Byzantine or vernacular word/form/usage
Or. 917.03 (rec gloss) ⟨τῷδ’⟩: τῷ Κλεοφῶντι —PrSaYa/2Zu
APP. CRIT.: ἤγουν prep. Zu | τοῦ κλεοφῶντος Zu
APP. CRIT. 2: κλεω‑ a.c. Ya/2
Or. 917.04 (thom gloss) ⟨τῷδ’⟩: τῷ ἀθυρογλώσσῳ —ZZaZbZlZmTGuAa2
APP. CRIT.: δηλονότι add. Zl
APP. CRIT. 2: ἀθυρογλόσσω Zm, ‑γλώσω Aa2, θυρογλ‑ Zb
Or. 917.05 (pllgn gloss) ⟨τῷδ’⟩: τούτῳ —F2CrOx
APP. CRIT.: καὶ prep. CrOx | τούτου F2
Or. 918.01 (rec exeg) ⟨μορφῇ μὲν … ἀνδρεῖος δ’ ἀνήρ⟩: κατὰ μὲν τὴν ἔξω ἐμφέρειαν καὶ ἐμφάνειαν ἀηδὴς καὶ ἀφανὴς, ἀνδρεῖος δὲ καὶ γενναῖος κατὰ ψυχήν. —VRw
TRANSLATION: In respect to his external image and appearance without grace and lowly, but manly and noble in spirit.
REF. SYMBOL: V POSITION: cont. from sch. 918.10 ἀνδρεῖος Rw
APP. CRIT.: καὶ ἐμφάνειαν om. Rw
PREVIOUS EDITIONS: Schw. I.188,7–8; Dind. II.231,16–17
COMMENT: Cf. LBG s.v. ἐμφέρεια, ‘Bild’.
Or. 918.02 (mosch paraphr) ⟨μορφῇ μὲν οὐκ εὐωπός⟩: κατὰ τὴν ὄψιν οὐκ εὐειδής —XXaXbXoT+YYfGGr
POSITION: s.l. except X; punct. as two G
APP. CRIT.: κατὰ] ἀντὶ τοῦ T
Or. 918.04 (vet exeg) ⟨οὐκ εὐωπός⟩: γράφεται οὐκ εὔοπτος. —MB
TRANSLATION: (For ‘ouk euōpos’, ‘not handsome’,) the reading ‘ouk euoptos’ (‘not good-looking’) is found.
POSITION: intermarg. M, marg. B
APP. CRIT. 2: εὔωπτος B
PREVIOUS EDITIONS: Schw. I.188,3; Dind. II.231,16
KEYWORDS: variant reading: γράφεται/γράφε
Or. 918.05 (vet gloss) ⟨οὐκ εὐωπός⟩: τουτέστιν οὐκ εὐειδής —B
APP. CRIT. 2: τοῦτέστιν B
PREVIOUS EDITIONS: Schw. I.188, app. at 3; Dind. II.231,15
Or. 918.06 (pllgn paraphr) ⟨οὐκ εὐωπός⟩: ἤγουν οὐδὲν ἦτον εὔμορφος —Zu
COMMENT: ἦτον is a vernacular form of the third-person singular imperfect.
KEYWORDS: Byzantine or vernacular word/form/usage
Or. 918.07 (vet gloss) ⟨εὐωπός⟩: εὔμορφος —MOVCAaFMnPrRSSaGuB3a
POSITION: s.l. (below line, last of page, O)
APP. CRIT.: οὐκ prep. MnRS, καὶ prep. F
PREVIOUS EDITIONS: Schw. I.188,4; Dind. II.231,18
Or. 918.08 (rec gloss) ⟨εὐωπός⟩: ὡραῖος —AbMnPrRSCrOx
APP. CRIT.: οὐχ prep. R, καὶ prep. CrOx
APP. CRIT. 2: ὀραῖος Ab
Or. 918.10 (vet exeg) ⟨ἀνδρεῖος⟩: ἀνδρεῖος τῇ ψυχῇ· ἀνδρεία γὰρ ἐπὶ ψυχῆς, ῥώμη δὲ ἐπὶ σώματος. —MBCPrRwSa
TRANSLATION: ‘Manly’ in his spirit. For ‘andreia’ (‘manliness’) is used of spirit/soul, but ‘rhōmē’ (‘strength’) is used of body.
LEMMA: ἀνδρεῖος δ’ ἀνήρ BCRw REF. SYMBOL: MB POSITION: marg. M; between sch. 921.05 and 926.01 Sa
APP. CRIT.: τὴς add. before ψυχῆς PrSa | σώματος] τῆς δυνάμεως Pr
PREVIOUS EDITIONS: Schw. I.188,5–6; Dind. II.231,18–19
Or. 918.11 (rec exeg) ⟨ἀνδρεῖος⟩: τῇ ψυχῇ. ῥώμη δὲ ἐπὶ τῆς δυνάμεως. —OV1
TRANSLATION: (‘Manly’) in his spirit. ‘Rhōmē’ (‘strength’) is used of physical force.
POSITION: below line, last of page, O; cont. from sch. 918.01 V1
APP. CRIT.: τῇ ψυχῇ om. V1 | at end add. ἀνδρεία δὲ ἐπὶ ψυχῆς V3
PREVIOUS EDITIONS: Schw. I.188, app. at 8; Dind. II.231, app. at 17
Or. 918.12 (rec gloss) ⟨ἀνδρεῖος⟩: στερρὸς —AbMnPrRS
APP. CRIT.: app. στερεὸς MnS, app. στερὸς R
Or. 918.13 (rec gloss) ⟨ἀνδρεῖος⟩: φρόνιμος —V3AaFRfGGu
APP. CRIT.: καὶ prep. F
Or. 918.14 (moschThom gloss) ⟨ἀνδρεῖος⟩: γενναῖος —XXaXbXoYYfGGrZZaZbZlZmT*
POSITION: s.l. except X
APP. CRIT.: ἀνὴρ δὲ prep. X
Or. 918.15 (thom gloss) ⟨ἀνδρεῖος⟩: εὐγενὴς τῇ ψυχῇ —ZlZmGu
Or. 919.03 (vet exeg) ⟨ἄστυ κἀγορᾶς χραίνων κύκλον⟩: ἀπὸ κοινοῦ τὸ χραίνων. —MBC
TRANSLATION: ‘Chrainōn’ (‘touching lightly’ or ‘sullying’) is understood in common (with ‘town’ as well as ‘circle of the agora’).
REF. SYMBOL: (at χραίνων) M POSITION: intermarg. MB, s.l. C; cont. from sch. 919.05 C
PREVIOUS EDITIONS: Schw. I.188,10; Dind. II.232,6
KEYWORDS: ἀπὸ κοινοῦ/κατὰ κοινοῦ
Or. 919.04 (pllgn exeg) ⟨ἄστυ κἀγορᾶς χραίνων κύκλον⟩: χραίνων συνεκδοχιμὸν —Gu
TRANSLATION: ‘Chrainōn’ (‘touching lightly’ or ‘sullying’) is understood (with one term from its presence with another).
KEYWORDS: synecdoche/συνεκδοχικόν
Or. 919.05 (vet exeg) ⟨κἀγορᾶς χραίνων κύκλον⟩: ἐκκλησίας οὐ περιερχόμενος, οὐδὲ πλησιάζων —MBC
TRANSLATION: (‘Touching lightly the circle of the agora’ means) ‘not going around assemblies, not even coming close’.
LEMMA: τὸ δὲ ὀλιγάκις ἄστυ κ’ἀγορᾶς χραίνων κύκλον prep. B; κἀγοραῖς in text C REF. SYMBOL: M POSITION: intermarg. M, s.l. C; on prev. page in B, with other sch. on 919–921
APP. CRIT.: ἀντὶ τοῦ prep. B | ἐκκλησίαις BC
PREVIOUS EDITIONS: Schw. I.188,9; Dind. II.231,19–21
Or. 919.08 (vetThom gloss) ⟨κἀγορᾶς⟩: τῆς ἐκκλησίας —HFZlZmGu
APP. CRIT.: καὶ prep. F | τῆς om. H
Or. 919.10 (plan exeg) ⟨χραίνων⟩: 1διατρίβων. 2οἱ γὰρ περὶ τὴν ἀγορὰν πορευόμενοι μεμολυσμένοι ἦσαν. —XXoXbT+Y/YaYfGGrOx2, partial XaB4
TRANSLATION: (‘Chrainōn’,‘touching lightly’ or ‘sullying’, here means) ‘spending his time (there)’. For those who walked around the agora were sullied.
LEMMA: κἀγορᾶς χραίνων X; label μαξ Ya on sent. 2 in marg. REF. SYMBOL: XoYaGr POSITION: first word s.l., remainder sep. in marg. TYfGrOx2, similarly first word s.l. Y, remainder add. in marg. Ya; the whole in marg. XXo, the whole s.l. XbG; s.l. (first word only) XaB4)
APP. CRIT.: 2 οἱ γὰρ κτλ] T mostly washed out, mostly read from Ta; om. XaB4 | γὰρ p.c. Yf, app. νὰς a.c.
APP. CRIT. 2: 2 μεμιλασμένοι Ox2
COMMENT: Transitive meanings of διατρίβων do not seem suitable here, so it probably means ‘spending his time’, a prosaic equivalent of the entire phrase κἀγορᾶς χραίνων κύκλον. Then the metaphor of χραίνων is explained, apparently with the idea that frequenters of the agora pick up dirt on their clothes and bodies and then spread it to other locations (unless Moschopulus, like sch. 919.12–13, is treating χραίνων as equivalent to χραινόμενος).
Or. 919.16 (thom gloss) ⟨χραίνων⟩: διερχόμενος —ZZaZbZlZmZuTGuCrOx
APP. CRIT.: καὶ prep. ZuCrOx
Or. 919.17 (pllgn gloss) ⟨χραίνων⟩: ἐπεμβαίνων —B3a
COMMENT: The word is rewritten; perhaps it was already entered by B2.
Or. 919.18 (vet exeg) ⟨κύκλον⟩: κύκλον δὲ τὸ δικαστήριον, τὴν ἐκκλησίαν. —B
TRANSLATION: And ‘circle’ (here refers to) the court, the assembly.
POSITION: intermarg., cont. from sch. 919.03
Or. 920.01 (vet exeg) αὐτουργός: 1σῴζουσι γῆν οἱ αὐτουργοῦντες· 2γνησίως γὰρ τοὺς ἀγροὺς ἐργάζονται. —MBVCPrSa
TRANSLATION: For the men who farm their land themselves preserve the land, because they work the fields faithfully.
LEMMA: MVC REF. SYMBOL: MV POSITION: cont. from next B, add. δὲ
APP. CRIT.: ἐργάζονται] om. Sa, ἐργασάμενοι Pr
PREVIOUS EDITIONS: Schw. I.188,11–12; Dind. II.231,22–23
COMMENT: The commentator seems to be taking γῆν as the physical land rather than the socio-political country and thus neglecting the social/political force of this remark, which reflects the distrust of the landless and of city-dwellers common in traditional societies.
Or. 920.02 (vet exeg) ⟨αὐτουργός⟩: αὐτουργὸς δέ ἐστιν ὁ τὴν ἰδίαν ἐργαζόμενος γῆν. —MBVCSa
TRANSLATION: An ‘autourgos’ (‘self-worker’) is the one who works his own land.
POSITION: cont. from prev. MVC; cont. from sch. 919.05 and preceding prev. B
APP. CRIT.: δέ ἐστιν om. V
PREVIOUS EDITIONS: Schw. I.188,13; Dind. II.231,21–22
Or. 920.05 (rec paraphr) ⟨αὐτουργὸς⟩: ὁ διὰ τῶν οἰκείων χειρῶν ἐργαζόμενος καὶ ζῶν —FK
APP. CRIT.: note damaged in both | καὶ ζῶν app. present in K, mostly lost to damage
COLLATION NOTES: check original K
Or. 920.07 (mosch paraphr) αὐτουργός: οἰκείαις χερσὶν ἐργαζόμενος —XXaXbXoT+YYfGGrOx2
LEMMA: X POSITION: s.l. except X
APP. CRIT.: ἤγουν prep. X
Or. 920.08 (thom paraphr) ⟨αὐτουργὸς⟩: γεωργὸς δι’ ἑαυτοῦ ἐργαζόμενος —ZlZmGu
POSITION: s.l.; cont. from sch. 920.10 with ἢ all
APP. CRIT.: δι’ ἑαυτόν Gu
Or. 920.09 (rec gloss) ⟨αὐτουργὸς⟩: γεωργὸς ὤν —M2AaAbKMnPrRSSaZZaZbZlZmZuTZcCrOxB3a
POSITION: s.l.; cont. from next with ἢ ZZaZbZlZmT
APP. CRIT.: ἤγουν prep. ZcZu, καὶ prep. CrOx | ὢν] AbMnPrRSSa, om. others
Or. 920.10 (thom gloss) ⟨αὐτουργὸς⟩: χειροτέχνης —ZZaZbZlZmTGu
POSITION: s.l. except intermarg. Gu
Or. 920.12 (rec exeg) ⟨οἵπερ καὶ μόνοι σώζουσι γῆν⟩: οἵτινες διηνεκῶς ἐργάζονται τὴν γῆν —MnS
TRANSLATION: (‘Who in fact alone preserve the land’ means) ‘who work the land continuously’.
APP. CRIT. 2: γὴν Mn
Or. 920.13 (vet gloss) ⟨οἵπερ⟩: οἱ αὐτουργοί —MVAaG
APP. CRIT.: δηλονότι add. V
PREVIOUS EDITIONS: Schw. I.188,14; Dind. II.232,11–12
Or. 920.14 (rec gloss) ⟨οἵπερ⟩: οἱ γεωργοὶ —AbMnPrRSSaZcZu
APP. CRIT.: ἤγουν prep. Zu | οἱ om. AbR
Or. 920.19 (thom exeg) ⟨γῆν⟩: γρ. πόλιν. —ZZa
TRANSLATION: (For ‘gēn’, ‘land’,) the reading ‘polin’ (‘city’) is found.
KEYWORDS: variant reading: γράφεται/γράφε
Or. 920.20 (pllgn exeg) ⟨πόλιν⟩: γρ. γῆν. —Aa
TRANSLATION: (For ‘polin’, ‘city’,) the reading ‘gēn’ (‘land’) is found.
LEMMA: thus in text Aa POSITION: s.l.
KEYWORDS: variant reading: γράφεται/γράφε
Or. 921.01 (921–922) (pllgn paraphr) ⟨ξυνετὸς … ἀκέραιος⟩: ὑπῆρχεν δὲ συνετὸς ἐν τοῖς λόγοις καὶ ἀκέραιος. —Aa2
Or. 921.02 (moschThom gloss) ξυνετὸς: φρόνιμος —XXaXbXoYYfGGrZcZZaZbZlZmZuT*F2Ox2
LEMMA: X POSITION: s.l. except X
APP. CRIT.: ἤγουν prep. X, καὶ prep. Zc
Or. 921.03 (thom gloss) ⟨ξυνετὸς⟩: καὶ ἔμπειρος —ZZaZbZlZmTGu
POSITION: s.l., cont. from prev. all (Gu adding to Gr)
APP. CRIT.: καὶ om. Zl
Or. 921.05 (vet exeg) χωρεῖν ὁμόσε τοῖς λόγοις θέλων: 1ἀντὶ τοῦ οὐ διχόμυθα λέγων ὡς ὁ προρρηθείς [890]. || 2τοῦτο ἐναντίον ἐστὶ τῷ διχόμυθα. || 3συνδραμεῖν ὑμῖν θέλων τοῖς λόγοις καὶ ταῖς ὑμετέραις βουλήσεσι ⟨ … ⟩ βουλόμενος. 4σημαίνει δὲ τὸ σῴζειν ὑμᾶς ἐσπουδακώς. —MBVCPrSa, partial HRw
TRANSLATION: Equivalent to ‘not speaking ambiguous words’, as the man mentioned earlier (did). || This is opposite to ‘ambiguous’. || Wishing to agree with you in his words and wanting ⟨the same as(?)⟩ your wishes. It means ‘being seriously determined to save you’.
LEMMA: καὶ τὸ χωρεῖν ὁμόσε τοῖς λό(γοις) θέλων prep. B, χωρεῖν ὁμόσε τοῖς λόγοις V, χωρεῖν ὁμόσε MC(ὀμόσε)Rb, τοῖς λόγοις θέλων Rw REF. SYMBOL: MVRb POSITION: cont. from sch. 920.01 B
APP. CRIT.: 1 τοῦ om. C | οὐ om. PrSa [present in V, contra Schw.] | λέγων om. PrSa | 2 τοῦτο … διχόμυθα om. HRw | ἄλλως add. before τοῦτο Rb | τοῦτο γὰρ B | τῷ] τὸ MC | τῶ διχομύθω PrSa | 3–4 very damaged in H, last two words lost to trimming | 3 ἢ οὕτω [συνδρα]/μεῖν app. H, οἷον συνδραμεῖν Rw | ἡμῖν PrRbSa | θέλων τοῖς λόγοις om. Rw, either this or καὶ ταῖς βουλήσεσι app. om. H | θέλουσι PrSa | ταῖς] τοῖς Rb | ἡμετέραις VPrRbRwSa | βουλήσεσι] βουλεύσεσι B, βουλήμασι Pr | βουλόμενος] om. BVPrRbSa, ⟨τὰ αὐτὰ⟩ βουλ. conj. Schwartz, or, e.g., ⟨συγχωρεῖν⟩ βουλ. Mastr. (cf. sch. 921.08) | 4 σημαίνει δὲ τὸ] τοῦτέστι B | ἡμᾶς PrRbSa
APP. CRIT. 2: 1 προρηθείς MCPrRw, πορρηθεὶς Rb | 4 ἐσπουδακῶς M
PREVIOUS EDITIONS: Schw. I.188,15–18; Dind. II.231,23–232,3
COMMENT: This interpretation is quite different from that of modern translators and commentators since it fails to grasp the force of the military idiom χωρεῖν ὁμόσε. See also on sch. 921.12 below.
Or. 921.06 (pllgn exeg) ⟨χωρεῖν ὁμόσε τοῖς λόγοις θέλων⟩: οἷα λέγει, τοιαῦτα καὶ πράττει. —V2
TRANSLATION: Whatever sort of things he says, he also does such things.
Or. 921.07 (pllgn exeg) ⟨χωρεῖν ὁμόσε τοῖς λόγοις θέλων⟩: ἤγουν εἰς ἓν πρᾶγμα οὐχὶ ὰ λέγει. —V3
TRANSLATION: That is, he speaks aiming at a single thing and not doubly (ambiguously).
Or. 921.08 (rec exeg) ⟨χωρεῖν ὁμόσε⟩: συνδραμεῖν ταῖς ὑμετέραις βουλαῖς εἰς τὸ σῶσαι ὑμᾶς —O
TRANSLATION: To agree with your plans in order to keep you alive.
Or. 921.09 (rec gloss) ⟨χωρεῖν ὁμόσε⟩: συντρέχειν ὁμοῦ —MnPrRSSa
APP. CRIT.: ὁμοῦ om. Pr
Or. 921.12 (rec exeg) ὁμόσε τοῖς λόγοις: 1ἤγουν δημηγορῆσαι καὶ εἰς ἀντιλογίαν ἐλθεῖν. 2ὥσπερ γὰρ ὁ στρατιώτης χωρεῖ ὁμόσε τοῖς ὅπλοις, ἤγουν ἐν τοῖς ὅπλοις ὁρμᾷ ὁμοῦ τῷ ἀντιπάλῳ, οὕτω καὶ ὁ ἀντιλέγων. || 3τινὲς δὲ ‘ὁμόσε τοῖς λόγοις’ χωρίζουσιν. —Rw
TRANSLATION: That is, to speak in the assembly and speak in opposition. For just as the soldier attacks/closes in with his arms, that is, moves forward under arms to confront the foe, thus too the opposing speaker. || And/but some (interpreters) separate ‘homose tois logois’ (‘together with words/arguments’) (that is, do not take the dative ‘logois’ as governed by ‘homose’).
COMMENT: The first part treats τοῖς λόγοις as instrumental with the phrase χωρεῖν ὁμόσε and not with ὁμόσε (as dative with expressions of likeness)—‘attack’ (‘move to the same point to engage’)—and assumes an unexpressed personal object for the phrase. The last phrase appears to be advocating the same view (one might, however, expect the fuller and clearer form τὸ ὁμόσε καὶ τὸ τοῖς λόγοις χωρίζουσι). Since τινὲς δὲ should introduce an alternative view, this must be a fragment of a different comment. The view implicitly rejected is the first of the two possible construals in the next sch. from the Thomano-Triclinian circle—that τοῖς λόγοις is governed by ὁμόσε. This construal is preferred by modern commentators and translators, although they see a general comment on the man’s ability to enter into debates effectively (associating χωρεῖν with ξυνετὸς), while these scholia assume it is more specific (associating χωρεῖν with θέλων). | Unlike the commentators of sch. 921.05, these do recognize the military metaphor.
Or. 921.13 (thom exeg) ⟨ὁμόσε τοῖς λόγοις⟩: 1τὸ λόγοις ἢ τοῖς τῶν ἄλλων, οὕτω· θέλων χωρεῖν ὁμόσε τοῖς τῶν ἄλλων λόγοις, ἤγουν ἐλέγχειν αὐτοὺς, ἐὰν ὦσιν ἄδικοι. 2ἢ τοῖς ἑαυτοῦ, οὕτω· θέλων χωρεῖν ἐν τοῖς οἰκείοις λόγοις ὁμόσε τοῖς ἄλλοις, 3ἤγουν παρρησιάζεσθαι διὰ τῶν οἰκείων λόγων πρὸς τοὺς τὰ ἄδικα λέγοντας. —ZlZmGu
TRANSLATION: The word ‘logois’ (‘words/arguments’) either (refers to) those of others, (interpreted) thus: ‘wishing to engage with the arguments of others’, that is, to refute them (the arguments) if they are unjust. Or (it refers to) his own, (interpreted) thus: ‘wishing to engage, by means of his own arguments, with the others’, that is, to speak freely through his own arguments against those saying unjust things.
APP. CRIT.: 1 τὸ λόγοις] Zm, τοῖς λόγοις Gu, τοῖς αὐτοῦ Zl | οὕτω] εἰ κακοί εἰσιν ὑμῖν(?) Zl | ἐθέλων Zl
Or. 921.14 (pllgn paraphr) ⟨ὁμόσε θέλων⟩: ὀρθῶς θελήσας, σπεύδων —G
LEMMA: thus the word order in G POSITION: s.l.
APP. CRIT.: θελήσας] cf. sch. 921.24, θελῆσαι G
COMMENT: For ὀρθῶς here, cf. sch. 921.17.
Or. 921.15 (vetThom gloss) ⟨ὁμόσε⟩: ὁμοῦ —MFZZaTZcrZuCrOx
APP. CRIT.: καὶ prep. FZuCrOx
PREVIOUS EDITIONS: Schw. I.188,19; Dind. II.232,15
Or. 921.17 (mosch gloss) ⟨ὁμόσε⟩: ὀρθὰ —XXaXbXoT+YYfGrOx2B4
COMMENT: Perhaps Moschopulus intended by this a sense like ‘straight on’, which is perhaps the inspiration of Zb2 in the next. On the other hand, Lopadiotos (G), in his modification in sch. 921.14, converts to the adverb ὀρθῶς and associates it with θέλων. The gloss could also be a development of the idea in 921.05 that takes ὁμόσε to imply agreement and to connote the opposite of διχόμυθα, the laudable quality being described as ‘correct’. There is no other passage in TLG where ὀρθός is used to explain ὁμόσε or used in conjunction with ὁμόσε.
Or. 921.20 (rec exeg) ⟨τοῖς λόγοις⟩: ταῖς βουλαῖς ταῖς ὑμετέραις —MnPrRS
TRANSLATION: (‘Tois logois’, ‘the words/arguments’ means) ‘your plans/intentions’.
APP. CRIT.: ὑμετ-] prob. R(partly effaced) (cf. 921.05), ἡμετ‑ MnPrS
Or. 921.21 (thom exeg) ⟨τοῖς λόγοις⟩: τοῖς αὐτοῦ ἢ τοῖς τῶν ἄλλων, εἰ κακοί εἰσιν. —ZZbZaZmTGu
TRANSLATION: (‘Tois logois’, ‘the words/arguments’ are either) his own or those of others, if they are bad.
APP. CRIT.: τῶν om. T | καλοί ZZa
Or. 921.23 (mosch gloss) τοῖς λόγοις: κατὰ τοὺς λόγους —XXaXbXoT+YYfGGrOx2
LEMMA: X POSITION: s.l. except X
Or. 922.01 (rec gloss) ⟨ἀκέραιος⟩: ἄκακος —AaAbMnPrRSSaGuB3a
APP. CRIT.: ὢν add. MnPrS
Or. 922.03 (recMosch gloss) ⟨ἀκέραιος⟩: ἁπλοῦς —RfXXaXbXoT*YYfGGrOx2B3a
COMMENT: For the cross above in T, cf. the Thoman ἁπλοῦν (sch. 922.08).
Or. 922.07 (pllgn gloss) ⟨ἀκέραιος⟩: ἀνελλιπὴς —Gu
Or. 922.11 (rec gram) ⟨ἀκέραιος⟩: α̅ στερητικ() καὶ τοῦ(?) κείρω τὸ κόπτω. —K
TRANSLATION: (Derived from) alpha-privative and (the verb) ‘keirō’ meaning ‘cut, chop’.
Or. 922.12 (vet exeg) ἀνεπίπληκτον: 1ἀνεπίληπτον, ἀναμάρτητον, ἀδιάφθορον, ἀβλαβῆ, 2οὐκ ἄξιον τοῦ ἐπιπλήττεσθαι, ἀνεπιτίμητον, ὃν οὐδεὶς διὰ τὸ σῶφρον ὕβρισεν. —MBVCRb, partial Gu
TRANSLATION: Free from reproach, committing no error, uncorrupted, innocent, not deserving of remonstrance, not to be criticized, one whom because of his self-controlled behavior no one mistreated.
LEMMA: B, ἀνεπίπληκτον ἠσκηκὼς βίον C, ἀκέραιος ἀνεπίπληκτον V, ἀκέραιος Rb REF. SYMBOL: MBVRb POSITION: marg. M, s.l. Gu
APP. CRIT.: 1–2 ἀνεπίληπτον … ἀνεπιτίμητον om. Gu | 1 ἀδιάφορον BVCRb | 2 ὂν, with punct. before οὐδεὶς V
APP. CRIT. 2: οὐκ’ B
PREVIOUS EDITIONS: Schw. I.188,20–22; Dind. II.232,23–25
Or. 922.13 (vet exeg) ἀνεπίληπτον: 1ἀντὶ τοῦ ἀνεπίπληκτον, καθαρόν, ἀναμάρτητον, 2οὐκ ἄξιον τοῦ ἐπιπλήττεσθαι, ἀνεπιτίμητον, ὃν οὐδεὶς διὰ τὸ σωφρονεῖν ὕβρισεν. —Rw, partial H
TRANSLATION: Equivalent to irreproachable, pure, committing no error, not deserving of remonstrance, not to be criticized, one whom because he behaves with self-control no one mistreated.
LEMMA: Rw (ἀνεπίληπτον in text Rw, ἀνεπίπληκτον in text H) POSITION: between sch. 921.05 and 921.12 Rw
APP. CRIT.: ἀντὶ … ἀναμάρτητον app. om. H
Or. 922.14 (rec exeg) ⟨ἀνεπίπληκτον⟩: ἀναμάρτητον, ὃν οὐκ ἄξιον τινὰ ἐπιπλήττεσθαι καὶ διὰ τὸ σωφρονεῖν ὕβρισεν οὐδείς. —O
TRANSLATION: Committing no error, whom it is not proper that anyone rebuke, and (whom) because of his behaving with self-control no one mistreated.
COMMENT: In adapting the fuller sch. 922.12, O has retained ἐπιπλήττεσθαι as if it can be a middle equivalent in meaning to the active (for this usage in later Greek see Jannaris §1483). Although all other attested middle-passive forms of ἐπιπλήττειν are passive in sense, it is not necessary to normalize by emending to ἐπιπλήττειν.
Or. 922.16 (recMosch gloss) ⟨ἀνεπίπληκτον⟩: ἄμεμπτον —AbMnPrRSSaXXaXbXoT+YYfGGr, perhaps Zm2
LEMMA: ἀνεπίληπτον in text XXaXbXoTGGY POSITION: s.l. except X, marg. Zm2(above marg. γρ. ἀνεπίληπτον, 921.25)
APP. CRIT.: ἄμεμπτος Y
APP. CRIT. 2: ἄμπτον T (not Ta), ἄμεπτον Gr
PREVIOUS EDITIONS: Dind. II.232, app. at 25
COLLATION NOTES: check original Zm, obscure in curve of binding, second gloss may or may not be this
Or. 922.21 (thom gloss) ⟨ἀνεπίπληκτον⟩: ἀνεπιτίμητον —V3ZZaZlZmGu
POSITION: s.l. except marg. Gu, cont. from sch. 922.28 Gu
APP. CRIT.: ἤγουν prep. Gu
Or. 922.22 (pllgn gloss) ⟨ἀνεπίπληκτον⟩: ἀναμάρτητον —V3AaZm2GuCrOx
POSITION: s.l. except marg. Zm2(above marg. γρ. ἀνεπίληπτον, 921.25)
APP. CRIT.: καὶ prep. Cr | ἀναμάρτητος Ox (ἀναμάρτ()τ() Cr)
PREVIOUS EDITIONS: Dind. II.232, app. at 25
Or. 922.24 (thom paraphr) ⟨ἀνεπίπληκτον⟩: οὐκ ἄξιον ἐπιπλήξεως καὶ ὕβρεως —ZlZm2Gu
POSITION: s.l. ZlZm, marg. Gu, cont. from sch. 922.21 ZlGu
Or. 922.25 (recThom exeg) ⟨ἀνεπίπληκτον⟩: γρ. ἀνεπίληπτον. —RfZZaZlZm2
TRANSLATION: (For ‘anepiplēkton’, ‘irreproachable’,) the reading ‘anepilēpton’ (‘free from reproach’) is found.
REF. SYMBOL: Zm2 POSITION: s.l. except marg. Zm2
APP. CRIT.: γρ.] om. RfZl, ἤγουν Za
KEYWORDS: variant reading: γράφεται/γράφε
Or. 922.28 (pllgn exeg) ⟨ἀνεπίληπτον⟩: γρ. ἀνεπίπληκτον. —ZbZcrGGu
TRANSLATION: (For ‘anepilēpton’, ‘free from reproach’,) the reading ‘anepiplēkton’ (‘irreproachable’) is found.
LEMMA: thus in text all (p.c. Zb) POSITION: s.l. except marg. Gu
APP. CRIT.: crossed out in Zb
KEYWORDS: variant reading: γράφεται/γράφε
Or. 922.30 (pllgn gloss) ⟨ἀνεπίληπτον⟩: ἀκατηγόρητον —Zb2
LEMMA: thus in text p.c. Zb POSITION: s.l.
Or. 922.31 (rec gloss) ⟨ἠσκηκὼς⟩: καὶ πολιτευσάμενος —R
APP. CRIT. 2: πολυτ‑ R
COMMENT: The middle of the word is damaged and the decipherment uncertain, but there are no likely candidates for verbs beginning πολυτ-, and the sense of πολιτευσάμενος is in fact appropriate. In Christian authors πολιτεύομαι (sometimes πολιτεύομαι βίον) can mean ‘conduct one’s life’ (see Lampe s.v., Triantafyllides s.v. 2α) and thus may have a sense similar to that of ἀσκέω.
Or. 922.35 (mosch gloss) ⟨ἠσκηκὼς⟩: γυμνασάμενος —XXaXbXoT+YYfGGrAa2B4
POSITION: s.l. except X, cont. from sch. 922.16 X
APP. CRIT.: βίον add. X
Or. 923.04 (923–924) (rec rhet) ⟨εἶπ’ Ὀρέστην … στεφανοῦν⟩: βίαιον ἀπὸ τοῦ ἐναντίου. —Rf
TRANSLATION: Forceful (counter-argument) by stating the opposite.
COLLATION NOTES: check original Rf in curve of binding for last word
KEYWORDS: σχῆμα βίαιον/ὅρος βίαιος
Or. 924.01 (recMosch gloss) ⟨στεφανοῦν⟩: τιμᾶν —Aa2F2SaXXaXbXoT+YYfGGrCrOxB4
APP. CRIT.: καὶ prep. CrOx
APP. CRIT. 2: τιμᾷν XbT
Or. 924.06 (recMoschThom gloss) ⟨τιμωρεῖν⟩: βοηθεῖν —V1AbF2MnPrRSSaXXaXbXoYYfGGrZZaZbZlZuT*CrOx
APP. CRIT.: καὶ prep. RCrOx, ἤγουν prep. Zu
Or. 925.01 (rec gloss) ⟨κακὴν⟩: undeciphered gloss —R
APP. CRIT.: ambig. faint traces, looks like αχρῖζον or αχρῖξον
Or. 925.02 (mosch gloss) ⟨κακὴν⟩: κακότροπον —XXaXbXoT+YYfGGrAa
POSITION: s.l. except X
APP. CRIT.: γυναῖκα add. X
Or. 925.11 (mosch gloss) ⟨κατακτανών⟩: φονεύσας —XXaXbXoT+YYfGGrF2CrOx
POSITION: s.l. except X
APP. CRIT.: καὶ prep. CrOx
Or. 926.01 (vet exeg) ἣ κεῖν’ ἀφῄρει: 1ἥτις, φησὶν, ἡ Κλυταιμνήστρα, τὸ ὅσον ἐφ’ ᾧ δέδρακε φόνῳ κατὰ τοῦ ἀνδρὸς, ἀνῄρει καὶ ἀνέτρεπεν ἔθη καλὰ καὶ ζηλωτὰ, 2λέγω δὴ τὸ ὁπλίζεσθαι καὶ ἐπ’ ἀλλοδαπῆς ἰέναι. 3νῦν δὲ ἀνῃρημένης αὐτῆς πεφρίκασιν αἱ γυναῖκες τὰς κατὰ τῶν ἀνδρῶν ἐπιβουλάς· 4τότε δὲ οὐκ ἂν ἐτόλμησε τῶν ἀνδρῶν οὐδεὶς ἔξω τῶν οἴκων ἐπὶ πόλεμον ὁρμᾶν ὑφορώμενος τοὺς εἰωθότας νοθεύειν. —MBVCPrSa
TRANSLATION: Who, he says, (namely) Clytemnestra, in so far as the murder she accomplished against her husband is concerned, was destroying and overturning fine and admirable habits, I mean bearing arms and going to a foreign land. But now, since she has been killed, women shudder at plotting against their husbands. But then (i.e., when she was still unpunished), no man would have been bold enough to depart from his house for war, fearing those who are accustomed to seduce (other men’s wives).
LEMMA: MC(ἡ κείν’)V, ἣ κεῖν’ ἀφῄρει μήθ’ ὁπλίζε(σθαι) B REF. SYMBOL: MBV POSITION: follows sch. 918.10 Sa
APP. CRIT.: 1 φησὶν om. PrSa | ἐφ’ ᾧ om. Sa | δέδρακα M, δεδρακὼς C | φόνῳ] Schw., φόνον all, om. Arsen. (MeMuPh) | ἤθη V | καλὰ om. C | 2 δὴ] Pr, δὲ others | 3–4 ἐπιβουλάς … ἀνδρῶν om. Pr | 4 τῶν οἰκιῶν V, τὸν οἶκον Sa
APP. CRIT. 2: 1 φη() B | 2 ἐπαλλοδαπῆς CSa, ἐπἀλλοδαπῆς B | ἱέναι M
PREVIOUS EDITIONS: Schw. I.188,24–189,4; Dind. II.233,5–10
Or. 926.02 (vet exeg) ἄλλως: 1ἣ, φησὶν, ἡ Κλυταιμνήστρα, ὅσον ἧκεν ἐφ’ ἑαυτῇ, καλὰ καὶ ζηλωτὰ ἔργα ἔπαυσε, 2φημὶ δὴ τὸ ὁπλίζεσθαι κατὰ ἀλλοδαπῆς, διὰ τὸ μὴ ἐκ τῆς γυναικὸς ἀναιρεῖσθαι. —HMVCRw, partial O
TRANSLATION: Who, he says, (namely) Clytemnestra, as far as it was up to her, put a stop to fine and admirable deeds, I mean bearing arms against a foreign land, in order not to be killed by one’s wife.
LEMMA: VC, in marg. M, ἣ κεῖν’ ἀφῄρει Rw REF. SYMBOL: H POSITION: marg. O
APP. CRIT.: 1–2 ἣ, φησὶν … ὁπλίζεσθαι om. O | 1 ἥτις φησὶν VRw | τὸ ὅσον V, ὡς Rw | ἧκεν om. HRw | 2 δὴ om. V, δὲ HRw | ὁπλίζεσθαι ⟨καὶ ἰέναι⟩ Schw. | ‑ζεσθαι κατὰ κτλ lost to trimming H | ἀλλοδαπήν V | διὰ τὸ κτλ om. V | μὴ om. Rw [H] | ἀνηρῆσθαι Rw [H]
APP. CRIT. 2: ἔπαυσεν MV
PREVIOUS EDITIONS: Schw. I.189,5–7; Dind. II.233,11–13 and 233,25–26
Or. 926.04 (rec gloss) ⟨ἣ⟩: ἡ Κλυταιμνήστα —OV3PrSaCrOx
POSITION: s.l. except marg. Sa; cont. from sch. 926.06 CrOx
APP. CRIT.: ἤγουν prep. V3SaCrOx
Or. 926.07 (rec exeg) ⟨κεῖν’ ἀφῄρει⟩: τὰ καλὰ ἔργα ἔπαυσεν ὅσον ἐφ’ αὑτῇ. —O
TRANSLATION: Put a stop to fine deeds as far as it was up to her.
Or. 926.08 (recMosch gloss) ⟨κεῖν’⟩: τὰ πράγματα —PrSaXaXbXoT+YYfGGrB4
POSITION: s.l. except marg. Sa, cont. from sch. 926.04 Sa
APP. CRIT.: τὰ om. GB4
Or. 926.13 (pllgn exeg) ⟨ἀφῄρει⟩: ἤγουν ἀφαιροῦσα καθίστα —Gu
TRANSLATION: (‘Took away’,) that is, ‘by taking away established’.
COMMENT: See sch. 926.22.
Or. 926.14 (vetThom gloss) ⟨ἀφῄρει⟩: τοὺς ἄνδρας —MBCZZaZbZlZmTGu
REF. SYMBOL: M POSITION: s.l. except intermarg. MB
APP. CRIT.: add. ἀφῄρει MC, add. δηλὸν ὄτι B
PREVIOUS EDITIONS: Schw. I.188,23; Dind. II.233,4
Or. 926.16 (rec gloss) ⟨ἀφῄρει⟩: ἐλάμβανεν —RfZc
APP. CRIT.: καὶ prep. Zc | app. corr. to ἐξελάμβανεν Zcrec | ἐκεῖνα add. Zc
APP. CRIT. 2: ‑βανε Rf
Or. 926.19 (pllgn gloss) ⟨ἀφῄρει⟩: ἀνέτρεπε —V3ArAaFGu
APP. CRIT.: καὶ prep. F
APP. CRIT. 2: ‑εν Ar
PREVIOUS EDITIONS: Schw. I.188,23; Dind. II.233,4
Or. 926.21 (926–927) (mosch paraphr) ⟨μήθ’ ὁπλίζεσθαι … ἐκλιπόντα δώματα⟩: μήτε μετὰ ὅπλων κινεῖν τὴν χεῖρα τινὰ ἐκλιπόντα τὰ δώματα, μήτε στρατεύειν ἐκλιπόντα τὰ δώματα —XXaXbXoT+YYfGr
TRANSLATION: So that one neither stir one’s hand with arms, having left one’s home, nor go on campaign, having left one’s home.
POSITION: s.l. Xb; cont. from sch. 926.03 X
APP. CRIT.: τινὰ om. Y
Or. 926.22 (pllgn exeg) ⟨μήθ’ ὁπλίζεσθαι⟩: 1καθὰ λέγεται τὸ ἀρνοῦμαι τὸ μὴ λαβεῖν ἀντὶ τοῦ ἀρνούμενος λέγω—εἰ γὰρ μὴ ἦν ἀντὶ τούτου, ἐδήλου ἂν ὁ λόγος τὸ ὁμολογῶ λαβεῖν, ὅπερ ἡ συνήθεια οὐ βούλεται—, οὕτω κἀνταῦθα τὸ ἀφῄρει μὴ ὁπλίζεσθαι ἀντὶ τοῦ ἀφαιροῦσα καθίστα. 2ἐπεὶ γὰρ τὸ μή ἀφαίρεσιν δηλοῖ καὶ ἄρνησιν καὶ τὰ τοιαῦτα, ἔστιν ὅτε μέλλοντες οἱ τοὺς λόγους συντιθέντες μετὰ τοῦτο λόγον ἐπάγειν προλαμβάνοντες τὸ ἀρνοῦμαι τιθέασιν, ἢ τὸ ἀφῄρει ἤ τι τοιοῦτον, ὥσπερ προαναφωνοῦντες τὴν αὐτοῦ δύναμιν. —Gu
TRANSLATION: Just as the expression ‘I deny having not taken’ (that is, with a redundant negation of ‘taking’) is used in the sense ‘denying, I say (I did not take)’—for if it were not used in this sense, the phrase would mean ‘I admit having taken’, which common usage does not intend—, thus here too, ‘she was removing the not bearing of arms’ (with a redundant negation) is used in the sense ‘removing, she was establishing (the practice of) not bearing arms’. For since the negative ‘mē’ denotes removal and denial and such concepts, sometimes when writers are about to add a phrase after this (negative), by anticipation they use ‘I deny’, or ‘I remove’ or something of that sort, as if pronouncing in advance its (the negative’s) force.
APP. CRIT. 2: 2 τὶ Gu
Or. 926.23 (rec artGloss) ⟨μήθ’ ὁπλίζεσθαι⟩: τὸ —OV3AaMnPrS
POSITION: s.l. (above ὁπλίζ. Aa)
APP. CRIT.: ἤτοι prep. O
Or. 926.25 (rec gloss) ⟨ὁπλίζεσθαι⟩: μή τινα —AbMnPrRSSa
POSITION: s.l.; cont. from sch. 926.23 MnPrS
APP. CRIT.: μή om. Sa (τινὰ)
APP. CRIT. 2: μητινὰ Ab
Or. 926.29 (thom exeg) ⟨χέρα⟩: ἀπὸ μέρους τὸ πᾶν, ἤγουν ἄνδρα. —ZlZmGu
TRANSLATION: From a part the whole (is referred to), that is, (from the hand) the man.
APP. CRIT.: ἄνδρα transp. to beginning Gu, om. ἤγουν
KEYWORDS: ἀπὸ μέρους τὸ πᾶν
Or. 927.02 (pllgn paraphr) ⟨στρατεύειν ἐκλιπόντα δώματα⟩: ἤγουν στρατεύειν ἔξω τῶν δωμάτων —Zb2
Or. 927.06 (pllgn gloss) ⟨στρατεύειν⟩: τινὰ ἄνθρωπον —CrOx
LEMMA: μήτ’ ἐκστρατεύειν in text Cr POSITION: s.l.
Or. 927.07 (thom exeg) ⟨ἐκλιπόντα⟩: πρὸς τὸ σημαινόμενον —ZmGu
TRANSLATION: (This form in the masculine accusative singular is) in agreement with the implicit meaning.
COMMENT: πρὸς τὸ σημαινόμενον usually is invoked in cases where a singular collective antecedent is followed up with a participle or the like in the masculine plural, or a neuter referrring to a person is followed up by a masculine or feminine. Here it apparently refers to agreement with a singular τινὰ or ἄνδρα inferred from ἐκλιπόντα.
KEYWORDS: πρὸς τὸ σημαινόμενον
Or. 927.08 (rec exeg) ⟨ἐκλιπόντα⟩: γρ. ἐκλιπόντας, ἤγουν τοὺς ἄνδρας. —MnPrRSSa
TRANSLATION: (For singular ‘ekliponta’, ‘leaving’,) the reading (plural) ‘eklipontas’ is found, that is, (agreeing with implied) ‘the men/husbands’.
POSITION: s.l. except marg. Sa
APP. CRIT.: γρ. ἐκλιπόντας om. R(but (ας) s.l. as variant R), om. or washed out Mn | ἐκλιπόντες Pr | ἤτοι Sa, ἢ Pr
KEYWORDS: variant reading: γράφεται/γράφε
Or. 928.01 (928–929) (vet paraphr) ⟨εἰ τἀνδὸν οἰκουρήμαθ’ … φθείρουσιν⟩: εἰ τὰς οἰκουρούσας γυναῖκας διαφθείροιεν καὶ τὰ ἑξῆς —B
TRANSLATION: In case they should corrupt the wives who are watching over the households and so forth.
POSITION: intermarg., cont. from sch. 928.20 B
PREVIOUS EDITIONS: Schw. I.189,10 with app.; Dind. II.233,28–29
COMMENT: The use of the optative here and the subjunctive in the next may indicate that the paraphrase was originally written for a text with future φθεροῦσιν (Wecklein).
Or. 928.02 (928–929) (rec paraphr) ⟨εἰ τἀνδὸν οἰκουρήμαθ’ … φθείρουσιν⟩: ἐὰν οἱ λελειμμένοι ἐν τῇ πόλει νέοι φθείρωσιν —MnPrRS
TRANSLATION: In case the young men left behind in the city corrupt (the wives).
POSITION: marg. MnS, s.l. PrR
APP. CRIT.: λελεγμένοι Pr | φθείρουσιν S
APP. CRIT. 2: λελειμένοι R | ‑ωσι Pr
Or. 928.03 (928–929) (rec paraphr) ⟨εἰ τἀνδὸν οἰκουρήμαθ’ … φθείρουσιν⟩: ⟨εἰ⟩ οἱ μὴ ἐξελθόντες εἰς πόλεμον τὰς γυναῖκας τὰς οἰκουρούσας φθείρουσιν. —Rw
TRANSLATION: In case those who have not gone out to war corrupt the wives who are watching over the households.
LEMMA: εἰ τἀνδὸν οἰκουρήματα Rw
Or. 928.07 (recThom gloss) ⟨τἄνδον⟩: τῶν οἴκων —OZlZmGu
APP. CRIT.: τῶν om. O
Or. 928.10 (rec gloss) ⟨τἄνδον⟩: ἔνδον —Pr
COLLATION NOTES: Note that Ab here has s.l. γρ. ἔνδον, but this is meant to correct the mistake τ’ἔν οἰκουρήμαθ’ in the text.
Or. 928.11 (vet exeg) ⟨οἰκουρήμαθ’⟩: τὰς τῶν οἴκων διοικητρίας γυναῖκας —MVV3C
TRANSLATION: (The abstract noun ‘oikourēmeta’, ‘acts of managing a house’, here means) ‘the wives who are managers of the households’.
REF. SYMBOL: M(misplaced above 927 στρατεύειν) POSITION: s.l. except intermarg. M; above 929 εὐνίδας V (hence the version of V3 in correct place)
APP. CRIT.: γυναῖκας om. V3
APP. CRIT. 2: διοικήτριας C
PREVIOUS EDITIONS: Schw. I.189,11; Dind. II.234,1
Or. 928.12 (vet exeg) ⟨οἰκουρήμαθ’⟩: τὰς γυναῖκας τὰς οἰκουρούσας —MC
TRANSLATION: (The abstract noun ‘oikourēmeta’, ‘acts of managing a house’, here means) ‘the wives who are watching over the households’.
POSITION: interrmarg. C; cont. from sch. 928.20 MC
PREVIOUS EDITIONS: Schw. I.189,10; Dind. II.233,28
Or. 928.13 (rec exeg) ⟨οἰκουρήμαθ’⟩: διοικητρίας γυναῖκας τὰς οἰκουρούσας —O
TRANSLATION: (The abstract noun ‘oikourēmeta’, ‘acts of managing a house’, here means) ‘wives managing households, the ones watching over the households’.
Or. 928.14 (recThom exeg) ⟨οἰκουρήμαθ’⟩: τὰς γυναῖκας —KMnPrRRfSaZZaZbZlZmZuGu
TRANSLATION: (The abstract noun ‘oikourēmeta’, ‘acts of managing a house’, here means) ‘the wives’.
APP. CRIT.: ἤτοι prep. R, ἤγουν prep. MnPr, καὶ prep. Zu
Or. 928.15 (mosch exeg) ⟨οἰκουρήμαθ’⟩: τὰς ἔνδον οἰκουροὺς γυναῖκας —XaXbXoT+YYfGGrOx2
TRANSLATION: (The abstract noun ‘oikourēmeta’, ‘acts of managing a house’, here means) ‘the wives indoors watching over things’.
APP. CRIT.: εἰ prep. XaYGr, εἰς prep. Yf | ἔνδον om. Ox2 | οἰκουρὰς Yf, app. Xa | ἤγουν τὰς add. before γυν. G
Or. 928.16 (pllgn exeg) ⟨οἰκουρήμαθ’⟩: 1ἤγουν τὰς οἰκουρούσας γυναῖκας τὰς τὸν οἶκον ὠρουσας καὶ φυλαττούσας· 2τρέπεται δὲ τὸ ὦ ἐς τὴν οὐ δίφθογγον. —Zm
TRANSLATION: That is, ‘the wives who are watching over the households’, ‘the women protecting (participle of ‘ōreō’) and guarding the household’: the omega (of ‘ōreō’) is turned into the diphthong ‘ou’ (in composition of the compound ‘oikouros’).
APP. CRIT.: 1 ὠρουσας] ὡρώσας Zm
Or. 928.18 (pllgn gloss) ⟨οἰκουρήμαθ’⟩: οἴκου φυλάγματα —F2GuCrOx
APP. CRIT.: καὶ prep. CrOx | οἴκου om. F2CrOx
Or. 928.20 (vet exeg) οἱ λελειμμένοι: 1οἱ ἐν τῇ πόλει καταλειφθέντες, οἱ μὴ ἐξελθόντες εἰς πόλεμον —MBVCRb, partial O
TRANSLATION: (‘The ones left’ refers to) those left behind in the city, those who did not go out to war.
LEMMA: M(om. οἱ), οὐ λελειμμένοι Rb REF. SYMBOL: MRb POSITION: intermarg. BC, marg. O, s.l. V
APP. CRIT.: οἱ… καταλειφθ. om. O
APP. CRIT. 2: καταληφθ‑ Rb
PREVIOUS EDITIONS: Schw. I.189,8–9; Dind. II.233,27–28
Or. 928.21 (rec exeg) ⟨οἱ λελειμμένοι⟩: οἱ ἐναπολειφθέντες οἰκοῦροι —Sa
TRANSLATION: (‘The ones left’ refers to) the men left behind there (at home) to watch the households.
Or. 928.22 (thom exeg) ⟨οἱ λελειμμένοι⟩: 1οἱ ἐναπολειφθέντες τῶν πραγμάτων ἐπιμεληταί. 2τοῦτο δὲ λέγει διὰ τὸν Αἴγισθον. —ZZaZbZlZmTGu
TRANSLATION: (‘The ones left’ refers to) those left behind as caretakers of affairs. And he says this because of Aegisthus.
APP. CRIT.: τοῦτο δὲ κτλ] ZlZmGu, om. others
Or. 928.26 (pllgn gloss) ⟨λελειμμένοι⟩: ἐναπολειφθέντες —ZcOx2
APP. CRIT.: καὶ prep. Zc
Or. 929.04 (pllgn exeg) ⟨ἀνδρῶν⟩: τῶν ἐν τοῖς πολέμοις ἐκστρατευόντων —Gu
TRANSLATION: (‘Men/husbands’ refers to) those who go out on campaign in wars.
Or. 929.06 (rec gloss) ⟨εὔνιδας⟩: στρωμνὰς —AbMnPrRS
LEMMA: εὐμενίδας in text MnS POSITION: s.l.
APP. CRIT.: τὰς prep. Ab
APP. CRIT. 2: στρωμνᾶς S
COMMENT: This and the next two glosses assumes that εὖνις can mean the same as εὐνή, but there is no other evidence of that. For στρωμνή, cf. Ammonius 287 Nickau λέχος καὶ εὐνὴ διαφέρει. λέχος μὲν γάρ ἐστιν ἡ κλίνη, εὐνὴ δὲ ἡ ἐπὶ ταύτης στρωμνή (echoed in several later works).
Or. 929.07 (mosch gloss) ⟨εὔνιδας⟩: τὰς εὐνάς —XXaXbXoT+YYfGGrZb2
POSITION: s.l. except X
Or. 929.08 (thom gloss) ⟨εὔνιδας⟩: κοίτας —ZZaZlZmTGuAaF2ZuCrOx
APP. CRIT.: καὶ τὰς prep. AaZuCrOx, τὰς prrep. F2
Or. 929.10 (recThom gloss) ⟨λωβώμενοι⟩: βλάπτοντες —OAaZZaZbZlZmTGuCrOx
APP. CRIT.: καὶ prep. CrOx
Or. 929.11 (recMosch gloss) ⟨λωβώμενοι⟩: ὑβρίζοντες —M2AbMnPrRSSaXXaXbXoT+YYfGGrB4
REF. SYMBOL: M2 POSITION: s.l. except X(cont. from prev.), marg. M2
Or. 929.13 (pllgn gloss) ⟨λωβώμενοι⟩: ἤτοι μοιχῶντες(?) —M2
POSITION: marg., cont. from sch. 929.11
APP. CRIT.: damaged, app. μοιχ()τ() M2
Or. 930.07 (thom exeg) ⟨λέγειν⟩: γρ. λέγων. —ZZmGu
TRANSLATION: (For infinitive ‘legein’, ‘to speak’,) the reading (participle) ‘legōn’ (‘speaking’) is found.
APP. CRIT.: γρ. om. ZmGu
KEYWORDS: variant reading: γράφεται/γράφε
Or. 931.01 (vet paraphr) ⟨κοὐδεὶς ἔτ’ εἶπε⟩: [καὶ εἶ]π(εν)/ [οὐκέτι] οὐ/[δείς](?) —H3/4
POSITION: marg. at 930–931
APP. CRIT.: very uncertain
COLLATION NOTES: check new images of H when available
Or. 931.02 (pllgn gloss) ⟨κοὐδεὶς⟩: καὶ ἄλλος τις —CrOx
POSITION: s.l., space after ἄλλος Cr, punct. there Ox
APP. CRIT. 2: τίς CrOx
Or. 931.07 (mosch gloss) ⟨ἐπῆλθε⟩: ἐπὶ τούτῳ ἦλθε —XXaXbXoT+YYfGGr
POSITION: s.l. except X
APP. CRIT.: δὲ ἦλθε Xo(‑εν)G
Or. 932.02 (vet exeg) ὦ γῆν Ἰνάχου: 1μετὰ τὸν κατακλυσμὸν ἐν ὄρεσιν οἰκούντων τῶν Ἀργείων πρῶτος αὐτοὺς συνῴκισεν Ἴναχος, 2καὶ λιμναζόμενον τὸ παρὰ τὸν Ἴναχον πεδίον αὐτὸς ἐκαθάρισε καὶ ἐκ πηγῆς τινος ποιησάμενος τὸν ποταμὸν ἀφ’ ἑαυτοῦ Ἴναχον ἐκάλεσε καὶ τὸ Ἄργος Ἰνάχιον. 3Ἰνάχου δὲ καὶ Μελίας Φορωνεὺς καὶ Φηγεὺς ἐγένοντο. 4Φορωνέως δὲ καὶ Πειθοῦς ἐγένοντο Αἰγιαλεὺς, Ἄπις, Εὔρωψ, Νιόβη. 5Νιόβης δὲ Ἄργος ἐγένετο, Ἄργου δὲ Κρίασος, Ἔκβασος, Πείρασος, Ἐπίδαυρος, Τίρυνς. 6Κριάσῳ δὲ ἀπὸ Μελανθοῦς ἐγένοντο Φόρβας καὶ Κλεόβοια, Φόρβαντι δὲ ἐκ τῆς Εὐβοίας ἐγένοντο Τριόπας καὶ Μεσσήνη. 7Τριόπᾳ δὲ ἐκ Σωσίδος ἐγένοντο δίδυμοι μὲν Πελασγὸς καὶ Ἴασος, νεώτεροι δὲ Ἀγήνωρ καὶ Ξάνθος. 8ὁ δὲ Πελασγὸς πρῶτος ἄρτου κατασκευὴν ἐξεῦρε πάλαι τῶν ἀνθρώπων τοῖς δράγμασι σιτουμένων, καὶ Πελασγικὸν τὸ Ἄργος ὠνόμασεν. 9Ἰάσου δὲ καὶ Λευκάνης Ἰὼ ἐγένετο, Ἰοῦς δὲ Ἔπαφος, Ἐπάφου δὲ Λιβύη καὶ Τηλέγονος, Λιβύης Βῆλος καὶ Ἀγήνωρ· 10Βήλου δὲ Αἴγυπτος ἐγένετο καὶ Δαναός. —MBVCRw, partial (H)PrSa
TRANSLATION: When the Argives were living in the mountains after the flood, Inachus was the first to bring them together in a settlement, and he himself cleared the plain beside the (later) Inachus which used to be covered with marshes, and having created the river from a certain spring he named it Inachus after himself, and he called Argos Inachian. From Inachus were born Melias, Phoroneus, and Phegeus. And from Phoroneus and Peitho were born Aegialeus, Apis, Europs, Niobe. From Niobe Argos was born, and from Argos Criasus, Ecbasus, Peirasus, Epidaurus, Tiryns. And to Criasus were born from Melantho Phorbas and Cleoboea. And to Phorbas from Euboea were born Triopas and Messene. And to Triopas from Sosis were born twins Pelasgus and Iasus, and younger sons Agenor and Xanthus. Pelasgus was the first to invent the preparation of bread, whereas in ancient times humans fed themselves on grain, and he named Argos Pelasgian. And from Iasus and Leucane Io was born, and from Io Epaphus, from Epaphus Libye and Telegonus, from Libye Belus and Agenor. And from Belus Aegyptus was born, and Danaus.
LEMMA: MBRw, ὦ γῆν Ἰνάχου κεκτημένοι C REF. SYMBOL: MB POSITION: cont. from sch. 932.04 PrSa
APP. CRIT.: H only a few letters at end of ten lines, first eight app. matching sent. 1–3, last two uncertain | 1 αὐτοῖς MVC | συνῴκησεν VCRw, a.c. M | 2 τὸ παρὰ τὸν] τόπον Sa, τὸν τόπον Pr | περὶ V | ἐκαθάρισε] ὠνόνασεν Sa, om. Pr leaving blank space | τινος om. Sa | ποιησάμενος om. Rw | ἀφ’ ἑαυτοῦ τὸν ποταμὸν transp. Rw | second τὸν om. PrSa | ἐφ’ ἑαυτοῦ PrSa | ἰνάχιον] ἴναχον VPr(καὶ prep.)Sa, ‘recta scriptura Ἰνάχειον est’ Dind. (cf. (T)Ta in next), but cf. Callim. hymn 5.140 Ἄργεος Ἰναχίω, Moschus, Europa 51 πόρτιος Ἰναχίης. | 3–10 ἰνάχου δὲ κτλ om. PrSa | 3 φαρωνεὺς MCRw | φυγεὺς C | 4–10 mostly om. H, uncertain traces perhaps can fit part of 9 and all of 10 | 4 φαρωνέως Rw | ἐγένετο Rw | αἰκιαλεὺς C | ἄπις] ἀπία MBVC | Εὔρωψ] Schw. (cf. Paus. 2.34.4–5), ἀπὸ δὲ εὐρώπης νιόβη MBCRw, ἐρωνιόβη V [H] | 5 ἄργος] ἄρα Rw | ἐγένετο om. B | ἐπίδανος V | τιρύης C, τίρυν V | 6 κριάσας V | μελάνθου MC, μελάνθ() V | first ἐγένοντο] ἐγένετο B | κλευβοία app. Rw (very faint) | φόρβου M, φόρβαντος V, φόνβαντι Rw | second ἐγένοντο] Rw (coni. Dind.), ἐγένετο others, del. Schw. | μεσήνη MBC, μεσώνη V, μισήνη Rw | 7 σωΐδος B, σωσάϊδος V | μὲν δίδυμοι transp. V | 8 ἄρτου] ἄργου M, ἄργους VRw | ἐφεῦρε V | τῶν om. Rw | δράγμασι] σπέρμασι Rw | 9 καὶ λευκάνης del. Schwartz | third δὲ om. VRw | λιβύη καὶ] λιγύη καὶ λιγύης V, λιβύ καὶ B (η add. to λιβύ by later hand) | λιβύης … ἀγήνωρ om. V | 10 βήλου] βήλω VCRw, app. M | δαναός] κάδμος V
APP. CRIT. 2: 2 παιδίον Sa, πεδίαν Pr | ἐκαθάρισεν M | τινὸς BVPr | 5 νεόβης Rw | 6 ἀπο B | 7 first δὲ] δ’ V | σώσιδος Rw | 9 τηλεγόνος BC, prob. M
PREVIOUS EDITIONS: Schw. I.189,14–190,2; Dind. II.234,8–235,1
COMMENT: This genealogical compilation includes more names than are found in other sources and apparently derives from a very comprehensive work of genealogical mythography. Particularly noteworthy is the inclusion of mothers as well as fathers in so many cases. Schwartz cites for comparison Paus. 2.15.4–16.1 (far fewer names, different details), Hyg. Fab. 145 (Niobe sive Io) (many names, sound and corrupt, but not as many as here), ps.-Apollodorus, Bibl. 2.1–11 (closer in some details, more matching names, still fewer than here). | This Melia (3) is attested in ps.-Apollodorus, Malalas (CFHB Berl. 35) 2.6,8, Sch. Plat. Tim. 22a Greene, and Tzetzes, Exeg. in Il. 1.109; Tzetzes explicitly identifies her as a daughter of Ocean, as in Sch. Hom. Od. 2.120a Pontani as well as Sch. Pind. P. 11.6 Drachmann). Melia the daughter of Ocean is also cited as the mother of Tenerus, brother of Caanthus, in Pindar, Strabo, Paus. There is also a Melia daughter of Niobe in Pherecydes and a Melia wife of Danaus in Sch. Ap. Rhod. | Peitho (4) as wife of Phoroneus is cited only here. The same name is found for the woman who bore Criasus to Argos, e.g., in sch. Ph. 1116. | Aegialeus (4) is elsewhere reported to be the brother and not the son of Phoroneus. | Melantho (6) is named as wife of Criasus only here. | Cleoboea (6) is found as sister of Phorbas and daughter of Crisasus only here. | Euboea (6) is likewise unique to this scholion as mother of Phorbas’s children. | Messene (6) is daughter of Triopas rather than sister in Paus. 4.1.1 and not cited in other genealogies. | Sosis (7) is not attested elsewhere. | Leucane (9) is not attested elsewhere, but we should not follow Schwartz in deleting it, because this scholion regularly names the mothers, and many of these are unattested elsewhere. Nor is his idea that the word καὶ Λευκάνης could have originated by dittography of Λιβύης very likely. | Telegonus is named as son of Epaphos only here. In ps.-Apollodorus, Bibl. 2.9 a Telegonus is step-father of Epaphos, having married Io after the birth of Epaphos (cf. Georgius Syncellus 146,3 and 178,19).
KEYWORDS: mythography, genealogical
Or. 932.03 (thom exeg) ⟨ὦ γῆν Ἰνάχου⟩: 1Ἴναχος ποταμὸς Ἄργους· 2ἀπὸ τούτου δὲ καὶ τὸ Ἄργος Ἰνάχιον. 3εἴληφε δὲ τοὔνομα τοῦτο ὁ ποταμὸς ἀπὸ Ἰνάχου τινὸς πρώτου συνοικίσαντος Ἄργος. 4λέγεται γὰρ μετὰ τὸν κατακλυσμὸν τὸν ἐπὶ τοῦ Δευκαλίωνος, ὄντων ἀνθρώπων ἐν ὄρεσι, παραλαβὼν οὗτος ἄνδρας τινὰς καὶ εἰς τὸ νῦν καλούμενον Ἄργος ἐλθὼν κατοικῆσαι, εὑρὼν ἅπαντα τὸν τόπον τοῦτον πλήρη ὕδατος καὶ καθάρας. 5ἐποίησε δὲ καί τινα πηγὴν ἐνταῦθα ἀναδοθῆναι, ἀφ’ ἧς ὁ ποταμὸς ἐγεγόνει ἐπώνυμος τοῦ οἰκιστοῦ. 6Πελασγοὺς δὲ τοὺς Ἀργείους καλοῦσιν ἀπὸ Πελασγοῦ τινος μετὰ τὸν Ἴναχον πρώτου βασιλεύσαντος. 7ὕστερον δὲ καὶ Ἀργεῖοι ἐκλήθησαν ἀπὸ Ἄργου. —ZZaZlZmTGu
TRANSLATION: Inachus is a river of Argos. From this, Argos too is called Inachian. The river received this name from a certain Inachus who first brought together the settlement of Argos. It is said that after the flood that occurred in the time of Deucalion, when people were in the mountains, this man took with him some men and came to what is now called Argos and settled (there), having found this entire area full of water and (then) cleared it. And he caused a certain spring to be opened there, the river from which became the namesake of the founder. They call the Argives Pelasgians from a certain Pelasgus who first came to be king after Inachus. Later on they were also called Argives from (king) Argos.
LEMMA: in marg. ἱστορία ὅθεν πελασγοὶ καὶ δαναοὶ οἱ ἀργεῖοι T REF. SYMBOL: ZZaZlZm
APP. CRIT.: 2 δὲ om. Za | 3 συνοικίσαντος] Zl, p.c. Gu, ‑οικήσαντος a.c. Gu, others | 4 γὰρ] δὲ ZlT | τὸν ἐπὶ τοῦ δευκ. om. ZZaT | καὶ εἰς] θεὶς Zm | 5 δὲ om. Za | ἐγεγόνει app. T3 in erasure, ἠ/******* T (ἠ on prev. line not erased) | 7 καὶ om. Zl
APP. CRIT. 2: 2 ἰνάχειον Ta, ending effaced in T | 3 τὸὔνομα T | 6 τινὸς ZZaTGu | εἴναχον a.c. Gu
KEYWORDS: mythography
Or. 932.04 (vet exeg) ἄλλως: Ἴναχος αὐτόχθων πρῶτος βασιλεὺς Ἄργους, δεύτερος Πελασγὸς, τρίτος Δαναός. —MBVCPrRwSaGu
TRANSLATION: Inachus, (who was) autochthonous, was the first king of Argos, Pelagus was second, Danaus third.
LEMMA: VRw POSITION: marg. M(but first two words s.l.)C, intermarg. B, s.l. Gu; prep. to sch. 932.02 Pr, precedes 932.02 Sa
APP. CRIT.: αὐτόχθων om. PrRwSaGu | πρῶτον Pr | δεύτερον M [Pr, damage] | τρίτος] γ̅ M, εἶτα PrRwSaGu | at end add. ὁ βήλου B, add. τὸ οὖν πάλαι πελασγοὶ μετὰ(?) ἰνάχον (thus app. for ἴναχον) Rw (damage)
PREVIOUS EDITIONS: Schw. I.189,12–13; Dind. II.235,3–4
Or. 932.07 (rec exeg) ⟨γῆν Ἰνάχου⟩: μετὰ τὸν Ἴναχον —O
TRANSLATION: (‘Land of Inachus’, so called) after (the time of) Inachus.
Or. 932.08 (pllgn exeg) ⟨γῆν Ἰνάχου⟩: τὰ κάτοθεν —Ox2
TRANSLATION: (‘Land of Inachus’, so called not originally but) in subsequent times.
COMMENT: The translation is based on regarding τὰ κάτοθεν (Byzantine variant for κάτωθεν) as the opposite of τὸ ἀνέκαθεν (as used, e.g., in sch. 904.07). A less likely possibility is that the phrase means ‘(possessing) the territory below (the river) Inachus’.
KEYWORDS: Byzantine or vernacular word/form/usage
Or. 932.10 (vet gloss) ⟨Ἰνάχου⟩: Ἴναχος αὐτόχθων. —H
COMMENT: Compare the way M placed these words separately in writing sch. 932.04.
Or. 932.15 (pllgn gloss) ⟨κεκτημένοι⟩: ἔχοντες —GZlCrOx
APP. CRIT.: καὶ οἱ prep. CrOx
Or. 933.03 (vet exeg) ⟨πάλαι⟩: τινὲς εἰς τὸ πάλαι στίζουσιν. —MBGu
TRANSLATION: Some punctuate after ‘of old’ (making it go with ‘possessing’ in 932, not with the following ‘Pelasgians’).
POSITION: intermarg. MB, s.l. Gu
PREVIOUS EDITIONS: Schw. I.190,3; Dind. II.235,15
KEYWORDS: punctuation (στίζειν, καταστίζειν, ὑποστίζειν)
Or. 933.05 (thom gloss) ⟨πάλαι⟩: πρότερον —ZlZmGuB3a
APP. CRIT.: ἤγουν prep. ZlZm
APP. CRIT. 2: πρώτερον B3a
Or. 933.10 (vet gloss) ⟨Δαναΐδαι⟩: Δαναὸς Βήλου. —M
TRANSLATION: Danaus (was son) of Belus.
PREVIOUS EDITIONS: Schw. I.189, app. at 13
Or. 933.13 (pllgn gloss) ⟨δὲ δεύτερον⟩: κατὰ δὲ —Aa2
LEMMA: δαναοὶ δὲ δεύτ. in text Aa POSITION: s.l.
Or. 934.01 (rec rhet) ἀντίστασις —MnS
TRANSLATION: Opposing argument.
KEYWORDS: ἀντίστασις
Or. 934.02 (pllgn paraphr) ⟨ὑμῖν … οὐδὲν ἧσσον ἢ πατρὶ⟩: μᾶλλον ὑμῖν παρὸ τῷ πατρί —Aa2
Or. 934.03 (pllgn gloss) ⟨ἀμύνων⟩: βοηθῶν —V3F2PrSa XXaXbXoYYfGGrZZaZbZlT*Zu2CrOxB3d
APP. CRIT.: καὶ prep. Zu2CrOx
Or. 934.05 (pllgn exeg) ⟨μᾶλλον τοὐμῷ πατρὶ⟩: γρ. οὐδὲν ἧσσον ἢ πατρὶ. —Pr
TRANSLATION: (For ‘mallon toumōi patri’, ‘more (than) to (my) father’,) the reading ‘ouden hēsson ē patri’ (‘no less than to (my) father’) is found.
LEMMA: thus in text Pr POSITION: s.l.
KEYWORDS: variant reading: γράφεται/γράφε
Or. 934.08 (rec gloss) ⟨ἧσσον⟩: ἔλαττον —SaZb2ZlZu2CrOx
APP. CRIT.: καὶ prep. Zu2CrOx
Or. 936.05 (thom exeg) ⟨ὅσιος⟩: κάλλιστος καὶ ἀνεύθυνος· ὃ γένοιτ’ ἂν εἰ ἐμοῦ καταψηφιεῖσθε. —ZZaZbZlZmTGu
TRANSLATION: (Killing husbands will be) very fine and free from legal scrutiny: which would occur if you will vote to convict me.
APP. CRIT.: κάλλιστος] δίκαιος ZlZm(perhaps in erasure)Gu | καὶ om. Zl | εἴ μου Zl, εἰ ἐμὲ Zb
APP. CRIT. 2: γένοιτο Zb
COLLATION NOTES: Check original Zm
Or. 936.07 (recMosch gloss) ⟨ὅσιος⟩: θεμιτός —AaKXXaXbXoT+YYfGGr
APP. CRIT. 2: θεμητὸς Aa
Or. 936.08 (rec gloss) ⟨ὅσιος⟩: δίκαιος —AbF2PrZcCrOx
APP. CRIT.: καὶ prep. ZcCrOx | δικαίοις F2
Or. 936.09 (vet exeg) ⟨οὐ φθάνοιτ’ ἔτ’ ἂν θνῄσκοντες⟩: οὐκ ἀρκεσθήσεσθε πρὸς τὸν γυναικῶν φόνον. —MBOCAbMnPrRaRbRwSSa
TRANSLATION: You will not be content in regard to the killing of women(?).
LEMMA: 936 οὐ φθάνοιτετἄν M, 936 οὐ φθάνοιτε Rw, 941 κοὐ φθάνει Rb REF. SYMBOL: (left marg. of 936) M, (to 941) Rb POSITION: intermarg. M(at 936)B(near 937, but forced down by a previous note), marg. O(at 936)Mn, s.l. (at 941)AbRaS; in scholia block at level of 935 C, at level of 940 Mn; cont. from sch. 941.19 Sa, prep. καὶ; cont. from sch. 941.06 Pr
APP. CRIT.: O partly obscured in binding, even with autopsy | καὶ prep. MnPrRbSSa | οὐκ ἀρκ. om. Ab | ἀρκεσθήσεσθε] ἀρκέσεσθαι MnRaRb(αρκέσθαί σε), αρεσκεσθαι S, ἀρκέσετε O (with second epsilon written over something else), om. Ab | uncertain whether [πρὸς τὸν] or just [τὸν] obscured in binding O | τὸν] τῶν S, τὸν τῶν Rw, app. πάντα τὸν Ra
APP. CRIT. 2: οὐκαρκε‑ MO
PREVIOUS EDITIONS: Schw. I.190,4–5; Dind. II.235,18
COMMENT: There is considerable confusion about what this note applies to, and the syntax of the phrase is suspect. The passive ἀρκεσθήσεσθε should have the sense ‘you will be content/satisfied’, and normally it is followed by a dative (rarely ἐπὶ + dative), but here πρὸς + acc. (‘in regard to’) will have to be accepted as equivalent to τῷ τῶν γυναικῶν φόνῳ. That γυναικῶν is objective genitive is, moreover, not completely clear, although we can cite the Thoman phrase ὁ τῶν ἀνθρώπων φόνος in 936.12 below. In some other scholia the meaning is made unambiguous by using ὁ κατὰ + gen. φόνος instead of a bare genitive, e.g., sch. 807.01 τὸν κατὰ τῆς μητρὸς φόνον. Possibly those who assigned the phrase to 936 οὐ φθάνοιτ’ or 941 κοὐ φθάνοι were taking the passive to mean something like ‘you will not be sufficient (strong enough) against the killing done by women’ (with subjective genitive). But that meaning of ἀρκέω is confined to the active voice, even in medieval Greek, as far I have determined. There is no evidence in the mss or scholia that anyone took οὐ φθάνοιτ’ ἔτ’ ἂν θνῄσκοντες as interrogative (which would in any case be very odd after the condition and with ἢ γυναιξὶν δουλεύειν χρεών following), so the translation ‘Will you not be content in regard to the killing done by women?’ is not viable. | As translated above, the phrase seems more suited to 935–936 εἰ γὰρ ἀρσένων φόνος ἔσται γυναιξὶν ὅσιος: ‘(Killing males will be allowed to women if) you will not be content/satisfied in regard to the killing of women (such as I have done)’. In that case, the original may have begun with ⟨εἰ⟩. | If Ab were a more reliable witness, one might consider whether two annotations have been conflated and speculate that πρὸς … φόνον belongs by itself to line 938 τοὐναντίον δὲ δράσετ’ ἢ δρᾶσαι χρεών.
Or. 936.10 (936–937) (vet exeg) ἄλλως: οὐ φθάνοιτε ἀποθνῄσκοντες τῷ ἰδίῳ μόρῳ. —MBVCPrRwSa
TRANSLATION: You could not be quick enough to die by your own doom.
APP. CRIT.: οὐ φθάνοιτε punct. and rub. as if lemma V | ἀποθν. τῷ ἰδίῳ] ἰδίω ἀποθν. PrSa, ἰδεῖν ἀποθν. V | μόρῳ] νόμῳ Schw.
PREVIOUS EDITIONS: Schw. I.190,6; Dind. II.235,18–19
COMMENT: Νόμος is mentioned in 941, as Schwartz notes in support of his emendation, but the point at 936 is to prove that Orestes’ action has saved other men from a similar fate. (935 ὑμῖν ἀμύνων). For μόρος used by a scholiast when not prompted by its presence in the text, see sch. H Or. 1398 ξίφη Ἅιδου τὰ μόρον ἐργαζόμενα (where MBC have ξίφη Ἅιδου φησὶ τὰ θάνατον ἐργαζόμενα); Sch. Soph. El. 1075-6a2 Xenis ἀεὶ τὸν τοῦ πατρὸς μόρον στενάχουσα.
Or. 936.11 (936–937) (mosch exeg) ⟨οὐ φθάνοιτ’ ἔτ’ ἂν θνῄσκοντες⟩: 1φθάνω τὸ προλαμβάνω καὶ τὸ καταλαμβάνω, καθ’ ὃ λέγεται 2‘οὐκ ἂν φθάνοις εἰς τὸ δικαστήριον ἰὼν καὶ διδοὺς δίκην’· ἤγουν οὐκ ἂν ἀρκοίης, οὐκ ἂν καταλαμβάνοις, 3τουτέστι τοσοῦτον σε ἕλξουσι συντόμως, ὡς μὴ δύνασθαί σε καταλαμβάνειν τοὺς ἕλκοντας. 4ἀφ’ οὗ κατὰ μεταφορὰν ἐνταῦθα τὸ ‘οὐκέτ’ ἂν φθάνοιτε θνήσκοντες’, 5τουτέστιν οὐκ ἂν ἀρκοίητε πρὸς τὴν τοῦ θανάτου συντομίαν· 6οὕτως ὑμᾶς ἕλξει δηλονότι μετὰ ταχυτῆτος. —XXaXbXoT+YYfGGr, partial Ox2B4
TRANSLATION: ‘Phthanō’ means ‘anticipate’ and ‘overtake’, (the meaning) according to which is said ‘You would not be quick enough going to the court and paying the penalty’; in other words, you would not be strong enough, you could not overtake’. That is to say, they will haul you so swiftly that you are unable to overtake those hauling you. From this (usage) metaphorically here (we have) the phrase ‘no longer would you be quick enough dying’, that is to say, ‘you could not be (strong/fast) enough against the swiftness of death’: so rapidly will it haul you away, clearly.
LEMMA: οὐ φθάνοιτ’ ἔτ’ ἄν G POSITION: marg. B4.
APP. CRIT.: 1 προκαταλαμβάνω G | 1–6 καθ’ ὃ λέγ. κτλ om. B4 | 2 φθάνη Gr, φθάνης Xo(οι above η)YfOx2 | ἤγουν om. Ox2 | καταλαμβάνης Xo(οι above η) | 3–5 τουτέστι κτλ om. Ox2 | 3 τουτέστι] ἤγουν G | ἕξουσι G | 4 ἀφ’ οὗ om., s.l. add. G (also add. in marg. because s.l. addition too crowded) | τὸ ἐνταῦθα transp. Y | τὸ] πρὸς τὴν τοῦ G | φθάνοντε Gr
APP. CRIT. 2: 1 καθὸ YfGrOx2 | 2 δίδους Ox2 | 4 κατα XaGr | 6 δῆλον ὅτι G
KEYWORDS: μεταφορά/μεταφορικῶς
Or. 936.12 (936–937) (thom exeg) ⟨οὐ φθάνοιτ’ ἔτ’ ἂν θνῄσκοντες⟩: 1τουτέστιν οὐ προλάβητε ἀλλήλους τῷ θανάτῳ, ὁ μὲν πρόσθεν, ὁ δ’ ἔπειτα θνήσκων, ἀλλ’ ὁμοῦ πάντες οἰχήσεσθε. 2ἐδήλωσε δὲ ἐντεῦθεν τὴν ὑπερβολὴν τοῦ κακοῦ ὃ γένοιτ’ ἂν εἰ γυναιξὶν ὁ τῶν ἀνδρῶν φόνος ἀνεύθυνος ἔσται. —ZZaZbZlTGu
TRANSLATION: That is, you would not anticipate each other in death, with one dying first and another second, but you will all perish together. From this (statement) he made clear the extreme magnitude of the evil that would occur if the killing of men will be free of consequences for women.
APP. CRIT.: 1 προλάβοιτε ZaZl | 2 ἐνταῦθα Zl
APP. CRIT. 2: 1 προλάβηται Gu | οἰουχήσεσθαι Zb
Or. 936.13 (936–937) (pllgn paraphr) ⟨οὐ φθάνοιτ᾽ ἔτ᾽ ἄν θνῄσκοντες⟩: ἤγουν ὁμοῦ πάντες ἀποθανεῖτε. —Ox2
Or. 936.14 (mosch paraphr) ⟨οὐ φθάνοιτ᾽ ἔτ᾽ ἄν⟩: οὐκέτι ἂν φθάνοιτε —XXaXbXoT+YYfGGrAa
POSITION: s.l. except X
APP. CRIT.: φθάνοιτε] φθάνοι Gr, om. Aa
APP. CRIT. 2: οὐκέτ’ XXaXo, οὐκ ἔτι Aa
Or. 937.03 (pllgn exeg) ⟨ἢ γυναιξὶ δουλεύειν χρέων⟩: ἤγουν ἐὰν οὐδὲ ἀποθνήσκετε —Zm
TRANSLATION: (‘You must be enslaved to women’,) that is, if you do not in fact die.
Or. 937.04 (pllgn exeg) ⟨ἢ γυναιξὶ δουλεύειν χρέων⟩: εἰ μὴ ἀποθνήσκετε —ZlGu
TRANSLATION: (‘You must be enslaved to women’) if you do not die.
Or. 937.05 (pllgn exeg) ⟨ἢ γυναιξὶ δουλεύειν χρέων⟩: εἰ οὐκ ἀποθανεῖτε —Zb2
TRANSLATION: (‘You must be enslaved to women’) if you will not die.
APP. CRIT. 2: ‑εῖται a.c. Zb2
Or. 937.06 (vet exeg) ⟨γυναιξὶ δουλεύειν χρεών⟩: ὑμεῖς ὑποταγείητε ἢ ὑποτάξοιτε. —MBOVCPr
TRANSLATION: You would be subordinated (to women) rather than subordinate (them).
POSITION: s.l. MC, intermarg. B; cont. from sch. 938.01 B, cont. from sch. 936.10 V
APP. CRIT.: ὑμεῖς] καὶ B | ἢ] οὐχ’ B | τάξοιτε M
PREVIOUS EDITIONS: Schw. I.190,7; Dind. II.236,9–10 with app.
COMMENT: Aa’s similar note (937.08) is above 938 instead, and B continues this from 938.01, but the passive of ὑποτάσσω is most suitable to the metaphorical use of δουλεύειν, and the two verbs are frequently associated with each other as reinforcing synonyms or in other ways. | For ἢ equivalent to μᾶλλον ἢ cf. Radt 2015b.
COLLATION NOTES: Schw. reports an initial καὶ in M, but what he read as καὶ is the smooth breathing and grave of the word ἢ in the text.
Or. 937.09 (recThom gloss) ⟨δουλεύειν⟩: ὑμᾶς —AaSaZlZmGu
APP. CRIT.: ἡμᾶς Aa, p.c. (or a.c.?) Gu
Or. 937.14 (mosch gloss) ⟨χρεών⟩: ἀναγκαῖον —XXbXoT+YfGAa
POSITION: s.l. except X
APP. CRIT.: ἤγουν prep. X, καὶ prep. Aa | ἐστίν add. G
Or. 938.01 (vet exeg) ⟨τοὐναντίον δὲ δράσετ’ ἢ δρᾶσαι χρεών⟩: ὑμεῖς φονευθήσεσθε καὶ οὐ φονεύσετε. —MBVCZu
TRANSLATION: You will be killed (by women) and you will not kill (women).
LEMMA: τουναντίον δὲ V REF. SYMBOL: V POSITION: s.l. MZu, intermarg. B
APP. CRIT.: ὑμεῖς] ὑμεῖς γὰρ B, om. Zu | καὶ] ἢ MC, om. B
PREVIOUS EDITIONS: Schw. I.190,8; Dind. II.236,9
Or. 938.02 (pllgn exeg) ⟨τοὐναντίον δὲ δράσετ’ ἢ δρᾶσαι χρεών⟩: φονευθήσεσθε ὑμεῖς ὑπὸ γυναικῶν παρὸ φονεύετε. —V3
TRANSLATION: You will be killed by women rather than your killing (them).
Or. 938.03 (pllgn exeg) ⟨τοὐναντίον δὲ δράσετ’ ἢ δρᾶσαι χρεών⟩: τοὐναντίον δὲ δράσετε καὶ ὑποταγήσεσθε μᾶλλον ἢ ὑποτάξετε. —Aa
TRANSLATION: You will do the opposite and you will be subordinated (by women) rather than subordinate (them).
Or. 938.04 (mosch exeg) ⟨τοὐναντίον δὲ δράσετ’ ἢ δρᾶσαι χρεών⟩: ἐναντία δὲ διακείσεσθε ἢ διακεῖσθαι πρέπον. —XXaXbXoT+YYfGr
TRANSLATION: And you will be in the opposite situation of the one you ought to be in.
POSITION: s.l. except X, marg. T
APP. CRIT.: ἐναντία] ἐναντίως XXo, ambig. -ία/-ίως Xb, ἐναντίον T | δὲ om. T
Or. 938.05 (pllgn exeg) ⟨τοὐναντίον δὲ δράσετ’ ἢ δρᾶσαι χρεών⟩: ἐναντίον δὲ διακείσεσθε εἰς τὴν πολιτείαν ἢ διακεῖσθαι πρέπον. —G
TRANSLATION: And you will be in the opposite situation, in regard to the arrangement of society, of the one you ought to be in.
Or. 938.06 (thom exeg) ⟨τοὐναντίον δὲ δράσετ’ ἢ δρᾶσαι χρεών⟩: δέον γὰρ τὴν κακίαν καθάπαξ ἀποτεμεῖν, ὑμεῖς ταύτην τῇ κατ’ ἐμοῦ ψήφῳ αὐξήσετε. —ZZaZmTGu
TRANSLATION: For although is it necessary to cut off the wickedness once and for all, you will make this greater by your vote against me.
REF. SYMBOL: T (at δρᾶσαι χρεών) POSITION: s.l. Zm, s.l. at 937, cont. from sch. 937.11 ZZa (both omit 938), intermarg. Gu
APP. CRIT.: ὑμεῖς τάυτην] αὐτὴν ὑμεῖς ZZa (comma after αὐτὴν Za, before it Z)
Or. 938.11 (pllgn gloss) ⟨δράσετ’⟩: ποιήσετε —F2ZuCrOx
LEMMA: δράσσετε in text Cr POSITION: s.l.
APP. CRIT.: καὶ prep. ZuCrOx
Or. 938.13 (rec gloss) ⟨ἢ⟩: παρὸ —AbF2MnRSSaZcZu
POSITION: s.l.; misplaced over 937 ἢ Sa, written both there and here F2
APP. CRIT.: καὶ prep. RZcZu
Or. 938.16 (pllgn gloss) ⟨δρᾶσαι⟩: πρᾶξαι —F2Zc
APP. CRIT.: καὶ prep. Zc
APP. CRIT. 2: πράξαι Zc
Or. 938.19 (mosch gloss) ⟨χρεών⟩: ἀναγκαῖον —XaY
POSITION: s.l. Xa, intermarg. Y
COMMENT: Perhaps displaced from 937, where the other Moschopulean witnesses have it (sch. 937.14).
Or. 939.01 (pllgn exeg) ⟨νῦν⟩: τὸ χρονικὸν ἐπίρρημα μετὰ παρακειμένου —Ox2
TRANSLATION: (‘Nun’ is) the adverb in its temporal sense with the perfect tense.
Or. 939.04 (mosch gloss) ἡ προδοῦσα: ἀπολύσασα, ἔκδοτα ποιήσασα —XaXbXbXoT+YYfGGr, partial XaAa2
LEMMA: XaXb POSITION: s.l. except XaXb; precedes sch. 938.04 Xa, follows same Xb
APP. CRIT.: ἤγουν prep. Xb | ἀπολέσασα G | ἔκδοτα ποιήσασα om. XaaAa2
APP. CRIT. 2: ἀπρολύσασα Yf
Or. 939.05 (pllgn gloss) ⟨λέκτρ’ ἐμοῦ πατρός⟩: ἀντὶ τὸν πατέρα —Lb
APP. CRIT.: ἀντὶ τοῦ τὸν Matthiae, Dind., without note
Or. 939.06 (pllgn gloss) ⟨λέκτρ’⟩: τὴν κοίτην —Aa2ZlZmZu
APP. CRIT.: καὶ prep. Aa2Zu
APP. CRIT. 2: κήτην Aa2
COLLATION NOTES: F2 has faint traces here: some traces look like τα, perhaps part of κοίτας.
Or. 940.02 (rec paraphr) ⟨εἰ δὲ δὴ κατακτανεῖτέ με⟩: καὶ εἴ με φονεύσετε —AbMnPrS
APP. CRIT. 2: εἰ με Ab | φονεῦσαι or φονεῦσαιτε a.c. Mn, φονεύσεται Ab
Or. 940.03 (pllgn gloss) ⟨κατακτανεῖτέ με⟩: φονεύσετέ με —F2Gu
APP. CRIT.: με om. F2
APP. CRIT. 2: ‑σεταί Gu
Or. 940.04 (vet gloss) ⟨κατακτανεῖτε⟩: κατακτείνητε —MC
APP. CRIT.: κατακτείνετε a.c. M
Or. 941.01 (vet exeg) ⟨ὁ νόμος ἀνεῖται⟩: ἐξαπλοῦται γὰρ και πλατύνεται ὁ νόμος κατὰ τῶν ἀνδρῶν οὗτος· τοῦτο γὰρ σημαίνει τὸ ἀνεῖται. —B
TRANSLATION: For this law is being unfolded and amplified against men: for this is what ‘aneitai’ (‘has been let go/slackened’) means.
POSITION: intermarg., cont. from sch. 942.03
PREVIOUS EDITIONS: Schw. I.190,9 with app.; Dind. II.236,15–16
Or. 941.02 (rec exeg) ὁ νόμος ἀνεῖται: 1ὅταν γάρ τι τῶν δεόντων παρίδωσιν οἱ τὸ ἄρχειν λαχόντες κέρδει κατειλημμένοι ἢ ἄλλῳ τινὶ πάθει, 2τότε ὁ νόμος ἀνεῖται, ἤγουν ἐνδίδοται καὶ πλατύνεται καὶ εἰς αὔξησιν ἔρχεται, πρὸς τὰ κακὰ δηλονότι εὐρυνθεὶς καὶ τὴν αὔξην λαβών. —V1RbRw
TRANSLATION: For whenever those who have obtained the role of ruling neglect any of their obligations because they have been overcome by (desire for) profit or any other feeling, then the law has been let go, that is, it is given up and amplified and comes to an increase, having been widened and having grown, namely toward bad actions.
LEMMA: V1, ⟨ν⟩όμος ἀνεῖται Rw, ὁ νόμος Rb REF. SYMBOL: V1Rb
APP. CRIT.: 1 τὸ ἄρχειν] τὴν ἀρχὴν Schw. | λέγοντες V1Rw, ἔχοντες Schw. | κατειλημμένος V, καταλελειμμένοι Rw | πάθη V1, πάθ() δὲ Rb | 2 ἐκδίδοται Rb | πρὸς τὰ κτλ om. Rw | εὑρωθεὶς V1 | αὔξησιν Rb
APP. CRIT. 2: 2 δῆλον ὅτι V1
PREVIOUS EDITIONS: Schw. I.190,10–13; Dind. II.236,5–8
Or. 941.03 (rec exeg) ⟨ὁ νόμος ἀνεῖται⟩: εἰς αὔξησιν (?)ἔρχεται καί πλατύνεται πρὸς τὰ κακὰ δηλονότι. —R
TRANSLATION: Comes to an increase and is amplified, namely toward bad actions.
Or. 941.04 (thom exeg) ὁ νόμος: ὁ κελεύων ὑπείκειν ἀνδράσι τὰς γυναῖκας —ZZaZbZlZmTGu
TRANSLATION: (The law) that commands women/wives to yield to men/husbands.
LEMMA: TGu REF. SYMBOL: T POSITION: s.l. except marg. Gu
APP. CRIT.: ἤγουν prep. Za, app. Gu
Or. 941.06 (vet exeg) ⟨ἀνεῖται⟩: ἐξαπλοῦται, πλατύνεται κατὰ τῶν ἀνδρῶν. —MVPrSaZu, perhaps H
TRANSLATION: (‘It has been let go/slackened’ means) ‘is being unfolded’, ‘is being amplified against men’.
POSITION: marg. HM, s.l. VZu; prep. to sch. 936.09 Sa, beside 939–940 H
APP. CRIT.: only ]τὰ survives in H (from κα]τὰ?) | πλατύνεται] φθύνεται Pr, om. Zu | κατὰ om. M | ἀνάνδρων M
Or. 941.07 (thom exeg) ⟨ἀνεῖται⟩: 1ἢ ἀνεῖται ἀντὶ τοῦ δοθήσεται οὕτω· 2ἀνεῖται καὶ δοθήσεται νόμος ταῖς γυναιξὶ τοὺς ἰδίους ἄνδρας φονεύειν. —ZZaZbZmTGu
TRANSLATION: Or ‘aneitai’ (‘has been let go/slackened’) is used for ‘will be granted’ as follows: ‘law will be let go and granted to wives to murder their own husbands’.
POSITION: s.l. ZZaZm, marg. ZbGu; cont. from sch. 941.04 ZbTGu, from sch. 941.10 Zm
COMMENT: As an alternative explanation, this can equally follow either sch. 941.10 or sch. 941.04.
Or. 941.09 (rec gloss) ⟨ἀνεῖται⟩: πληροῦται —AbMnPrRS
APP. CRIT.: πληροῦνται Ab
COMMENT: In glosses πληρόω usually means ‘fill’, ‘fulfill’, ‘complete’. This makes sense here if we assume the glossator took νόμος to be the license given to women against men, as in sch. 941.01, 941.06, and 941.10 (second Thoman interpretation).
Or. 941.12 (pllgn gloss) ⟨ἀνεῖται⟩: καταλιμπάνεται —AaGu
APP. CRIT. 2: ‑λυμπάνετε Aa
Or. 941.13 (mosch gloss) ⟨ἀνεῖται⟩: ἀπολέλυται —XXaXbXoT+YYfGrZcB4
APP. CRIT.: καὶ prep. Zc
Or. 941.16 (rec gloss) ⟨ἀνεῖται⟩: ἐκλυτροῦται —K
APP. CRIT.: ἐκλυθροῦται app. K
COMMENT: Perhaps a gloss illustrating a meaning of the lemma word different from that in the text here.
Or. 941.19 (rec exeg) ⟨ἀφεῖται⟩: γρ. ἀνεῖται. —Sa
TRANSLATION: (For ‘apheitai’, ‘has been let go’,) the reading ‘aneitai’ (‘has been loosened’) is found.
LEMMA: thus in text Sa POSITION: marg.
KEYWORDS: variant reading: γράφεται/γράφε
Or. 942.01 (recMoschThom gloss) ⟨ὡς⟩: ὅτι —V3Aa2PrRSaXXaXbXoYYfGGrZcZZaZb2ZmT*CrOxB4
APP. CRIT.: καὶ prep. ZcCrOx
Or. 942.02 (vet paraphr) ⟨τῆς γε τόλμης οὐ σπάνις γενήσεται⟩: οὐκέτι πέρας ὑμῶν ἕξει ὁ θάνατος. —MVCGu
TRANSLATION: No longer will your death have a limit.
REF. SYMBOL: M (at οὐ σπάνις) POSITION: intermarg. M, s.l. VGu
APP. CRIT.: ἡμῶν Gu
APP. CRIT. 2: οὐκ ἔτι Gu
PREVIOUS EDITIONS: Schw. I.190,14; Dind. II.236,18–19
Or. 942.03 (vet paraphr) ⟨τῆς γε τόλμης οὐ σπάνις γενήσεται⟩: οὐ λείψει οὐδὲ παύσεται οὐδὲ πέρας ἔξει ὁ θάνατος ὑμῶν. —B
TRANSLATION: Your death will not be lacking nor cease nor have a limit.
POSITION: intermarg.
PREVIOUS EDITIONS: Schw. I.190, app. at 14; Dind. II.236,14–15
Or. 942.04 (pllgn paraphr) ⟨τῆς γε τόλμης οὐ σπάνις γενήσεται⟩: οὐκ ἐπιλείψουσι αἱ τοιαῦτα ἐργασόμεναι. —Lb
TRANSLATION: Women who will commit such acts will not be lacking.
Or. 942.05 (rec exeg) ⟨τῆς γε τόλμης⟩: ἤγουν τοῦ ἐργάζεσθαι φόνον ἀνδρῶν —MnSSa
TRANSLATION: (‘The daring’,) that is, to carry out the murder of husbands.
LEMMA: τῆσδε τόλμης in text Sa POSITION: s.l.
APP. CRIT.: τὸ Sa | ἐρωτάζεσθαι Mn, ἐρωτάξεσθαι S
Or. 942.06 (rec exeg) ⟨τῆς γε τόλμης⟩: ἤγουν τὰς γυναῖκας ἀποκτεῖναι τοὺς ἄνδρας —R
TRANSLATION: (‘The daring’,) that is, that wives kill their husbands.
Or. 942.07 (thom exeg) ⟨τῆς γε τόλμης⟩: τῆς θρασύτητος ταύτης τοῦ φονεύειν τὰς γυναῖκας τοὺς ἄνδρας —ZmGu, partial Zu
TRANSLATION: (‘The daring’, that is,) this boldness, that wives murder husbands.
APP. CRIT.: τῆς θρασ. ταύτης om. Zu | τῆς] om. Zm | ἤγουν add. before τοῦ φον. Zm | τοὺς ἄνδρας αἱ γυναῖκες transp. Zu (vernacular syntax)
COMMENT: It seems that in Zm ταύτης was written first (sch. 942.09) and then θρασύτητος added before it and ἤγουν τοῦ κτλ after it (the latter is written smaller and squeezed in before and under the next gloss). From this fact and Zu’s partial version, it appears that this annotation may originally have been two separate ones.
KEYWORDS: Byzantine or vernacular word/form/usage
Or. 942.11 (mosch gloss) ⟨τόλμης⟩: τῶν γυναικῶν —XXaXbXo(T+)YYfGrZb2
POSITION: s.l.; prep. to gloss 942.18 as if applying to σπάνις T
Or. 942.13 (pllgn exeg) ⟨σπάνις⟩: στέρησις τῇ πληθύϊ τῶν γυναικῶν εἰς τὸ φονεύειν τοὺς αὐτῶν ἄνδρας —B3a
TRANSLATION: (‘Scarcity’, that is,) deprivation for the multitude of wives with regard to murdering their own husbands.
Or. 942.15 (pllgn gloss) ⟨σπάνις⟩: ἔλλειψις —AaCrOx
APP. CRIT.: καὶ prep. CrOx
APP. CRIT. 2: ἔλειψις Aa
Or. 942.16 (recMosch gloss) ⟨σπάνις⟩: ἔνδεια —SaYYfGZlOx2(p.c. Gr)
APP. CRIT.: *δεια Gr (ἄ erased, but ἔν not added)
Or. 942.17 (mosch gloss) ⟨σπάνις⟩: ἄδεια —XXaXbXoB4, a.c. Gr
COMMENT: ἔνδεια is a standard gloss of σπάνις. ἄδεια could be an easy graphic error induced by the general idea of the passage, that women will have impunity. It seemed possible to scribes, and Triclinius modified it in the next. What Moschopulus himself chose here must remain uncertain.
Or. 942.18 (tri gloss) ⟨σπάνις⟩: τῶν γυναικῶν ἄδεια —T+
COMMENT: Triclinius transfers τῶν γυναικῶν from its place on τόλμης (sch. 942.11).
Or. 943.02 (pllgn gloss) ⟨ἀλλ’ οὐκ ἔπειθ’⟩: ἀλλ’ οὐκ ἔπεισε —F2G
APP. CRIT.: ἀλλ’ om. F2
Or. 943.03 (rec exeg) ⟨ἔπειθ’ ὅμιλον⟩: ἐν τῇ ἀπολογίᾳ εἰς τὸν ὄχλον —MnPrSSa
TRANSLATION: (‘Persuade the gathering’, namely) in the speech of defense to the crowd.
APP. CRIT.: ἐν τ. ἀπολ. om. Sa
Or. 943.06 (pllgn gloss) ⟨ὅμιλον⟩: καὶ τὴν συνάθροισιν —Yf
Or. 943.11 (pllgn gloss) ⟨ὅμιλον⟩: τὴν ἐκκλησίαν —Lb
Or. 943.12 (pllgn gram) ⟨ὅμιλον⟩: ὅμιλος ἀπὸ τοῦ ὁμοῦ τὴν ἴλην ἔχειν. —Frec
TRANSLATION: ‘Homilos’ (‘gathering’) is derived from having the group (‘ilē’) together (‘homou’).
POSITION: written twice, at level of 950–941 and of 942–943
COMMENT: Cf. Orion 118, 9–10 ὅμιλος. παρὰ τὸ ὁμοῦ εἰλεῖσθαι· ἢ παρὰ τὸ ὁμοῦ τὰς ἴλας ἔχειν; Sch. Hom. Od. 1.225e Pontani ὅμιλος ἐπὶ στρατιᾶς ἀπὸ τοῦ ὁμοῦ καὶ τοῦ ἴλη, ὅμιλος δὲ ἐπὶ πλήθους ἀπὸ τοῦ ὁμοῦ εἱλεῖσθαι; Sch. Aesch. Sept. 35d Smith ὅμιλος δὲ ἐτυμολογεῖται ἀπὸ τοῦ ὁμοῦ τὴν ἴλην ἔχειν.
Or. 943.18 (mosch gloss) ⟨εὖ⟩: εὔλογα —XXaXbXoT+YYfGGr
APP. CRIT.: δοκῶν add. G
Or. 943.19 (mosch gloss) ⟨δοκῶν⟩: φαινόμενος —XXaXbXoT+YYfGrZu
POSITION: s.l.; cont. from prev. T
APP. CRIT.: καὶ prep. Zu | λέγειν add. T
Or. 944.03 (rec gloss) ⟨ἐκεῖνος ὁ κακὸς⟩: ὁ Κλεοφῶν —AbMnPrSSaZu
APP. CRIT.: ἤγουν prep. Zu
Or. 944.04 (thom gloss) ⟨ἐκεῖνος ὁ κακὸς⟩: ὁ ἀθυρόγλωσσος —ZZaZbZlZmTGuCrOx
APP. CRIT.: ἤγουν prep. CrOx
Or. 944.05 (rec exeg) ὁ κακὸς ἐν πλήθει λέγων: 1εἴωθε γάρ πως ἐν τοῖς συλλόγοις ὁ τῶν κακῶν κρατεῖν ὅμιλος. 2ἀμέλει καὶ τῶν πόλεων αἱ πλείους τούτῳ τῷ τρόπῳ ἁλίσκονται, 3τοὺς τιμίους παρ’ οὐδὲν τιθέμεναι, τοὺς δὲ ἀτίμους καὶ ἀγοραίους τιμῶσαι καὶ σεβάζουσαι. —V1PrRbRw
TRANSLATION: For it is somehow the usual thing that in assemblies the crowd of bad men dominate. At any rate the majority of cities are captured in this manner, when they place no value on the worthy men, but honor and respect the unworthy and vulgar.
LEMMA: V1, νικᾶ δ’ ὁ κακὸς Rw, νικᾶ PrRb REF. SYMBOL: V1Rb POSITION: follows sch. 968.01 Rw
APP. CRIT.: 1 γὰρ (πως om.) PrRb | ἐν] ἐκ Rb | 2 τῷ om. Rb | 3 τιθέμενοι V1Rb | ἀτίους Rb
APP. CRIT. 2: 2 ἀλίσκ. Rw
PREVIOUS EDITIONS: Schw. I.190,15–18; Dind. II.236,24–237,1
Or. 944.06 (pllgn gloss) ⟨κακὸς⟩: κακῶς —Aa2Xo
APP. CRIT.: (κακ)ῶ Aa2
COMMENT: Alternatively, Aa2’s κακῶ could be a gloss displaced from πλήθει.
Or. 944.07 (pllgn gloss) ⟨ἐν πλήθει λέγων⟩: ὁ χαριζόμενος —AaGu
Or. 946.00 (pllgn exeg) ζή(τει) —P.Oxy. 53.3716
COMMENT: Possibly a note regarding a variant reading in the line. For discussion see McNamee 2023: 48–49 (no. 11).
Or. 946.07 (pllgn gloss) ⟨πετρουμένους⟩: λίθοις βαλλομένους —XXaXbXoYYfGGr
POSITION: s.l. except X
APP. CRIT.: before βαλλ. Yf began πετρου(μενος) but crossed it out
Or. 946.08 (thom gloss) ⟨πετρουμένους⟩: λιθοβολουμένους —ZlZmGu
Or. 946.11 (rec exeg) ⟨πετρουμένους⟩: γρ. πετρούμενος. —Pr
TRANSLATION: (For accusative plural ‘petroumenous’, ‘being stoned’, agreeing with implied ‘them/you’, Orestes and Electra) the reading (nominative singular) ‘petroumenos’ (‘being stoned’ agreeing with subject Orestes) is found.
KEYWORDS: variant reading: γράφεται/γράφε
Or. 946.12 (rec exeg) ⟨πετρούμενος⟩: πετρουμένους —MnS
TRANSLATION: (For nominative singular ‘petroumenos’, ‘being stoned’, agreeing with subject Orestes, there is a variant reading accusative plural) ‘petroumenous’ (‘being stoned’, agreeing with implied ‘them/you’, Orestes and Electra).
LEMMA: thus in text MnS POSITION: s.l.
Or. 947.04 (pllgn gloss) ⟨αὐτόχειρι δὲ σφαγῇ⟩: οἰκειοχείρως —Zm
APP. CRIT.: οἰκειοχείρων Zm
COMMENT: οἰκειόχειρος is a Byzantine Greek word. The adjective seems to be applied mostly to writing, while the adverb is found in reference to killing and the like as well as to writing. Therefore, I have preferred to emend to the adverb; but οἰκειοχείρῳ as a gloss on αὐτόχειρι alone cannot be ruled out.
KEYWORDS: Byzantine or vernacular word/form/usage
Or. 947.05 (thom paraphr) ⟨αὐτόχειρι⟩: ἤγουν διὰ τῶν οἰκείων χειρῶν —ZZaZbZlZmTGuaGub
POSITION: s.l.; Gua above Gr glosses, Gub to the left of them
APP. CRIT.: ἤγουν om. GuaGub
Or. 947.06 (mosch gloss) ⟨αὐτόχειρι⟩: αὐτουργῷ —XXaXbXoT+YYfGGr
POSITION: s.l. except X
Or. 947.07 (mosch gloss) ⟨αὐτόχειρι⟩: αὐτοχειρίᾳ —XXaXbXoT+YYfGGr
POSITION: s.l. except X
COMMENT: This follows the previous with punctuation between the two words but in most witnesses with no extra space. The gloss is probably from the adjective αὐτοχείριος as a second explanation of αὐτόχειρι, but alternatively it could be from the noun αὐτοχειρία, explaining σφαγῇ or αὐτόχειρι σφαγῇ.
Or. 948.11 (pllgn gloss) ⟨βίον⟩: ἤγουν τὴν ζωὴν —F2ZlZuOx
APP. CRIT.: ἤγουν τὴν om. Zl, ἤγουν om. F2
Or. 949.01 (rec gloss) ⟨πορεύει⟩: φέρει —AbMnPrRSSaGuCrOx
APP. CRIT.: καὶ prep. CrOx
Or. 949.03 (thom gloss) ⟨πορεύει⟩: ἄγει ἐνταῦθα —ZZaZbZlZmTG
Or. 949.06 (pllgn gloss) ⟨πορεύει⟩: κομίζει —XXaXbXoT+YYfGGr
Or. 949.10 (vetThom paraphr) ⟨ἐκκλήτων ἄπο⟩: ἐκ τῶν ἐκκλησιαζόντων —MBOCAaAbMnPrV3ZZbZlZmTGu
TRANSLATION: From those meeting in the assembly.
POSITION: s.l. except C, marg. O
APP. CRIT.: ἐκ τῶν] ἀπὸ τῶν PrV3, τῶν ZZbZlZmTGu, om. OAbG
PREVIOUS EDITIONS: Schw. I.190,19; Dind. II.237,8 and 9
Or. 949.13 (mosch paraphr) ⟨ἐκκλήτων ἄπο⟩: ἀπὸ τῆς ἐκκλησίας —XXaXbXoT+YYfGGr
POSITION: s.l. except X
Or. 949.16 (pllgn gloss) ⟨ἐκκλήτων⟩: ἐκκλησιῶν —MnRS
APP. CRIT.: ἀπὸ τῶν prep. R
APP. CRIT. 2: ἐκλη‑ a.c. Mn
COMMENT: Perhaps a corruption of ἐκκλησιαζόντων (sch. 949.10).
Or. 950.04 (pllgn gloss) ⟨δακρύων⟩: τι ποιῶν —F2
APP. CRIT. 2: τὶ F2
COMMENT: To reject the view that δακρύων is a noun, as in the prev.
Or. 950.06 (950–951) (rec paraphr) ⟨σὺν δ’ ὁμαρτοῦσιν φίλοι κλαίοντες⟩: σὺν τοῖς ἐναντίοις ἀκολουθοῦσιν οἱ φίλοι κλαίοντες. —MnPrS
TRANSLATION: Along with the opponents (of Orestes), his friends, weeping, accompany him.
POSITION: marg. Mn, s.l. S
APP. CRIT. 2: κλέοντες a.c. Mn
COMMENT: The bad interpretation of σὺν is shared by the next.
Or. 950.07 (rec paraphr) ⟨σὺν δ’ ὁμαρτοῦσιν⟩: σὺν τοῖς ἐναντίοις ἕπουσι —Ab
APP. CRIT. 2: ἔπουσι Ab
COMMENT: The choice of ἕπουσι as a gloss here is striking, since the present active ἕπω is more or less confined to grammarians and lexicographers in etymological explanations, and ἕπω and compounds are in need of glossing (e.g., with ἀκολουθέω) rather than used to gloss other words. The form ἕπουσι specifically occurs only in a few comments on Il. 15.555 περὶ τεύχε’ ἕπουσιν (cf. Hesych. ε 5524).
Or. 950.08 (recMoschThom gloss) ⟨σὺν δ’ ὁμαρτοῦσιν⟩: συνακολουθοῦσιν —F2RXXaXbXoYYfGGrZZaZbZlZmT*
POSITION: s.l. except X
APP. CRIT. 2: ‑σι YfGGrZZaZbZlZm
Or. 950.11 (rec gloss) ⟨ὁμαρτοῦσιν⟩: ἀκολουθοῦσι —M2V1ZcCrOxB3a
APP. CRIT.: καὶ prep. ZcCrOx
APP. CRIT. 2: ‑σιν ZcCr
Or. 951.01 (mosch gloss) ⟨οἰκτείροντες⟩: ἐλεοῦντες —XXaXbXoYYfGGrAa2F2ZlCrOx
POSITION: s.l. except X
APP. CRIT.: καὶ prep. CrOx
Or. 951.02 (tri gloss) ⟨οἰκτείροντες⟩: κατελεοῦντες —T
APP. CRIT.: mostly effaced T, read from Ta
Or. 952.01 (pllgn paraphr) ⟨πικρὸν θέαμα⟩: ἀπὸ τούτου ἦν, λέγω —Zl
TRANSLATION: (With ‘bitter sight’ supply the words) ‘from this there was, I mean’.
POSITION: s.l. (misplaced above 951)
Or. 952.02 (mosch gloss) ⟨πικρὸν⟩: ἀλγεινόν —XXaXbXoT+YYfGGr
Or. 952.10 (mosch gloss) ⟨ἀθλία⟩: ἐλεεινή —XXaXbXoYYfGGrZb2ZlOx
POSITION: s.l.; cont. from next with καὶ Zl
APP. CRIT.: καὶ prep. Ox
Or. 952.12 (tri metr) ⟨ἀθλία⟩: koinē short over first alpha, long mark over second alpha —T
Or. 953.01 (mosch gloss) ⟨εὐτρέπιζε⟩: ἑτοίμαζε —XXaXbXoT+YYfGGrZb2F2CrOxB3
APP. CRIT.: καὶ prep. CrOx | ἡτοίμαζε Y
Or. 953.03 (rec gloss) ⟨φάσγανον⟩: ξίφος —V1CrOx
LEMMA: thus in text V, φάσγαν’ CrOx POSITION: s.l.
APP. CRIT.: καὶ prep. CrOx
Or. 953.04 (mosch gloss) ⟨φάσγαν’⟩: ξίφη —XXaXbXoT+YYfGGrAa2
APP. CRIT.: τὰ prep. Aa2
Or. 953.06 (mosch gloss) βρόχον: σχοινίον ἐπ’ ἀγχόνῃ —XXaXbXoT+YYfGr
LEMMA: X(prep. ἢ) POSITION: s.l. except X
APP. CRIT.: ἤγουν prep. X
APP. CRIT. 2: ἐπαγχόνη XaY
Or. 953.07 (thom gloss) ⟨βρόχον⟩: σχοινίον —ZbZlZmAaF2CrOx
APP. CRIT.: καὶ prep. CrOx
APP. CRIT. 2: σχοινίνη Ox
Or. 953.09 (mosch gloss) ⟨δέρῃ⟩: τῷ λαιμῷ —XXaXbXoT+YYfGGr
POSITION: s.l. except X, marg. XaYGr
APP. CRIT. 2: λεμῶ Yf
Or. 953.11 (recThom gloss) ⟨δέρῃ⟩: τραχήλῳ —F2MnPrRSZZaZbZlZmTGu
APP. CRIT.: τῶ prep. F2 | τράχηλος MnPr (δέρη in text MnPr)
Or. 954.01 (vet exeg) ⟨ὡς δεῖ λιπεῖν σε φέγγος⟩: γράφεται ὡς οὔ σ’ ὁρᾶν δεῖ φέγγος —MBC
TRANSLATION: (For ‘that you must leave the light’) the reading ‘that you must not see the light’ is found.
APP. CRIT.: οὕ BC, app. M
PREVIOUS EDITIONS: Schw. I.190,20; Dind. II.237,17
KEYWORDS: variant reading: γράφεται/γράφε
Or. 954.02 (recMoschThom gloss) ⟨ὡς⟩: ὅτι —AaAbFMnSSaXaXbXaXbXoYYfGGrZZbZlZmT
POSITION: s.l. except Xa
Or. 954.03 (recMosch gloss) ⟨δεῖ⟩: ἀπόκειται —AaRf2XXaXbXoT+YYfGGrZb2ZlZmCrOx
POSITION: s.l. except X, cont. from prev. XXo
APP. CRIT.: καὶ prep. CrOx
Or. 954.07 (rec gloss) ⟨δεῖ⟩: ἐστὶ(?) —K
COLLATION NOTES: check original K, very tiny
Or. 954.17 (pllgn gram) ⟨ηὑγένεια⟩: τὰ η̅ καὶ ε̅ εἰς η̅ μακρὸν κιρνᾶται. —Zm
TRANSLATION: Eta and epsilon are contracted into the long vowel eta.
Or. 955.01 (vet paraphr) ⟨οὐδέν σ’ ἐπωφέλησεν⟩: {γράφεται} οὐδέν σε ὠφέλησεν. —MC
TRANSLATION: {It is written} ‘it did not help you at all’ (i.e., the much less common compound verb means the same as the more common simple verb).
POSITION: marg. M, s.l. C
APP. CRIT.: γράφεται del. Schw.
PREVIOUS EDITIONS: Schw. I.190,21; Dind. II.237,19
KEYWORDS: variant reading: γράφεται/γράφε
Or. 955.03 (mosch gloss) ⟨ἐπωφέλησεν⟩: ἀντὶ τοῦ ὠφέλησεν —XXaXbXoT+YYfGGr
POSITION: s.l. except X
APP. CRIT.: ἀντὶ τοῦ om. G
APP. CRIT. 2: ‑σε Gr
Or. 955.04 (rec gloss) ⟨ὁ Πύθιος⟩: Ἀπόλλων —V1AaAbF2MnPrRSSaZm
APP. CRIT.: ἤτοι ὁ prep. Sa, ὁ prep. AaF2MnPrSZm, ἤτοι prep. Ab
Or. 955.06 (pllgn gram) ⟨Πύθιος⟩: ἀπὸ τοῦ πεύθω τὸ ἐρωτῶ ἢ τὸ ἀκούω καὶ μανθάνω, εἰς ὃν αἱ ἐρωτήσεις γίνονται, εἶτα αἱ μαθήσεις καὶ τὰ ἀκούσματα. —Zm
TRANSLATION: (‘Pythian’ is derived) from ‘peuthō’ meaning ‘ask’ or ‘hear’ and ‘learn’, (the one) to whom questions are posed, and then learning and hearing (take place).
Or. 956.01 (pllgn exeg) ⟨τρίποδα καθίζων⟩: ἢ ὁ κατὰ τὴν τρίποδα ἵζων ἑαυτὸν ἢ ὁ καθήμενος ἐκεῖ, ἢ ὁ καθίζων καὶ καθέζεσθαι ποιῶν τὸν τρίποδα. —Zm
TRANSLATION: Either ‘the one positioning himself by the tripod’ or (that is) ‘the one sitting there’; or ‘the one setting (it) and causing the tripod to be set in place’.
Or. 956.03 (recMosch gloss) ⟨τρίποδα⟩: ἐπὶ —V3AaKXXaXbXoT+YYfGGrOx2
APP. CRIT.: τὸν add. KG
Or. 956.10 (thom gloss) ⟨καθίζων⟩: ὁ ἱστὰς —ZZaZbZmGu
APP. CRIT. 2: ἰστὰς Gu
Or. 956.12 (pllgn gloss) ⟨καθίζων⟩: ὁ καθήμενος —V3GuZuCrOx
APP. CRIT.: καὶ prep. ZuCrOx | ὁ] om. Zu | καθίζων Ox
Or. 956.14 (pllgnTri gloss) ⟨Φοῖβος⟩: Ἀπόλλων —CrOxT
APP. CRIT.: καὶ ὁ prep. Cr, ἤγουν ὁ prep. Ox
Or. 956.15 (pllgn gram) ⟨Φοῖβος⟩: ὁ μαντικὸς, ἀπὸ τοῦ φοιβάζω τὸ μαντεύομαι. —Zm
TRANSLATION: (Phoebus is by etymology) the mantic one from the verb ‘phoibazō’ meaning ‘give an oracle’.
Or. 957.01 (957–958) (rec wdord) α (ὦ δυστάλαινα), β (ὡς), γ (ἄφθογγος εἶ), δ (βαλοῦσ’), ε (πρόσωπον), ϛ (σὸν), ζ (εἰς γῆν), η (ξυνηρεφὲς) —M2
Or. 957.02 (rec gloss) ⟨δυστάλαινα⟩: ἀθλία —Aa2AbZl3
APP. CRIT.: ὦ prep. Ab, καὶ prep. Zl3 | παρθένε add. Aa2
Or. 957.05 (vet exeg) ὡς ξυνηρεφές: 1στυγνὸν καὶ ὥσπερ ἐστεγασμένον τοῖς κακοῖς. 2ἐν ἐνίοις δὲ οὐ φέρονται οἱ τρεῖς στίχοι οὗτοι. 3πῶς γὰρ οὐκ ἔμελλε στυγνάζειν; —MBV1CRbRw, partial O
TRANSLATION: Gloomy and, as it were, covered over with woes. In some (copies) these three lines are not attested. (The lines are suspected because superfluous,) for how was she not going to be gloomy?
LEMMA: BV1, ξυνηρεφές RbRw(συν-) REF. SYMBOL: MBV1Rb POSITION: marg. M, s.l. O
APP. CRIT.: 1 στεγνὸν V1 | ὡσπερεὶ V1Rb | ἐσκευασμένον V1, ἐσκεπασμένον ORb | 2–3 ἐν ἐνίοις κτλ om. O | 2 ἐν ἐνίοις] ἐν οἷς V1, ἐνίων Rb | δὲ] γὰρ Rb | οὐ φέρ-] ἀφέρ‑ a.c V1 | τρεῖς] γ̅ M, app. γῆν (changed from τῆν) V1, τῶν Rb | στίχοι οὗτοι] om. V1Rb, οὗτοι στίχοι transp. Rw | 3 ἔμελλον MCRb, ἔμελεν V1 | στυγνάζειν] ἐκγνάζειν V1 | at end add. οὕτω δυστυχῶς ἔχουσα B
PREVIOUS EDITIONS: Schw. I.190,22–24; Dind. II.237,24–26
COMMENT: Matthiae and Dindorf preferred O’s ἐσκεπασμένον against ἐστεγασμένον of the earlier editions; but ἐστεγασμένον is meant as an etymological explanation (στεγ > στυγ); compare Photius κ 474 κατηρεφ⟨έστερ⟩ον· κατεστεγασμένον ⟨μᾶλλον⟩· ἢ κατώτερον ἐστεγασμένον. For his part, Schwartz in his app. conjectured συσκιασμένον, comparing Hesych. σ 2601 συνηρ⟨εφ⟩ές· σύσκιον, which the 19th-century editor M. Schmidt alleged to be a reference to Or. 957 (a claim taken over into the latest edition by Hansen). But σύσκιος is never used in a metaphorical sense, and there are many uses of συνηρεφής from Herodotus onward where it refers to places shaded by woods or branches and where σύσκιον would provide a most apposite gloss. The Hesych. gloss could easily apply to one of these. | Schwartz wrongly reports that M has στενάζειν, but the sequence υγν in στυγνάζειν is beyond doubt.
COLLATION NOTES: In V the partial lemma ὡσξ or ὡσξυ or ὡσξυν was written by V, who left a blank space for V1 to fill in the rest of the lemma and the note; V was apparently struggling to read a damaged exemplar.
KEYWORDS: οὐ φέρεται(‑ονται)/οὐχ εὑρίσκεται(‑ονται) | athetesis or absence of verses
Or. 957.06 (rec paraphr) ⟨ὡς ξυνηρεφὲς⟩: λίαν πολυπενθὲς, στυγνὸν ὑπάρχον ὑπὸ τῶν κακῶν —MnPrS
APP. CRIT.: στυγνὸν] τὸ γὰρ Pr
Or. 957.08 (recThom gloss) ⟨ὡς⟩: ὅτι —M2V3ZZaZbZmTGu
POSITION: s.l., cont. from prev. with ἢ ZaT, cont. without punct. ZZaZbGu
Or. 957.10 (thom exeg) ⟨ξυνηρεφὲς⟩: ἐσκεπασμένον, ἀπὸ τοῦ ἐρέφω τὸ στεγάζω· ἡ γὰρ στέγη σκέπασμά ἐστι τοῦ οἴκου. —Zm, partial ZlGu
TRANSLATION: (‘Xunērephes’ means) ‘covered over’ (‘eskepasmenon’), (derived) from ‘erephō’ meaning ‘cover (as if with a roof)’; for the roof is a covering (‘skepasma’) of the house.
APP. CRIT.: ἀπὸ τοῦ κτλ om. ZlGu
Or. 957.11 (rec paraphr) ⟨ξυνηρεφὲς⟩: στυγνὸν καὶ ἐστεγασμένον τοῖς κακοῖς —V3, perhaps R
POSITION: marg. R, s.l. V3
APP. CRIT.: words after στυγνὸν scarcely legible in R; another damaged phrase follows, perhaps πᾶς [ ca 9–10 ] γίνεται?
Or. 957.23 (pllgn gloss) ⟨ξυνηρεφὲς⟩: συγκεκαλυμμένον ὑπὸ τῆ[ς] / λύπ[ης] —F
APP. CRIT.: obscured in binding; perhaps τῶ[ν] λυπ[ῶν], but there is a possible trace of acute over ϋ
Or. 958.06 (mosch gloss) ⟨ἄφθογγος⟩: ἄφωνος —XXaXbXoT+YYfGGrZlZmF2CrOx
POSITION: s.l. except X
APP. CRIT.: καὶ ἄφθονος CrOx | εἶ add. X
Or. 959.01 (rec paraphr) ⟨ὡς εἰς στεναγμοὺς … δραμουμένη⟩: ὡς μέλλουσα δραμεῖν εἰς στεναγμοὺς καὶ γόους —M2
Or. 959.03 (tri metr) ⟨στεναγμούς⟩: koinē long over alpha —T
Or. 959.06 (mosch gloss) ⟨δραμουμένη⟩: μέλλουσα δραμεῖσθαι —XXaXbXoT+YYfGGrZb
POSITION: s.l. except X
APP. CRIT. 2: δραμεῖσαι X
Or. 959.07 (thom gloss) ⟨δραμουμένη⟩: μέλλουσα δραμεῖν —ZZaZl3B3a
APP. CRIT.: ἀντὶ τοῦ ὡς prep. Zl3
TRANSLATION: Such forms are called ‘in responsion’, as has been stated, and the cola of the present strophe are eleven and those of the antistrophe of equal number. The first colon is a pure acatalectic iambic trimeter. The second is similar with a admixture of chorei. The third is a trochaic ithyphallic. The fourth is like the second. The fifth is compound, formed from two trochaic penthemimers. The sixth is an iambic trimeter. The seventh is similar with an admixture of other feet. The eighth is an acatalectic trochaic dimeter. The ninth is an acatalectic iambic dimeter with the first foot a choreius and the second an anapaest. The tenth is a trochaic hephthemimer, which is called a Euripidean or lecythion. The eleventh is compound, formed of an iambic basis and trochaic ithyphallic. At the end of both stanzas, a paragraphos.
LEMMA: ἡμέτερον in marg. at sch. 960.13 εὕρηται applies here too
APP. CRIT.: 7 ὅμοιος ἐπιμεμιγμένοι (sic) T; or read ὅμοιον ἐπιμεμιγμένον as in colon 2? | 9 δευτέρου Ta, T damaged, space for β(ερ) = δευτέρου | 10 τὸ ιʹ mostly effaced T
APP. CRIT. 2: 3 and 11 ‑φαλικὸν T
PREVIOUS EDITIONS: Dind. II.16,7–17; de Fav. 62–63
Or. 960.02 (960-970) (tri metr) στροφὴ κώλων ια´ —T
TRANSLATION: Strophe of eleven cola.
Or. 960.03 (vet exeg) κατάρχομαι στεναγῶν: 1πρὸς τὸν χορόν. 2†ἐὰν μετὰ τοῦ ι̅, ἡ Πελασγία γῆ καὶ χώρα· ἐὰν ἄνευ τοῦ ι̅ ⟨ … ⟩† —MVC
TRANSLATION: (The passage is) addressed to the chorus. †(corrupt and lacunose phrase)†
APP. CRIT.: 2 first ἐὰν] ἐὰν γὰρ V; M misreported as having ἔνιοι by Dindorf | ἡ πελασγία κτλ om. V | second ἐὰν] ἕως C
APP. CRIT. 2: 2 first ι̅] ἰῶτα C
PREVIOUS EDITIONS: Schw. I.191,1–2; Dind. II.238,11
COMMENT: ‘With iota’ and ‘without iota’ normally apply to a disagreement between interpreting α or η as dative (transmitted without the mute iota) or nominative. If this were the issue here, we would have to assume major corruption, involving an unconscious interchange of μετὰ and ἄνευ as well as lost words: e.g., ἐὰν ἄνευ τοῦ ι̅, ἡ (or ὦ?) Πελασγία γῆ καὶ χώρα· ἐὰν μετὰ τοῦ ι̅, τῇ Πελασγίᾳ γῇ καὶ χώρᾳ (καὶ τὸ ὤ διὰ μέσου?). (Translation: If ‘Pelasgia’ is written without iota (as nominative/vocative), it is ‘the (or: o) Pelasgian earth and land/country’. If with iota, it is ‘to/for the Pelasgian earth and land/country’ (with the exclamation ‘o’ parenthetic). Another possibility, again with ἄνευ and μετὰ interchanged, is that the choice was meant to be between singular Πελασγία and plural Πελάσγιαι (cf. sch. 960.18, 960.14), that is, between addressing the land or addressing the women of the chorus. As the text stands, the only iota that could be present or absent is that of Πελασγία; but there is no such form as Πελασγή/‑γά, and if it existed, it would presumably mean the same as Πελασγία.
KEYWORDS: addressee identified
Or. 960.04 (rec exeg) κατάρχομαι: ⟨πρὸς⟩ τὸν χορὸν ταῦτα εἴρηκεν ἡ Ἠλέκτρα. —Rb
TRANSLATION: Electra spoke these words to the chorus.
APP. CRIT.: ἡ ἑλέ(νη) Rb
KEYWORDS: assignment of speaker
Or. 960.05 (rec exeg) ⟨κατάρχομαι⟩: ἡ Ἠλέκτρα εἶπε ταῦτα πρὸς τὸν χορόν. —MnPrSSa
TRANSLATION: Electra said these words to the chorus.
KEYWORDS: assignment of speaker
Or. 960.06 (rec exeg) ⟨κατάρχομαι⟩: αἲ αἲ —Aa2SaZm
TRANSLATION: (There is a variant reading with the exclamation) ‘ai ai’ (in the text before ‘katarchomai’).
POSITION: s.l. SaZm, marg. Aa2
APP. CRIT. 2: αἰαι Aa
COMMENT: αἲ αἲ κατάρχομαι is in the text in some recentiores (MnRRfPrS).
Or. 960.08 (mosch gloss) ⟨κατάρχομαι⟩: ἀρχὴν ποιοῦμαι —XXaXbXoYYfGGrZb1CrOx
POSITION: s.l. except X; follows sch. 960.21 X
APP. CRIT.: καὶ prep. CrOx
Or. 960.10 (mosch gram) ⟨κατάρχομαι⟩: ἄρχομαι τὸ ἀρχὴν ποιοῦμαι καὶ τὸ ἀρχὴν λαμβάνω. —XXaXbXoT+YYfGGrOx2
TRANSLATION: ‘Archomai’ (can mean) ‘I make a beginning’ and ‘I take office’.
Or. 960.11 (pllgn gloss) ⟨στεναγμῶν⟩: θρήνων —ZlOx
POSITION: s.l.; misplaced above 959 στεναγμοὺς Zl
APP. CRIT.: καὶ prep. Ox
Or. 960.12 (tri exeg) ⟨στεναγμὸν⟩: 1εὕρηται τὸ ἄρχω καὶ παρὰ Πινδάρῳ αἰτιατικῇ, ὡς εἴρηται [Sch. Tri. Hec. 685]. 2μικρὸν οὖν χρὴ γράφειν ἐνταῦθα τὸ στεναγὸν, ἵν’ οἰκεῖον ᾖ πρὸς τὸ μέτρον. —T
TRANSLATION: The verb ‘archō’ (‘begin’) has been found also in Pindar (construed) with the accusative, as has been said (in an earlier scholion of mine at Hec. 685). Therefore, it is proper to write ‘stenagmon’ (‘lamentation’) with short vowel here (instead of genitive plural ‘stenagmōn’, ‘of lamentations’), so that the form may be suited to the meter.
LEMMA: ἡμέτερον in marg. POSITION: precedes sch. 960.01
COMMENT: At Hec. 685 κατάρχομαι νόμον (νόμων in many mss) Triclinius notes εὕρηται τὸ ἄρχω καὶ παρὰ Πινδάρῳ αἰτιατικῇ· [Nem. 3.10–11] ‘ἄρχε δ’οὐρανῶ πολυνεφέλᾳ κρέοντι θύγατερ δόκιμον ὕμνον’. εὕρηται δὲ καὶ ἔν τινι τῶν παλαιῶν οὕτως. Translation: The verb ‘archō’ has been found also in Pindar (construed) with the accusative: ‘Begin, daughter, an approved hymn to the ruler of the sky with his many clouds’. And (‘nomon’ instead of ‘nomōn’) has been found (written) thus also in a certain one of the old copies.
KEYWORDS: citation of literature other than Homer | Pindar
Or. 960.13 (pllgn exeg) ⟨ὦ Πελασγία⟩: πρὸς μίαν τῶν ἀπὸ τοῦ χοροῦ —V2
TRANSLATION: Addressed to one of the women of the chorus.
APP. CRIT.: τῶν] τὴν V2
KEYWORDS: addressee identified
Or. 960.14 (pllgn exeg) ⟨ὦ Πελασγία⟩: πρὸς τὰς ἀπὸ τοῦ χοροῦ —Aa
TRANSLATION: Addressed to the women of the chorus.
KEYWORDS: addressee identified
Or. 960.15 (pllgn paraphr) ⟨ὦ Πελασγία⟩: ὦ πληθὺς ἡ ἀπὸ τοῦ Πελασγοῦ οὖσα —CrOx
APP. CRIT.: καὶ prep. Cr | πλῆθον Ox
Or. 960.21 (recMosch gloss) Πελασγία: γῆ δηλονότι —KXXaXbXoT+YYfGGrZcrZuOx2B3a
LEMMA: X(prep. ὦ) POSITION: s.l. except X, precedes sch. 960.08 X
APP. CRIT.: δηλονότι om. KGZcrZuOx2
Or. 960.22 (thom gloss) ⟨Πελασγία⟩: γῆ ἢ πληθύς —ZZaZbZmTGuF2
POSITION: s.l.; cont. from next Gu
APP. CRIT.: γῆ ἢ om F2, γῆ om. Gu (because Gr wrote γῆ in prev.) | ἡ add. before πληθὺς ZaZb
Or. 961.01 (961–963) (vet exeg) ⟨τιθεῖσα … κτύπον τε κρατός⟩: τὸ τιθεῖσα κατὰ κοινοῦ· καὶ ἐπὶ τῆς κεφαλῆς καὶ ἐπὶ τῶν παρηΐδων. —MB
TRANSLATION: ‘Titheisa’ (‘placing’) is understood in common (with ‘ktupon’ as well as ‘onucha’): (placing) both on the head and on the cheeks.
POSITION: s.l. M, marg. B
PREVIOUS EDITIONS: Schw. I.191,3–4; Dind. II.238,16–17
KEYWORDS: ἀπὸ κοινοῦ/κατὰ κοινοῦ
Or. 961.02 (961–962) (rec exeg) ⟨τιθεῖσα … αἱματηρὸν ἄταν⟩: ἢ τὸ τιθεῖσα τόπου δηλωτικὸν ἤγουν ἐπιτιθεῖσα καὶ ἐπισυνάπτουσα τὸν λευκὸν ὄνυχα ταῖς παρειαῖς εἰς αἱματηρὸν βλάβην αὐτῶν. —VRw
TRANSLATION: Or (if not taken in the sense ‘making’) ‘titheisa’ is indicative of positioning, that is, placing upon and applying the white fingernail to the cheeks to produce a bloody wound on them.
POSITION: s.l. V; follows sch. 944.05 Rw
APP. CRIT.: ἢ om. Rw
COMMENT: The ‘or’ presumably presents this interpretation as an alternative to the next, even though in V’s layout the order is reversed; or it could have once followed 962.01, which also opts for treating τιθεῖσα as ‘making/causing’ rather than ‘placing’.
Or. 961.03 (961–962) (rec exeg) ἄλλως: ἀντίπτωσις ἀντὶ τοῦ διὰ τοῦ λευκοῦ ὄνυχος ποιοῦσα αἱματηρὸν ἄτην τῶν παρειῶν. —VRw
TRANSLATION: Exchange of cases (‘antiptōsis’), equivalent to ‘by means of the white fingernail causing bloody ruin of the cheeks’.
APP. CRIT.: ἀντὶ τοῦ om. Rw
COMMENT: The term antiptosis is here applied to what is usually called ἀντίστροφον, since there are two terms that have swapped cases with each other rather than just one term in a case that has replaced a more usual case.
KEYWORDS: ἀντίπτωσις | ἀντίστροφον/ἀντιστρόφως
Or. 961.04 (rec paraphr) ⟨τιθεῖσα λευκὸν ὄνυχα διὰ παρηΐδων⟩: ἀντὶ τοῦ καταξέουσα ἑαυτῆς τὰς γνάθους τοῖς ὄνυξιν —O
TRANSLATION: Equivalent to ‘lacerating my own jaws with my fingernails’.
COMMENT: Cf. sch. 962.01
Or. 961.05 (pllgn paraphr) ⟨τιθεῖσα λευκὸν ὄνυχα διὰ παρηΐδων⟩: καταξαίνουσα τὰς γνάθους τοῖς ὄνυξι —V3
Or. 961.06 (mosch paraphr) ⟨τιθεῖσα λευκὸν ὄνυχα διὰ παρηΐδων⟩: ποιοῦσα τὸν λευκὸν ὄνυχα αἱματηρὸν διὰ τῶν παρηΐδων —XXaXbXoT+YYfGr
POSITION: s.l. except X
Or. 961.07 (pllgn exeg) ⟨τιθεῖσα⟩: τριχῶς συντ(ακτέον). —V3
TRANSLATION: (‘Titheisa’, ‘making’, is) to be construed three ways (with ‘fingernail’, with ‘ruin’, with ‘thumping’).
APP. CRIT.: or συντ(άσσεται)
Or. 961.08 (rec gloss) ⟨τιθεῖσα⟩: ποιήσασα —MnPrSSaZl3
APP. CRIT.: καὶ prep. Zl3
APP. CRIT. 2: ποιήσα Zl3
Or. 961.12 (thom rhet) ⟨λευκὸν ὄνυχα⟩: ἀδολεσχία —ZlZmGu
TRANSLATION: (‘White’ in ‘white fingernail’ is) unnecessary verbiage.
KEYWORDS: ἀδολεσχία | criticism of poet
Or. 961.16 (thom exeg) ⟨διὰ παρηΐδων⟩: ἤγουν διὰ τοῦ ταύτας σπαράττειν —ZZbZlZmTGu
TRANSLATION: That is, by the tearing at these (the cheeks).
APP. CRIT.: διὰ τὸ T
Or. 961.17 (pllgn gloss) ⟨παρηΐδων⟩: τῶν παρειῶν —F2
APP. CRIT.: changed by a later hand, app. to εἰς παρειάς
Or. 961.18 (pllgn gloss) ⟨παρηΐδων⟩: παρηΐσι —B3d
COMMENT: To be taken together with sch. 961.13, in an antiptosis interpretation.
Or. 962.01 (vet exeg) αἱματηρὸν ἄταν: ἀντὶ τοῦ καταξέουσα ἐμαυτῆς τὰς παρειὰς τοῖς ὄνυξιν, ὅπερ ἐστὶ δι’ αἵματος ἄτη. —MBVCRbRw
TRANSLATION: Equivalent to ‘lacerating her own cheeks with her fingernails, (an action) which is ruin through bloodshed’.
LEMMA: M(ἅταν, as in text)BVRw(initial om. rubr.), αἱματηρὸν Rb REF. SYMBOL: MBVRb POSITION: intermarg. C
APP. CRIT.: τοῦ om. C | καταρρέουσα ἐμαυτῆς τῆς παρειᾶς Rw | καταξαίνουσα Rb | τοῖς om. C | ὅπερ] ὅπου Rw | ἅτη M, αὕτη C, αὐτῆς Rb, βλάβη B
APP. CRIT. 2: ὄνυξι M | ὅπέρ ἐστι B | διαἵματος B
PREVIOUS EDITIONS: Schw. I.191,5–6; Dind. II.238,15–16
COMMENT: καταξέω and καταξαίνω (as in the variant of Rb) are close synonyms: cf. Sch. MBOV Hec. 655 δρύπτεται] καταξέει (where ξαίνει and ξαίνεται are glosses in other witnesses); also sch. 961.04 and 961.05.
Or. 962.03 (rec exeg) ⟨αἱματηρὸν ἄταν⟩: λείπει ἡ διά. —OPr
TRANSLATION: The preposition ‘dia’ (‘because’) is to be supplied (with ‘bloody ruin’).
POSITION: marg. O, s.l. Pr, misplaced above 963 ὃν
APP. CRIT.: λείπει ἡ om. O
KEYWORDS: λείπει
Or. 962.08 (mosch exeg) ⟨ἄταν⟩: τιθεῖσα ἀπὸ κοινοῦ. —XXaXbXoT+YYfGGrOx2
TRANSLATION: ‘Titheisa’ (‘causing’) is understood in common (with ‘atē’, ‘ruin’).
POSITION: s.l. except marg. X
APP. CRIT.: ἀπὸ κοινοῦ τιθεῖσα transp. Ox2 | ἀπὸ κοινοῦ om. Y
KEYWORDS: ἀπὸ κοινοῦ/κατὰ κοινοῦ
Or. 962.09 (thom exeg) ⟨ἄταν⟩: 1βλάβην. 2δέον δὲ εἰπεῖν καὶ ἄταν, ἀσυνδέτως ἐξήνεγκεν. 3τὸ δὲ τιθεῖσα ἀπὸ κοινοῦ. —ZZaZlZmTGu
TRANSLATION: (‘Atan’, ‘ruin’ means) ‘harm’. And although he ought to have said ‘and ruin’, he expressed it without a conjunction. And ‘titheisa’ is understood in common.
APP. CRIT.: 2 δὲ om. Gu | 3 ἀπὸ κοινοῦ δὲ τὸ τιθεῖσα transp. Za
APP. CRIT. 2: 2 ἐξήνεγκε ZZlZm
KEYWORDS: ἀπὸ κοινοῦ/κατὰ κοινοῦ
Or. 962.11 (rec gloss) ⟨ἄταν⟩: βλάβην —V1RZbOxB4
APP. CRIT.: καὶ prep. Ox | βλάβη V1, βλάβην V2
Or. 963.01 (pllgn exeg) ⟨κτύπον τε κρατός⟩: ἀπὸ κοινοῦ τὸ ἐπιτιθεῖσα. —V3Aa
TRANSLATION: (With ‘ktupon te kratos’, ‘beating of head’,) ‘epititheisa’ (‘placing upon’) is understood in common.
APP. CRIT.: ἀπὸ κοινοῦ τὸ om. V3
KEYWORDS: ἀπὸ κοινοῦ/κατὰ κοινοῦ
Or. 963.03 (rec gloss) ⟨κτύπον τε κρατός⟩: ἐγὼ ποιήσασα —MnPrSSa
LEMMA: τε om. Sa POSITION: s.l.
APP. CRIT.: ποιήσασα om. Pr
Or. 963.04 (pllgn gloss) ⟨κτύπον τε κρατός⟩: τιθεῖσα —GGuB3d
APP. CRIT.: καὶ prep. Gu
Or. 963.05 (963–964) (mosch paraphr) ⟨κτύπον τε κρατός … θεά⟩: τιθεῖσα καὶ κτύπον κεφαλῆς, ὃν ἐκληρώσατο κατὰ χθονὸς ἡ Περσέφασσα ἡ καλλίπαις ἡ θεὰ τῶν καταχθονίων —XXaXbXoT+YYfGr
TRANSLATION: Making also a thumping of the head, which beneath the earth, Persephassa, the lovely child, the goddess of those below, has received as her lot.
APP. CRIT.: after τιθεῖσα add. ἀπὸ κοινοῦ X | καὶ om. Xo | after κτύπον add. τε Gr | ἡ καλλίπαις κτλ om. T (but cf. sch. 964.01)
APP. CRIT. 2: περσέφασα Y
KEYWORDS: ἀπὸ κοινοῦ/κατὰ κοινοῦ
Or. 963.11 (963–964) (thom exeg) ⟨ὃν ἔλαχε … Περσέφασσα⟩: 1ἐπειδὴ τὸ θρηνεῖν καὶ σπαράττειν τὸ πρόσωπον καὶ τύπτειν τὴν κεφαλὴν ἐπὶ τοῖς νεκροῖς ποιεῖν εἰώθαμεν ἄνθρωποι. 2μυθεύονται δὲ τὴν Περσεφόνην ἐν Ἅιδου βασιλεύειν σὺν Πλούτωνι· 3διὰ τοῦτο τὸ ὃν ἔλαχε λέγει. —ZZaZlZmTGu
TRANSLATION: (Persephone is allotted this sound) because we humans are accustomed to perform over the dead the acts of lamenting and tearing the face and striking the head. They tell in their myths that Persephone rules in Hades together with Plouton: for this reason he says ‘which she received by lot’.
APP. CRIT.: 1 καὶ add. before τὸ πρόσ. Za | τὴν κεφαλὴν τύπτειν transp. Za | τοὺς νεκροὺς ZZmGu, app. Zl (trimmed margin leaves partial letters) | 3 ὃν] ἣν ZZl ZmGu
APP. CRIT. 2: 3 διατοῦτο ZZaT
Or. 963.14 (rec exeg) ⟨ἔλαχ’⟩: ἤγουν τὸ ἀκούειν, ἢ ἤκουσεν —MnPrS
TRANSLATION: (‘Received as her lot’) the hearing (of this sound), or she heard (it).
APP. CRIT.: ἀκούσειν MnS, perhaps {τὸ} ἀκούει Mastr. | ἤκουσαν Pr
APP. CRIT. 2: εἴκουσεν S
Or. 963.15 (recThom gloss) ⟨ἔλαχ’⟩: ἐκληρώσατο —KZZaZbZlZmTGuGZcrCrOx
APP. CRIT.: καὶ prep. ZcrCr
Or. 964.01 (mosch paraphr) ⟨νερτέρων … καλλίπαις θεά⟩: ἡ καλλίπαις θεὰ τῶν καταχθονίων —T+
COMMENT: The remainder of Mosch. sch. 963.05; hence the cross prefixed by Triclinius.
Or. 964.02 (rec exeg) ⟨νερτέρων⟩: λείπει βασίλισσα. —M2
TRANSLATION: The word ‘queen’ is to be supplied (with ‘of those below’).
KEYWORDS: λείπει
Or. 964.03 (recThom gloss) ⟨νερτέρων⟩: τῶν νεκρῶν —F2MnPrSSaZZlZmTCrOx
APP. CRIT.: καὶ prep. CrOx | τῶν om. ZZlZmT
Or. 964.04 (pllgn gloss) ⟨νερτέρων⟩: τῶν καταχθονίων νεκρῶν —GGu
APP. CRIT.: νεκρῶν om. G
Or. 964.05 (vet exeg) Περσέφασσα καλλίπαις θεά: 1Περσέφασσα καλεῖται καὶ Κόρη. 2ἀπὸ δὲ ταύτης καὶ τὴν μητέρα βούλεται δηλοῦν. 3πῶς γὰρ ἡ παῖς καλλίπαις; 4ἡ γὰρ Περσέφασσα θυγάτηρ ταύτης. 5γράφεται δὲ τὸ καλλίπαις καὶ καλὴ παῖς, αὐτὴ οὖσα ἡ Κόρη. 6οὕτως καὶ βέλτιον· αὕτη γὰρ ἐκληρώθη τὸν θρῆνον 7†τοῖς γὰρ θρηνοῦσιν ἐγγίνεται†. || 8⟨ἢ⟩ ἡ τὸν Ἴακχον γεννήσασα ἡ καλλίπαις. —MBVCRw, partial PrSa
TRANSLATION: Persephassa is also called Kore. And from this (name?) he means to indicate also her mother. For how is the child ‘one with a beautiful child’ (‘kallipais’)? For Persephassa is the daughter of this one (the one who is ‘kallipais’). But ‘kallipais’ is also written (in some copies) ‘kalē pais’ (‘beautiful child’), being Kore herself. This way is in fact better, for she is the one who has been allotted the song of mourning. For she makes herself present among those who sing dirges. || Or ‘the one with a beautiful child’ (means) ‘she who gave birth to Iacchus’.
LEMMA: M(‑φασα)B, νερτέρων Pr REF. SYMBOL: MBV POSITION: follows sch. 965.02, follows sch. 961.03 Rw
APP. CRIT.: 1 καὶ] Battezzato (private communication), ἡ all | 4–5 ἡ γὰρ … καλὴ παῖς om. Sa | 4 γὰρ] δὲ Rw | 5 γρ. δὲ] om. Rw, γρ΄(ον) ( = γράψον) δὲ V, γί(νεται) Pr δὲ, perhaps λέγεται δὲ Mastr. | τὸ καλλ. καὶ] Schw., καὶ τὸ καλλίπαις transp. MCRw, τὸ καλλίπαις (om. καὶ) VPr | καλὴ παῖς om. Pr | αὐτὴ] αὕτη MCPrSa | ἡ κόρη] κόρη Pr, ἡ παῖς M | 6 καὶ om. B | βελτίων VRw | αὐτὴ Pr | γὰρ om. C | 7–8 om. PrSa | 7 τοῖς … ἐγγίνεται del. Schw. | θρηνοῦσα C | γίνεται MVCRw | 8 ⟨ἢ⟩ Mastr. | Ἴακχον] B, ἴαχον M(ἵα-)VRw, ἴναχον C | καλλίπαις] Schw. (from next), καλλὴ παῖς M, καλὴ παῖς BVCRw
APP. CRIT. 2: 1 περσέφασα MC | 4 περσέφασα MC | 6 οὕτω V | 7 θρηνοῦσι VRw
PREVIOUS EDITIONS: Schw. I.191,8–13; Dind. II.238,27–239,2
COMMENT: The first interpretation (1–4) offered is a poor one resulting from the assumption that the compound καλλίπαις has to have its most obvious meaning, ‘having beautiful child(ren)’. The reference of ταύτης in 2 is not entirely clear; the feminine demonstrative ought not to refer to the epithet καλλίπαις, but to the goddess. Kore (‘daughter’) implies a mother, or the commentator may have in mind a synecdochic use of the name Persephone/Persephassa. The second interpretation (5–7) is close to recognizing that in lyric poetry such a compound can mean ‘who is a beautiful child’, but seems to present ‘beautiful child’ as a graphetai-variant. Given the absence of γρ. δὲ in Rw (in which corrupt or illegible words are sometimes simply omitted) and the transposition of καὶ in 5 in all except B, one must wonder whether γρ. resulted from a corruption (for instance, of a λέγεται compendium), with sch. 964.11 being an excerpt of the corrupt form of this scholion, and whether the second interpretation was originally the correct explanation of καλλίπαις itself. There is further difficulty in 7–8, edited before Schwartz as a single sentence τοῖς γὰρ θρηνοῦσιν ἐγγίνεται ἡ τὸν Ἴακχον γεννήσασα ἡ καλλίπαις—obscure in the use of ἐγγίνεται in B (γίνεται in others) and illogical, since it would be going back to the interpretation ‘with beautiful child’ by adducing the notion that Iacchus is son of Persephone. Sentence 7 is deleted by Schwartz, but it could be corrupt—e.g., θρηνοῦσιν could be a corruption of θανοῦσιν, with which would expect a predicate like ‘is queen among’. Or, since ἐκληρώθη in 6 reflects ἔλαχ’ in the text, Battezzato suggests that 7 could be τοῖς γὰρ θρηνοῦσιν ἐγγίνεται ⟨κτύπος⟩. | The phrase in 8 is a third interpretation, and along with the next scholion shares the claim that Iacchus is born of Persephone with a few other sources: Diod. Sic. 3.64.1 δεύτερον δὲ μυθολογοῦσι γενέσθαι Διόνυσον ἐκ Διὸς καὶ Φερσεφόνης, ὡς δέ τινες, ἐκ Δήμητρος; Sch. V Tro. 1230 ἐγὼ στενάζω τὸν νεκρὸν Ἴακχον, τὸν θρῆνον τὸν εἰς τὸν Ἴακχον, ὃν φασὶ Περσεφόνης εἶναι υἱόν; Sch. Tzetz. Arist. Ran. 316 Koster τὸν Ἴακχον οἱ μὲν ὕμνον οἴονται εἶναι τῇ εἰκάδι τῶν μυστηρίων ᾀδόμενον Κόρῃ καὶ Δήμητρι· συνίδρυται δὲ τῇ Δήμητρι τῇ ἑορτῇ καὶ Διόνυσος, ἀνθ’ ὧν ἡ μὲν ξηρῶν καρπῶν δότειρα, ὁ δὲ τῶν ὑγρῶν. ἄλλοι δὲ τὸν Ἴακχον υἱὸν Περσεφόνης φασίν· οἱ δὲ τοῦτόν φασι συγγενέσθαι τῇ Δήμητρι· οἱ δὲ ἕτερον Διόνυσον εἶναι τὸν Ἴακχον, οἱ δὲ τὸν αὐτόν. | In 8 Arsen. has ἴαχνον, despite the fact that his readings usually descend from the B-tradition, here containing the correct spelling in MeMuPh as well as B itself. Barnes changed this to Ἴακχνον, which seems to be an unintentionally incomplete correction, and King then edited the note with Ἴακχον.
KEYWORDS: variant reading: γράφεται/γράφε
Or. 964.06 (vet exeg) ⟨Περσέφασσα καλλίπαις θεά⟩: ἡ Kόρη ἡ καλλίπαις ἡ τὸν Ἴακχον γεννήσασα —MOK
TRANSLATION: (‘Persephassa beautiful-childed goddess’, that is,) Kore, the one with a beautiful child, the one who gave birth to Iacchus.
APP. CRIT.: ἡ κόρὴ ἡ καλλ. om. K | ἡ καλλίπαις om. O | ἴναχον MOK, corr. Matthiae IV.442 n. 1
APP. CRIT. 2: γενήσασα MO
PREVIOUS EDITIONS: Dind. II.238, app. at 30
Or. 964.07 (vet exeg) ἄλλως: 1ἰστέον ὅτι τῆς Κόρης, ἤγουν τῆς Περσεφόνης, ἁρπασθείσης ὑπὸ τοῦ Πλούτωνος ἡ μήτηρ αὐτῆς, ἡ Δηὼ, νῆστις περιήρχετο ζητοῦσα αὐτήν. 2καὶ δὴ περιερχομένη καὶ ζητοῦσα αὐτὴν ὑπεδέχθη ἐν τοῖς οἴκοις τοῦ Ἱπποθόωντος ὑπὸ τῆς γυναικὸς αὐτοῦ Μετανείρας. 3ἥτις, Μετάνειρα, παρέθηκεν αὐτῇ τράπεζαν καὶ ἐκέρασεν αὐτῇ οἶνον. 4ἡ δὲ θεὸς οὐκ ἐδέξατο λέγουσα μὴ θεμιτὸν εἶναι πιεῖν αὐτὴν οἶνον ἐπὶ τῇ θλίψει τῆς θυγατρός, ἀλφίτων δὲ κυκεῶνα ἐκέλευσεν αὐτὴν κατασκευάσαι· 5ὃν δεξαμένη ἔπιεν. 6Ἰάμβη δέ τις δούλη τῆς Μετανείρας ἀθυμοῦσαν τὴν θεὰν ὁρῶσα γελοιώδεις λόγους καὶ σκώμματά τινα ἔλεγε πρὸς τὸ γελάσαι τὴν θεόν. 7ἦσαν δὲ τὰ ῥήματα ἅπερ αὕτη πρῶτον εἶπεν ἰαμβικῷ μέτρῳ ῥυθμισθέντα. ἐξ ἧς καὶ τὴν προσηγορίαν ἔλαβον ἴαμβοι λέγεσθαι. 8Ἰάμβη δὲ θυγάτηρ Ἠχοῦς καὶ τοῦ Πανὸς, Θρᾷσσα τὸ γένος. —B
TRANSLATION: One should know that when Kore, that is Persephone, was kidnapped by Plouton, her mother, Deo, went around, fasting, looking for her. And as she was going around and looking for her, she was received in the household of Hippothoon by his wife Metaneira. Who, that is Metaneira, set a table before her and mixed wine for her. The goddess did not accept (the wine), explaining it was not ritually proper for her to drink wine because of her distress over her daughter, but she bade her to prepare a potion made of barley flour. When she received this, she drank it. And Iambe, a slavewoman of Metaneira, seeing the goddess dispirited, uttered humorous remarks and some mocking jokes so that the goddess would laugh. And the very words that this woman first spoke were arranged rhythmically in iambic meter. From whom in fact they (such verses) acquired their name so as to be called ‘iambi’. And Iambe was the daughter of Echo and Pan, (and) a Thracian by race.
APP. CRIT.: 2 Ἱπποθόωντος] Barnes, Sch. Nic., ‑θόοντος B | 3 ἥτις] Arsen. (MeMuPh), Sch. Nic., ὅστις B | 4 first αὐτὴν] B, Sch. Nic., αὐτῇ Arsen. (MeMuPh) (and edd. before Dindorf) (αὑτῇ Geymonat in Sch. Nic.) | second αὐτὴν] B, transp. before κυκεῶνα Sch. Nic. (ms X), αὐτῇ Arsen. (MeMuPh) (and edd. through Dindorf), Sch. Nic. (ms G1; αὑτῇ Geymonat) | 6 εἶπε πρῶτον transp. anonymi Americani apud Schw. Addenda (I.xiv) | 7 αὕτη] Schw., Sch. Nic. (ms G1 acc. to Geymonat), αὐτὴ B | ῥυθμηθέντα Arsen. (MeMu, ῥηθέντα Ph) (and edd. through Matthiae)
APP. CRIT. 2: 6 σκώμματα τινὰ B
PREVIOUS EDITIONS: Schw. I.191,14–25; Dind. II.239,2–14
COMMENT: An almost identical ἴστεον scholion is found as Sch. Nic. Alexipharm. 130a Geymonat. The genealogy at the end is also given in several Etymologica s.v.Ἰάμβη, which lack the words about Thracian origin found only here and in Sch. Nic. | In 4 αὑτῇ is printed in Sch. Nic. for (first) αὐτὴν (B) by Geymonat, who ascribes it to Ruhnken 1781: 34, but Ruhnken prints αὐτῇ and clearly states that in quoting Sch. Nic. 130a he has corrected it from this scholion on Orestes, that is, as it appeared in Arsenius and subsequent editions. | Ἱπποθοωντ‑ (or Ἱπποθωντ-) is the spelling of this stem in Attic inscriptions, except for a few late instances of Ἱπποθοοντ‑ reflecting the loss of the ο/ω distinction. Medieval manuscripts presumably attest both forms, but standard editions now present the older spelling, except here and in Et. Gud. 322, 21 Sturz s.v. κίνδυνος; but other instances are cited from various earlier editions by Creuzer IV.377–378 (Leipzig 1812), cited by Matthiae for keeping ‑θόοντ‑ here.
KEYWORDS: mythography
Or. 964.08 (recTri exeg) ⟨Περσέφασσα⟩: Περσεφόνη —M2OV2AaFMnPrRSSaTGCrOx
TRANSLATION: (Persephassa is another name for) Persephone.
LEMMA: in text ‑φασα FG, ‑φρασσα R, προσέφασσα Sa POSITION: s.l.
APP. CRIT.: ἡ prep. MnPrSSaTG, καὶ ἡ prep. FCrOx
Or. 964.09 (thom exeg) ⟨Περσέφασσα⟩: Περσεφόνη, ἥτις ἐκαλεῖτο καὶ Κόρη. —ZlZmGu
TRANSLATION: (‘Persephassa’ is) Persephone, who was also called Kore.
APP. CRIT.: Περσεφόνη om. Zl
Or. 964.10 (pllgn gram) ⟨Περσέφασσα⟩: ἀπὸ τοῦ φθείρω φθέρσω καὶ τοῦ φόνος —K
TRANSLATION: (‘Persephone’ is derived) from (the root of) ‘phtheirō, phthersō’ (‘destroy’) and ‘phonos’ (‘murder’).
Or. 964.11 (vet exeg) ⟨καλλίπαις⟩: γράφεται ‘καλὴ παῖς’. —MC
TRANSLATION: (For ‘kallipais’, ‘with beautiful child’,) the reading ‘kalē pais’ (‘beautiful child’) is found.
APP. CRIT.: γράφεται om. C
APP. CRIT. 2: καλῆ M
PREVIOUS EDITIONS: Schw. I.191,7; Dind. II.238, app. at 30
COMMENT: See on sch. 964.05.
KEYWORDS: variant reading: γράφεται/γράφε
Or. 964.12 (mosch exeg) καλλίπαις: 1καλλίπαις ὁ καλοὺς παῖδας ἔχων, καὶ ἡ καλλίπαις ἐπὶ θηλυκοῦ. 2καλλίπαις καὶ ἡ καλὴ παῖς, ὡς ἐνταῦθα. —XXaXbXoT+YYfGGr
TRANSLATION: ‘Kallipais’ is ‘the one who has beautiful children’, and in the feminine (it is) ‘hē kallipais’. ‘Kallipais’ is also ‘the beautiful child’, as here.
APP. CRIT.: 1 καλλίπαις om. G | 2 καλὴ] καλὸς a.c Y
Or. 964.13 (thom exeg) ⟨καλλίπαις⟩: ἡ ἔχουσα καλὸν παῖδα τὸν Ἴακχον, ἢ ἡ οὖσα καλὴ παῖς. —ZZbZlZmTGu
TRANSLATION: (‘Kallipais’ is) ‘the female who has a beautiful child, Iacchus’, or ‘the female who is a beautiful child’.
APP. CRIT.: first ἡ om. Zb | Ἴακχον] T, ἴαχον Zb, ἴναχον other and Zb1 | τῆς δήμητρος add. Zl(δημήτερος)ZmGu
APP. CRIT. 2: καλῆ Zb
Or. 964.14 (pllgn exeg) ⟨καλλίπαις⟩: ἢ ἡ καλοὺς παῖδας τέξασα ἢ οὖσα αὐτὴ καλὴ παῖς —V2
TRANSLATION: (‘Kallipais’ is) either ‘the one who has given birth to beautiful children’ or ‘(the one) who is herself a beautiful child’.
APP. CRIT.: perhaps ἢ ⟨ἡ⟩ οὖσα
APP. CRIT. 2: ἡ] οἱ V2 | καλοὺς] καλλοὺς V2 | καλὴ] καλλὴ V2
Or. 964.15 (pllgn exeg) ⟨καλλίπαις⟩: ἡ καλλίστη παῖς —G
TRANSLATION: (‘Kallipais’ is) ‘the most beautiful child’.
Or. 965.01 (965–967) (vet exeg) ⟨ἰαχείτω δὲ γᾶ Κυκλωπία … πήματ’ οἴκων⟩: τὸ ἑξῆς· θρηνείτω τὰ πήματα τῶν Ἀτρειδῶν οἴκων. —MBOC
TRANSLATION: The run of the sense is: Let (the land of the Cyclopes) lament for the sufferings of the house of the Atreids.
APP. CRIT.: τὸ ἑξῆς om. BO | οἴκων om. O
APP. CRIT. 2: ἐξῆς M
PREVIOUS EDITIONS: Schw. I.192,15; Dind. II.239,25
Or. 965.02 (965–967) (vet exeg) ἰαχείτω δὲ γᾶ Κυκλωπία: 1συναναθρηνείτωσαν οὖν ἡμῖν αἱ κατὰ τὰς Μυκήνας γυναῖκες ἐπὶ τῷ πένθει τούτῳ τὰς τρίχας ἀποκείρασαι. 2ἢ αὐτὴ ἡ ἔφορος θεὸς τῆς πόλεως. —MCRwSa, partial V
TRANSLATION: Let the women in Mycenae, then, join in our lament for this grief, having shorn their hair. Or (‘the Cyclopean land’ is not ‘the women’, but) ‘the tutelary goddess of the city herself’.
LEMMA: MC, ἰαχείτω δὲ γᾶ Rw POSITION: cont. from sch. 965.06 V
APP. CRIT.: 1 συναναθρην-] MVRwSa, συνθρην‑ C (Dindorf without note) | φησὶ καὶ add. before ἡμῖν C | αἱ κατὰ μυκ. γυναῖκες] αἱ μυκηνίδες C, αἱ γυν. αἱ κατὰ τὰς μυκ. Sa | ἐπὶ … ἀποκείρασαι] ἀποκειράμεναι ἐπὶ τῶ πένθει C (conflation from next) | τούτῳ] τούτων V | ἀποκείρασα Sa | 2 ἢ αὐτὴ κτλ om. V | αὐτὸς θεὸς (om. ἡ ἔφορος) Sa | ἡ om. Rw
APP. CRIT. 2: 1 συνἀναθρην‑ M | ‑θρηνήτωσαν CSa, ‑θρηνούτωσαν | 2 αὐτῆ M
PREVIOUS EDITIONS: Schw. I.192,16–18; Dind. II.239,20–22
COMMENT: συναναθρηνέω as in MVSa is not attested in TLG, although ἀναθρηνέω is found twice (only as gloss on ἀνευφημέω or ἀνακλαίω), and there are dozens of other compounds in συνανα‑ (including συναναφωνέω). So I have accepted the double compound here instead of the simplified form in C.
KEYWORDS: rare word
Or. 965.03 (rec exeg) ⟨ἰαχείτω δὲ γᾶ Κυκλωπία⟩: 1συνθρηνείτωσαν ἡμῖν καὶ αἱ Μυκηνίδες ἀποκειράμεναι ἐπὶ τῷ πένθει· 2ἢ αὐτὴ ἡ ἔφορος θεὸς τῆς πόλεως. —O, partial Gu
TRANSLATION: Let the women of Mycenae join in our lament having shorn themselves for this grief. Or (‘the Cyclopean land’ is not ‘the women’, but) ‘the tutelary goddess of the city herself’.
POSITION: marg. O, under words Gu (lack of space above)
APP. CRIT.: 1 ἡμῖν om. Gu | 2 ἢ αὐτὴ κτλ om. Gu | ἔκφ(ο)ρ() app. O
PREVIOUS EDITIONS: Dind. II.241,2 (Gu portion only)
Or. 965.04 (965–967) (rec wdord) α (ἰαχείτω … κυκλωπία), β (πήματα), γ (οἴκων), δ (ἀτρειδᾶν), ε (τιθεῖσα), ϛ (ἐπικάρα), ζ (σίδαρον), η (κούριμον) —M2
Or. 965.05 (965–967) (mosch paraphr) θρηνείτω δὲ ἡ γῆ ἡ Κύκλωπια ἤγουν τὸ Ἄργος τὰ πήματα τῶν οἴκων τῶν Ἀτρειδῶν σίδηρον κουρεύσιμον ἐπὶ κάρα τιθεῖσα, τουτέστιν ξυρῷ κειραμένη τὴν κεφάλην. —XXaXbXoT+YYfGr
TRANSLATION: Let the Cyclopean land, that is, Argos, lament the sufferings of the house of the Atreids by applying a cutting iron to the head, that is to say, having shaved their heads with a razor.
APP. CRIT.: κούριμον T
APP. CRIT. 2: ἐπι Gr | τουτέστι Gr | ξηρῷ X
PREVIOUS EDITIONS: Dind. II.240,20–241,1
Or. 965.06 (vet exeg) ἰαχείτω δὲ γᾶ Κυκλωπία: 1Κύκλωπες Θρᾳκικὸν ἔθνος ἀπὸ Κύκλωπος βασιλέως οὕτως ὀνομαζόμενοι. 2οὗτοι πολέμῳ ἐξαναστάντες τῆς ἰδίας ἄλλοι ἄλλῃ ᾠκίσθησαν, πλείονες δὲ αὐτῶν ἐν τῇ Κουρήτιδι. 3ἦσαν δὲ ἄριστοι τεχνῖται. 4Ἄβαντος δὲ τοῦ βασιλέως τῶν Ἀργείων υἱοὶ ἦσαν ἐξ Ἀγλαΐας Προῖτος καὶ Ἀκρίσιος. 5οὗτοι μετὰ θάνατον τοῦ πατρὸς ἐστασίασαν περὶ τῆς τυραννίδος. 6φασὶ δὲ ὅτι ἐν τῷ πολέμῳ τούτῳ πρῶτον ξυλίναις ἀσπίσιν ἐχρήσαντο Ἀργεῖοι. 7καὶ νικήσαντος Ἀκρισίου συνέβησαν ὥστε πλωτῆς γενομένης τῆς θαλάσσης ἀπαλλάσσεσθαι τὸν Προῖτον. 8χειμάζοντι δὲ αὐτῷ ἐκεῖσε φίλοι γίνονται †Ἀργεῖοι†, καὶ συμμαχία αὐτῷ ἐκ Λυκίας ἔρχεται καὶ τῆς Κουρήτιδος. 9ὡς δὲ λοιπὸν ἔαρ ἐφαίνετο, δεδιότες Ἀργεῖοι τὴν ἐπείσακτον συμμαχίαν τοῦ Προίτου συντίθενται ὥστε Ἀκρίσιον μὲν ἄρχειν Ἄργους, Προῖτον δὲ Τίρυνθος. 10κἀπειδὴ ὕποπτα ἦν τὰ τῶν βασιλέων, τειχίζουσι τὰς πόλεις τῶν ἐκ τῆς Κουρήτιδος Κυκλώπων τειχισάντων αὐτάς. —MBVCRwSa
TRANSLATION: Cyclopes were a Thracian tribe named thus after a king Cyclops. These people, dispossessed from their own land by war, settled in various places, and a rather large number of them in the land of the Couretes (Aetolia/Acarnania). They were excellent craftsmen. Proetus and Acrisius were the sons of Abas, king of the Argives, born from Aglaea: they engaged in strife over the tyranny after the death of their father. They say that in this war for the first time Argives used shields made of wood. And when Acrisius proved victorious, they made an agreement that Proetus would depart once the sailing season began. While he is wintering there (in Argos), ⟨some?⟩ Argives become his friends, and an allied force comes to him from Lycia and the land of the Couretes. Thus, when spring appeared, the Argives, in fear of the imported allied force of Proetus, agreed that Acrisius rule Argos and Proetus Tiryns. And because the relationship of the kings was full of suspicion, they provided their cities with walls, with the Cyclopes from the land of the Couretes having constructed the city-walls.
LEMMA: MB(κυκ())C, ἰαχείτω δὲ γῆ Κυκλωπία VSa, Κυκλωπία Rw REF. SYMBOL: MBV
APP. CRIT.: 1 ἔθνος] γένος Sa | ὀνομαζόμενος C, ὀνομαζόμενον Sa | 2 ἄλλοι ἄλλῃ] Matthiae (from Thom. version, next), ἄλλοι ἄλλως MVCRw, ἄλλοι ἀλλ’ὄσω Sa, ἄλλῃ ἄλλος B | ᾠκίσθησαν om. Sa | οἱ add. before πλείονες Dind. (from Thom. version) [Schw. wrongly implies οἱ is in V] | 3 δὲ om. Sa | 4 ἐξ] ἐ̅ξ̅· (sic) M | καὶ om. Sa | 5 οὗτος … ἐστασίασε Sa | 6 φησὶ V | ὄτι om. MBRwSa | τούτων RwSa | πρῶτοι BVRwSa | οἱ ἀργεῖοι Rw | ὥστε] οἱ ἐν Sa | ἀπελάσασαι Sa, τοῦ ἀπαλλάσσεσθαι Rw | 8 χειρίζοντι Sa | οἱ ἀργεῖοι VCRw, perhaps Ἀργεῖοί ⟨τινες⟩ Mastr.; ‘χειμάζοντι—Ἀργεῖοι haud pauca interierunt, quae remanebant confusa sunt’ Schw. | συμμαχῆσαι Sa | ἐξ λυκίας om. Sa | second καὶ om. C, καὶ τῆς om. RwSa | 9 ‘ὡς—ἐφαίνετο dubito num recto loco se habeant’ Schw. | ἐφαίνετο] ἐγένετο V, ἔφθασε Sa | δεδοικότες οἱ ἀργ. Sa | τὴν ἐπισυμμαχίαν Sa | συντίθενται] καὶ τίθενται Sa | ἀκρίσοις Sa | ἄρχων M | 9–10 προῖτον δὲ τίρυνθος κτλ om. Sa | 9 τίρυνθον V | 10 ὕποπτα ἦν] ὑπὸ παρἦν C | πόλεις] πόλ() πόλ() M | τῶν] τὰς V
APP. CRIT. 2: 1 ἀπο M | 2 κουρήτιδι] Sa, p.c. V (Barnes), κουρίτιδι MC, a.c. VRw, p.c. B (κουρίτιδη a.c. B) | 3 τεχνίται BVCRwSa | 6 ἀπαλάσσεσθαι M | 8 κουρίτιδος MC | 9 ἐπίσακτον s.l. Rw | 10 κ’ἀπειδὴ B | ἦν] ἢν M | κουρίτιδος MC
PREVIOUS EDITIONS: Schw. I.191,26–192,11; Dind. II.239,27–240,13
COMMENT: The order and the plural number of ἄλλοι seen in 2 ἄλλοι ἄλλῃ are more typical of how such idioms appear in the Eur. scholia, against Schwartz’s preference for B’s ἄλλῃ ἄλλος. In 8–9 Schwartz diagnosed major confusion, but although ‘Argives’ tout court cannot well be the subject of φίλοι γίνονται, the subject should not be any outsiders, since the allies from elsewhere are separately addressed in the following sentence. One expects something like τινὲς τῶν Ἀργείων, ‘some of the Argives’, but possibly only τινες has been lost and nominative Ἀργεῖοι is original. | I do not understand Schwartz’s doubts about 9 ‘when spring appeared’. The narrative is coherent. Once the first settlement is reached, Proetus has some time before the sailing season and he uses it to undermine the pact, winning over some of the locals and summoning allies from abroad. With the arrival of spring, his machinations become clear to all Argos, and to avoid war a new pact is made, one more agreeable to Proetus. This narrative seems to be a fully rationalized version of the Cyclopes and the building of the walls. Strabo 8.6.11 mentions separately the Cyclopes who built the walls of Tiryns as only seven in number and says they were summoned from Lycia. Cf. too Paus. 2.16.5 (on Mycenae) λείπεται δὲ ὅμως ἔτι καὶ ἄλλα τοῦ περιβόλου καὶ ἡ πύλη, λέοντες δὲ ἐφεστήκασιν αὐτῇ· Κυκλώπων δὲ καὶ ταῦτα ἔργα εἶναι λέγουσιν, οἳ Προίτῳ τὸ τεῖχος ἐποίησαν ἐν Τίρυνθι; Paus. 7.25.6 Μυκηναίοις {μὲν} γὰρ τὸ μὲν τεῖχος ἁλῶναι κατὰ τὸ ἰσχυρὸν οὐκ ἐδύνατο ὑπὸ Ἀργείων, ἐτετείχιστο γὰρ κατὰ ταὐτὰ τῷ ἐν Τίρυνθι ὑπὸ τῶν Κυκλώπων καλουμένων. | This (along with the Thoman derivative, next) seems to be the only surviving source claiming that this was the first war in which people (or Greeks?) used wooden shields.
KEYWORDS: mythography
Or. 965.07 (thom exeg) ⟨ἰαχείτω δὲ γᾶ Κυκλωπία⟩: 1Κύκλωπες Θράκης ἔνθος ἀπὸ Κύκλωπος βασιλέως ὠνομασμένον. 2οὗτοι πολέμῳ ἐξαναστάντες τῆς ἰδίας γῆς, ἄλλοι ἄλλῃ ᾠκίσθησαν, οἱ πλείονες δὲ αὐτῶν ἐν τῇ Κουρήτιδι. 3ἦσαν δὲ ἄριστοι τεχνῖται πρὸς οἰκοδομίας. 4Ἄβαντι οὖν τῷ βασιλεῖ Ἄργους ἐξ Ἀγλαΐας ἦσαν υἱοὶ δύο, Προῖτος καὶ Ἀκρίσιος. 5οἳ μετὰ θάνατον τοῦ πατρὸς ἐστασίασαν πρὸς ἀλλήλους περὶ τῆς ἄρχης. 6φασὶ δὲ ὡς ἐν τῷ πολέμῳ τούτῳ πρῶτοι ξυλίναις ἀσπίσιν ἐχρήσαντο Ἀργεῖοι. 7μηκυνομένου δὲ τοῦ πολέμου καὶ νῦν μὲν Ἀκρισίου νῦν δὲ Προίτου πλέον ἔχοντος, 8συνθῆκαι παρ᾽ ἀμφοτέροις ἐγένοντο, Ἀκρίσιον μὲν ἄρχειν Ἄργους, Προῖτον δὲ Τίρυνθος. 9κἀπειδὴ ὑποψία ἦν πρὸς ἀλλήλους, ὡς ἀτειχίστων οὐσῶν ὧν ἦρχον πόλεων, ἄμφω μετακαλεσάμενοι Κύκλωπας ἐκ τῆς Κουρήτιδος τειχίζουσι δι᾽ ἐκείνων τὰς πόλεις. 10καὶ διατοῦτο Κυκλωπία γῆ ὠνομασθη τὸ Ἄργος. —ZZaZlZmTGu
TRANSLATION: Cyclopes were a Thracian tribe named after a king Cyclops. These people, dispossessed from their own land by war, settled in various places, and the majority of them in the land of the Couretes (Aetolia/Acarnania). They were excellent craftsmen at construction. Now then, there were two sons born to Abas, king of the Argives, from Aglaea, Proetus and Acrisius. They engaged in strife with each other over the rule after the death of their father. They say that in this war Argives were the first to use shields made of wood. And when the war dragged on and now Acrisius and now Proetus had the advantage, a peace agreement was concluded between the two, specifying that Acrisius rule Argos and Proetus Tiryns. And because there was suspicion toward each other, in that the cities they ruled were unwalled, both summoned the Cyclopes from the land of the Couretes and through them provide their cities with walls. And for this reason Argos was named ‘Cylopean land’.
LEMMA: ἱστορία ὅθεν κυκλωπία γῆ τὸ ἄργος in marg. T REF. SYMBOL: ZZaZl
APP. CRIT.: 1 ὠνομασμένοι Za | 2 πολέμων Zl | ἄλλῃ] ἄλλως Zl | πλείους T | 3 δὲ om. Za | 4 ἄργους om. Za | 6 ὡς om. Zl | 9 ὑποτειχίστων Zl
APP. CRIT. 2: 3 τεχνίται ZZaZmGu | 4 ἀγλαίας T | 8 π(ερὶ) app. Gu | 10 διὰ τοῦτο Zl
PREVIOUS EDITIONS: Dind. II.239, app. at 2
KEYWORDS: mythography
Or. 965.09 (recMoschThom gloss) ⟨ἰαχείτω⟩: θρηνείτω —V3AaFKMnPrRRfrSSaXXaXbYYfGGrZcrZZbZlZmTCrOxB4
APP. CRIT.: καὶ prep. FZcrCrOx
APP. CRIT. 2: θρηνήτω V3RCrOx, θρηνεῖτω Mn
Or. 965.11 (vet exeg) ⟨γᾶ Κυκλωπία⟩: 1γῆ Κυκλώπων. 2λέγει δὲ τὰς Μυκήνας. πλησίον δὲ αὗται τοῦ Ἄργους. 3Κύκλωπες δὲ οἱ ἐγχειρογάστορες περιετείχισαν τὰς Μυκήνας, οὓς ἡ ἱστορία φησὶ τὸν κεραυνὸν τῷ Διῒ κατασκευάσαι. —MBVCRw
TRANSLATION: Land of Cyclopes. And he means Mycenae. This (city) is near Argos. And the Cyplopes who earn their food by the work of their hands built the circuit-wall of Mycenae, the ones who, the standard account says, made the thunderbolt for Zeus.
POSITION: cont. from sch. 965.06 all, only B with punct. (high stop), prep. ἄλλην V
APP. CRIT.: 1 γῆ κυκλώπων] Schw., γῆν κυκλώπων V, κυκλώπων MC, om. BRw | 3 ἐτείχισαν V | κατασκευάσαι] καταϊκετεύσαι M
APP. CRIT. 2: 3 ἐχειρογάστορες C, εὐχειραγάστορες Rw | περιἐτείχισαν M | κατασκευᾶσαι C
PREVIOUS EDITIONS: Schw. I.192,12–14; Dind. II.240,13–16
COMMENT: χειρογάστωρ, ἐγχειρογάστωρ, γαστερόχειρ all have the same sense (cf. also χειρῶναξ); the earliest attestation is of the first of the three, in Hecataeus fr. 367 EGM Fowler, from Pollux 1.50, a citation which has led to the speculation that Hecataeus was referring to these wall-building Cyclopes (see Fowler EGM II.53–56, esp. 55 n. 212). Strabo 8.6.11 reports that they are called γαστερόχειρες.
Or. 965.12 (rec exeg) ⟨γᾶ Κυκλωπία⟩: ἡ τῶν Μυκηναίων γῆ, ἣν Κυκλωπίαν ὠνόμασαν ὡς ὑπὸ τῶν Κυκλώπων τειχισθεῖσαν ὅτε Προῖτος καὶ Ἀκρίσιος οἱ τοῦ Ἄβαντος υἱοὶ περὶ τῆς βασιλείας ἤριζον. —V
TRANSLATION: The land of the Mycenaeans, which they called by the name ‘Cyclopean’ because it was walled by the Cyclopes when Proetus and Acrisius the sons of Abas were contending over the kingship.
LEMMA: κυκλωπία V REF. SYMBOL: V
PREVIOUS EDITIONS: Schw. I.192,19–21; Dind. II.239,22–25
Or. 965.13 (mosch exeg) ⟨γᾶ Κυκλωπία⟩: τὸ Ἄργος, ἀπὸ Κυκλώπων ἔθνους Θρᾳκικοῦ, ὃ ἐπὶ συμμαχίαν κληθὲν ἐπὶ Προίτου αὐτόθι τὴν οἴκησιν ἐποιήσατο. —XXaXbXoT+YYfGGrOx2
TRANSLATION: (‘Cyclopean land’ is) Argos, from Cyclopes, a Thracian tribe, which after being summoned as allies in the time of Proetus took up residence there.
REF. SYMBOL: Xo POSITION: s.l. except XXoT; first two words spaced as sep. Y
APP. CRIT.: ἐπὶ συμμ. … προίτου] καὶ G, ἐπισημασιαν κληθὴ ἐπὶ πρώτου Ox2 | συμμαχίᾳ T
Or. 965.14 (pllgn exeg) ⟨γᾶ Κυκλωπία⟩: ὅτι ἐκτίσθη ὑπὸ τῶν Κυκλώπων. —Aa
TRANSLATION: (‘Cyclopean land’) because it (the city) was built by the Cyclopes.
POSITION: under the words
APP. CRIT. 2: κυκλοπῶν Aa
Or. 965.15 (pllgn exeg) ⟨γᾶ Κυκλωπία⟩: ἡ τῶν Μυκηναίων γῆ λέγεται Κυκλωπία ἀπὸ τοῦ Κύκλωπος τοῦ βασιλέως. —V3
TRANSLATION: The land of the Mycenaeans is called Cyclopean after Cyclops the king.
Or. 965.16 (thom exeg) ⟨γᾶ Κυκλωπία⟩: τὸ Ἄργος —ZZaZbZlZmT
TRANSLATION: (‘Cyclopean land’ is) Argos.
LEMMA: ‑ ωπεία in text Zl POSITION: s.l.
APP. CRIT.: ἤγουν prep. T
Or. 965.17 (rec exeg) ⟨γᾶ Κυκλωπία⟩: τουτέστι αἱ Μυκηναῖαι γυναῖκες —K
TRANSLATION: (‘Cyclopean land’,) that is to say, the women of Mycenae.
Or. 965.18 (pllgn rhet) ⟨γᾶ Κυκλωπία⟩: γλυκύτης —B3d
TRANSLATION: Delightful ornamentation of style.
COMMENT: This remark refers to the allusiveness of the phrase. For this sense, cf. Sch. rec. Soph. Aj. Aj. 801a Christodoulou (on τοῦ Θεστορείου μάντεως) σχῆμα γλυκύτητος. Another application is to poets’ treating inanimate objects as animate, as in Sch. BYa Aesch. Sept. 560h Smith γλυκύτης παρὰ τοῖς ῥήτορσι (referring to the conceit of the shield reproaching its bearer for the beating it will receive from the defender); similarly in Sch. Theocr. 3.40–42g, 8.33b, and elsewhere.
KEYWORDS: γλυκύτης
Or. 965.20 (pllgn gloss) ⟨Κυκλωπία⟩: ἤγουν τῶν Μυκηναίων —AaGu
APP. CRIT. 2: μηκην‑ Aa
Or. 966.01 (pllgn paraphr) ⟨σίδαρον … κούριμον⟩: τουτέστι ξυρῷ κειραμένη τὴν κεφαλὴν —Gu
Or. 966.03 (rec gloss) ⟨σίδαρον … κούριμον⟩: ψαλίδιον —M2VRfrZmLp
APP. CRIT.: ἤγουν prep. Zm | ψαλίδ() M2V, ψαλλίδιον Zm, ψαλλι(ον) Rfr
Or. 966.06 (pllgn gloss) ⟨ἐπὶ κάρα⟩: καὶ ἐπὶ τὴν κεφαλὴν —ZcrZlCrOx
APP. CRIT.: καὶ ἐπὶ τὴν om. Zl
Or. 966.13 (rec gloss) ⟨κούριμον⟩: κουρευτικὸν —V2Aa2MnPrRRfrS
POSITION: s.l. except marg. Aa2
APP. CRIT.: κουρευκτικὸν V2
Or. 966.14 (pllgn gloss) ⟨κούριμον⟩: κουρεύσιμον —F2XGGu
Or. 966.15 (recThom gloss) ⟨κούριμον⟩: κοπτικὸν —SaZlZmGu
Or. 967.01 (vet exeg) τῶν Ἀτρειδῶν πήματα: διὰ τὰ πήματα τῶν Ἀτρειδῶν —MBC
TRANSLATION: (Supply ‘dia’ to construe the phrase:) because of the sufferings of the Atreids.
LEMMA: B; ἀτρειδᾶν in text M REF. SYMBOL: MB POSITION: intermarg. C
PREVIOUS EDITIONS: Schw. I.192,22; Dind. II.241,5
Or. 967.02 (thom exeg) ⟨τῶν Ἀτρειδῶν πήματα⟩: 1τὸ Ἀτρειδῶν πρὸς τὸ στρατηλατῶν Ἑλλάδος ποτ’ ὄντων σύναπτε, 2τὸ δὲ ‘ἔλεος ἔλεος ὅδ’ ἔρχεται τῶν θανουμένων ὕπερ’ διὰ μέσου λάμβανε. 3ἢ σύναπτε τὸ θανουμένων πρὸς τὸ στρατηλατῶν, 4οὐχ ὅτι Ὀρέστης καὶ Ἠλέκτρα, οἱ μέλλοντες ἀποθανεῖσθαι, στρατηλάται ἦσαν τῆς Ἑλλάδος, 5ἀλλ’ ὅτι ἡ τοῦ πατρὸς αὐτῶν τιμὴ αὐτῶν ἐστι. 6κρεῖττον δέ ἐστι τὸ πρῶτον. —ZZaZlZmGu, partial T
TRANSLATION: Construe ‘of Atreids’ with ‘of those once being army-commanders of Greece’, and take the phrase ‘pity, pity arises for those about to die’ as parenthetic. Alternatively, construe ‘those about to die’ with ‘army-commanders’, not because Orestes and Electra, the ones about to die, were commanders of Greece, but because the honor held by their father belongs to them. But the first interpretation is better.
APP. CRIT.: 1 ποτ’ ὄντων ἑλλάδος transp. Zl | 2 ὅδ’] δ’ ὅδ’ T | 3–6 ἢ σύναπτε κτλ om. T
APP. CRIT. 2: 1 πότ] Za | 2 ἕλεος ἕλεος Z | 4 οὐχ’ ZlZm
COMMENT: Note that Triclinius suppresses the second alternative, probably judging it not worthy of mention.
KEYWORDS: διὰ μέσου
Or. 967.03 (thom exeg) ⟨τῶν Ἀτρειδῶν⟩: τοῦ Ἀγαμέμνονος καὶ ἡμῶν —ZlZmGu, perhaps Aa2
TRANSLATION: (‘The Atreids’ refers to) Agamemnon and us.
APP. CRIT.: ἤγουν prep. ZlZm | τοῦ om. Aa2 | Ἀγαμ[έμνονος … ] Aa2
Or. 967.04 (rec exeg) ⟨πήματ’ οἴκων⟩: διὰ —OV3AaFZb1GB2
TRANSLATION: (Supply) ‘dia’ (‘because of’) (to construe the phrase).
APP. CRIT.: τὰ add. FZb1B2
Or. 967.05 (rec exeg) ⟨πήματ’ οἴκων⟩: λείπει ἡ διά· διὰ τὰ πήματα τῶν οἴκων τῶν Ἀτρειδῶν. —PrSa
TRANSLATION: The preposition ‘because of’ is to be supplied: ‘because of the sufferings of the house of the Atreids’.
APP. CRIT.: second διὰ om. Sa | τῶν ἀτρ. om. Sa
KEYWORDS: λείπει
Or. 967.06 (rec exeg) ⟨πήματ’ οἴκων⟩: διὰ τὰ ἁμαρτήματα —MnPrRS
TRANSLATION: (Plain accusative ‘sufferings of the house’ means) ‘because of the misdeeds’.
Or. 967.07 (pllgn exeg) ⟨πήματ’ οἴκων⟩: καὶ διὰ τὰς βλάβας —CrOx
TRANSLATION: (Plain accusative ‘sufferings of the house’ means) ‘because of the harms suffered’.
Or. 967.08 (thom exeg) ⟨πήματ’ οἴκων⟩: μὴ λάβῃς εἰς τὸ πήματα ἔξωθεν διά, ὥς τινες, ἀλλ’ ἔστι πρὸς τὸ ἰαχείτω. —ZZaZlZmTGu
TRANSLATION: Do not supply from outside (the preposition) ‘because of’ to govern ‘sufferings’, as some do; instead, it (‘suffering’) goes (as object) with ‘let (the Cyclopean land) cry out in grief at’.
REF. SYMBOL: ZZa POSITION: s.l. except ZZa; precedes sch. 967.02 Za
APP. CRIT.: ὥς τινες om. ZZa | εἰς om., s.l. add. Za
Or. 968.01 (968–970) (vet exeg) ⟨ἔλεος ἔλεος … ποτ’ ὄντων⟩: 1ἐλεεινοὶ, φησί, καὶ οἰκτροὶ τὴν τύχην ἡμεῖς οἱ μέλλοντες θανεῖσθαι. 2ὅσον οὐδέπω ἐλεηθησόμεθα παῖδες ὄντες τῶν ἐν Ἑλλάδι ποτὲ διαπρεψάντων κατὰ τὴν βασιλείαν. —MbBVCaMnPrRbRwSSa, partial MaOCb
TRANSLATION: We are pitiable, she says, and miserable in our fortune, we who are about to die. Very soon we will be pitied, being the children of those who once were illustrious in Greece for their kingship.
LEMMA: ἔλεος ἔλεος MbVCaRb, ἔλεος Rw REF. SYMBOL: Mb POSITION: cont. from sch. 967.01 BCb; Mb follows Ma
APP. CRIT.: 1 ἀποίκων prep. MaCb | φησί om. O | τὴν ψυχὴν καὶ οἰκτροὶ transp. Rw | τύχην] BO, ψυχὴν others | ἡμεῖς] om. Rw, ὑμεῖς MaCaCb, οἱμεῖς Rb [Mb has ἡμεῖς, contra Schw.] | φανεῖσθαι Rb, φονεῖσθαι MnPrS | 2 ὅσον οὐδέπω κτλ. om. MaOCb | ὄσον … ἐλεηθησόμεθα om. BRw | οὔπω Pr, οὕπω S | ἐλεηθησόμεθα] Schw., κληθησόμεθα all (om. BRw) | ὄντες om. BMn | τῶν ἑλλαδ() Rb | διατριψάντων MnRbS | κατὰ] καὶ Rb
APP. CRIT. 2: 1 ἐλεεινοί φησι BRb | 2 ὅσων a.c. Ca
PREVIOUS EDITIONS: Schw. I.192,24–193,2; Dind. II.241,6–8
COMMENT: It is remotely possible that the variant ὑμεῖς goes back to a paraphrase by someone whose text lacked 957–959 and had a personae nota for the chorus at 960. But unconscious interchange of ἡμεῖς/ὑμεῖς is so common a scribal error that accident is more likely.
Or. 968.02 (968–970) (rec exeg) ⟨ἔλεος ἔλεος … ποτ’ ὄντων⟩: τουτέστιν ὑπὲρ ἡμῶν ἐλεημοσύνη παρὰ τῶν αὐτοχθόνων Μυκηναίων, τὸ θρηνεῖσθαι παρ’ αὐτῶν ἡμᾶς ὅσον οὔπω τεθνηξομένους γεννηθέντας παρὰ τῶν ποτὲ ὄντων στρατηλατῶν τῆς Ἑλλάδος ἤγουν τοῦ Ἀγαμέμνονος. —M2
TRANSLATION: That is to say, pity (is coming) for us from the autochthonous Mycenaeans, (namely) our being lamented by them as we are very soon to die, ones born from those who were once army-commanders of Greece, that is, from Agamemnon.
PREVIOUS EDITIONS: Dind. II.241, app. at 8
Or. 968.03 (968–970) (mosch exeg) ⟨ἔλεος ἔλεος … ποτ’ ὄντων⟩: ἐλεεινότης ἥδε ἔρχεται ἕνεκα τῶν μελλόντων τεθνήξεσθαι παίδων ὄντων τῶν ποτὲ στρατηλατῶν τῆς Ἑλλάδος. —XXaXbXoT+YYfGrOx2
TRANSLATION: This sense of pity is coming for those about to die, being children of those who were once army-commanders of Greece.
POSITION: s.l. except XOx2
APP. CRIT.: ἡ prep. T | ἥδε] ἤδη YGrOx2 | τεθνήξ. μελλ. transp. Xo | second τῶν om. XaXoYGrOx2
APP. CRIT. 2: ἔνεκα Ox2 | τεθνήξασθαι Ox2
Or. 968.04 (968–969) (thom exeg) ⟨ἔλεος ἔλεος … θανουμένων ὕπερ⟩: ἤγουν ἡ ἐπιοῦσα ἡμῖν αὖθις συμφορὰ τοῦ θανάτου ἔλεον ἐγερεῖ παρὰ πάντων. —ZZaZbZlZmTGu
TRANSLATION: That is, the misfortune of death that is approaching us in turn will stir pity from everyone.
POSITION: s.l. except intermarg. Gu
APP. CRIT.: αὖθις om. ZaT | ἔλεος Zb
Or. 968.05 (968–969) (vet paraphr) ⟨ἔλεος ἔλεος … θανουμένων ὕπερ⟩: ὑπὲρ ἡμῶν ἔλεος ἥξει τῶν θανουμένων. —MB
TRANSLATION: Pity will come for us who are about to die.
APP. CRIT. 2: ἤξει M
PREVIOUS EDITIONS: Schw. I.192,23; Dind. II.241,16
Or. 968.06 (rec paraphr) ⟨ἔλεος ἔλεος ὅδ’ ἔρχεται⟩: ἐλεεινότης ἢ ἔλεος καὶ ἐλεημοσύνη ἔρχεται. —K
Or. 968.11 (rec gloss) ⟨ἔλεος ἔλεος⟩: θρῆνος —MnPrRSCrOx
APP. CRIT.: καὶ prep. CrOx | θρῆνος τίς Pr, τις θρῆνος R
Or. 968.16 (pllgn exeg) ⟨ὅδ’⟩: ὧδε —Aa
TRANSLATION: (For ‘hode’, ‘this’, there is a variant) ‘ōde’ (‘thus’ or ‘hither’).
Or. 969.01 (pllgn paraphr) ⟨θανουμένων ὕπερ⟩: ὑπὲρ τῶν τεθνήξεσθαι μέλλοντων παίδων ἡμῶν —G
Or. 969.03 (pllgn gloss) ⟨θανουμένων ὕπερ⟩: ἡμῶν —V3Aa2GuB3d
POSITION: s.l. except marg. B3d
APP. CRIT.: perhaps ὑμῶν V3, faint, but a diaeresis seems to be present over the first letter
Or. 970.01 (rec exeg) ⟨στρατηλατῶν Ἑλλάδος ποτ’ ὄντων⟩: ⟨διὰ⟩ τὸ εἶναι ἀπὸ τῶν ποτὲ ὄντων στρατηλατῶν Ἑλλάδος —K
TRANSLATION: Because they are (born) from those who were once army-commanders of Greece.
LEMMA: ‑λατῶν in text K POSITION: s.l.
Or. 970.11 (thom exeg) ⟨ποτ’⟩: ὅτε κατὰ τῆς Τροίας ἐξώρμησεν. —ZlZmGu
TRANSLATION: (‘Once’ means) ‘at the time when he launched himself into action against Troy’.
APP. CRIT. 2: ‑ησε ZlGu
Or. 970.12 (rec exeg) ⟨ὄντων⟩: λείπει τὸ υἱῶν. —M2
TRANSLATION: ‘Sons/children’ is to be supplied (with the participle ‘being’).
KEYWORDS: λείπει
Or. 970.13 (pllgn gloss) ⟨ὄντων⟩: ⟦τέκνων δῆλον⟧ —F
COMMENT: Crossed out by F because the words were incorporated instead, or were already present, at the end of sch. 969.05.
Or. 971.01 (971–981) (tri metr) ἀντιστροφὴ κώλων ια´ —T
TRANSLATION: Antistrophe of eleven cola.
Or. 971.02 (rec gloss) ⟨βέβακε⟩: ἔφθαρται —VF
APP. CRIT.: καὶ prep. F
APP. CRIT. 2: ἔφθαρτε F
Or. 971.04 (recThom gloss) ⟨βέβακε⟩: ἐφθάρη —KZZaZbZlZmTGu
Or. 971.06 (moschThom gloss) ⟨βέβακε⟩: ἀπῆλθεν —XXaXbXoT+YYfGGrZZaZbZlZmTGu
POSITION: s.l. except X; twice in T, without cross here, with cross above βέβακεν
APP. CRIT. 2: ‑λθε G
Or. 971.09 (pllgn gloss) ⟨βέβακε⟩: ἐρρύη —XXaXbXoT+YYfGGr
POSITION: s.l. except X; above βέβακεν T (cont. from T+ version of sch. 971.06)
Or. 971.17 (pllgn gloss) οἴχεται: ἔφθαρται —XXaXbXoT+YYfGGrAaF2B4
LEMMA: X POSITION: s.l. except X
Or. 971.19 (pllgn gloss) ⟨οἴχεται⟩: ἔφθασεν —F2
POSITION: s.l. (ambig. whether it glosses this or βέβακεν)
Or. 971.20 (pllgn gloss) ⟨τέκνων⟩: ἤγ[ουν … ] —Aa
COLLATION NOTES: check original Aa in curve of binding
Or. 972.01 (mosch paraphr) ⟨πρόπασα γέννα Πέλοπος⟩: πᾶσα γενεὰ τῶν τέκνων τοῦ Πέλοπος —XXaXbXoT+YYfGGr
TRANSLATION: The entire family of the children of Pelops.
POSITION: s.l. except X
APP. CRIT.: πᾶσα om. G
Or. 972.02 (pllgn exeg) ⟨πρόπασα⟩: ἀργόν —G
TRANSLATION: (The prefix ‘pro’ here is) without semantic function.
Or. 972.07 (rec gloss) ⟨γέννα⟩: γενεὰ —MnPrRSZlZmZcr
APP. CRIT.: καὶ ἡ prep. Zcr, ἡ prep. S
APP. CRIT. 2: γεννεὰ Mn, γεναιὰ Zl
Or. 972.10 (972–975) (rec paraphr) ⟨ὅ τ’ ἐπὶ μακαρίοις … ἐν πολίταις⟩: οὗτος ὁ οἶκος ζηλωτὸς ποτὲ ἦν ἐπὶ τοῖς μακαρίοις παισὶ τοῦ Πέλοπος καὶ ὀλβίοις, νῦν δὲ αὐτὸν φθόνος τῶν θεῶν ὤλεσεν καὶ ἡ φονικὴ ψῆφος καὶ κατηγορία ἡ ἐν τοῖς πολίταις ψηφισθεῖσα καθ’ ἡμῶν. —K
TRANSLATION: This house was once admired for the blessed and prosperous children of Pelops, but now the envy of the gods has destroyed it, and (likewise) the deadly verdict and condemnation voted against us among the citizens.
Or. 972.11 (mosch paraphr) ⟨ὅ τ’ ἐπὶ μακαρίοις … ἐν πολίταις⟩: καὶ ὁ οἶκος ὁ ὢν ποτὲ ζηλωτὸς ἐπὶ μακαρίοις, νέμεσις αὐτὸν εἷλε θεία καὶ ἡ ἐν τοῖς πολίταις δυσμενὴς φονία ψῆφος. —XXaXbXoT+YYfGGr
TRANSLATION: And the house that was once admired for blessed things—divine nemesis has overcome it and (likewise) the hostile deadly verdict among the citizens.
APP. CRIT.: first καὶ om. G | καὶ add. before ἐπὶ G | μακαρίαις Yf
APP. CRIT. 2: ὤν ποτε G
PREVIOUS EDITIONS: Dind. II.241,27—242,2
Or. 972.12 (972–973) (vet paraphr) ⟨ὅ τ’ ἐπὶ μακαρίοις … οἶκος⟩: καὶ ὁ οἶκος ὁ πάλαι διὰ τὰς εὐδαιμονίας ζηλωτὸς ὢν βέβηκε καὶ οἴχεται. —B
TRANSLATION: And the house that was admired from of old because of its experiences of good fortune has departed and is gone.
PREVIOUS EDITIONS: Schw. I.193,1–2 with app.; Dind. II.241, app. at 26
Or. 972.13 (972–973) (vet paraphr) ⟨ὅ τ’ ἐπὶ μακαρίοις … οἶκος⟩: καὶ ὁ οἶκος ὁ πάλαι παρὰ τῶν εὐδαιμόνων διὰ τὰ εὐτυχήματα ζηλωτὸς ὢν καὶ ζηλούμενος —MVCPrSa
TRANSLATION: And the house that was from of old admirable and admired by fortunate men because of its successes.
APP. CRIT.: καὶ om. Pr | first ὁ om. C | at end add. βέβακεν M
PREVIOUS EDITIONS: Schw. I.193,3–4; Dind. II.241,26–27
Or. 972.14 (972–973) (vet paraphr) ⟨ὅ τ’ ἐπὶ μακαρίοις … οἶκος⟩: καὶ ὁ οἶκος ὁ πάλαι ποτὲ ζηλωτὸς ὢν καὶ μακάριος —MC
TRANSLATION: And the house that was of old admired and blessed.
PREVIOUS EDITIONS: Schw. I.193,5; Dind. II.241, app. at 26
Or. 972.15 (972–973) (rec paraphr) ⟨ὅ τ’ ἐπὶ μακαρίοις … οἶκος⟩: ὁ διὰ τὰ εὐτυχήματα ζηλούμενος οἶκος —O
TRANSLATION: The house that was admired because of its successes.
Or. 972.16 (972–973) (rec paraphr) ⟨ὅ τ’ ἐπὶ μακαρίοις … οἶκος⟩: ὁ διὰ τὰ εὐτυχήματα ζηλούμενος καὶ ὁ πάλαι ποτε ζηλωτὸς καὶ μακαριστός —Sa
TRANSLATION: The one being admired because of its successes and the one admired and counted blessed from of old.
APP. CRIT. 2: πάλαί ποτε Sa
Or. 972.17 (972–973) (rec paraphr) ⟨ὅ τ’ ἐπὶ μακαρίοις … οἶκος⟩: καὶ ὁ οἶκος ὁ πάλαι ζηλωτὸς καὶ μακάριος, νῦν δὲ δυστυχέστατος —PrSa
TRANSLATION: And the house that was of old admired and blessed, but now is most unfortunate.
POSITION: cont. from sch. 972.13
Or. 972.18 (972–973) (rec paraphr) ⟨ὅ τ’ ἐπὶ μακαρίοις … οἶκος⟩: ὁ καὶ τοῖς ευδαιμονιζομένοις καὶ μακαριζομένοις ἐπίζηλος —V
TRANSLATION: The one attracting admiration even from those counted blessed and those praised for their good fortune.
Or. 972.20 (rec gloss) ⟨ὅ τ’ ἐπὶ μακαρίοις⟩: ὁ ἐπὶ ταὶς εὐτυχίαις —M2
Or. 972.24 (thom exeg) ⟨μακαρίοις⟩: οἴκοις, ἢ μακαρίοις ἀντὶ τοῦ καλλίστοις πράγμασι καὶ δεχομένοις παρὰ πάντων μακαρισμόν. —ZZaZlZmTGu
TRANSLATION: (With ‘blessed’ the noun to supply is) ‘house’, or ‘blessed’ is used for ‘finest actions and ones receiving admiring recognition from all’.
REF. SYMBOL: Za POSITION: s.l. ZlZmGu, marg. Z
APP. CRIT.: τὸ ἐπὶ μακαρίοις ἢ prep. T | οἴκοις om. ZZa (but present as gloss 972.28) | μακαρίοις ἀντὶ τοῦ om. T
Or. 972.25 (rec gloss) ⟨μακαρίοις⟩: βασιλείοις —MnPrRS
APP. CRIT.: ἤγουν prep. R | βασιλ()΄ MnPrS
Or. 973.01 (973–974) (mosch exeg) ⟨ζηλωτὸς ὢν ποτ᾽ οἶκος φθόνος νιν εἷλε⟩: 1ἀφ’ ἑτέρας δὲ πτώσεως ἀρξάμενος, ὥσπερ ἐκ μεταμελείας ἐφ’ ἑτέραν πτῶσιν ἀποδίδωσι τὴν σύνταξιν. 2συνήθης δὲ οὗτος ὁ σχηματισμὸς καὶ τῷ πεζῷ λόγῳ, ὡς παρὰ Φιλοστράτῳ· 3[Philostrtatus Major, Imag. 1.6.2] ‘φαρέτραι μὲν οὖν χρυσόπαστοι καὶ χρυσαῖ καὶ τὰ ἐν αὐταῖς βέλη, γυμνὴ τούτων ἡ ἀγέλη πᾶσα’. —XXbXoT+YfGGr
TRANSLATION: Having begun with one case (nominative ‘oikos’, ‘house’, appearing to be a subject), as if by a change of mind he completes the syntax in agreement with a different case (accusative ‘nin’, ‘it’, object of ‘seized’). This irregular construction is usual also in prose, as in Philostratus: ‘So then, (nominative) quivers studded with gold and made of gold, and the arrows within them—bare of these (genitive), the entire band …’.
POSITION: cont. from 972.11 XoTG, divided from it only by dicolon X
APP. CRIT.: ἑτέραν] ἑτέρα X | σύνηθες Gr | πᾶσα om. XoYfGr
COMMENT: Modern editions of Philostratus accept Olearius’s χρυσᾶ for χρυσαῖ, giving clearly superior sense (‘gold-studded are the quivers and golden also the arrows within them’) and not involving the grammatical irregularity Moschopulus points to, but a simple asyndeton between clauses (just as there is here in Euripides).
KEYWORDS: citation of literature other than Homer (with direct quotation) | Philostratus Maior
Or. 973.02 (mosch gloss) ⟨ζηλωτὸς⟩: μακαριστός —XXaXbXoT+YYfGGrCrOxB4
APP. CRIT.: καὶ prep. CrOx
Or. 973.04 (thom gloss) ⟨ζηλωτὸς⟩: ἐπίφθονος —ZlZmGuG
REF. SYMBOL: Zm POSITION: intermarg. Zm, s.l. others
Or. 973.09 (rec exeg) ⟨οἶκος⟩: οἴχεται ἀπὸ κοινοῦ. —V
TRANSLATION: ‘Is gone’ is understood in common (with ‘house’ as well as ‘whole family’).
KEYWORDS: ἀπὸ κοινοῦ/κατὰ κοινοῦ
Or. 974.01 (974–975) (rec paraphr) ⟨φθόνος νιν … ἐν πολίταις⟩: βασκανία τις θεία καὶ ὀργὴ τοῦτον καθεῖλε καὶ ἡ ἐχθρὰ τῶν πολιτῶν ψῆφος. —V
TRANSLATION: Some divine envy and wrath has brought this (house) down, and (likewise) the hostile verdict of the citizens.
APP. CRIT. 2: τίς V
Or. 974.03 (recMosch gloss) ⟨φθόνος⟩: νέμεσις —KXXaXbXoT+YYfGGrOx2
APP. CRIT.: ἤτοι prep. K
Or. 974.04 (thom gloss) ⟨φθόνος⟩: ὀργὴ —ZZaZbZlZmTGu
Or. 974.06 (rec gram) ⟨φθόνος⟩: φθόνος ἐπὶ τῇ εὐτυχίᾳ τῶν ἀγαθῶν, νέμεσις ἐπὶ τῇ εὐτυχίᾳ τῶν κακῶν. —KG
TRANSLATION: ‘Phthonos’ is directed at the good fortune of good men, ‘nemesis’ at the good fortune of bad men.
APP. CRIT.: φθόνος … ἀγαθῶν transp. to end G | τῇ (both places) om. G
Or. 974.07 (rec exeg) ⟨νιν⟩: αὐτὸν τὸν οἶκον —V3AaMnPrRfrSSaCrOx
TRANSLATION: (The pronoun ‘nin’ refers to) the house itself.
APP. CRIT.: καὶ prep. Cr | αὐτὸν τὸν om. V3AaRfr | ἑαυτὸν Ox
COMMENT: The error of Ox is a result of misreading the abbreviated καὶ in καὶ αὐτὸν (cf. Cr) as ἑ.
Or. 974.08 (thom exeg) ⟨νιν⟩: τὸν οἶκον, ἢ τὴν γένναν —ZZaZbZlZmTGu
TRANSLATION: (The pronoun ‘nin’ refers to) the house (973 ‘oikos’) or the family (972 ‘genna’).
APP. CRIT.: αὐτὸν prep. Gu
APP. CRIT. 2: γέναν Zb, a.c. Gu
Or. 974.10 (rec gloss) ⟨εἷλε⟩: ἐκράτησε —M2F3
APP. CRIT.: καὶ prep. F3
APP. CRIT. 2: ‑σεν F3
Or. 974.14 (thom gloss) ⟨εἷλε⟩: κατέβαλε —ZmGu
APP. CRIT. 2: ‑βαλεν Gu
Or. 974.18 (pllgn paraphr) ⟨ἅ τε δυσμενὴς⟩: ἡ ἄτη πανολεθρία ⟦ἐγένετο⟧ —V3
POSITION: intermarg.
APP. CRIT.: ἐγένετο crossed out here and re-entered as sch. 975.08 in left margin; ambig. whether ἡ ἄτη also cancelled
Or. 974.20 (vetThom etaGloss) ⟨ἅ τε⟩: ἥ τε —MCKPrRZZmTGu
APP. CRIT.: καὶ prep. RGu | τε] MC, om. others
APP. CRIT. 2: ἡ (om. τε) KRGu
Or. 974.24 (mosch gloss) ⟨δυσμενὴς⟩: ἐχθρὰ —XXaXbXoT+YYfGGrF2
APP. CRIT.: ἔχθρα Y, app. ἐχθρός F2
Or. 975.03 (pllgn gram) ⟨φονία⟩: φονεύω φονεία δίφθογγος, φονία δὲ χεὶρ ι̅. —F
TRANSLATION: ‘Phoneuō’ (has a corresponding abstract noun) ‘phoneia’ spelled with diphthong (‘ei’), but (the adjective as in) ‘phonia cheir’ (is) spelled with iota.
LEMMA: φονεία a.c. in text F POSITION: marg.
COMMENT: Cf. Ps.-Herodianus, Partitiones 222,1–2 Boissonade φονεύω, φονεία, ἡ φόνευσις· φονία δὲ χεὶρ καὶ γνώμη, διὰ τοῦ ἰῶτα.
Or. 975.04 (tri metr) ⟨φοινία⟩: long mark over alpha —T
LEMMA: thus in text T
Or. 976.01 (976–977) (thom exeg) ⟨ἰὼ ἰὼ πανδάκρυτ’ ἐφαμέρων ἔθνη πολύπονα⟩: ἀποστροφή —ZmGu
TRANSLATION: Apostrophe.
POSITION: s.l. Zm, marg. Gu
KEYWORDS: apostrophe
Or. 976.02 (976–977) (vet paraphr) ⟨ἰὼ ἰὼ πανδάκρυτ’ ἐφαμέρων ἔθνη πολύπονα⟩: ὦ πολύπονα ἔθνη τῶν ἀνθρώπων —M
PREVIOUS EDITIONS: Schw. I.193,7; Dind. II.242,23
Or. 976.03 (976–977) (vet paraphr) ⟨ἰὼ ἰὼ πανδάκρυτ’ ἐφαμέρων ἔθνη πολύπονα⟩: ὦ πολύπονα τῶν ἀνθρώπων ἔθνη καὶ ὑπὸ πάντων ἄξια θρηνεῖσθαι —B
PREVIOUS EDITIONS: Schw. I.193,7 with app.; Dind. II.242,23–24
Or. 976.05 (thom exeg) ⟨πανδάκρυτ’⟩: πάγκλαυστα διὰ τὰς συμφορὰς, αἷς ἀεὶ περιπίπτετε —ZZaZbZlZmTGu
TRANSLATION: (‘Pangklausta’ means) ‘utterly lamentable because of the disasters that you are always coming up against’.
APP. CRIT.: πίπτετε Za
Or. 976.10 (tri metr) ⟨πανδάκρυτ’⟩: koinē long over second alpha —T
Or. 976.11 (976–977) (pllgn exeg) ⟨ἐφαμέρων ἔθνη⟩: οἱ ἐφ’ ἡμέραν ζῶντες, ἤγουν οἱ ἄνθρωποι —B3a
Or. 976.12 (recMoschThom gloss) ⟨ἐφαμέρων⟩: τῶν ἀνθρώπων —CFKMnPrRSSaXXaXbXoT+YYfGGrZZaZb1ZmZuCrOx
APP. CRIT.: καὶ prep. FCrOx | τῶν om. KMnPrRSXGZZaZb1ZmT
COMMENT: Triclinius seems to have put the cross in the wrong position, given that the attestation of this gloss is so full in the Thoman witnesses. Perhaps the error arose when he was copying a previous version of this page.
Or. 977.04 (tri metr) ⟨ἔθνη⟩: koinē short over epsilon —T
Or. 977.05 (tri exeg) ⟨πολύστονά τε δὴ καὶ πολύποινα⟩: οὕτω χρὴ γράφειν τὸν παρόντα στίχον· ‘πολύστονά τε δὴ καὶ πολύποινα’, ἵν’ εἴη ἴαμβος ὡς καὶ ὁ τῆς στροφῆς. ἐλλιπὴς γὰρ ἦν. διὸ καὶ διωρθώθη παρ’ ἡμῶν, καὶ οἷμαι ὡς καλῶς. —T
TRANSLATION: The present line should be written this way: ‘of many groans indeed and of many punishments’, so that it is an iambus like the line of the strophe. For (this line) was defective. Therefore in fact it has been corrected by me, and I believe (I have done so) in a fine way.
LEMMA: text thus in T; ἡμέτερον in marg. T POSITION: beside 977 Ta, at bottom of 77v T, where 977 is the last line of folio
PREVIOUS EDITIONS: Dind. II.16,18 and 20–22 (repeated 242,6–7 and 9–11); de Fav. 63
COMMENT: The version above is present also in Ta and in Vat. Pal. gr. 223. An expanded version of this (also corrupted by a conflation in the middle) appeared in Arsenius and in later editions up to and including Dindorf (II.242,6–11). The expanded form, without Arsenius’s conflation, is found in Tb (Bar. 74, fol. 99r) and Vat. gr. 897 (100r): οὕτω χρὴ γράφειν (καὶ add. Arsen.) τὰ παρόντα κῶλα, ἵν’ εἴη πρὸς τὰ μέτρα ὀρθά. οὕτω δὲ χρὴ (καὶ ὁ οἶκος ὁ πάλαι διὰ εὐδαιμονίας ζηλωτὸς ὢν βέβηκε καὶ οἴχεται. add. Arsen.) καὶ τὸν ἄλλον (τὸν παρόντα Vat. gr. 897) στίχον ‘πολύστονά τε δὴ καὶ πολύποινα (‑πονα Arsen.)’, ἵν’ εἴη ἴαμβος, ὡς ὁ τῆς στροφῆς· ἐλλιπὴς γὰρ ἦν. διὸ καὶ διωρθώθη παρ’ ἡμῶν, καὶ οἶμαι ὡς καλῶς. Vat. gr. 2241 (89r) has a briefer version: οὕτω χρὴ γράφειν πολύστονά τε καὶ πολύποινα διὰ τὸ μέτρον (δὴ is present in in the text, but omitted in the scholion). This fuller version of Tb starts by explaining Triclinius’s removal of ὢν in 973 (not addressed by any note in T), and thus it has appeared in editions as assigned to line 973 (even in de Faveri, who has the shorter version from T and Ta, referring solely to 977). This is another small detail that raises the question whether there may have been another autograph of Triclinius composed later than T.
Or. 977.06 (thom gloss) ⟨πολύπονα⟩: πολυπαθῆ καὶ πολυσύμφορα —ZZaZbZlZmGu
APP. CRIT.: καὶ πολυσύμ. om. Za
Or. 977.07 (rec artGloss) ⟨πολύπονα⟩: τὰ —PrS
POSITION: s.l. (Pr also wrote τὰ πολύπονα above ἔθνη, but blotted it out)
Or. 977.09 (tri paraphr) ⟨πολύποινα⟩: πολλὰς ποινὰς ὑφιστάμενα, ἤτοι τιμωρίας καὶ συμφοράς —T
LEMMA: thus in text T POSITION: s.l.
Or. 977.10 (977–978) (mosch paraphr) ⟨λεύσσεθ’ ὡς παρ᾽ ἐλπίδας μοῖρα βάινει⟩: βλέπετε πῶς παρ᾽ ἐλπίδας ἡ μοῖρα συμβαίνει. —XXaXbXoT+YYfGr
TRANSLATION: See how fate comes about contrary to expectations.
LEMMA: in text λεύσσετε T; ἐλπίδα T, perhaps a.c. Gr POSITION: s.l. except X
APP. CRIT.: ἐλπίδα TGr(παρελπίδα)
Or. 977.11 (recTri gloss) ⟨λεύσσεθ’⟩: βλέπετε —M2GZcrZb1TZu
LEMMA: λεύσσετε in text T POSITION: s.l.
APP. CRIT.: καὶ prep. Zc
APP. CRIT. 2: βλέπεται Zu
Or. 977.16 (977–978) (rec paraphr) ⟨παρ’ ἐλπίδας μοῖρα βάινει⟩: ἀνελπίστως ἐπέρχεται τοῖς ἀνθρώποις τὰ μεμοιραμένα αὐτοῖς. —V
TRANSLATION: Unexpectedly there comes upon human beings what has been fated for them.
Or. 978.01 (vet exeg) ⟨μοῖρα βαίνει⟩: λείπει τὸ τῶν ἀνθρώπων. —MB
TRANSLATION: ‘Of human beings’ is to be supplied (with ‘fate comes’).
APP. CRIT.: after λείπει add. διὰ B | τὸ τῶν} Mastr., τὸ M, τῶν B
COMMENT: B’s διὰ perhaps results from conflation with a version in which the λείπει-compendium had been corrupted to the διὰ-compendium in a familiar way.
KEYWORDS: λείπει
Or. 978.04 (thom gloss) ⟨μοῖρα⟩: τύχη —ZZaZbZlZmTGuF
APP. CRIT.: ἡ prep. T, καὶ ἡ prep. F
Or. 978.06 (pllgn exeg) ⟨βαίνει⟩: ἤγουν πρὸς τὸ μεμοιραμένον τοῖς ἀνθρώποις —V3
TRANSLATION: (‘Comes’), that is, toward that which is fated for men.
APP. CRIT.: ἤγουν] Mastr., ἡ V3
Or. 979.01 (979–980) (vet exeg) ⟨ἔτερα δ’ ἑτέροις ἀμείβεται πήματ’⟩: λείπει τὸ ἀνθρώποις. —M
TRANSLATION: (With this phrase) ‘for humans’ is to be supplied.
POSITION: intermarg.
KEYWORDS: λείπει
Or. 979.02 (979–980) (pllgn exeg) ⟨ἔτερα δ’ ἑτέροις ἀμείβεται πήματ’⟩: ὁ Οἰνό⟨μα⟩ος, ὁ Πέλοψ, ὁ †Ἦλος†, ὁ Μυρτίλος, ἡ Ἀερόπη. —Aa
TRANSLATION: (The succession of troubles refers to) Oenomaus, Pelops, [corrupt name], Myrtilus, Aerope.
COMMENT: The listing is written with unusual incompetence. It is a mystery what prompted the inclusion of Ἦλος (a rare proper name found in obscure late texts as another names of Cronus) and what it could be a corruption of. Ἠλεύς, the eponym of Elis, and Βῆλος lack any significant mythical activities or sufferings and are not relevant to the Tantalid clan in any case.
Or. 979.03 (979–980) (vet paraphr) ⟨ἔτερα δ’ ἑτέροις ἀμείβεται πήματ’⟩: ἄλλα ἐπ’ ἄλλοις κατὰ διαδοχὴν ἐπέρχεται κακὰ τοῖς ἀνθρώποις. —MB
TRANSLATION: One after another evils come in succession upon humans.
APP. CRIT.: ἀλλ’ ἐπαλλήλοις M
APP. CRIT. 2: ἐπἄλλοις B
PREVIOUS EDITIONS: Schw. I.193,9–10; Dind. II.242,27–28
Or. 979.04 (979–980) (rec paraphr) ⟨ἔτερα δ’ ἑτέροις ἀμείβεται πήματ’⟩: ἀμείβεται ἤτοι κατὰ διαδοχὴν ἐπέρχεται τοῖς ἀνθρώποις ἐπὶ τοῖς προλαβοῦσι κακοῖς ἕτερα κακά. —M2
TRANSLATION: They take turns, that is, come upon humans in succession, on top of previous evils additional evils.
Or. 979.06 (mosch paraphr) ⟨ἑτέροις ἀμείβεται πήματ’⟩: ἐφ’ ἑτέροις πήμασιν ἀμείβεται, κατὰ διαδοχὴν ἔρχεται. —X
APP. CRIT.: ποιήμασιν X
Or. 979.08 (mosch gloss) ⟨ἑτέροις⟩: πήμασι —XaXbXoT+YYfGrV2/3AaZl3
APP. CRIT. 2: ‑σιν XbXoYf
Or. 979.09 (mosch gloss) ⟨ἑτέροις⟩: ἐφ’ —XXaXbXoYYfGGrZb
APP. CRIT. 2: ἐπὶ Zb, ἐφ’ ἑ(τέροις) G
Or. 979.10 (tri gloss) ⟨ἑτέροις⟩: ἀφ᾽ ἑτέρων —T+
POSITION: s.l. above ἕτερα
COMMENT: Despite the position over ἕτερα, the gloss seems to be an adaptation of the Moschopulean ἐφ’ applying to ἑτέροις, and apparently for that reason Triclinius placed a cross in front of this gloss.
Or. 979.14 (mosch gloss) ⟨ἀμείβεται⟩: κατὰ διαδοχὴν ἔρχεται —XaXbXoT+YYfGGr
APP. CRIT.: ἐπέρχεται κατὰ διαδοχὴν transp. G
APP. CRIT. 2: κατα Gr
Or. 979.16 (pllgn gloss) ⟨ἀμείβεται⟩: ἔρχεται —ZbZu
POSITION: s.l.; cont. from next Zu
APP. CRIT.: καὶ prep. Zu
Or. 979.17 (thom gloss) ⟨ἀμείβεται⟩: ἐκ διαδοχῆς ἀπαντᾷ —ZZaZbZlZmTGu
APP. CRIT.: ἤγουν prep. Zl | after διαδ. add. ἀμείβεται ἤγουν Zl
Or. 979.18 (thom gloss) ⟨ἀμείβεται⟩: ἤγουν ἀλλεπάλληλα ἔρχεται —ZlZmGu
POSITION: s.l., cont. from prev.
Or. 979.20 (rec gram) ⟨ἀμείβεται⟩: ἀνταποκρίνεται —K
TRANSLATION: (Elsewhere ‘ameibetai’ can have a different sense:) ‘answers in return’.
Or. 980.03 (pllgn paraphr) ⟨ἐν χρόνῳ μακρῷ⟩: ἤγουν ἐν τῷ παρόντι αἰῶνι, ἢ εἰς μακροὺς χρόνους —Zm
Or. 980.05 (rec gloss) ⟨ἐν χρόνῳ μακρῷ⟩: διηνεκῶς —M2Lp
Or. 980.06 (pllgn gloss) ⟨ἐν χρόνῳ μακρῷ⟩: καὶ ἐν χρόνῳ πολλῷ —F2ZuCrOx
APP. CRIT.: καὶ ἐν χρ. om. F2, χρόνῳ om. CrOx
Or. 980.07 (pllgn exeg) ⟨μικρῷ⟩: μακρῷ —V3
TRANSLATION: (For ‘mikrōi’, ‘small, short’, there is a variant) ‘makrōi’ (‘long’).
LEMMA: thus in text as changed by V3 POSITION: s.l.
Or. 981.01 (rec paraphr) ⟨βροτῶν δ’ ὁ πᾶς ἀστάθμητος αἰών⟩: ἄνισος ἄστατος ἡ ζωὴ τῶν ἀνθρώπων, οὐκ ἐπὶ τοῦ αὐτοῦ ἀεὶ ἱσταμένη ἀλλὰ μεταρριπιζομένη καὶ σαλευομένη. —V
TRANSLATION: Uneven (and) unstable is the life of human beings, not always standing in the same position, but buffeted by gusts of wind and tossed by sea-swells.
Or. 981.03 (vet exeg) ⟨ἀστάθμητος⟩: ἄνισος ἄστατος. ἄλλοι γὰρ ἄλλως ἔχουσι τύχης. —MB
TRANSLATION: (‘Astathmētos’ means) ‘uneven’, ‘unstable’. For different men are in different states of fortune.
APP. CRIT.: ἄλλας ἔχ. τύχας B
PREVIOUS EDITIONS: Schw. I.193,12; Dind. II.243,1–2
Or. 981.10 (recThom gloss) ⟨ἀστάθμητος⟩: ὑπάρχει —KZZaZbZmTGu, app. Zl
POSITION: s.l.; above ὁ πᾶς ZZa
Or. 981.11 (rec gram) ⟨ἀστάθμητος⟩: ὑποστάθμη καὶ ὕλη —K
TRANSLATION: (A word from the same root is) ‘hupostathmē’ (‘substrate’), meaning ‘matter’.
Or. 981.14 (recTri gloss) ⟨αἰών⟩: ὁ χρόνος —MnTZu
APP. CRIT.: καὶ prep. Zu | ὁ om. Mn
TRANSLATION: After the strophe in responsion, he places another strophe standing alone without responsion. At any rate, the metrical forms at hand here are monostrophic and constructed of systems of unequal size, and the meter is varied. The cola are in all thirty-seven. The first is a period formed from an iambic basis and trochaic basis. The second is a pure acatalectic iambic dimeter. The third is a trochaic hephthemimer (called) Euripidean. The fourth is a brachycatalectic epionic trimeter formed from fourth paeon, ionic a maiore with a synizesis, and an iamb. The fifth is a pure hypercatalectic iambic dimeter. The sixth is a hypercatalectic ionic a minore dimeter formed from a first epitrite, a fourth paeon instead of an ionic, and a syllable. The seventh is like the second. The eighth is similar (iambic dimeter) with chorei throughout. The ninth is an iambic basis. The tenth is a trochaic ithyphallic. The eleventh is a compound formed from an anapaestic basis and brachycatalectic iambic dimeter; or if you prefer, a brachycatalectic choriambic trimeter formed from dispondee, diiamb, and a spondee again. The twelfth is like the third. The thirteenth is a similar (iambic) hephthemimer, with the second foot a choreius. The fourteenth is a brachycatalectic ionic trimeter formed from ionic a minore, diiamb, and two anceps syllables. The fifteenth is similar to the thirteenth, (but) pure iambic. The sixteenth is a compound composed of two trochaic penthemimers; or if you prefer, from an ithyphallic and an iambic basis. The seventeenth is a trochaic penthemimer. The eighteenth is an acatalectic ionic dimeter formed from a first paeon in place of an ionic a maiore and a trochaic syzygy, or second epitrite; or if you prefer, an iambic hephthemimer with the first foot a dactyl. The nineteenth is similar to the second. The twentieth is similar to the third. The twenty-first is an iambic trimeter. The twenty-second is similar to the fifteenth. The twenty-third is similar in every way to the eighth. The twenty-fourth is an anpaestic penthemimer. The twenty-fifth is an acatalectic trochaic trimeter with the first foot a choreius, which is called Stesichorean, having the Pindaric habit, that is, an iamb as the last foot. The twenty-sixth is a brachycatalectic iambic trimeter with the first foot a choreius. The twenty-seventh is similar, (but) pure iambic. The twenty-eighth is similar to the fourth. The twenty-ninth is a dactylic tetrameter: for dactylic verses are measured by the single foot, as has been said. The thirtieth is the same. The thirty-first is an acatalectic anapaestic dimeter. The thirty-second is similar (but) catalectic, or a hephthemimer. The thirty-third is an anapaestic basis; or if you prefer, a dactylic dimeter. The thirty-fourth is a similar acatalectic dimeter, with the first foot having a synizesis of the two shorts into one short so that it turns into an anapaest. The thirty-fifth is similar (but) pure. The thirty-sixth is similar to the third, a Euripidean. The thirty-seventh is similar in every way to the eighteenth, being of whichever meter you prefer (that is, ionic or iambic). At the divisions of the systems (986, 995, 1004) a paragraphos, and at the end coronis.
LEMMA: ἡμέτερον in marg. T POSITION: divided over three pages, with ref. symbols to link the parts
APP. CRIT. 2: 2 β̅ʹρον T | 10 ἰθυφαλικὸν T | 16 ἰθυφαλικὸν T
PREVIOUS EDITIONS: Dind. II.16,23–17,32; de Fav. 64–65
COMMENT: There are a few problematic features in Triclinius’s analysis. In colon 2 note the false scansion of alpha in τεταμένον (sch. 982.43). Of colon 8 he says there are chorei ‘throughout’ (διόλου), which would be true if he included the initial ἐ of ἐμέθεν in this colon instead of in colon 9 (which would then be a pure iambic basis rather than one with an anapaestic first foot, not mentioned in the description). But later he says colon 23 is similar in every way to 8, and he clearly does not intend the first syllable of 24 Ἀτρέως to be taken with 23. Thus in both 8 and 23, the final foot is not a choreius, and he assumes an anceps treated as long without saying so in his description. In colon 34 there is the impossible claim that in Ἀερόπης the two initial vowels can be contracted into a single short. | 29 ὡς εἴρηται is a reference to his own Epitome of the nine meters of Hepaestion (Text 1 in the Triclinian treatises in this edition, sent. 13): ἰστέον ὅτι τὰ μὲν ἄνω εἰρημένα (scil. iambic and trochaic) κατὰ συζυγίαν μετρεῖται, τοῦτο (dactylic) δὲ μόνον κατὰ μονοποδίαν. | For the term epionic, see the comment on sch. 140.01.
KEYWORDS: ἀπόθεσις/ἀποθετικόν
Or. 982.02 (982–1011) (tri metr) στροφὴ ἑτέρα μονόστροφος κώλων λζʹ —T
TRANSLATION: Another strophe, standing alone, of 37 cola.
Or. 982.03 (982–1011) (thom exeg) ⟨μόλοιμι τὰν οὐρανοῦ … πολυπόνοις ἀνάγκαις⟩: 1μόλοιμι καὶ ἀνέλθοιμι εἰς τὴν πέτραν τὴν μέσον τοῦ οὐρανοῦ καὶ τῆς γῆς τεταμένην καὶ κρεμαμένην ἐν αἰωρήμασι καὶ ἐν κρεμάσμασιν ἐν ἁλύσεσι χρυσέαισι φερομένην καὶ κινουμένην ἐν δίναισι καὶ συστροφαῖς, βῶλον καὶ λίθον ἐξ Ὀλύμπου, 2ἵνα ἀνὰ τῷ γέροντι πατρὶ Ταντάλῳ βοήσω ἐν θρήνοις ἤτοι κλαύσω, ὃς ἔτεκε τοὺς γεννήτορας ἐμέθεν καὶ ἐμοῦ, ἤτοι τὸν Πέλοπα καὶ τοὺς ἐξ αὐτοῦ, 3οἵτινες τὸ δίωγμα καὶ τὸν δρόμον τῶν πώλων καὶ τῶν ἵππων τοῦ Οἰνομάου ἢ τοῦ Πέλοπος τὸ πτηνὸν καὶ τὸ ταχὺ ἐν τεθριπποβάμονι στόλῳ καὶ πορείᾳ κατεῖδον καὶ ἐθεάσαντο ἄτας καὶ συμφορὰς τῶν οἰκείων δόμων, 4ἤγουν οἷστισιν ἡ πρὸς Οἰνόμαον διφρεία Πέλοπος αἰτία μεγάλων συμφορῶν γεγένηται, 5ὅτε ὁ Πέλοψ ἐν τοῖς πελάγεσι διεδίφρευσε καὶ ἐκ δίφρου ἔρριψε τὸν φόνον τοῦ Μυρτίλου, 6δικὼν καὶ ῥίψας εἰς τὸ οἶδμα καὶ τὸ κῦμα τοῦ πόντου πρὸς ταῖς Γεραιστίαις πέτραις ταῖς λευκοκύμοσι καὶ ταῖς διὰ τῶν κυμάτων λευκαῖς γινομέναις, 7ἁρματεύσας καὶ ἐκ τοῦ ἅρματος ῥίψας ἐν ταῖς ᾐόσι καὶ αἰγιαλοῖς τῶν ποντίων σάλων. 8ὅθεν, ἤγουν ἀπὸ τῆς ῥίψεως ταύτης, τὸ λόχευμα καὶ τὸ γέννημα τοῦ τόκου καὶ τοῦ υἱοῦ τῆς Μαιάδος, ἤτοι ὁ Μυρτίλος ὁ Ἑρμοῦ παῖς, ἦλθεν ἀρὰ πολύστονος τοῖς ἐμοῖς δόμοις, 9ὁπότε τὸ χρυσόμαλλον ὀλοὸν καὶ ὀλέθριον τέρας τῆς ἀρνὸς ἐγένετο ἐν τοῖς ποιμνίοις τοῦ Ἀτρέως τοῦ ἱπποβότα, τουτέστιν ὁπότε ἡ χρυσόμαλλος ὄϊς ἐδόθη τῷ Ἀτρεῖ τέρας, ὡς ἄξιός ἐστι τῆς ἀρχῆς ἐγκρατὴς γεγενῆσθαι. 10ὅθεν, ἤγουν ἀπὸ τῆς ἀρνὸς, ἔρις καὶ φιλονεικία ὑπῆρξεν Ἀτρεῖ καὶ Θυέστῃ. 11τότε ἐς μονόπωλον ἀῶ, ἤγουν εἰς μίαν ἡμέραν μετέβαλεν ὁ Ζεὺς τὴν πρὸς ἕσπερον κέλευθον τοῦ οὐρανοῦ, προσαρμόσας τὸ πτερωτὸν καὶ ταχὺ ἅρμα τοῦ ἡλίου εἰς ὁδὸν ἄλλην, 12καὶ μεταβάλλει τὸ δρόμημα τῆς ἑπταπόρου Πλειάδος εἰς ὁδὸν ἄλλην, τουτέστι τὸν ἥλιον καὶ τὰς ἑπτὰ Πλειάδας, ἐξ ἀνατολῶν ἐς δύσιν ἀνατέλλοντας, 13ἐκ δύσεως εἰς ἀνατολὴν ἀνατεταλκέναι πεποίηκε, δεικνὺς τὴν τῶν γινομένων παρανομίαν τῇ τούτων μετατροπῇ. 14καὶ ἐκ τῶνδε ἀμείβει καὶ ἐκ διαδοχῆς ἐπιφέρει καὶ τὰ ἐπώνυμα δεῖπνα τοῦ Θυέστου καὶ τὰ λέκτρα τῆς Κρήσσης Ἀερόπης τῆς δολίας ἐν δολίοισι γάμοις, ἀμείβει θανάτους θανάτων, 15τουτέστιν ἀπὸ τούτων τῶν πραγμάτων καὶ ἀπ’ ἐκείνου τοῦ καιροῦ συμφοραὶ καὶ θάνατοι οὐ λείπουσιν. 16ὧν αἴτια τό τε φαγεῖν τὸν Θυέστην τοὺς αὐτοῦ παῖδας παρὰ Ἀτρέως σφαγέντας καὶ προτεθέντας εἰς δεῖπνον, καὶ τὸ τὴν Ἀτρέως γυναῖκα Ἀερόπην τῷ Θυέστῃ μοιχᾶσθαι. 17εἰ μὴ γὰρ ἐκεῖνα συνέβη, οὐδὲ ταῦτ’ ἐγεγόνει. 18τὰ πανύστατα δὲ τῶν οἴκων ἦλθεν εἰς ἐμὲ καὶ εἰς τὸν ἐμὸν πατέρα σὺν πολυπόνοις ἀνάγκαις, τουτέστι τὰ ὕστερον δυστυχήματα ὁ ἐμὸς πατὴρ καὶ ἐγὼ δεδυστυχήκαμεν. —ZZaZlZmTGu
TRANSLATION: May I go and depart to the rock stretched out and hanging midway between sky and earth in suspension and hanging by golden chains, borne along and moved in eddies and rotations, a clod-like lump and stone from Olympus, so that I may cry out in mourning-songs to old father Tantalus, who sired my forebears, namely Pelops and his descendants, who spotted and observed the rapid motion and running of the colts, that is, horses, of Oenomaus, or of Pelops, (a running that was) winged and swift in its four-horsed journey and movement, (which was) ruin and disasters for their own household, that is, for whom Pelops’ chariot race against Oenomaus turned out to be the cause of great misfortunes, when on the sea he charioted and threw from his chariot the murder of Myrtilus, having cast and thrown (him) into the swell and wave of the sea near the Geraestian rocks with their white waves, that is, turned white because of the waves, having charioted and thrown (him) from his chariot on the shores and beaches of the sea’s rolling waves. Wherefore, that is as a result of this throwing, the birthed child and offspring of the child and son of Maia, that is, Myrtilus the son of Hermes, came upon my house as a curse bringing many lamentations, when the golden-fleeced baneful and destructive portent of the lamb was born in the flocks of Atreus raiser of horses, that is, when the golden-fleeced sheep was given to Atreus as a sign that he is worthy of having become master of the kingdom. Whence, that is, from the lamb, strife and rivalry arose for Atreus and Thyestes. At that time for a single-horse dawn, that is, for one day, Zeus changed the westward course of the sky, fitting the winged and swift chariot of the sun to another path. And he alters the course of the seven-pathed Pleiades to another route, that is to say, he caused the sun and the seven Pleiades, which rise from the east toward the west, to have risen from the west heading east, making clear by the reversal of these things the violation of law in what was happening. And because of these things he (Zeus) alternates and brings in succession both the eponymous banquet of Thyestes and the (adulterous) marriage-bed of Aerope the duplicitous woman in duplicitous marriage, he alternates deaths with deaths, that is, from these events and from that moment disasters and deaths do not cease. The causes of which are that Thyestes ate his own children when they had been slaughtered by Atreus and set before him in a banquet and that the wife of Atreus, Aerope, committed adultery with Thyestes. For if those things had not occurred, nor would these have happened. And the latest events of the household have come upon me and my father with compulsions causing many sufferings, that is to say, my father and I have experienced the later misfortunes.
LEMMA: ἡ σύνταξις add. above Zr, σύνταξις in marg. T REF. SYMBOL: ZaZl POSITION: T in two parts 1–7 (78r), 8–18 with lemma 996 ὅθεν δόμοισιν (79r); Gu in two parts 1–9 on 48r and 10–18 on 48v (where lines 1001ff. occur)
APP. CRIT.: 1 μόλοιμι … κρεμάσμασιν lost to trimming of margin Zl | μέσην Za [Zl] | γῆς] χθονὸς ZmTGu [Zl] | τεταμένην] πεταμένην Za [Zl] | καὶ κρεμαμένην om. Gu [Zl] | χρυσέαις T | φερομένην] τὴν add. s.l. before φερ. T | δίναις T | τὴν βῶλον λέγω καὶ λίθον τὴν ἐξ ὀλ. T | 2 ἀνακλαύσωμαι T, κλαήσω ZmGu (cf. sch. Thom. Ph. 1262: κλαήσῃ all except T) | γενέτορας T, γεννέτορας ZZa | τῶν δρόμων Gu (corr. Matthiae, editing from Gu only) | 4 πρὸς οἰν. διφρείᾳ] πρὸς οἰνόδιφρία Za | τοῦ πέλοπος Zl | αἰτία] Za, transp. before μεγάλων T, add. s.l. Z (before μεγάλων), transp. after συμφορῶν Zl, om. ZZmGu, a.c. Z (‘adde αἰτία’ Dind., editing from Gu only) | 7 τοῖς add. before αἰγιαλοῖς Z, ταῖς add. Z | 9 ἐν om., s.l. add. Za | γενέσθαι T | 11 ἀὼ] ἠ(ὼ) s.l. ZZa | 12 καὶ μεταβάλλει] Gu, καὶ μεταβάλοι ZZaZlZm, μετέβαλε καὶ T | 13 γενομένων T | παρανομία Z | μετατροπῇ] μεταβολῆ Za, (μετα)τροπῆ s.l. | 14 ἐπώνυμα τοῦ θυ. δεῖπνα transp. ZZa | δολίοις ZlTGu | second ἀμείβει om. T | 15 ἀπ] ἐπ’ Gu | 16 προτιθέντας Z | τὴν τοῦ ἀτρέως Zm | 18 πολυστόνοις Za
APP. CRIT. 2: 3 ‑βάμμονι Gu | 4 οἷστισι Za | διφρία ZZaZlZmGu, T unclear (damage; διφρεία Ta, ~ 74, Matthiae) | 6 ἐς ZlZmT | γερεστίαις a.c. T | 7 ἠΐοσι Gu | 9 χρυσόμαλον ZZaZlGu | χρυσόμαλος ZaZlGu | ἐκρατὴς T (not Ta) | 11 εἰς μονόπ. Za | ἐς μίαν Gu | 12 ἀνατέλοντας Gu | 18 ἤλθε Za
PREVIOUS EDITIONS: Dind. II.244,11–245,1 and 253,8–25
Or. 982.04 (982–995) (pllgn exeg) ⟨μόλοιμι τὰν οὐρανοῦ … ἀϊόσιν ἁρματεύσας⟩: 1εἴθε πορευθείην εἰς τὴν ἐξ οὐρανοῦ κατὰ τὸ μέσον τῆς γῆς, ἤτοι κατὰ κάθετον, τεταμένην καὶ κρεμαμένην ἐν αἰωρήμασι πέτραν, 2λέγω δὴ εἰς τὴν ἐξ Ὀλύμπου φερομένην μετὰ συστροφῆς ἐν χρυσείαις ἁλύσεσι βῶλον, 3ἵνα παρὰ τῷ Ταντάλῳ τῷ γέροντι προγόνῳ θρήνους ποιήσωμαι, ὃς τοὺς ἐμοὺς ἐγέννησε γεννήτορας, οἵτινες δυσχερείας καὶ βλάβας πολλὰς ἐθεάσαντο. 4καὶ λέγει τίνες αἱ βλάβαι ἃς εἶδον οἱ ταύτης πρόγονοι. 5ὁ μὲν Πέλοψ, φησὶν, ἐθεάσατο τὸ ἅρμα τοῦ Οἰνομάου τὸ πτερωτὸν καὶ ταχύτατον. 6οὗτος γὰρ συνέτρεχε τοῖς ἑαυτοῦ γαμβροῖς [γενη]σομένοις ἐπὶ τῇ Ἱπποδαμείᾳ καὶ νικῶν αὐτοὺς ἐφόνευεν. 7εἶδεν οὖν, φησὶν, ὁ Πέλοψ τὸν ταχύτατον δρόμον τῶν ἵππων τοῦ Οἰνομάου τὸν μετὰ τετραΐππου στόλου καὶ πορείας γινόμενον, 8ὁπότε νικήσας τὸν Οἰνόμαον καὶ λαβὼν τὴν Ἱπποδάμειαν καὶ τὸν Μυρτίλον ἐπὶ τοῦ ἅρματος ὡς ἡνίοχον ποιησάμενος, ἐπεὶ ἐζηλοτύπωσεν αὐτῷ δι’ Ἱπποδαμείας, διεδίφρευσεν, 9ἤτοι διὰ τοῦ δίφρου ἐποίησεν αὐτοῦ τὸν φόνον, βαλὼν καὶ ῥίψας αὐτὸν εἰς τὸ κῦμα τῆς θαλάττης, 10ἤτοι ἁρματεύσας καὶ ἐκ τοῦ ἅρματος ῥίψας αὐτὸν ἐν ταῖς τῶν ποντίων σάλων ᾐόσι ταῖς Γεραιστίαις, 11ἔνθα ἡ Γεραιστὸς τὸ τῆς Εὐβοίας ἀκρωτήριον, ταῖς λευκοκύμοσι διὰ τοὺς ἀποτελουμένους αὐταῖς ἐκ κυμάτων ἀφρούς. —VRw
TRANSLATION: Would that I could go to the rock stretched out and hung in suspension from the sky at the middle of the earth, that is, perpendicularly, I mean the clod-like lump borne along from Olympus with rotation by means of golden chains, so that I may make lamentations to Tantalus, the old man progenitor, who sired my forebears, who witnessed many difficulties and damaging events. And he (the poet) tells what are the damaging events that the forebears of this woman saw. Pelops, he says, witnessed the winged and very swift chariot of Oenomaus. For he (Oenomaus) raced with those who would become his son-in-law for the prize of Hippodameia and when he won (the race) he killed them. So then, he says, Pelops saw the very swift running of the horses of Oenomaus that came about with a four-horsed journey and movement, (at the time) when, after defeating Oenomaus and taking Hippodameia and Myrtilus upon his chariot, as if making Myrtilus his charioteer, because he (Pelops) was jealous of him on account of Hippodameia, he charioted, that is, by means of his chariot produced his murder, casting and hurling him into the swell of the sea, that is, having charioted him and thrown him from the chariot at the Geraestian shores of the sea’s rolling waves, (at the place) where Geraestus the promontory of Euboea lies, (the shores) that are white-surfed because of the froth produced by them from the waves.
LEMMA: [ἄλλ]ως app. V POSITION: follows sch. 982.06 V, between sch. 999.01 and 999.02 Rw
APP. CRIT.: 1 τὴν] τὸ V | ἐξ] κατὰ τοῦ Rw | ἤτοι] ἢ τὴν Rw | καὶ κρεμ. om. Rw | 2 λέγω δὴ] Rw, V washed out, possibly was [λέγω δ]ὴ | φερομ. ἐξ ὀλ. transp. Rw | 3 περὶ V | πολλὰς] Rw, πολλ()` V (interpreted as πολλὰ in Dind., Schw.) | τοῦ οἰνομ. τὰ ἅρμα transp. Rw | 6–7 οὗτος … ταχύτατον om. Rw | 7 μετὰ] Rw, V lost to damage | τετραΐππου] τοῦ καλλίπου Rw | 8 αὐτῷ] corr. to or from αὐτὸν V | 10 ἤτοι] ἤγουν Rw | καὶ] om. V | after αὐτόν add. ὅμοιον δέ ἐστι τὸ διεδίφρευσεν Rw | 11 ταῖς ἀποτελουμέναις a.c. Rw
APP. CRIT. 2: 1 αἱωρ‑ V | 8 ἱπποδάμειον app. Rw | μυρτῖλον V | ‑τύπησε Rw | 9 θαλάσσης Rw | 11 γαιρεστίαις … γαιρεστὸς Rw | λευκοκύμα() V
PREVIOUS EDITIONS: Schw. I.194,12–29; Dind. II.246,5–22
KEYWORDS: mythography
Or. 982.05 (982–986) (vet exeg) μόλοιμι τὰν οὐρανοῦ: 1τὸ ἑξῆς· μόλοιμι πρὸς τὴν πέτραν καὶ τὴν βῶλον τὴν τεταμένην ἐξ Ὀλύμπου χθονὸς μέσον καὶ οὐρανοῦ ἁλύσεσι χρυσαῖς καὶ φερομένην δίναισι καὶ αἰωρήμασιν. 2ὁ δὲ λόγος· εἴθε παραγενοίμην εἰς τὴν μεταξὺ γῆς καὶ οὐρανοῦ τεταμένην πέτραν, ἥτις αἰωρεῖται καὶ φέρεται μυρίαις στροφαῖς στρεφομένη καὶ προσηρτημένη χρυσαῖς ἁλύσεσιν ἄνωθεν ἐξ οὐρανοῦ, ἵνα πρὸς τὸν Τάνταλον ἐλθοῦσα ἀποδύρωμαι τὰ συμβάντα. 3Ἀναξαγόρου δὲ μαθητὴς γενόμενος ὁ Εὐριπίδης μύδρον λέγει τὸν ἥλιον· 4οὕτως γὰρ δοξάζει. 5μύδρον δὲ καλοῦσι τὸν πεπυρακτωμένον σίδηρον. 6πέτραν δὲ καὶ βῶλον κατὰ τοῦ αὐτοῦ εἴρηκεν. —MBVCRw, partial PrSa
TRANSLATION: In simpler order: may I go to the rock and the clod-like lump that is suspended from Olympus midway between earth and sky by golden chains and borne along in eddies and by suspension. And the sense is: Would that I could go to the rock suspended between earth and sky, which is suspended and borne along rotating in countless turns and attached from heaven by golden chains from above, in order to go to Tantalus and mourn for what has happened. Euripides, because he had been a student of Anaxagoras, calls the sun a ‘mudros’ (‘lump of hot metal’). For this is what he (Anaxagoras) believes. And they call the iron that is made red-hot in fire ‘mudros’. And he has used the words ‘rock’ and ‘clod-like lump’ in reference to the same thing.
LEMMA: lemma all (τἀν V, τ’ἀν Pr) REF. SYMBOL: MBV POSITION: follows sch. 999.01 Sa, follows sch. 964.05 Rw
APP. CRIT.: 1 τὸν βῶλον Sa | second καὶ om. M | χρυσέαις VPrSa | φερομένην] φθιμένην Sa | δίναις Sa | 2 τὴν] τὰ PrSa | τεταμένην] φερομένην PrSa | αἰώρηται MVC | φέρηται VC, στρέφεται Sa | στροφαῖς and καὶ προσηρτημένη om. MBPrRwSa | ἄνωθεν] app. οὐρανῶθεν a.c. B | ἐξ om., add. s.l. Sa | ἀπελθοῦσα Rw | ἀποδυρομένη MC, ἀπωδυραμένην Pr, ἀπωδυράμην B, ἀπωδυρόμην Sa, ἀποδυραίμην Barnes | 3–6 ἀναξαγ. κτλ om. PrSa | 3 ὁ om. V | 5 σίδηρον om. V | 6 κατὰ τοῦ αὐτοῦ] τὸ αὐτὸ M, κατὰ τοῦτο αὐτὸ BCRw | εἴρηται M
APP. CRIT. 2: 1 ἐξῆς M | τεταμμένην BC (B app. corr. later) | ἀλύσεσι M | δίνεσιν MC, δίνεσι V | αἰωῥήμασιν Sa | 2 παραγενοίμ(εν) app. Rw | τεταμμένην C | ἀλύσεσιν M | 3 ἤλιον M | 4 οὕτω V
PREVIOUS EDITIONS: Schw. I.193,13–22; Dind. II.245,3–12
COMMENT: The ancient commentators’ claim that Euripides was a student of Anaxagoras is an inference from references in his plays that they themselves identified as allusions to that thinker (although there may also have been lost passages of Old Comedy connecting Euripides with another controversial intellectual). Commentators and biographers were compulsive about creating student–pupil relationships whenever they thought they detected a dependency of an idea on someone famous in later doxography for that idea. The idea that Euripides is referring to the sun with πέτραν and βῶλον is an arbitrary importation into the passage, which does not even contain any hint that the rock is hot or bright (the chains are golden, not the rock: but see comment on next).
KEYWORDS: Anaxagoras
Or. 982.06 (vet exeg) ⟨ἄλλως⟩: 1ἡ μὲν ἱστορία λέγει τὸν Τάνταλον ἀνατεταμέναις χερσὶ φέρειν τὸν οὐρανόν· 2νῦν δὲ ὁ Εὐριπίδης ἰδίως τὸν ἥλιον ἐπηρτῆσθαι λέγει αὐτῷ διάπυρον ὄντα μύδρον, ὑφ’ οὗ καὶ δειματοῦσθαι αὐτὸν ἀεί. 3Ἀναξαγόρᾳ [cf. 59 A 72 Diels–Kranz =? Diog. Laert. 2.3.8] δὲ πειθόμενος μύδρον αὐτὸν εἶναι λέγει. 4τινὲς δὲ κυρίως ἀκούουσι βῶλον χρυσῆν ἐπῃωρῆσθαι τῇ κεφαλῇ τοῦ Ταντάλου. 5ὑφιστᾷ δὲ ὁ Εὐριπίδης ἐν τούτοις τὴν Ἠλέκτραν εὐχομένην ὅπως τῷ Ταντάλῳ ἀποδύρηται τὰ συμβάντα τοῖς προγόνοις αὐτῆς. 6ὅμοιον τοῦτο τῷ ἐν Πειρίθῳ [Eur. TGF fr. 593.1–2 Nauck = Critias TrGF 43 F 4.1–2 Kannicht] ‘σὲ τὸν αὐτοφυῆ, τὸν ἐν αἰθερίῳ ῥόμβῳ πάντων φύσιν ἐμπλέξαντα’· 7οὐδὲν γὰρ διαφέρει ὑπὸ τῆς φύσεως εἰπεῖν πάντα διαπεπλέχθαι καὶ ὑπὸ ἁλύσεως ἐξηρτῆσθαι τὸν λίθον. —MBVCRw
TRANSLATION: The traditional story says that Tantalus carries the sky in his upstretched arms. But now Euripides in an individual twist says the sun is suspended over him, being a clod-like lump of metal heated red-hot, by which he is in fact always terrified. Following Anaxagoras, he (Euripides) says it is a clod-like lump of hot metal. But some understand it with a normal sense of the word, that a golden clod-like lump is suspended over Tantalus’s head. Euripides presents in these lines Electra praying that she may address to Tantalus her lament for what has befallen her forebears. This is similar to the idea in (the play) Peirithous, ‘you, the self-generated one, the one who has interwoven the nature of all things in the rotation of the ether’. For there is no difference between saying that all things have been woven together by nature and that the stone has been hung from a chain.
LEMMA: corrupted to ἀλλ’ in all POSITION: cont. from prev., prep. ἀλλ’, all
APP. CRIT.: 2 δὲ] μὲν V | ἰδίως om. V | αὐτῷ] αὐτὸν MC | ἀφ’ οὗ Rw | αὐτὸν] αὐτοῦ MVC | 3 δὲ om. BRw | ἀναξαγόρας C | λέγουσι C, λέγοντι BRw | 4 δὲ om. V | ἐπαιωρῆσθαι V | 5 ὑφίσταται MVC | τὴν ἠλέκτραν ἐν τούτοις transp. V | ἐχομένην M(or ἀχ-?)CRw | προγόνοις αὐτῆς] M, προγόνοις αὐτοῦ VC, ἀπογόνοις αὐτοῦ BRw | 6 erasure of 5–6 letters before ὅμοιον V (maybe τὸ ἐν or ἢ τὸ ἐν, that is ὅμοιον at first omitted) | τοῦτο τῷ] CRw, τοῦτο τὸ V, τούτω τῷ M, τούτῳ τὸ B | πειρίνθῳ VC | first τὸν om. M | πλέξαντα V, ἐκπλέξαντα Rw | 7 οὐδὲ γὰρ MCRw, οὐ γὰρ V | first ὑπὸ] Rw (Arsen., MeMuPh), ὑπὲρ others | εἰπὼν BRw | καὶ om. MVCRw | second ὑπὸ] ὑπὲρ C | τὸν λίθον] Mastr., τοῦ λίθου all
APP. CRIT. 2: 1 ἀνατεταμμέναις C | 2 ὑφ’ οὖ M, ὑφοὗ B | 4 χρυσὴν C | 6 πειριθῶ Rw
PREVIOUS EDITIONS: Schw. I.193,23–194,6; Dind. II.245,12–21
COMMENT: The scholion seems to have been transmitted in a damaged or corrupt form or one featuring many truncated words, which have been wrongly expanded. Note the BRw version of 3, with λέγοντι along with the omission of δὲ to accommodate it (or vice versa). In 5 ὑφίσταται, preferred by Schwartz apparently because it is in M, cannot stand, since only the active is used in the requisite sense; so Dindorf was right to retain ὑφιστᾷ of the previous editions even when aware of the reading of MV. I do not know in what sense previous editors kept 7 τοῦ λίθου. | A further sign of some confusion is the claim that a standard version has Tantalus holding up the sky (like Atlas!), yet this is not known from any other source, and ἡ ἱστορία had several more frequently mentioned versions of Tantalus’s torments (see Gantz 531–536). Perhaps the old core of this note began with ἰδίως (like Sch. Hec. 3, Or. 1645, Ph. 1116, Andr. 24) and what precedes that is an ill-conceived addition. On the sense of ἰδίως in this scholion see Meijering 1987: 226–227. | For the idea that the βῶλος is golden see also Diog. Laert. 2.3.10 φασὶ δ’ αὐτὸν προειπεῖν τὴν περὶ Αἰγὸς ποταμοὺς γενομένην τοῦ λίθου πτῶσιν, ὃν εἶπεν ἐκ τοῦ ἡλίου πεσεῖσθαι. ὅθεν καὶ Εὐριπίδην, μαθητὴν ὄντα αὐτοῦ, χρυσέαν βῶλον εἰπεῖν τὸν ἥλιον ἐν τῷ Φαέθοντι (Phaethon TrGF 72 F 783 Kannicht), where Matthiae suspected ‘in Phaethon’ was an error for ‘in Orestes’. The same phrase is found in Sch. Ap. Rhod. 1.496–498b (p. 44, 7–10 Wendel) … Ἀναξαγόρας (cf. 59 A 72 Diels—Kranz) δὲ μύδρον εἶναι τὸν ἥλιόν φησιν, ἐξ οὗ τὰ πάντα γίνεσθαι. διὸ καὶ Εὐριπίδης γνώριμος αὐτῷ γεγονώς φησι χρυσέαν βῶλον τὸν ἥλιον εἶναι, where Wendel adds a reference to this passage of Orestes. On Tantalus and Anaxagoras’s theory cf. Diog. Laert. 2.3.8 οὗτος (Anaxagoras) ἔλεγε τὸν ἥλιον μύδρον εἶναι διάπυρον καὶ μείζω τῆς Πελοποννήσου (οἱ δέ φασι Τάνταλον). | For τινὲς see comment on next.
COLLATION NOTES: In sent. 7, ὑπὲρ appears in V (52r, first line of bottom block) in a form of abbreviation that is, to my recollection, not used elsewhere in V: cf. Tsereteli, Table X, last two in second row for ΥΠΕΡ.
KEYWORDS: citation of literature other than Homer (with direct quotation) | citation of literature other than Homer | Euripides or Critias, Peirithous | Anaxagoras | ἱστορία | ἰδίως
Or. 982.07 (vet exeg) ἄλλως: 1διὰ τούτων καὶ παραδηλοῦται ὅτι ὁ Τάνταλος αὐτόθι εἴη μεταξὺ γῆς καὶ οὐρανοῦ αἴσθησιν ἔχων πάντων τῶν πεπραγμένων. 2εἰ δ’ ἄρα τινὲς διαποροῦσι πῶς ἐξ ἁλύσεως παρηρτημένος περίεισιν ὁ ἥλιος, γινωσκέτωσαν ὅτι τὰ φυσικὰ τοῖς μυθικοῖς καταμίγνυσιν ὁ Εὐριπίδης. —MBV/V1CRbRw
TRANSLATION: Through these (lines) it is indirectly made clear that Tantalus is there between earth and sky, having awareness of everything that has been done. And if some are puzzled how the sun makes its circuit when it has been suspended from chains, let them understand that Euripides mixes what belongs to the science of nature with the mythical.
LEMMA: ἄλλως in marg. B, 983 πέτραν ἁλύσεσι others (lemma add. V1) REF. SYMBOL: VRb
APP. CRIT.: 1–2 διὰ τούτων … ἄρα τινὲς om. V, add. (with lemma) in blank space V1 | 1 καὶ om. BV1Rb | προδηλοῦνται Rb | αὐτάθ() app. Rb | εἴη] εἶ MC, ἐστὶ B, ἐστὶ ἐν Rw | 2 τινὸς B | δ’ ἀποροῦσι Rb | παρηρτημένος] Schw., περιηρτημένος MBCRbRw, διηρτημένος V | περίεισιν] Dind., περιίησιν MBRb, περίησιν VCRw | τὰ μυθικὰ τοῖς φυσικοῖς V, τὴν φύσιν τοῖς μυθικοῖς Rw | ἀναμίγνυσιν Rb
APP. CRIT. 2: 1 ἔσθησιν Rb | 2 ἆρα MRb | τινες Rw | ἐξαλύσεως Rb | ἤλιος app. M
PREVIOUS EDITIONS: Schw. I.194,7–11; Dind. II.245,22–246,4
COMMENT: The specific lemma πέτραν ἁλύσεσι in M and others is inferred from ἐξ ἁλύσεως in the second sentence, but the note actually addresses the wider passage, as recognized in B. | The τινὲς mentioned here may be the same as the τὶνες of sent. 4 of the prev. scholion, since rejecting the allusion to Anaxagoras and arguing that βῶλον is just a rock could well go together in a comment.
COLLATION NOTES: To fill the space left by V, V1 fills out the last line of the blank with a long stroke because the only word that runs over onto this line is 2 τινὲς.
KEYWORDS: Anaxagoras | criticism and defence of poet
Or. 982.08 (982–986) (rec exeg) ⟨μόλοιμι τὰν οὐρανοῦ … πατέρι Ταντάλῳ⟩: εἰς τὸν Ἠριδανὸν ποταμὸν κρέμαται ὁ Τάνταλος. —V1Rw
TRANSLATION: Tantalus is suspended at the river Eridanus.
APP. CRIT.: ἐριδανὸν V1
PREVIOUS EDITIONS: Schw. I.195,1; Dind. II.246,22–23
COMMENT: There is no other passage extant in which Tantalus is associated with the Eridanus. Perhaps this (ad hoc?) claim is related to the interpretation κατὰ μέσον τῆς γῆς given in sch. 982.04.
Or. 982.09 (982–986) (rec paraphr) ⟨μόλοιμι τὰν οὐρανοῦ … πατέρι Ταντάλῳ⟩: εἴθε γένωμαι μεταξὺ γῆς καὶ οὐρανοῦ πρὸς τὸν Τάνταλον ἐλθοῦσα, ἀποδυρομένη τὰ σύμπαντα. —OGu
TRANSLATION: May I be between earth and sky having come to Tantalus, bewailing what has happened.
APP. CRIT.: γενοίμην Gu | after ἐλθοῦσα add. καὶ Gu
APP. CRIT. 2: For a wish expressed by εἴθε and the subjunctive, cf. the Byzantine vernacular εἴθε νὰ + subj. as well as sch. V Hec. 72 (Dind. I.238,12–13) εἴθε πόρρω ἀπ’ ἐμοῦ γένηται [γέν()τ() V] ἡ ὄψις αὕτη; Sch. Soph. Phil. 1092 Papageorgiou εἴθε … ἕλωσι; and the variant εἴθε παραγένωμαι in Aa in sch. 982.18.
KEYWORDS: Byzantine or vernacular word/form/usage
Or. 982.10 (982–984) (mosch exeg) μόλοιμι: 1εἴθε ἀπέλθοιμι εἰς τὴν πέτραν τὴν αἰωρουμένην μέσον τοῦ οὐρανοῦ καὶ τῆς χθονὸς, 2τὴν βῶλον λέγω τὴν δι’ ἁλύσεων χρυσῶν φερομένην ἐν στροφαῖς ἐξ Ὀλύμπου ἤγουν ἐκ τοῦ οὐρανοῦ. —XXaXbXoT+YYfGGrOx2
TRANSLATION: Would that I could go away to the rock suspended midway between the sky and the earth, I mean the clod-like lump that with golden chains is borne along in rotation from Olympus, that is, from the sky.
LEMMA: T, σύνταξις in marg.; μόλοιμι τὰν οὐρανοῦ G POSITION: marg. Ox2
APP. CRIT.: 1 first τὴν om. G | καὶ om. Y | 2 βόλω Y, βῶλον Ya | ἐκ om., s.l. add. Gr
Or. 982.11 (982–984) (rec wdord) α (μόλοιμι), β (τὰν), γ (πέτραν), δ (βῶλον), ε (τεταμέναν), ϛ (μέσον) ζ (οὐρανοῦ), καὶ η (χθονὸς), θ (φερομέναν), ι (χρυσέαισι), ια (ἀλύσεσι), ιβ (δίναισι), ιγ (ὀλύμπου) —M2
Or. 982.12 (982–984) (rec wdord) α (μόλοιμι), β (αἰωρ.), γ (τεταμέναν), δ (μέσον), ε (οὐρανοῦ), ϛ (χθονὸς), ζ and η (βῶλον), θ (φερομέναν), ι (ἐξ ὀλύμπου), ια (δίναισι), ιβ (ἁλύσεσι) —Mn
Or. 982.13 (982–984) (rec wdord) α (μόλοιμι), β (πέτραν), γ (τεταμέναν), δ (μέσον), ε (βῶλον), ϛ (οὐρανοῦ), ϛ (χθονὸς), [ζ missing?], η (φερομέναν), ι (ἐξ ὀλύμπου), ια (ἁλύσεσι) —R
Or. 982.14 (982–984) (pllgn wdord) α (μόλοιμι), β (πέτραν), γ (τεταμένην), δ (οὐρανοῦ), ε (βῶλον), ϛ (ἐξ ὀλ.), ζ (φερομέναν), η (δίναισι), θ (ἁλύσεσι) —F
Or. 982.15 (982–984) (pllgn wdord) α (μόλοιμι), β and γ (τεταμέναν) (sic), γ and δ (μέσον) (sic), δ (οὐρανοῦ), ε (χθονὸς), ϛ not detected, ζ (ἐξ ὀλ.), η (δίναισι), θ/ι not detected, ια (αἰωρήμασι) —Aa
Or. 982.17 (pllgn wdord) α (μόλοιμι), β (τὰν and τεταμέναν), γ (πέτραν), δ (μέσον), ε (οὐρανοῦ), ϛ (χθονὸς) —V3
Or. 982.18 (vet gloss) ⟨μόλοιμι⟩: εἴθε παραγενοίμην —MBAa
TRANSLATION: May I arrive.
POSITION: s.l. MAa, intermarg. B
APP. CRIT.: παραγένωμαι Aa
PREVIOUS EDITIONS: Schw. I.195,2; Dind. II.246,24
Or. 982.19 (recThom gloss) ⟨μόλοιμι⟩: εἴθε καταλάβοιμι —M2MnPrSSaZmGuZc
REF. SYMBOL: M2 POSITION: s.l. except marg. M2
Or. 982.20 (pllgn gloss) ⟨μόλοιμι⟩: εἴθε πορευθείην —V3F3
APP. CRIT.: εἴθε] καὶ F3(add. νὰ s.l.)
Or. 982.22 (mosch gloss) ⟨μόλοιμι⟩: εἴθε ἀπέλθοιμι —XaXbXoT+YYfGGr
POSITION: s.l. (also written above next line, but crossed out Yf)
APP. CRIT.: εἴθε om. G
Or. 982.23 (pllgn gloss) ⟨μόλοιμι⟩: ἔλθοιμι —ZZbZlZmTGuCrOx
APP. CRIT.: καὶ prep. CrOx
Or. 982.25 (rec gram) ⟨τὰν⟩: τῷ ἐλθεῖν λείπει ἡ εἰς. —K
TRANSLATION: The preposition ‘eis’(‘to’) is omitted with the verb ‘go’ (i.e., in poetic usage, when an accusative of destination follows).
APP. CRIT.: τὸ K
KEYWORDS: λείπει
Or. 982.37 (pllgn gloss) ⟨τεταμέναν⟩: ἡπλωμένην —GZu
APP. CRIT.: καὶ prep. Zu
APP. CRIT. 2: ὐπλωμ‑ Zu
Or. 982.38 (rec gloss) ⟨τεταμέναν⟩: αἰωρισμένην —O
COMMENT: There are five attestations of αἰωρίζω in TLG, dating from the 4th cent. onward. This is the first attestation of the perfect (here without reduplication).
KEYWORDS: rare word | Byzantine or vernacular word/form/usage
Or. 982.39 (recMosch gloss) ⟨τεταμέναν⟩: αἰωρουμένην —KXXaXbXoT+YYfGGrB4
APP. CRIT.: τὴν prep. K | ‑μένη G
Or. 982.40 (thom gloss) ⟨τεταμέναν⟩: κρεμαμένην —ZZaZbZlZmTGuYf2FOx
LEMMA: τεταμένη in text Ox POSITION: s.l.
APP. CRIT.: καὶ prep. FOx | ‑αμένη Ox
APP. CRIT. 2: κρεμμα‑ Yf2Ox
Or. 982.43 (tri metr) ⟨τεταμέναν⟩: long mark over first alpha —T
COMMENT: Incorrect scansion: see sch. 982.01.
Or. 983.01 (recThom gloss) ⟨αἰωρήμασι⟩: κρεμάσμασιν —M2FZZaZuTGuCrOx
LEMMA: ‑σιν in text T REF. SYMBOL: M2 POSITION: s.l. except marg. M2
APP. CRIT.: καὶ prep. ZCrOx, καὶ ἐν prep. F, ἤγουν τοῖς prep. Zu | κρέμμασι Zu
APP. CRIT. 2: ‑ασι FZa
Or. 983.02 (rec gloss) ⟨αἰωρήμασι⟩: ἐπικρεμάσμασι —MnS
APP. CRIT. 2: ἐπικρεμμάσμασι Mn
Or. 983.03 (rec gloss) ⟨αἰωρήμασι⟩: σὺν κρεμάσμασι —PrR
APP. CRIT.: σὺν κρεμ.] Mastr., συγκρεμάσμασι Pr, συγκρεσμάμασι a.c. R, app. συγκρεσμάσμασι p.c. R
COMMENT: Although συγκρέμαμαι exists in late Greek, with the meaning ‘crucify along with’, there is no other evidence for the compound noun, and the prefix συν‑ makes no sense here.
Or. 983.04 (thom gloss) ⟨αἰωρήμασι⟩: κρεμάθραις —ZcZaZbZlZmGu
Or. 983.05 (pllgn gloss) ⟨αἰωρήμασι⟩: βαστάγμασι —Lp
Or. 983.06 (vet exeg) ⟨πέτραν⟩: πέτραν καὶ βῶλον τὸ αὐτὸ εἴρηκεν. —MC
TRANSLATION: He (the poet) has referred to ‘petran’ (‘rock’) and ‘bōlon’ (‘clod-like lump’) as the same thing.
REF. SYMBOL: M POSITION: marg. M, s.l. C
APP. CRIT.: τὴν αὐτὴν C
PREVIOUS EDITIONS: Dind. II.245, app. at 12
COMMENT: See also sch. 984.16–17 for the same view attached to βῶλον instead, and the objection from the Thoman circle in sch. 984.18.
Or. 983.09 (rec exeg) ⟨ἁλύσεσι χρυσέαισι⟩: ἁλύσεων χρυσῶν —VMnPrRSSa
TRANSLATION: (The dative should be paraphrased with the genitive by antiptosis:) ‘(in suspension) of golden chains’.
APP. CRIT. 2: ἀλ‑ S
KEYWORDS: ἀντίπτωσις
Or. 983.10 (thom exeg) ⟨ἁλύσεσι χρυσέαισι⟩: τὸ ‘ἁλύσεσι χρυσέαισι’ ἑρμηνεία ἐστὶ τοῦ ‘αἰωρήμασιν’. —ZlZmTGu
TRANSLATION: The phrase ‘with golden chains’ is a clarification of ‘in suspension’ (‘aiōrēmasi’).
LEMMA: χρυσέαις in text T POSITION: s.l.
APP. CRIT.: τὸ ἁλύσεσι χρ.] τοῦτο τὸ ἁλ. χρ. Zl, τοῦτο T | χρυσέαισ(ιν) ZlZm, χρυσέαις Gu
APP. CRIT. 2: ἀλύ‑ Zm | ἐστι Gu | ‑μασι TGu
Or. 984.02 (rec gloss) ⟨φερομέναν⟩: βασταζομένην —M2B3aLp
Or. 984.04 (thom gloss) ⟨φερομέναν⟩: κινουμένην, ἀγομένην —ZcZaZbZmTGu
APP. CRIT.: ἀγομένην om. Za
Or. 984.05 (rec gloss) ⟨φερομέναν⟩: τορνευτὸν —Rf2
POSITION: s.l. (above δίναισι)
Or. 984.10 (recThom gloss) ⟨δίναισι⟩: συστροφαῖς —M2KMnPrRSZZaZbZlZmZuGuZcrOx, p.c. V3
POSITION: s.l. except marg. M2(cont. from prev.)
APP. CRIT.: ἐν prep. V3PrMnS, καὶ ἐν prep. Zcr, καὶ prep. Ox | μετὰ συστοφῶν a.c. V3
Or. 984.12 (mosch gloss) ⟨δίναισι⟩: ἐν στροφαῖς —XaXbXoT*YYfGGr
Or. 984.14 (pllgn gram) ⟨δίναισι⟩: κατὰ κάθετον καὶ κατὰ διάμετρον —F
TRANSLATION: On a perpendicular axis and on a diagonal.
COMMENT: I classify this as ‘gram’ instead of ‘exeg’ because I find it difficult to identify its relevance to the rock, which cannot be rotating on two axes at once.
Or. 984.16 (rec exeg) ⟨βῶλον⟩: πέτραν καὶ βῶλον ἐκ παραλλήλου τὸ αὐτό. —V3K
TRANSLATION: ‘Rock’ and ‘clod-like lump’ are used in parallel (expressing) the same thing.
APP. CRIT.: ἐκ παραλλήλου om,. V3 | τὴν αὐτὴν V3 (cf. C’s variant in sch. 983.06)
COMMENT: For this and the next scholion cf. sch. 983.06.
KEYWORDS: ἐκ παραλλήλου
Or. 984.18 (thom exeg) ⟨βῶλον⟩: 1τὸ βῶλον καὶ τὸ πέτραν οὐκ ἔστιν ἐκ παραλλήλου, 2ἀλλ’ ἐπειδὴ πέτραν εἶπεν, ἡ δὲ πέτρα ἐκ γῆς, αὕτη δὲ καὶ ἐπὶ Ταντάλου κρεμαμένη ἐξ οὐρανοῦ ἦν, 3διατοῦτο εἴρηκε βῶλον ἐξ Ὀλύμπου. —ZlZmGu
TRANSLATION: ‘Rock’ and ‘clod-like lump’ are not used in parallel, but since he used the word ‘rock’, and rock is from the earth, and this one was also suspended over Tantalus from the sky, therefore he said ‘clod-like lump from Olympus’.
POSITION: s.l. ZlZm, marg. Gu
APP. CRIT.: 2 ἡ] εἰ Zm | καὶ] ἡ Zl
APP. CRIT. 2: διὰ τοῦτο Zl
PREVIOUS EDITIONS: Dind. II.246,31–247,2
COMMENT: Thomas is perhaps claiming that βῶλον ἐξ Ὀλύμπου is not simply a synonym of πέτραν, but is a clarification of it. This idea could have been expressed more clearly with the term ἑρμηνεία, as applied to another apparent duplication in sch. 983.10.
KEYWORDS: ἐκ παραλλήλου
Or. 984.19 (recThom gloss) ⟨βῶλον⟩: λίθον —MnZZaZbZlZmTGuGZcr
APP. CRIT.: τὸν prep. G, καὶ τὴν prep. Zcr
Or. 984.24 (recTri gloss) ⟨ἐξ Ὀλύμπου⟩: ἐκ τοῦ οὐρανοῦ —MnPrSTGuZcrCrOx
APP. CRIT.: ἐκ] MnGu, ἐξ S, ἤγουν Zcr, καὶ CrOx, om. PrT | τοῦ om. PrS
Or. 985.01 (pllgn paraphr) ⟨ἵν’ ἐν θρήνοισιν ἀναβοάσω⟩: ὅπου ὁ Τάνταλος ἐλθὼν —V3
TRANSLATION: (‘In order to cry out in laments’,) having gone to where Tantalus is.
COMMENT: The masculine participle is used to modify the implied feminine subject, in vernacular manner.
KEYWORDS: Byzantine or vernacular word/form/usage
Or. 985.04 (thom paraphr) ⟨ἐν θρήνοισιν ἀναβοάσω⟩: ἤγουν θρηνητικῶς διηγήσομαι —ZZbZlZmTGu
APP. CRIT.: ἤγουν om. Gu | βοήσω καὶ add. before διηγ. Z | διηγήσωμαι T
APP. CRIT. 2: θρηνητικὸς Zm
Or. 985.06 (vet paraphr) ⟨ἐν θρήνοισιν⟩: τουτέστι μετὰ θρήνων —MBOCV3AaB3a
TRANSLATION: (‘In lamentations’,) that is, ‘with lamentations’.
POSITION: s.l. except marg. O, intermarg. BC
APP. CRIT.: τουτέστι] ἤγουν V3, om. OAaB3a | τῶν add. before θρήνων C
APP. CRIT. 2: τοῦτέστι B
PREVIOUS EDITIONS: Schw. I.195,3; Dind. II.247,3
Or. 985.09 (thom gloss) ⟨ἀναβοάσω⟩: μεγάλως βοήσω —ZlZmGu
Or. 985.10 (pllgn gloss) ⟨ἀναβοάσω⟩: ἤτοι κλαύσω —Gu
Or. 985.13 (pllgn gloss) ⟨ἀναβοάσω⟩: τὰ συμβάντα —B3a
POSITION: intermarg.
Or. 986.01 (rec exeg) ⟨γέροντι πατέρι⟩: ἱστορία διάκειται ὧδε. —V1
TRANSLATION: The(?) mythical account is disposed like this(?).
COMMENT: This oddly-expressed comment is found entered by V1 also in sch. 999.05 and 1004.18, and nowhere else that I have found. Perhaps it is an eccentric way of saying that what is told here is traditional mythical narrative, that is, events are expressed μυθικῶς rather than φυσικῶς. But if so, why is it placed precisely over γέροντι πατέρι? If there were a major mythographic note (ἱστορία) in the vicinity, one might consider taking ὧδε as ‘here’ and διακεῖται as (oddly) used for κεῖται; but there is no such narrative about Tantalus nearby, but rather a narrative of Pelops and Myrtilus.
KEYWORDS: ἱστορία
Or. 987.03 (rec exeg) ⟨γενέτορας⟩: Ἀτρέα καὶ Θυέστην —OG
TRANSLATION: (‘Progenitors’, namely,) Atreus and Thyestes.
APP. CRIT.: τὸν added before θυ. G
Or. 987.04 (thom exeg) ⟨γενέτορας⟩: ἤτοι τὸν Πέλοπα καὶ τοὺς ἐξ αὐτοῦ —ZZaZbZlZmTGu
TRANSLATION: (‘My progenitors’,) that is, Pelops and those descended from him.
APP. CRIT.: ἤγουν ZaZl
Or. 987.06 (rec gloss) ⟨γενέτορας⟩: τοὺς πατέρας μου —KB3a
APP. CRIT.: τοὺς and μου om. B3a
Or. 987.08 (thom gloss) ⟨γενέτορας⟩: γεννήτορας —AaZmGu
REF. SYMBOL: Zm POSITION: s.l. AaGu, marg. Zm
APP. CRIT.: τοὺς prep. Gu
Or. 987.10 (recTri gloss) ⟨ἐμέθεν⟩: ἐμοῦ —V3AaRTGu
APP. CRIT.: καὶ prep. V3, ἤγουν κατ’ app. prep. R
Or. 987.11 (rec gloss) ⟨ἐμέθεν⟩: ἡμετέρων —MnPrRSSa
APP. CRIT.: καὶ prep. MnS | δόμων add. Sa
COMMENT: The mss generally punctuate after δόμων and not before it (in S there is punctuation in both places), or have no punctuation, and this and the next gloss explicitly treat ἐμέθεν as going with δόμων. In the Thoman circle the punctuation is instead after ἐμέθεν, and the Thoman paraphrase in sch. 983.03 explicitly takes ἐμέθεν with γενέτορας while passing over δόμων ἄτας without paraphrase. δόμων is, however, explicitly taken with ἄτας in one of the paraphrases in the older scholia (sch. 991.01).
Or. 987.14 (pllgnTri gloss) ⟨δόμων⟩: οἴκων —CrOxF2TZu
POSITION: s.l. except marg. Zu
APP. CRIT.: καὶ prep. CrOx, τῶν prep. F2
Or. 988.01 (988–1000) (mosch paraphr) οἳ κατεῖδον ἄτας: 1οἳ κατεῖδον ἄτας, ὅτε κατὰ τὸν ταχύτατον δρόμον τῶν ἵππων, τὸν γινόμενον τῇ διὰ τεσσάρων ἵππων κινήσει, 2ὁ Πέλοψ ἀπὸ τοῦ δίφρου ἐποίησε τὸν φόνον τοῦ Μυρτίλου, κατὰ τοῦ πελάγους δικὼν αὐτὸν εἰς τὸ κῦμα τοῦ πόντου, 3ἁρματεύσας, ἤγουν δραμὼν πρὸς ταῖς ἠϊόσι τῶν ποντίων σάλων ταῖς τοῦ Γεραιστοῦ ταῖς λευκοκύμοσιν. 4ἀφ’ ἧς αἰτίας ἦλθε τοῖς ἐμοῖς δόμοις κατάρα πολλῶν στεναγμῶν αἰτία, 5ὁπότε ἐγένετο τοῖς ποιμνίοις τοῦ Ἀτρέως τοῦ ἱπποτρόφου τὸ τέρας τὸ ὀλέθριον τοῦ υἱοῦ τῆς Μαίας, ἤγουν τοῦ Ἑρμοῦ, 6τουτέστιν ὃ ἐποίησεν ὁ Ἑρμῆς, 7τὸ λόχευμα λέγω τὸ χρυσόμαλλον τοῦ ἀρνὸς, ἀντὶ τοῦ ὁ τόκος τοῦ ἀρνὸς τοῦ χρυσομάλλου. —XXaXbXoT+YYfGGrOx2
TRANSLATION: Who saw disasters, when during the very swift course of the horses, the one occurring by the motion of four horses, Pelops caused the murder of Myrtilus from his chariot, throwing him into the ocean into the swell of the sea, having driven his chariot, that is, run beside the shores of the sea’s billows, the white-waved shores of Geraestus. From which cause there came to my house a curse leading to many lamentations, when in the flocks of Atreus, raiser of horses, was born the destructive omen of the son of Maia, that is, of Hermes, in other words, (the omen) that Hermes created, I mean the golden-fleeced birth of the lamb—equivalent to ‘the birth of the golden-fleeced lamb’.
LEMMA: G POSITION: 1–3 and 4–7 sep. in TG, with lemma for second part ὅθεν δόμοισι T (and σύνταξις in marg.), ὅθεν δόμοισι τοῦς ἐμοῖς G
APP. CRIT.: 1 οἳ κατεῖδον ἄτας om. X | after δικὼν add. καὶ ῥίψας Ox2 | 5 ἤγουν τοῦ ἑρμοῦ om. Y | 7 first τοῦ] τῆς X | ἀντὶ … ἀρνὸς om., s.l. add. G | second ἀρνὸς] ἀρνοῦ Y
APP. CRIT. 2: 1 δια Gr | 3 δραμῶν Ox2 | ἰήοσι Ox2 | Γεραιστοῦ] XT(Gu correcting Gr), ῥεστοῦ Yf, γερεστοῦ others (γερ/στοῦ Gr, corr. Gu) | 7 ‑μαλον XaYGGrOx2, p.c. Xo | ‑μάλου XaYGGrOx2
Or. 988.02 (988–993) (vet exeg) οἳ κατεῖδον ἄτας: 1οἵτινες, φησὶν, οἱ ἐμοὶ προπάτορες· 2λέγει δὲ Ἀτρέα καὶ Θυέστην καὶ Ἀγαμέμνονα· 3αὐτόπται καὶ θεαταὶ γεγόνασι πολλῶν κακῶν, ἐξ οὗ ὁ Πέλοψ κατὰ τὸ αὐτοῦ πτηνὸν καὶ ταχύτατον ἅρμα ἔχων τὸν Μυρτίλον ἐξεδίφρευσε, τουτέστιν ἀπὸ τοῦ δίφρου ἔρριψεν εἰς τὴν θάλασσαν. 4τὴν δὲ ἱστορίαν ταύτην ἤδη προεθέμεθα ὅτι Πέλοψ ὁ Ταντάλου τὸν Οἰνόμαον νικήσας συνεργήσαντος τοῦ Μυρτίλου καὶ τὴν παρὰ θάλασσαν ἐλαύνων ἀπωθήσατο αὐτὸν κατ’ ἐκεῖνον τὸν τόπον τῆς θαλάσσης ἔνθα Γεραιστός ἐστιν, ἀκρωτήριον τῆς Εὐβοίας. 5ὅθεν τὸ πέλαγος ἐκεῖνο ἐπώνυμον. —MBVCRw, partial SaaSab
TRANSLATION: Who, she says, (namely) my forebears—and she means Atreus and Thyestes and Agamemnon—were eyewitnesses and spectators of many woes, ever since Pelops taking along Myrtilus in his winged and very swift chariot uncharioted him, that is, threw him from the chariot into the sea. We already set forth this narrative, that Pelops the son of Tantalus, having defeated Oenomaus with Myrtilus’s help and riding along the path beside the sea, shoved him out at that spot of the sea where Geraestus, a promontory of Euboea, lies. From which that sea is named after him (Myrtilus).
LEMMA: M(κατεἶδον)BC, οἳ κατεῖδον RwSaa, ἄλλως οἳ κατεῖδον ἄτας V REF. SYMBOL: MB POSITION: follows sch. 988.01 ἀρχὴ V; cont. from sch. 982.05 Sab
APP. CRIT.: 1 προπάτορες] πρόγονοι Sa | 2 δὲ om. M | ἀτρέαν V | after θυέστην add. καὶ θυέστην C | καὶ ἀγαμ. om. Saa | 3 punct. as new note from ἐξ οὗ Saa | οὗ] ὦν M | κατὰ … ἄρμα] κατὰ τὸ ταχύτατον αὐτοῦ ἅρμα Saa | αὐτοῦ] αὑτοῦ Schw. | καὶ (before ταχ.)] ὅ ἐστι B | τουτέστιν ἀπὸ] καὶ ἐκ Saa, ἀπὸ Rw | 3–5 εἰς τὴν θαλ. κτλ om. Saa | 4 ταύτην] τὴν αὐτὴν V, ταντ()λ() Sab | προεθέμεθα] μαθησόμεθα Sab, cont. with sch. 991–995 | ὁ om. MVC | τάνταλος Sab | νικήσας transp. before ταντάλου MVC | after συνεργ. add. αὐτ(ῷ) Sab | 4–5 καὶ τὴν παρὰ κτλ om. Sab, cont. with sch. 991.03 Sa | 4 παραθαλασσίαν C | κατ’ ἐκείνου τοῦ τόπου M(κατεκείνου)VC | after θαλάσσης sch.-ending punct., then rest as separate Rw | 5 ἔνθα γεραι om. Rw (i.e. only στός as first word of his new note) | ἐπώνυμον] Schwartz, ὁμωνύμως MVC(could keep by adding ⟨εἴρηται⟩), τὴν ἐπωνυμίαν εἴληφεν BRw
APP. CRIT. 2: 3 μυρτῖλον V, μυρτίλλον Sab | ἐξεδίφρευσεν MV | τοῦτέστιν B | ἔριψεν MC | 4 ἥδη M | προἐθέμεθα M | μυρτ()λλ() Sab | παραθάλασσαν MV
PREVIOUS EDITIONS: Schw. I.195,4–12; Dind. II.247,6–15
COMMENT: προεθέμεθα: the story appears earlier in sch. 982.04, extant only in VRw and not in the other witnesses of this note; this is a reference either to that note or to a similar narrative in a commentary, one that failed to be included in the versions of our scholia found in MBCSa.
KEYWORDS: ἱστορία
Or. 988.03 (988–992) (vet exeg) 1⟨ … ⟩ ὃς ἦν ἡνίοχος τοῦ Οἰνομάου. 2⟨ … ⟩ ἔλαβε τὴν Ἱπποδάμειαν καὶ ἀναχωρῶν τοῦ ἀγῶνος ἔλαβε μεθ’ ἑαυτοῦ ἐπὶ τοῦ δίφρου ὡς δὴ φίλον τὸν Μυρτίλον. —MVC
TRANSLATION: ( … Myrtilus) who was the chariot-driver of Oenomaus. ( … having killed Oenomaus, Pelops) took Hippodameia and withdrawing from the (place of the) contest he took with him on the chariot Myrtilus as if he (Myrtilus) were a friend.
POSITION: cont. from prev. all
APP. CRIT.: 1 ὃς] ὅσον M | 2 ἱπποδρομίαν M | ὡς δὴ … μυρτῖλον transp. before second ἔλαβε V
APP. CRIT. 2: 1 ἢν ἠνίοχος M | 2 first ἔλαβεν MV | μεθεαυτοῦ M | ἐπι M | μυρτῖλον V
PREVIOUS EDITIONS: Schw. I.195,13–15
COMMENT: Possibly these are fragments of the same damaged scholion that began with the lacunose sch. 988.12.
Or. 988.04 (099–991) (rec wdord) ⟨κατεῖδον … Πέλοψ⟩: α (κατεῖδον), β (ὅτε), γ (πέλοψ), δ (τεθριπ.), ε (τὸ πτανὸν) —Pr
Or. 988.05 (rec exeg) ⟨οἳ⟩: ἢ οἱ γονεῖς ἢ οἱ οἶκοι —Sa
TRANSLATION: (The relative pronoun refers to) the forebears or the houses.
Or. 988.06 (rec exeg) ⟨οἳ⟩: οἱ οἶκοι —MnPrS
TRANSLATION: (The relative pronoun refers to) the houses.
APP. CRIT.: οἱ om. PrS
Or. 988.07 (thom exeg) ⟨οἳ⟩: οἱ γεννήτορες —ZZaZlZmTGuAaG
TRANSLATION: (The relative pronoun refers to) the forebears.
APP. CRIT.: μου add. Aa
Or. 988.12 (vet exeg) ⟨ἄτας⟩: 1ἀρχὴ τῆς ἄτης ἡ ἱπποδρομία Πέλοπος ἡ γενομένη διὰ τοῦ πελάγους. 2πτηνόν δὲ ἀντὶ τοῦ ἱππικόν, ἐν ᾧ τὸν μυρτίλον ⟨ … ⟩. —MVC, partial B
TRANSLATION: The origin of the ruin was the horse-race of Pelops that took place through the sea. ‘Winged’ (swift course) in place of ‘of horses’, (the course) in which he ⟨ … ⟩ Myrtilus …
LEMMA: κατεῖδον ἄτας V REF. SYMBOL: M at ἄτας, V at κατ- POSITION: intermarg. B, s.l. C
APP. CRIT.: 1 ἀρχὴν τῆς αὐτῆς M | ἱπποδάμεια B | 1–2 ἡ γεν. κτλ. om. B | 2 πτηνῶν V | τοῦ] om. C, τῶν V | ἱππείων V | ἐν ᾧ κτλ om. V | ‘addendum ἔλαβε vel ἐξεδίφρευσε’ Dind.
APP. CRIT. 2: 1 ἄττης V | –δρομεία C | 2 μυρτῖλον a.c. MC
PREVIOUS EDITIONS: Schw. I.195,16–17; Dind. II.247,15–17
COMMENT: See on sch. 988.04.
Or. 988.13 (recThom gloss) ⟨ἄτας⟩: βλάβας —F2MnPrRSZZaZb2ZlZmZuTGuGXo2Ox
APP. CRIT.: καὶ prep. ZuOx, τὰς prep. F2 | βλάβην app. G (damage)
Or. 988.15 (pllgn gloss) ⟨ἄτας⟩: δυσχερείας πολλὰς —V3Aa
APP. CRIT.: δυσχ. om. or effaced in Aa
Or. 989.01 (989–995) (pllgn wdord) ⟨πτανὸν … σάλων⟩: α (ὅτε), β (τὸ πτανὸν), γ (διεδίφρευσε), δ (πέλοψ), ε (δικὼν), ϛ (φόνον), ζ (ἐς οἶδμα), η (ποντίων σάλων), θ (θαλάσσης), ι (πρὸς γερ.) —V2
Or. 989.02 (pllgn exeg) ⟨τὸ πτανὸν μὲν δίωγμα πώλων⟩: λείπει τὸ ἀνύσας. —B3a
TRANSLATION: (With ‘the winged course of the horses’ the governing participle) ‘having accomplished’ is to be supplied.
KEYWORDS: λείπει
Or. 989.03 (mosch paraphr) ⟨τὸ πτανὸν μὲν δίωγμα πώλων⟩: κατὰ τὸν ταχύτατον δρόμον τῶν ἵππων —XaXbXoT+YYfGGrOx2
POSITION: s.l. except marg. Ox2
APP. CRIT.: ἤγουν prep. Ox2
APP. CRIT. 2: τραχύτατον Xa
PREVIOUS EDITIONS: Dind. II.247, app. at 8
Or. 989.04 (vet exeg) ⟨τὸ πτανὸν⟩: ἀντὶ τοῦ ⟨τὸ⟩ ἱππικὸν ἢ τὸ ταχύ. —M
TRANSLATION: (‘The winged/flying’ is) used in the sense ‘that of horses’ or ‘the swift’.
APP. CRIT.: ⟨τὸ⟩ Mastr.
PREVIOUS EDITIONS: Schw. I.195,18; Dind. II.248,1
Or. 989.05 (rec exeg) ⟨τὸ πτανὸν⟩: τὸ ταχὺ, λείπει ⟨ἡ διά⟩, ἤγουν διὰ τὸ πτανὸν —Sa
TRANSLATION: (‘The winged/flying’ means) ‘the swift’, ⟨the proposition ‘dia’ (‘because of’)⟩ is to be supplied, that is, ‘because of the winged (course)’.
APP. CRIT.: ⟨ἡ διά⟩ Mastr. | διὰ τὸ πτανὸν] Mastr., διαπτανὸν Sa
KEYWORDS: λείπει
Or. 989.06 (rec exeg) ⟨τὸ πτανὸν⟩: διὰ τὸ ταχύτατον —AaMnPrRS
TRANSLATION: (‘The winged/flying’ means) ‘because of the very swift (course)’.
COMMENT: Without the evidence of the prev. (if it is plausibly restored) as well as the next, this note could have been taken to mean: (The epithet ‘winged/flying’ is chosen) because of the very great swiftness.
Or. 989.07 (thom exeg) ⟨τὸ πτανόν⟩: 1μὴ λάβῃς εἰς τὸ πτανόν ἔξωθεν τὸ διά, ἀλλ’ ὥσπερ ἔφαμεν ἐν τῇ παραφράσει [sch. 982.03], οὕτω σύνταξε. 2ἢ πρὸς τὸ βοήσω, οὕτως· 3ἀνὰ τῷ γέροντι πατρὶ Ταντάλῳ βοήσω ἐν θρήνοις, ἤτοι μετὰ θρήνων διηγήσομαι τὸ πτανὸν δίωγμα, καὶ τὰ ἑξῆς, 4ἵν’ ᾖ τὸ ‘ὃς ἔτεκε’ μέχρι τοῦ ‘ἄτας’ διὰ μέσου. —ZZlZmTGu, partial Za
TRANSLATION: Do not supply from outside (understand) ‘dia’ (‘because of’) with ‘to ptanon’ (‘the winged’), but just as we said in the paraphrase, construe it that way. Or else construe it with ‘boēsō’ (‘I will cry out’), as follows: Up before my old forefather Tantalus I will cry out in laments, that is, I will narrate with laments the winged course and so forth, so that the clause ‘who sired’ up to ‘disasters’ is parenthetic.
REF. SYMBOL: ZlZm POSITION: s.l. ZZa, intermarg. Zm, marg. Gu
APP. CRIT.: first half mostly washed out Z | 1–4 ἀλλ’ ὥσπερ κτλ om. Za | 1 σύνταξε] Gu, σύνταζε ZlZm, σύντασσε T, σύνταξον Dindorf [Z] | 3 ἤτοι] ἤγουν T | 3 διηγήσωμαι T | 4 ὃς om. Zl
APP. CRIT. 2: 2 οὕτω Zm [Z]
PREVIOUS EDITIONS: Dind. II.247,18–248,1
COMMENT: It is perhaps possible that σύνταζε was the original form used by Thomas (an unattested vernacular byform?) and that Triclinius and Gu, in typical fashion, made the form more ‘correct’, just as Dindorf did later.
KEYWORDS: διὰ μέσου | Byzantine or vernacular word/form/usage
Or. 989.09 (recThom gloss) ⟨τὸ πτανὸν⟩: τὸ ταχύ —OVFKZaZbZlZmZuTGuZcCrB3a
APP. CRIT.: Z washed out here | τὸ] om. OGu, καὶ FZcZuCr | ταχὺν O
Or. 989.15 (pllgn exeg) ⟨μὲν⟩: ἀναπόδοτος —Zm
TRANSLATION: (The particle ‘men’ is here) without an answering conjunction.
Or. 989.17 (recThom gloss) ⟨δίωγμα⟩: δρόμον —AaMnPrRSZbZlZmT
APP. CRIT.: Z washed out here | τὸν prep. ZbZlZmT | δρόμων R
Or. 989.20 (thom exeg) ⟨πώλων⟩: τῶν τοῦ Οἰνομάου ἢ τοῦ Πέλοπος —ZbZlZmTG
TRANSLATION: (‘The horses’ are) those of Oenomaus, or else of Pelops.
APP. CRIT.: τῶν om. Zl
Or. 990.01 (vet paraphr) τεθριπποβάμονι στόλῳ: 1τῇ τετραΐππῳ πορείᾳ. 2{ἐξ οὖ ὁ Πέλοψ κατὰ τὸ ταχύτατον αὐτοῦ ἅρμα ἔχων τὸν Μυρτίλον ἐξεδίφρευσεν.} —MaVCaRbRw, partial MbBCbRa
TRANSLATION: In four-horsed movement. {Ever ever since Pelops taking along Myrtilus in the very swift chariot uncharioted him.}
LEMMA: M(‑βάμμωνι)VC, τεθριπποβάμονι RbRw REF. SYMBOL: MVRb POSITION: intermarg. B, s.l. MbCbRa
APP. CRIT.: 2 ἐξ οὗ κτλ om. MbBCbRa; conflated from sentence 3 of sch. 988.02 | καὶ add. before ὁ Rb
APP. CRIT. 2: 1 perhaps τεθριπτο‑ Rb (in lemma and scholion ligature with three verticals of same size) | 2 ἄρμα Rb | μυρτῖλον V
PREVIOUS EDITIONS: Schw. I.195,19 with app.; Dind. II.248,3–4 (for sent. 2: Dind. II.247, app. at 9)
Or. 990.02 (mosch paraphr) ⟨τεθριπποβάμονι στόλῳ⟩: τὸν γινόμενον τῇ διὰ τεσσάρων ἵππων κινήσει —XaXbXoT+YYfGGr
TRANSLATION: (The running) that occurred by the motion produced by four horses.
POSITION: s.l. except marg. Gr
APP. CRIT.: τὸ G | γενόμενον T
COMMENT: Moschopulus uses the masculine τὸν γινόμενον because he treats the paraphrase as continuing from sch. 989.17 δρόμον. G makes it neuter to suit δίωγμα in the text.
Or. 990.05 (rec paraphr) ⟨τεθριπποβάμονι⟩: τέσσαρας ἵππους ἔχοντι —MnPrRSCrOx
APP. CRIT.: καὶ prep. CrOx
Or. 990.07 (recThom gloss) ⟨τεθριπποβάμονι⟩: τετραΐππω —M2OZZbZlZmTGu
REF. SYMBOL: M2 POSITION: s.l. except marg. M2
APP. CRIT.: τετράϊππον M2
Or. 990.11 (vet exeg) ⟨στόλῳ⟩: γρ. δὲ καὶ πώλῳ. —B
TRANSLATION: (For ‘stolōi’, ‘journey’,) the reading ‘colt’ (‘pōlōi’) is also found.
POSITION: intermarg.
KEYWORDS: variant reading: γράφεται/γράφε
Or. 990.12 (recThom gloss) ⟨στόλῳ⟩: πορείᾳ —OV3FMnPrRSSaZZlZmTGuB3a
APP. CRIT.: καὶ prep. F
APP. CRIT. 2: πορί() R, πορία Pr
Or. 991.01 (991–995) (vet exeg) Πέλοψ ὅτε πελάγεσι: 1προτακτέον τοῦ λόγου τὸ ὁπότε, 2τουτέστι καὶ κατεῖδον οἱ ἐμοὶ προπάτορες ἄτας ἐν δόμοις, ἐξ οὗ ὁ Πέλοψ ἐξεδίφρευσεν εἰς θάλασσαν τὸν Μυρτίλον· 3ἐντεῦθεν καὶ Μυρτῷον ἀπὸ Μυρτίλου τὸ πρὸς Εὔβοιαν κέκληται. 4μηνίσαντα δὲ Ἑρμῆν τὸν τούτου πατέρα ὑποβαλεῖν τοῖς ποιμνίοις χρυσόμαλλον ἄρνα, ἣ πολλῶν αἰτία κακῶν αὐτοῖς γέγονε· 5τὰ δὲ λοιπὰ τῆς ἱστορίας ἑξῆς ἐπάγει. 6ἀνεῖλε δὲ τὸν Μυρτίλον προσδοκήσας καὶ αὐτὸς ὁμοίως ὑπ’ αὐτοῦ προδοθήσεσθαι, ἵνα μὴ ἐξείπῃ ὅτι αὐτὸς ἐνίκησε καὶ οὐ Πέλοψ. 7οἱ δὲ ὅτι μετὰ τὴν νίκην ὡς φίλον συλλαβόμενος τὸν Μυρτίλον ἐξεδίφρευσε ζηλοτυπήσας εἰς Ἱπποδάμειαν. —BVC
TRANSLATION: ‘When’ should be placed before the sentence, that is, my forefathers witnessed disasters in the house ever since Pelops cast Myrtilus out of his chariot into the sea. Because of this in fact the sea near Euboea is called Myrtoan from Myrtilus. And Hermes, his father, angered (by the killing), inserted a golden-fleeced lamb into the flocks, which turned out to be the cause of many woes for them. And he (the poet; or: she, the Electra) subsequently adds the remainder of the story. And he (Pelops) killed Myrtilus, having come to the expectation that he himself too would be similarly betrayed by him, in order that he (Myrtilus) not proclaim that he himself won the race and not Pelops. Others say that after the victory he took Myrtilus along with him as a friend and cast him from the chariot because he was jealous about Hippodameia.
LEMMA: B(πελά()), ἄλλως V REF. SYMBOL: B
APP. CRIT.: 1 prep. ἐξ οὗ ὁ πέλοψ ἐξεδίφρευσεν εἰς θάλασσαν τὸν μυρτίλον C, add. δὲ after προτακτέον; prep. ἐξ οὗ ὁ πέλοψ ἐξεδίφρευσεν V, add. δὲ after προτακτέον | 2 ἄτας ἐν δόμοις] αὐτὰς ἐν δήμοις V | 3 ἔνθεν B | 4 μηνίσαντα δὲ Ἑρμῆν] Mastr., after μηνίσαντα γὰρ Ἑρμῆν Heath 1762: 16, μηνίσαντος δὲ ἑρμῆν V, μηνίσαντος δὲ ἑρμοῦ BC | τὸν τούτου πατέρα] τοῦ τούτου πατρὸς Schw. (with μηνίσαντος δὲ Ἑρμοῦ) | ἢ C | 6 καὶ αὐτὸς om. V, add. αὐτὸς after αὐτοῦ V | προσδοθήσεσθαι C | καὶ οὐ πέλοψ] ὁ πέλοψ V | 7 φίλον] perhaps read φίλος (as in sch. 991.04) | ἐδίφρευσε C, ἐφόνευσε V
APP. CRIT. 2: 1 ὅπποτε V | 2 τοῦτέστι B | μυρτῖλον V | 4 χρυσόμαλον VC | 5 ἐπάγη C | 6 μυρτῖλον V | 7 μυρτῖλον V
PREVIOUS EDITIONS: Schw. I.195,21–196,3; Dind. II.248,5–14
COLLATION NOTES: Note that twice in this note V writes αὐτὸς by expressing only αὐτ with a single diagonal sign, which has to be taken as the grave accent for omitted ος, not as ον.
KEYWORDS: ἱστορία | mythography
Or. 991.02 (991–995) (rec exeg) ⟨Πέλοψ ὅτε … ἁρματεύσας⟩: 1ὁ Οἰνόμαος ἐβασίλευσεν ἐν τῇ Λέσβῳ, εἶχε θυγατέρα τὴν Ἱπποδαμείαν, εἶχε δὲ καὶ ἵππους ταχεῖς, οὓς οὐδεὶς ἐνίκησεν εἰ μὴ ὁ Πέλοψ. 2εἶχε δὲ ὁ Πέλοψ ἡνίοχον τὸν Κίλλον. 3ἡ δὲ Ἱπποδάμεια Οἰνομάου θυγάτηρ καὶ Εὐρυθόης τῆς Δαναοῦ θυγατρὸς. ἣ καὶ παρὰ τοῦ ἰδίου πατρὸς ἐρωμένη καὶ διὰ τοῦτο μὴ ἐκδιδομένη πρὸς γάμον, καθὼς οἱ ἀκριβέστεροι τῶν ἱστορικῶν γράφουσιν, 4ἠρᾶτο καὶ παρὰ Μυρτίλου τοῦ ἡνιοχοῦντος τῷ ταύτης πατρὶ, υἱοῦ δὲ ὑπάρχοντος Ἑρμοῦ καὶ Κλεοβούλης τῆς Αἰόλου {ἢ Αἰπώλου} θυγατρός. 5αὕτη τὸν Πέλοπα ἰδοῦσα ὡραῖον μετὰ τὴν τῶν δώδεκα νυμφίων ἀναίρεσιν ἔρωτι τούτου κατείχετο. ἣ τῷ Μυρτίλῳ φησὶ συνεργῆσαι τῷ νεανίᾳ εἰς τὴν κατὰ τοῦ πατρὸς νίκην. 6ὁ δὲ ταῖς χοινικίσι τῶν τροχῶν τοὺς ἥλους μὴ ἐμβαλὼν ἐποίησε τὸν Οἰνόμαον ἐν τῷ τρέχειν ἡττηθῆναι καὶ ἀναιρεθῆναι ὑπὸ τοῦ Πέλοπος ἐκπεσόντων τῶν τροχῶν. 7ἐδίδου γὰρ ὁ Οἰνόμαος τοῖς μνηστῆρσι τὴν Ἱπποδάμειαν ἐπὶ τῶν οἰκείων ἔχειν ἁρμάτων θεὶς πέρας τοῦ δρόμου ⟨καὶ⟩ ἔπαθλον γάμου τὸν Κορίνθιον ἰσθμὸν εἰ δυνηθεῖεν ἀφικέσθαι μέχρι τούτου. 8αὐτὸς δὲ ὄπισθεν ἐλαύνων μετὰ δόρατος καὶ καταλαμβάνων αὐτοὺς ἀνῄρει. 9τότε δὲ οὕτω νικηθεὶς δόλῳ καὶ ἀναιρούμενος κατηράσατο τῷ Μυρτίλῳ, γνοὺς τὴν ἐπιβουλὴν, ἵνα ἀπὸ Πέλοπος ἀνέληται· 10ὃ καὶ γέγονεν ὕστερον. 11διαβληθεὶς γὰρ παρ’ Ἱπποδαμείας ὡς βιάζων αὐτὴν ἢ, ὡς οἱ πολλοί φασι, πειράζων αὐτὴν ῥίπτεται παρὰ Πέλοπος περὶ Γεραιστὸν ἀκρωτήριον. 12ὁ δὲ τελευτῶν ἀρὰς ἀρᾶται τοῖς Πελοπίδαις δεινὰς, αἳ καὶ πεπλήρωνται ὕστερον γεννηθείσης τῆς χρυσομάλλου ἀρνὸς Ἑρμοῦ βουλαῖς τοῦ Μυρτίλου πατρὸς ἐν τοῖς Ἀτρέως ποιμνίοις· 13ὅθεν τὰ δεινὰ τῆς τραγῳδίας ἔπη. 14ὁ δὲ Γεραιστὸς ἀποθανόντος ἐκεῖ τοῦ Μυρτίλου Μυρτῷον πέλαγος ὠνομάσθη. 15ὁ δὲ Πέλοψ εἰς Ὠκεανὸν ἐλθὼν καὶ Ἡφαίστῳ ἁγνισθεὶς λαβὼν Πῖσαν τὴν Οἰνομάου βασιλείαν καὶ τὴν Ἀπίαν Πελασγίαν λεγομένην Πελοπόννησον ὠνόμασεν. 16ἡ δὲ ἱστορία τῆς χρυσῆς ἀρνὸς ἐγράφη ὄπισθεν [sch. 813.01] εἰς τὸ [812] ‘ὁπότε χρυσέας ἔρις ἀρνός’. —MnPrRaS
TRANSLATION: Oenomaus ruled as king in Lesbos, he had a daughter Hippodameia, and he also had swift horses that no one defeated except Pelops. And Pelops had Cillus as his chariot-driver. And Hippodameia was daughter of Oenomaus and Eurythoe the daughter of Danaus. She, being the object of love of her own father and for this reason not being given out in marriage, as the more precise of the historians write, was desired also by Myrtilus, who drove the chariot for her father and was son of Hermes and Cleobule the daughter of Aeolus. This girl, having seen Pelops after the death of her twelve suitors, was possessed by love for him. She tells Myrtilus to help the youth in defeating her father. And he, by not inserting the pins in the hubs of the wheels, caused Oenomaus to be defeated in the racing and to be killed by Pelops, since the wheels fell off. For Oenomaus used to give Hippodameia to her suitors to have in their own chariot, making the goal of the race, and the prize of marriage, the isthmus of Corinth, if they should be able to reach that far. He himself, driving behind them with a spear and catching up, used to kill them. But at that time, defeated by a trick and being killed, he cursed Myrtilus, having realized the plot, that he be killed by Pelops. Which in fact came about later. For when Myrtilus was slandered by Hippodameia as trying to rape her, or, as the majority say, as trying to seduce her, he is thrown by Pelops in the area of the promontory Geraestus. And he, as he dies, utters terrible curses against Pelops, which were indeed fulfilled later when a golden-fleeced lamb was born in the flocks of Atreus by the plan of Hermes, Myrtilus’s father. Whence the terrifying verses of tragedy. And Geraestus, because Myrtilus died there, was named the Myrtoan sea. And Pelops went to Oceanus and was purified with Hephaestus (with fire), then took Pisa the kingdom of Oenomaus and Apia called Pelasgian and named them Peloponnesus. And the narrative of the golden lamb was recorded back at the passage ‘when strife over the golden lamb’.
LEMMA: ἱστορία in marg. S REF. SYMBOL: Ra; in marg. at 998–990 Pr POSITION: Ra begins note on the facing verso in order to have enough space for it
APP. CRIT.: 1 after οἰν. add. ὁ βασιλεὺς Ra | ἐβασίλευεν Schw. | after (first) εἶχε add. δὲ Pr | θυγάτερα … (second) εἶχε om. Mn | 2 Κίλλος] Schw. from Sch. bT Il. 1.38a, κύλαν Mn, κύλλαν S, κολλόν app. Ra | 3 ἱππόδαμος Ra | θυγατέρα Ra | καὶ εὐρυθόης τῆς δαναοῦ θυγατρὸς] Pr (Sch. Ap. Rhod, Sch. Tzetz. Lyc.), καὶ εὐρεθεὶς ὁ τῆς δαναοῦ θυγατρὸς Ra, om. MnS | ἣ] om. Ra, ἡ S | ἐκδεδομένη Ra | ἱστορικῶν] ἱστοριογράφων Mn | 4 ὑπάρχ.] τυγχάνοντος PrRaS, Sch. Lyc. | αἰόλου] αἰώλου Pr, αἰόλης Ra | ἢ Αἰπ. del. Schw. | αἰπώλου MnPrS [Ra illegible], Αἰτώλου Dind. (without note), Αἰπόλου from Sch. Lyc. Schw. | app. θυγατέρα Ra | 5 much damage in Ra in first half of sentence | ἣ … φησὶ] ἣν … φασὶ (tentatively) Dindorf (if so, then ⟨σὺν⟩ τῷ Μυρτίλῳ?) | ἣ] ἢ PrRa, καὶ Sch. Lyc. (Schw.) | 6 σχοινικίσι Ra | ὑπὸ] παρὰ Pr | 7 ἐδίδου γὰρ app. om. Ra | πέρας] πέλας MnPrRa | ⟨καὶ⟩ add. from Sch. Lycophr. 157 | τοῦ add. before γάμου S | κόρινθον Ra | 8 ἀνήρειτο Mn | 9 τότε καὶ οὕτω Ra, τότε app. corr. from παρὰ | δολίως Sch. Lyc. | ἀπὸ ] MnPrRaS, ὑπὸ Dind. | 11 γὰρ om. Ra | Ἱπποδαμείας] Pr (conj. Dind.), ἱπποδάμειαν MnS(‑μίαν), ἁποδαμ() Ra | φησὶ MnS | πειρᾶσθαι Ra | περὶ τὸ γερ. Ra | 12 πελοπέσι Ra | section division symb. (¶) added before γεννηθ. Ra | πεπλήρωται Pr | τῆς χρυσομάλλου] Sch. Lyc. (some codd.), μᾶλλον καὶ τῆς χρυσῆς all, μᾶλλον χρυσῆς Sch. Lyc. (other codd.) | 14 ὁ] ἡ PrRa, Sch. Lyc. | 15 Πῖσαν] Schw. (from Πίσσαν Sch. Lyc.), νήσσαν Mn, p.c. Ra, νῆσσαν Pr, a.c. Ra, νήσαν p.c. S, perhaps κήσαν a.c. S | 16 ἡ δέ … ἀρνὸς om. S | εἰς τὸ ὁπότε] τοῦ a.c. Mn, ὁπότε p. c. Mn | ἔρις om., add. s.l. Mn
APP. CRIT. 2: 1 ὀ Pr | θυγατέραν RaS, θηγάτηρ a.c. Mn | 2 ἠνίοχον PrS | 3 διατοῦτο Pr | καθῶς Ra | 4 ἥρατο MnS | μυρλ‑ a.c. S | ἠνιοχ. PrS | 6 ἐν τῷ] ἐτῶ S | 7 ἰθμὸν a.c. Mn | ἀφισκέσθαι Ra | 8 ὅπισθεν S | μετα S | 9 ἀναιρούμενος] ἀναι()΄μ()ν() Mn, ἀναίμενος S | 11 πολλοὶ φασὶ PrRa | πολοὶ Mn | ἀκροτίριον Ra, with ω above ο | 14 ὀνομάσθη Ra | 15 ἀππίαν all (corr. Dind.) | πελοπόνησον all (corr. Dind.)
PREVIOUS EDITIONS: Schw. I.196,6–197,6; Dind. II.249,11–250,8
COMMENT: This account overlaps to a great extent with part of Sch. Tzetz. Lycophr. 157; some details match those in Sch. Ap. Rhod. 1.752-58a (p. 64,11–657 Wendel). | The odd notion that Oenomaus ruled Lesbos seems to derive from a misunderstanding of Sch. bT Hom. Il. 1.38a Erbse Κίλλος ἡνίοχος Πέλοπος περὶ Λέσβον ἀποθανών, Sch. D Il. 1.38 Heyne … τὸν μνηστηροκτόνον αὐτῆς πατέρα Οἰνόμαον καταγωνίσασθαι ἐπιθυμῶν. γενομένῳ δὲ αὐτῷ περὶ Λέσβον, Κίλλος ὁ ἡνίοχος τελευτᾷ τὸν βίον … ὁ μέν τοι Κίλλος καὶ μετὰ θάνατον τῷ Πέλοπι δοκεῖ συλλαβέσθαι, ὅπως περιγένηται τοῦ Οἰνομάου ἐν τῷ ἀγῶνι. | Note the passive sense of 9 ἀνέληται (Dindorf says ‘immo ἀναιρεθῇ’ to purify the usage): see the note on Arg. 4 (Thoman). | Dindorf notes that sent. 13 is an iambic trimeter, either accidentally created or taken from elsewhere. | 14 Γεραιστός is established as masculine in several authors, but a feminine article is also found in Periplus Maris Magni 283,14 as well as Sch. Tzetz. Lycophr.
KEYWORDS: ἱστορία | mythography
Or. 991.03 (991–995) (rec exeg) ⟨Πέλοψ ὅτε … ἁρματεύσας⟩: 1ἡ δὲ αἰτία τῆς νίκης τοιαύτη· 2ἡ Ἱπποδάμεια ἡ Οἰνομάου θυγάτηρ ἐρασθεῖσα Πέλοπος Μυρτίλον, τοῦ Ἑρμοῦ μὲν υἱὸν, ἡνίοχον δὲ τοῦ αὐτῆς πατρός, 3ἔπεισε τῇ κατὰ τοῦ πατρὸς νίκῃ συνεργῆσαι καὶ τοὺς ἵππους τῆς εἰς τὸ τρέχειν ὁρμῆς κατασχεῖν, βουλομένη τὸν Πέλοπα καὶ τοὺς ἵππους λαβεῖν καὶ τὸν ἑαυτῶν γάμον. 4ἔκειτο γὰρ τῷ νικήσαντι ἔπαθλον ὁ ταύτης γάμος, νικηθέντι δὲ θάνατος 5ἀγωνιζομένων αὐτῶν ὁ Οἰνόμαος ἐκπίπτει τοῦ ἅρματος· οὐ γὰρ αἱ χοινικίδες τοὺς ἐμβόλους κατέσχον, τοῦτο πανουργήσαντος τοῦ Μυρτίλου. 6γνοὺς δὲ τὴν ἐπιβουλὴν ὁ Οἰνόμαος ἀρὰς ἔθετο κατὰ τοῦ Μυρτίλου ὅπως ἀπόληται παρὰ τοῦ Πέλοπος, ὃ καὶ γέγονε. 7διαβαινόντων γὰρ αὐτῶν διὰ τοῦ Αἰγέου πόντου, διψάσης τῆς Ἱπποδαμείας, καταβὰς ἐκ τοῦ ἅρματος ὁ Πέλοψ, κατ’ ἐκεῖνο δὲ καιροῦ Ἱπποδάμεια ἐρασθεῖσα Μυρτίλου ἐδέετο μὴ ὑπεριδεῖν, 8τοῦ δὲ ἀντειπόντος καὶ τοῦ Πέλοπος παραγενομένου, φθάνει Ἱπποδαμεία κατηγορήσασα τοῦ Μυρτίλου ὡς βιασαμένου αὐτὴν καὶ Μυρτίλον Πέλοψ ἀπὸ τοῦ ἅρματος ὠθεῖ εἰς τὸ πέλαγος. 9αὐτὸς δὲ αὐτῃ ἡνιοχεῖ. 10ὅθεν τὸ μὲν πέλαγος Μυρτῶον, Πέλοψ δὲ πλήξιππος ἔκτοτε ἐκλήθη διὰ τὴν τῶν ἵππων αὐτουργίαν. —Sa
TRANSLATION: The cause of the victory (of Pelops) was like this: Hippodameia the daugher of Oenomaus, having fallen in love with Pelops, persuaded Myrtilus, son of Hermes and her father’s charioteer, to collaborate in the victory over her father and to check his horses from their impetus to run, wanting Pelops to take the horses and to obtain their own marriage. For the prize was, for the one winning, marriage with this woman, but for the defeated, death. When they competed, Oenomaus falls out of his chariot. For the hubs did not hold the pins, Myrtilus having schemed to bring this about. Having realized the plot, Oenomaus put a curse upon Myrtilus that he be killed by Pelops, which in fact came about. For when they were crossing the Aegean sea, Pelops having stepped down from the chariot (to get water) because Hippodameia had become thirsty, and during that opportune moment, Hippodameia, who had fallen in love with Myrtilus, begged him not to spurn her, and when he refused and Pelops arrived back, she hastened to accuse Myrtilus first as having forced her, and Pelops shoves Myrtilus from the chariot into the sea. And he himself drives the chariot for her. Whence the sea is called Myrtoan, and Pelops was called ‘whipper of horses’ thereafter because of his personally handling the horses.
POSITION: cont. from Sab version of sch. 988.02.
APP. CRIT.: 3 κατασχεῖν βουλομένη] Sch. D Il., βουλόμεθα κατασχεῖν Sa | 4 νικηθέντι] Sch. D Il., ‑θέντες Sa | 5 πανουργήσαντος] Sch. D Il., ‑σαντι Sa | 8 ὠθεῖ] Sch. D Il., ἔνθα Sa | 10 τὸ μὲν] Sch. D Il., ὁμοῦ Sa | 10 πλήξιππος] Sch. D Il., πλοῦς ἵππος Sa
APP. CRIT. 2: 2 ἠνίοχον Sa | μυρτίλλ‑ Sa (likewise in all other instances 5–8) | 9 ἠνιοχεῖ Sa
COMMENT: An adaptation of Sch. D Il. Heyne 2.104 (on Πέλοπι πληξίππῳ). ἵππους πλήττοντι, πολεμικῷ. Ἱπποδάμεια ἡ Οἰνομάου θυγάτηρ ἐρασθεῖσα Πέλοπος, Μυρτίλον τὸν Ἑρμοῦ υἱὸν, ἡνίοχον δὲ τοῦ ἑαυτῆς πατρὸς, ἔπεισε τῇ κατὰ τοῦ πατρὸς νίκῃ συνεργῆσαι, καὶ τοὺς ἵππους τῆς εἰς τὸ τρέχειν ὁρμῆς κατασχεῖν, βουλομένη τὸν Πέλοπα καὶ τοὺς ἵππους λαβεῖν, καὶ τὸν ἑαυτῆς γάμον. ἔκειτο γὰρ τῷ νικήσαντι ἔπαθλον ὁ ταύτης γάμος, τῷ δὲ νικηθέντι θάνατος. ἀγωνιζομένων δὲ αὐτῶν ὁ Οἰνόμαος ἐκπίπτει τοῦ ἅρματος. οὐ γὰρ αἱ χοινικίδες τοὺς ἐμβόλους κατέσχον, τοῦτο πανουργήσαντος τοῦ Μυρτίλου. καὶ οὕτω νενίκηται καὶ ἀνῄρηται ὁ Οἰνόμαος, τῷ Μυρτίλῳ ἐπαρασάμενος, ὅπως ἀπόληται ὑπὸ Πέλοπος. ὃ καὶ ἐγένετο. διαβαινόντων γὰρ αὐτῶν διὰ τοῦ Αἰγαίου πόντου, καὶ διψησάσης τῆς Ἱπποδαμείας, καταβὰς ἐκ τοῦ ἅρματος ὁ Πέλοψ, ἐζήτει ὕδωρ κατὰ τῆς ἐρήμου. κατ’ ἐκεῖνο δὲ καιροῦ ἡ Ἱπποδάμεια, ἐρασθεῖσα Μυρτίλου, ἐδέετο μὴ ὑπεριδεῖν. ἀντειπόντος δὲ αὐτοῦ, καὶ τοῦ Πέλοπος παραγενομένου, φθάνει ἡ Ἱπποδάμεια κατηγορήσασα τοῦ Μυρτίλου ὡς βιάσασθαι βουληθέντος αὐτήν. καὶ Μυρτίλον Πέλοψ ἀπὸ τοῦ ἅρματος ὠθεῖ εἰς τὸ πέλαγος, αὐτὸς δὲ ἡνιοχεῖ. ὅθεν τὸ μὲν πέλαγος Μυρτῶον ἀπὸ τοῦ Μυρτίλου, ὁ Πέλοψ δὲ πλήξιππος ἔκτοτε ἐκ‑ λήθη διὰ τὴν περὶ τοὺς ἵππους αὐτουργίαν. Cf. Eust. in Il. 2.104 (I.281,10–18—part of an extremely long note with a circumstantial narrative of the crimes and punishments of the Pelopidae) τὸν δὲ Πέλοπα πλήξιππον λέγει ὡς ἡνιοχικόν. τοιοῦτον γὰρ αὐτὸν ἡ ἱστορία παραδίδωσιν, ὃς Φρὺξ μὲν ἀνέκαθεν ὤν, εἰς τὴν Ἑλλάδα δὲ διαβάς, κατέχει τὴν ἀπ’ αὐτοῦ ῥηθεῖσαν, ὡς εἴρηται, Πελοπόννησον, καταγωνισάμενος ἅρματι τὸν Οἰνόμαον καὶ λαβὼν ἔπαθλον τήν τε βασιλείαν ἐκείνου καὶ τὴν θυγατέρα Ἱπποδάμειαν, ἣν ἐκεῖνος ἆθλον ἐτίθει τῷ νικήσαντι αὐτὸν ἅρματι. οἱ δὲ παλαιοὶ καὶ ἄλλως πλήξιππόν φασι κληθῆναι τὸν Πέλοπα, ὡς αὐτόν ποτε κατ’ ἀνάγκην τινὰ ἑαυτῷ ἡνιοχήσαντα. τοῦτο δὲ λέγουσι διὰ τὰ ἐπὶ τῷ Μυρτίλῳ θρυλλούμενα.
KEYWORDS: mythography
Or. 991.04 (991–995) (rec exeg) ⟨Πέλοψ ὅτε … ἁρματεύσας⟩: 1τινὲς φασὶ τὸν Πέλοπα ἐκδιφρεῦσαι τὸν Μυρτίλον καὶ ἀνελεῖν αὐτὸν ἵνα μὴ ἐξείπῃ ὅτι αὐτὸς αὐτῷ τῆς νίκης αἴτιος ἐγεγόνει, 2οἱ δὲ ὅτι μετὰ τὴν νίκην ὡς φίλος συλλαβόμενος τὸν Μυρτίλον ἐξεδίφρευσε ζηλοτυπήσας εἰς Ἱπποδάμειαν. —Sa
TRANSLATION: Some say that Pelops threw Myrtilus from the chariot and killed him so that he would not proclaim that he himself was responsible for the victory for him (Pelops), others say that after the victory, acting as a friend, taking Myrtilus along with him, he threw him from the chariot because he was jealous about Hippodameia.
POSITION: follows Saa version of sch. 988.02
KEYWORDS: mythography
Or. 991.05 (991–995) (rec exeg) ⟨Πέλοψ ὅτε … ἁρματεύσας⟩: 1Οἰνόμαος καὶ Πέλοψ ἐλθόντες εἰς ἔρωτα τῆς Ἱπποδαμείας καὶ μελλόντων ἀγωνίζεσθαι, ἐνίκησε Πέλοψ συνεργίᾳ τοῦ Μυρτίλου. 2ὕστερον δὲ διαβληθεὶς ὁ Μυρτίλος ὡς ἐρῶν αὐτῆς ἐρρίφη εἰς τὴν θάλασσαν παρὰ τοῦ Πέλοπος, ὅθεν κατηράσατο αὐτοῦ μεγάλας ἀράς. 3καὶ μετὰ οὐ πολὺ ἀκουσας αὐτοῦ ὁ θεὸς συμφορὰς μεγάλας ἐπήγαγεν. —Rf
TRANSLATION: Oenomaus and Pelops having fallen in love with Hippodameia and being about to compete in a contest, Pelops won with the assistance of Myrtilus. Later, when Myrtilus was slandered as being in love with her, he was thrown into the sea by Pelops, wherefore he laid great curses upon him. And very soon the god, having heard him, brought on great misfortunes.
APP. CRIT.: 1 τῆς] τὴν Rf | 2 ὕστερον] ὕστερος Rf | 2–3 μεγάλας … μεγάλας] app. μετὰ … μετὰ Rf
COMMENT: ἀρὰς μεγάλας (or μεγίστας) if found several times (from Andocides and Plato to Eustathius) as internal accusative with ἀράομαι or εὔχομαι or their compounds, so this must be the origin of μετὰ in Rf, by a mistaken reading of the truncation μεγ()λ() = μεγάλας.
COLLATION NOTES: In the modern digital image online, in the middle of the outer edge of fol. 128v, a triangle of paper has been torn away, removing about 1/3 of the area of this note (nothing was written here on the recto). Fortunately, Turyn’s photo from decades earlier shows this scholion as intact (the tear is visible, but the piece is in place). Check original Rf.
KEYWORDS: mythography
Or. 991.06 (991–995) (thom exeg) ⟨Πέλοψ ὅτε … ἁρματεύσας⟩: 1Οἰνόμαος προέθηκε τὸν Ἱπποδαμείας τῆς αὐτοῦ θυγατρὸς γάμον τῷ κατὰ τὴν ἱππικὴν αὐτὸν νικῆσαι δυνησομένῳ. 2ἰδοῦσα δὲ τὸν Πέλοπα ἡ Ἱπποδάμεια ἠγάπησε, 3καὶ μελλόντων ἀγωνίζεσθαι Πέλοπος καὶ Οἰνομάου, ὁ Μυρτίλος, ὃς ἦν ἡνίοχος Οἰνομάου, ἐξ ὑποθήκης Ἱπποδαμείας ἐξέβαλεν ἀπὸ τῶν τροχῶν τοῦ τεθρίππου τοὺς σιδηρέους δεσμοὺς, 4καὶ οὕτως ἡττήθη ὁ Οἰνόμαος. 5εἶτα συναπῆρε μετὰ τοῦ Πέλοπος ἡ Ἱπποδάμεια καὶ ὁ Μυρτίλος. 6οὗτος διαβληθεὶς παρὰ τῆς Ἱπποδαμείας ὡς ἐρῶν αὐτῆς, 7ἢ δεδιότος Πέλοπος μὴ καὶ αὐτὸν τὰ ὅμοια δράσῃ τῷ πενθερῷ, ἢ μὴ ἐξείπῃ ὡς αὐτὸς αὐτῷ αἴτιος τῆς νίκης ἐγένετο, 8συνελαύνων Πέλοπι παρ’ αἰγιαλοῖς ἐρρίφη ὑπ’ αὐτοῦ πρὸς τὴν θάλασσαν πλησίον Γεραιστοῦ, ἀκρωτηρίου Εὐβοίας, 9καὶ ἀποπνιγόμενος ηὔξατο Ἑρμῇ τῷ αὐτοῦ πατρὶ ἔριν ἐμβαλεῖν τῷ γένει Πέλοπος. 10ἥτις ἐγένετο ὕστερον Ἀτρεῖ καὶ Θυέστῃ περὶ τῆς ἀρχῆς. 11ἡ δὲ ἱστορία πᾶσα δεδήλωται πρόσθεν [sch. 812.04] ἐν τῷ χορῷ τῷ [807] ‘ὁ μέγας ὄλβος’. —ZZaZlZmTGu
TRANSLATION: Oenomaus set forth as a prize marriage with his daughter Hippodameia to anyone who would be able to defeat him in horsemanship. When she caught sight of Pelops, Hippodameia became enamored, and when Pelops and Oenomaus were going to compete, Myrtilus, who was Oenomaus’s charioteer, on the suggestion of Hippodameia, drove the iron fasteners out of the wheels of the four-horsed chariot, and thus Oenoamus was defeated. Thereafter Hippodameia and Myrtilus departed together with Pelops. The former, slandered by Hippodameia as being in love with her—or because Pelops feared that he might also do to him things similar (to what he did) to his father-in-law, or that he would proclaim that he himself (Myrtilus) was responsible for the victory for him (Pelops)—, while riding along the shore with Pelops was thrown by him into the sea near Geraestus, a promontory of Euboea. As he was drowning, he prayed to Hermes his father to cast strife among the race of Pelops. And this (strife) came about later for Atreus and Thyestes over the rule. The entire story has been made clear earlier (in the comment, sch. 812.04) on the chorus ‘Great prosperity’.
LEMMA: in marg. ἱστορία ὅπως ἔλαβε πέλοψ τὴν ἱπποδάμειαν T, ἱστορία Z, περί μυρτίλου Zl REF. SYMBOL: ZaZm; at 992 μυρτίλου φόνον Zl POSITION: marg. ZZaGu; on verso Zl (lack of space on 78r)
APP. CRIT.: 1 γάμον om. Z | αὐτὸν] αὐτῶ Gu (αὐτὸν conj. Matthiae) | 2 ἡ om. T | ἠγάπησε] ἠράσθη αὐτοῦ T | 3 τοῦ add. before οἰν. ZlGu | ἐξέβαλεν] ἐξεῖλεν T | τῶν om. Za | 4 ὁ om. T | 5 ἡ and ὁ om. T | 6 παρὰ τῆς … αὐτῆς] καθ’ ὁδὸν ὡς ἐρῶν τῆς ἱπποδαμείας T | παρὰ] περὶ ZZa | 7 αὐτὸν] αὐτὸς Z | ἢ μὴ … ἐγένετο om. ZZaT | 8 πρὸς τὴν θάλ.] ZmZlGu, ἐν θαλάσσῃ T, εἰς τὴν θαλ. ZZa | 11 ἱστορία πᾶσα] λοιπὴ ἱστορία T | at end ἅ τ’ ἀρετά add. ZZa
APP. CRIT. 2: 3 ἠνίοχος ZaGu | σιδηροὺς ZZaT | 7 δράσση Za | 11 πρόσθεν] app. παρ() or πα() (with stroke above) Za
PREVIOUS EDITIONS: Dind. II.248,17–249,6
KEYWORDS: ἱστορία | mythography
Or. 991.07 (991–995) (pllgn wdord) ⟨Πέλοψ ὅτε … ἁρματεύσας⟩: α (πέλοψ), β (ἠιόσιν ἁρματ.), γ (πρὸς), δ (πελάγ.), ε (γεραιστ.), ϛ (λευκ.), ζ (διεδίφ.), η (φόνον), θ (μυρτ.) —V3
Or. 991.09 (pllgn exeg) ⟨Πέλοψ⟩: Οἰνόμαος ἔσχε θυγατέραν Ἱπποδάμιαν. Πέλοπος γυνή —F
TRANSLATION: Oenomaus has a daughter Hippodameia. (She was) wife of Pelops.
Or. 991.11 (vet exeg) ⟨ὅτε⟩: ἀντὶ τοῦ ἐξ οὗ —MC
TRANSLATION: (‘Hote’, ‘when’ is here) equivalent to ‘from the time when’.
APP. CRIT. 2: ἐξοῦ M
Or. 991.12 (pllgn paraphr) ⟨ὅτε⟩: εἶδον ὅποτε νικήσας τὸν Οἰνόμαον —V3
APP. CRIT.: εἶδεν V3 | ἰνόμαον V3, corr. from ‑μαλον(?)
Or. 991.17 (mosch gloss) ⟨πελάγεσι⟩: κατὰ τοῦ πελάγους —XaXbXoT+YYfGGrOx2
LEMMA: ‑εσσιν in text T POSITION: s.l.
APP. CRIT.: τοῦ om. Yf
Or. 991.18 (991–992) (vet exeg) ⟨διεδίφρευσε Μυρτίλου φόνον⟩: ἀντὶ τοῦ ἐξεδίφρευσεν, ἐξέρριψε τὸν Μυρτίλον ἐπὶ τὸ ἀπολέσθαι. —B
TRANSLATION: (‘Diediphreuse’ with ‘murder of Myrtilus’ as object is) equivalent to ‘he threw from the chariot, threw Myrtilus out to his destruction’.
POSITION: intermarg.
PREVIOUS EDITIONS: Schw. I.197,8–9 with app.; Dind. II.249,6–7
Or. 991.19 (991–992) (rec exeg) ⟨διεδίφρευσε Μυρτίλου φόνον⟩: ἐξεδίδρευσεν, ἔρριψεν ὅτι μετὰ τὴν νίκην ζηλωτύπησε τὴν Ἱπποδάμειαν. —O
TRANSLATION: (‘Diediphreuse’ with ‘murder of Myrtilus’ as object means that) he (Pelops) threw (Myrtilus) out of the chariot, he threw (him) because after his victory he was jealously possessive of Hippodameia.
Or. 991.20 (991–992) (rec exeg) ⟨διεδίφρευσε Μυρτίλου φόνον⟩: ἀπὸ τοῦ δίφρου ἔρριψεν, ἢ διὰ τοῦ δίφρου ἐποίησε —V
TRANSLATION: (‘Diediphreuse’ with ‘murder of Myrtilus’ as object means) ‘threw from the chariot’; or ‘using his chariot caused (the murder)’.
COMMENT: Whereas modern commentators take φόνον as the object of δικὼν in the next colon, ancient and medieval commentators and paraphrasts generally placed it syntactically within its own colon as the object of διεδίφρευσε. Thus most of the paraphrases treat διαδιφρεύω, ‘drive a chariot across (some expanse)’ as if it can mean ἐκδιφρεύω, ‘throw from a chariot’. In V, however, the alternative paraphrase appears to take φόνον as an internal accusative or ‘accusative in apposition to the sentence’, which is in fact a respectable possibility in the lyric style of tragedy. Compare the cruder paraphrase offered in the next, and Moschopulus’s paraphrase (sch. 988.01, 991.27), a kind of compromise between or combination of the two views.
Or. 991.21 (991–992) (pllgn exeg) ⟨διεδίφρευσε Μυρτίλου φόνον⟩: εἰργάσατο φόνον —V3Ya
TRANSLATION: (‘Diediphreuse’ with ‘murder of Myrtilus’ as object means) ‘brought about the murder’.
POSITION: intermarg. V3, marg. Ya
APP. CRIT.: φόνον om. V3
Or. 991.22 (vet exeg) ⟨διεδίφρευσε⟩: ἀντὶ τοῦ ἐξεδίφρευσε —MC
TRANSLATION: (‘Diediphreuse’ is) equivalent to ‘he threw from the chariot’.
PREVIOUS EDITIONS: Schw. I.197,8; Dind. II.249,6–7
Or. 991.23 (rec exeg) ⟨διεδίφρευσε⟩: ἐξέρριψε τοῦ δίφρου —R
TRANSLATION: (‘Diediphreuse’ is equivalent to) ‘he threw from the chariot’.
Or. 991.24 (recThom exeg) ⟨διεδίφρευσε⟩: ἐκ δίφρου ἔρριψε —KZZaZbZlZmTGu
TRANSLATION: (‘Diediphreuse’ is equivalent to) ‘he threw from the chariot’.
APP. CRIT.: ἐκ τοῦ KT
APP. CRIT. 2: ἔρριψεν KZaZlT
Or. 991.25 (pllgn exeg) ⟨διεδίφρευσε⟩: ἔρριψεν ἀπὸ τοῦ δίφρου —Aa
TRANSLATION: (‘Diediphreuse’ is equivalent to) ‘he threw from the chariot’.
Or. 991.26 (pllgn exeg) ⟨διεδίφρευσε⟩: ἔρριψεν ἀπὸ τοῦ ἅρματος —B3a
TRANSLATION: (‘Diediphreuse’ is equivalent to) ‘he threw from the chariot’.
Or. 991.27 (mosch exeg) ⟨διεδίφρευσε⟩: ἀπὸ τοῦ δίφρου ἐποίησεν —XaXbXoT+YYfGGr
TRANSLATION: (‘Diediphreuse’ is equivalent to) ‘he caused (the killing) from the chariot’.
APP. CRIT.: φόνον add. Ya
APP. CRIT. 2: ἐποίησε XoYG
Or. 991.28 (thom exeg) ⟨διεδίφρευσε⟩: τὸ διεδίφρευσεν ἐν πελάγεσι, καὶ τὸ δικὼν εἰς οἶδμα, καὶ τὸ ᾐόσιν ἁρματεύσας ταυτὸ σημαίνουσιν. —ZlZmTGu
TRANSLATION: The phrases expressing ‘he threw from the chariot on the sea’ and ‘having thrown into the sea swell’ and ‘having thrown from the chariot on the shore’ convey the same meaning.
APP. CRIT. 2: ἠιόσιν T | ταυτὸν Zm | σημαναίνουσι Gu
Or. 991.29 (thom exeg) ⟨διεδίφρευσε⟩: διαδιφρεύω κυρίως τὸ δίφρον ἐλαύνω. —ZmGu, app. Zl
TRANSLATION: ‘Diadiphreuō’ is in its primary sense ‘drive a chariot’.
POSITION: marg. Zm, cont. from prev., add. δὲ, Gu, app. Zl
APP. CRIT.: διφρεύω app. Zl
COLLATION NOTES: At end of the prev., Zl starts another sch. just before the end of the line, but the bottom margin has been trimmed, so that the rest is lost and the lower half of the first words are also lost. The extant traces seem to fit διφρεύω δὲ.
Or. 991.30 (pllgn exeg) ⟨διεδίφρευσε⟩: ἐν δίφρῳ ἠγωνίσατο —V2
TRANSLATION: (‘Diediphreuse’ means) ‘competed in a chariot’.
Or. 991.31 (pllgn exeg) ⟨διεδίφρευσε⟩: διηγωνίσατο —Zb
TRANSLATION: (‘Diediphreuse’ means) ‘competed to the finish’.
Or. 992.01 (vet exeg) ⟨Μυρτίλου φόνον⟩: τὸν Μυρτίλον ἐπὶ τὸ ἀπολέσθαι —MC
TRANSLATION: (‘Murder of Myrtilus’ means) ‘(threw) Myrtilus to his destruction’.
APP. CRIT.: ἀπολέσθαι] from B-version (sch. 991.18), ἄλεσθαι M, ἀλέσθαι C
APP. CRIT. 2: ἐπι M
PREVIOUS EDITIONS: Schw. I.197,9; Dind. II.249,7
Or. 992.02 (rec exeg) ⟨Μυρτίλου φόνον⟩: ἤγουν αὐτὸν τὸν Μυρτίλον —KMnPrRSB3a
TRANSLATION: (‘Murder of Myrtilus’,) that is, (threw) Myrtilus himself.
APP. CRIT.: ἤγουν om. KB3a
APP. CRIT. 2: μύρτιλον S
Or. 992.03 (pllgn exeg) ⟨Μυρτίλου φόνον⟩: περίφρασις —B3a
TRANSLATION: Periphrasis.
KEYWORDS: περίφρασις
Or. 992.04 (pllgn exeg) ⟨Μυρτίλου φόνον⟩: ὄπισθεν ἐστὶ γεγραμμένη ἡ αὐτὴ ἱστορία. —Zl
TRANSLATION: The same story has been written on the verso.
COMMENT: Along with a very unusual reference symbol, this note directs reader to the verso (78v), where sch. 991.06 is located, because the margins of 78r are already full.
KEYWORDS: ἱστορία
Or. 992.05 (vet exeg) ⟨Μυρτίλου⟩: ἐντεῦθεν καὶ Μυρτῷον ἀπὸ Μυρτίλου τὸ πέλαγος τὸ πρὸς Εὔβοιαν κέκληται. —MCSa
TRANSLATION: Hence in fact the sea near Euboea has been called Myrtoan after Myrtilus.
POSITION: cont. from sch. 993.01 MC, from sch. 992.07, add. δὲ, Sa
APP. CRIT.: τὸ πέλαγος om. MC | εὐβοία Sa
APP. CRIT. 2: μυρτίλλου Sa
PREVIOUS EDITIONS: Schw. I.197,14–15
Or. 992.06 (rec exeg) ⟨Μυρτίλου⟩: ὁ Οἰνόμαος πατὴρ τῆς Ἱπποδαμείας. οἱ ἵπποι τοῦ Οἰνομάου ἦσαν ἡ Ψύλλα καὶ Ἅρπιννα. ὁ δὲ ἱπποκόμος ἦν ὁ Μυρτίλος. —V1
TRANSLATION: Oenomaus was the father of Hippodameia. The horses of Oenomaus were Psylla and Harpinna. And his horse groom was Myrtilus.
POSITION: added at end of bottom block, after sch. 993.01
APP. CRIT.: ἅρπυια V1
APP. CRIT. 2: ψύλλ() V1
PREVIOUS EDITIONS: Schw. I.196,4–5; Dind. II.248,14–16
COMMENT: The names of the horses are otherwise attested in the text of Lycophron, Alex. 166–167, where Sch. Tzetz. Lycophr. 165 has Ψύλλα καὶ Ἅρπιννα ἵπποι Οἰνομάου, ὧν ἦν Μυρτίλος ἡνίοχος, and in Sch. Ap. Rhod. 1.752 (p. 65, 5–6 Wendel) αἱ δὲ τοῦ Οἰνομάου ἵπποι Ψύλλα καὶ Ἅρπιννα. ὁ δὲ Μυρτίλος Ἑρμοῦ υἱὸς ἐκ μιᾶς τῶν Δαναοῦ θυγατρῶν Φαεθούσης, οἱ δὲ ἐκ Κλυμένης, οἱ δὲ ἐκ Μυρτοῦς μιᾶς τῶν Ἀμαζόνων.
Or. 992.07 (rec exeg) ⟨Μυρτίλου⟩: Μυρτίλος Ἑρμοῦ καὶ Φαεθούσης ἢ Κλυμένης. —Sa
TRANSLATION: Myrtilus (was) son of Hermes and Phaëthousa or Clymene.
POSITION: prep. to sch. 992.01
COMMENT: Compare Sch. Ap. Rhod. quoted on the previous note.
Or. 992.09 (vet exeg) ⟨φόνον δικὼν ἐς οἶδμα πόντου⟩: ἀντὶ τοῦ ἐκβαλὼν εἰς τὸν πόντον ὅτε ἐφόνευσεν —MC
TRANSLATION: (‘Throwing murder into the swell of the sea’ is) equivalent to ‘having cast (him) out into the sea when he killed (him)’.
POSITION: s.l. M, intermarg. C
APP. CRIT.: τοῦ om. C
PREVIOUS EDITIONS: Schw. I.197,10; Dind. II.250,9
Or. 992.10 (pllgn exeg) ⟨φόνον δικὼν ἐς οἶδμα πόντου⟩: ἐμβαλὼν εἰς τὸν πόντον ὅτε ἐφόνευσεν —B
TRANSLATION: (‘Throwing murder into the swell of the sea’ is) equivalent to ‘having cast (him) into the sea when he killed (him)’.
POSITION: intermarg.
PREVIOUS EDITIONS: Schw. I.197,10 app.; Dind. II.250,9
Or. 992.12 (rec exeg) ⟨δικὼν ἐς οἶδμα πόντου⟩: ὅθεν καὶ Μυρτῷον πέλαγος. —O
TRANSLATION: (‘Throwing into the swell of the sea’,) wherefore in fact the Myrtoan sea (is so called).
Or. 992.13 (rec exeg) ⟨δικὼν ἐς οἶδμα πόντου⟩: βαλὼν τὸν Μυρτίλον ἐπὶ τῷ ἀπολέσθαι —Sa
TRANSLATION: (‘Throwing into the swell of the sea’ means) ‘casting Myrtilus to his destruction’.
COMMENT: Since this is between sch. 992.05 and 993.18, it is assigned here, but it may belong to the previous colon (cf. sch. 991.18).
Or. 992.15 (recMosch gloss) ⟨δικὼν⟩: ῥίψας αὐτόν —KXXaXbXoT*YYfGGrOx2
POSITION: s.l. except marg. Ox2
Or. 992.16 (recThom gloss) ⟨δικὼν⟩: ῥίψας —M2AaFZZaZbZlZmZcB3a
LEMMA: δικῶν in text M REF. SYMBOL: M2 POSITION: s.l. except marg. M2
APP. CRIT.: καὶ prep. FZc
Or. 992.17 (rec gloss) ⟨δικὼν⟩: βαλὼν —M2VMnPrRSSaZuCrOx
LEMMA: δικῶν in text M POSITION: s.l. except marg. M2(cont. from prev. with καὶ)
APP. CRIT.: καὶ prep. CrOx
Or. 992.20 (pllgn gram) ⟨δικὼν⟩: δίκω τὸ θέμα. —Zm
TRANSLATION: The base-form is ‘dikō’.
Or. 992.22 (pllgn gloss) ⟨ἐς οἶδμα⟩: εἰς τὸ κῦμα —XXaXbXoTYYfGGrOx2
POSITION: s.l. except marg. Ox2, cont. from sch. 992.15 XoOx2
Or. 992.26 (pllgn exeg) ⟨θαλάσσης⟩: πόντου —Vrec
TRANSLATION: (For ‘thalassēs’,‘of sea’, there is a variant) ‘pontou’ (also ‘of sea’).
LEMMA: thus in text V POSITION: s.l.
Or. 993.01 (vet exeg) λευκοκύμοσι: 1τοῖς λευκοῖς κύμασιν, ἐπειδὴ προσρηγνύμενα τῷ ἀκρωτηρίῳ ἀφρώδη γίνεται. —MaBVCRb, partial Mb
TRANSLATION: (‘Leukokumosi … ēïosin’ means) ‘the white waves’, since when broken against the promontory they (the waves) become frothy.
LEMMA: B, λευκοκύμασι (as in text) MaVCRb(‑σιν) REF. SYMBOL: MaBVRb POSITION: marg. Mb
APP. CRIT.: τοῖς om. V | ἐπειδὴ κτλ om. Mb | ἐπεὶ VRb | προρηγνύμενον Rb, προσρηγνυμ(ε)ν()΄ τῆς θαλάσσης V (app. ‑υμένης, but accent ambig. placed as if it could apply to upsilon) | γίνονται V
APP. CRIT. 2: κύμασι Mb | ἀφρόδη MaRb
PREVIOUS EDITIONS: Schw. I.197,11–12; Dind. II.250,10–11
COMMENT: This note interprets ἠϊόσιν as meaning ‘waves’ by metonymy, as also in sch. 995.01, not literally as ‘seashore’, as many take it to be, using the standard gloss αἰγιάλοις.
Or. 993.02 (pllgn exeg) ⟨λευκοκύμοσι⟩: ἐπειδὴ προσρηγνυμένης τῆς θαλάσσης ἀκρωτήρια ἀφρώδη γίνονται. —Gu
TRANSLATION: (‘With white waves’) since when the sea is broken against them, promontories become frothy.
POSITION: under line (space above already full)
COMMENT: Adapted from V’s version of the previous.
Or. 993.03 (rec exeg) ⟨λευκοκύμοσι⟩: τὰ κύματα γὰρ προσπεπηγμένα τῷ ἄκρῳ ἀφρίζει. —O
TRANSLATION: (‘With white waves’) for the waves when driven against the promontory become frothy.
Or. 993.04 (rec exeg) ⟨λευκοκύμασι⟩: λευκοκύμασι δὲ ἐπεὶ προσπηγνύμενα τῷ ἄκρῳ ἀφρίζει τὰ κύματα. —Sa
TRANSLATION: And ‘with white waves’ (is used) because when driven against the promontory the waves become frothy.
LEMMA: thus in text Sa POSITION: cont. from sch. 993.18
APP. CRIT.: ἀφρίζει] cf. prev., ἐνφρίξει Sa
COMMENT: One could also consider correcting to ἐναφρίζει, although this compound is unattested. ἐμφρίσσει would be another unattested compound, and the metaphor probably too poetic for a paraphrast.
Or. 993.05 (rec exeg) ⟨λευκοκύμασι⟩: ταῖς λευκαῖς ὑπὸ τῶν κυμάτων ἐπὶ ταῖς πέτραις τοῦ Γεραιστοῦ —MnPrS
TRANSLATION: (‘With white waves’ means) the ones (made) white by the waves upon the rocks of Geraestus.
LEMMA: thus in text all POSITION: s.l.
APP. CRIT.: τῶν πετρῶν Pr
APP. CRIT. 2: γεραστοῦ Pr | πέτρες Mn
Or. 993.06 (rec exeg) ⟨λευκοκύμασι⟩: διὰ τὸ ἀφρώδη εἶναι —V
TRANSLATION: (‘With white waves’) because they (the waves) are frothy.
LEMMA: thus in text V POSITION: s.l.
Or. 993.07 (rec exeg) ⟨λευκοκύμασι⟩: διὰ τοὺς ἄφρους —Sa
TRANSLATION: (‘With white waves’) because of the (areas of) froth.
LEMMA: thus in text Sa POSITION: s.l.
Or. 993.08 (rec exeg) ⟨λευκοκύμασι⟩: λευκαῖς οὔσαις ὑπὸ τῶν ἀνέμων —R
TRANSLATION: (‘With white waves’ implies) being (made) white by the winds.
LEMMA: thus in text R POSITION: s.l.
Or. 993.09 (mosch exeg) ⟨λευκοκύμοσι⟩: αἷς προσκρουόμενα τὰ κύματα ἀφρὸν ἐμποιεῖ, ὃς ἐξ ἀνάγκης ἐστὶ λευκός. —XXaXbXoT+YYfGGr
TRANSLATION: (‘With white waves’ refers to) the ones (shores) upon which the waves smash and create froth, which is necessarily white.
POSITION: s.l. except X
APP. CRIT.: αἷς] ὡς T, οἷς G | ποιεῖ TG
APP. CRIT. 2: ἐξανάγκης XaXbXo | ἐστι Gr
Or. 993.10 (thom exeg) ⟨λευκοκύμοσι⟩: ταῖς λευκαῖς διὰ τῶν κυμάτων —ZZaZbZlZmTGu
TRANSLATION: (‘With white waves’ refers to) the ones (shores) white by (the action of) the waves.
Or. 993.11 (pllgn exeg) ⟨λευκοκύμοσι⟩: ταῖς †λευκωκομίαις† ὑπὸ τῶν κυμάτων —B3a
COMMENT: The word could perhaps be read as λευκωνομίαις, but that is even more troublesome. The most obvious inference is that ω should be ο, but neither *λευκοκόμιος (‘white-tressed’?) nor *λευκοκομία is attested. λευκόκομος is found once in Pollux, λευκοκόμης as an adjective once in Tzetzes, while the proper name Λευκοκόμας occurs several times.
Or. 993.12 (pllgn paraphr) ⟨λευκοκύμοσι⟩: καὶ ταῖς λευκὰ κύματα ἐχούσαις —CrOx
APP. CRIT. 2: app. τ(ῆς) Ox
Or. 993.15 (pllgn exeg) ⟨πρὸς Γεραιστίαις⟩: ἤγουν εἰς τὸ ἀκρωτήριον τῆς Εὐβοίας —Aa2
TRANSLATION: (‘Near the Geraestean …’,) that is, at the promontory of Euboea.
APP. CRIT. 2: εὐοίας Aa2
Or. 993.18 (vet exeg) ⟨Γεραιστίαις⟩: Γεραιστὸς ἀκρωτήριον τῆς Εὐβοίας. —MBOVCMnPrSSaaSab
TRANSLATION: Geraestus is a promontory of Euboea.
POSITION: intermarg. B, s.l. OVMnPrSSab; cont. from sch. 993.01, add. δὲ, MCRb, cont. from sch. 993.05 MnPrS, follows sch. 995.07 Saa
APP. CRIT.: γεραιστὸς] om. O, τόπος MnPrS | εὐβ. ἀκρωτ. transp. V, om. τῆς | τῆς om. O(V)CSaaSab
APP. CRIT. 2: ἀκροτ‑ Rb | εὐοίας O
PREVIOUS EDITIONS: Schw. I.197,13; Dind. II.250,14–15 and app. at 11
Or. 993.19 (rec exeg) ⟨Γεραιστίαις⟩: πέτραι οὕτως καλούμεναι —Sa
TRANSLATION: (‘Geraestian’:) rocks with that name.
POSITION: s.l., cont. from prev.
Or. 993.20 (rec exeg) ⟨Γεραιστίαις⟩: ἀκρωτήριον [τῆς(?)] Βοιωτίας(?) —R
TRANSLATION: (‘Geraestian’:) a promontory of Boeotia.
APP. CRIT.: faint and damaged
Or. 993.21 (mosch exeg) ⟨Γεραιστίαις⟩: ἀκρωτήριον ἐν τῇ Εὐβοίᾳ ὁ Γεραιστός. —XaXbXaXbXoT+YYfGr
TRANSLATION: Geraestus is a promontory in Euboea.
POSITION: s.l. Xb, marg. Yf, intermarg. XaXaXbXoYGr; cont. from 993.24 G
APP. CRIT.: ὁ γεραιστὸς ἐν / ἐν τῇ Εὐβοίᾳ (sic) transp. G | ἐν γῇ εὐβοίας T
APP. CRIT. 2: γερεστός all except TGu(correcting Gr)
Or. 993.22 (thom exeg) ⟨Γεραιστίαις⟩: πέτραις. ἔστι δὲ ἄκρωτήριον Εὐβοίας. —ZZaZbZlZmT, partial GuCrOx
TRANSLATION: (‘Geraestian’) rocks. And it is a promontory of Euboea.
APP. CRIT.: ἔστι δὲ κτλ om. GuCrOx | ὁ γεραιστός add. ZlZm
Or. 993.24 (pllgn gloss) ⟨Γεραιστίαις⟩: ὄνομα τόπου —Zc
TRANSLATION: (‘Geraestian’:) name of a place.
Or. 993.25 (mosch gloss) ⟨Γεραιστίαις⟩: ταῖς τοῦ Γεραιστοῦ —XXaXbT+YGB4
LEMMA: πρὸς γεραιστίαις G POSITION: s.l. XXbTB4, marg. XaY
APP. CRIT.: ταῖς τοῦ om. B4
APP. CRIT. 2: γερεστοῦ XbYB4
Or. 993.26 (pllgn gram) ⟨Γεραστίαις⟩: Γεραιστίαις ἦν, συγκοπῇ δὲ τοῦ ι̅ Γεραστίαις ἐγένετο. —Zm
TRANSLATION: (The word) was ‘Geraistiais’, but became ‘Gerastiais’ by syncope of the iota.
LEMMA: thus in text Zm POSITION: intermarg.
KEYWORDS: syncope
Or. 994.01 (tri exeg) ⟨ποντίων σάλων⟩: ἤτοι τῆς θαλάσσας περιφραστικῶς —T
TRANSLATION: (‘Billows of the sea’,) that is, ‘the sea’, periphrastically.
KEYWORDS: περιφραστικῶς/κατὰ περίφρασιν
Or. 995.01 (vet exeg) ⟨ἠϊόσιν⟩: ἠΐονας λέγει τὴν ἐπιφάνειαν τοῦ κύματος. —MBVC
TRANSLATION: By ‘ēïonas’ (normally, ‘shore’, ‘beach’) he means the surface of the wave.
POSITION: marg. M, intermarg. B, s.l. C; cont. from sch. 995.06, add. δὲ, BV
APP. CRIT.: app. ἠϊόνα M (damage) | κύματος] σώματος M
PREVIOUS EDITIONS: Schw. I.197,18; Dind. II.250,17–18
Or. 995.02 (recThom gloss) ⟨ἠϊόσιν⟩: αἰγιάλοις —V1/2F2MnPrRSZZaZbZlZmZuTGuG
APP. CRIT.: καὶ prep. Zu
Or. 995.06 (vet exeg) ἁρματεύσας: 1ἐκ τοῦ ἅρματος βαλών. 2ὅμοιον δέ ἐστι τῷ [991] διεδίφρευσεν. —MBVC
TRANSLATION: (‘Harmateusas’ means) ‘having thrown from the chariot’. It is similar (in meaning) to ‘diediphreusen’.
LEMMA: V REF. SYMBOL: V POSITION: s.l. M, intermarg. BC; cont. from sch. 993.18. B
APP. CRIT.: 2 ἐστι om. B | τῷ] τὸ MVC
PREVIOUS EDITIONS: Schw. I.197,16; Dind. II.250,16–17
Or. 995.07 (rec exeg) ⟨ἁρματεύσας⟩: ἐκβαλὼν τῶν ἁρμάτων. ὅμοιον δέ ἐστι τῷ [991] ⟨δι⟩εδίφρευσε. —Sa
TRANSLATION: (‘Harmateusas’ means) ‘having thrown from the chariot’. It is similar (in meaning) to ‘diediphreusen’.
POSITION: cont. from sch. 993.19
Or. 995.08 (rec exeg) ⟨ἁρματεύσας⟩: ἐκβαλὼν ἀπὸ τῶν ἁρμάτων τὸν Μυρτίλον ὁ Πέλοψ —MnPrRS
TRANSLATION: (‘Harmateusas’ means) ‘Pelops having thrown Myrtilus from the chariot’.
POSITION: s.l. except marg. R
APP. CRIT.: τῶν μυρτίλων R | ὁ πέλοψ om. R
APP. CRIT. 2: μορτύλον app. S
Or. 995.09 (rec gloss) ⟨ἁρματεύσας⟩: ἐκβαλὼν —O
TRANSLATION: (‘Harmateusas’ means) ‘having thrown out’.
APP. CRIT.: ἐκβάλλων O
Or. 995.10 (rec exeg) ⟨ἁρματεύσας⟩: ῥίψας τῶν ἁρμάτων διε[δίφρευσε(?)] —O
TRANSLATION: (‘Harmateusas’ means) ‘having cast from the chariot he [drove along?]’.
Or. 995.11 (rec exeg) ⟨ἁρματεύσας⟩: ἀφ’ ἅρματος ῥίψας —VRfr
TRANSLATION: (‘Harmateusas’ means) ‘having cast away from the chariot’.
APP. CRIT. 2: ἀπὸ Rfr
Or. 995.12 (pllgn exeg) ⟨ἁρματεύσας⟩: ἔξω τοῦ ἅρματος ῥίψας —Aa
TRANSLATION: (‘Harmateusas’ means) ‘having cast outside of the chariot’.
Or. 995.13 (rec exeg) ⟨ἁρματεύσας⟩: ῥίψας, διὰ τοῦ ἅρματος ὁδεύσας —Sa
TRANSLATION: (‘Harmateusas’ means) ‘having cast’, (or) ‘having traveled by chariot’.
Or. 995.14 (thom exeg) ⟨ἁρματεύσας⟩: ἐκ τοῦ ἅρματος ῥίψας —ZZaZbZlZmTGuCrOx
TRANSLATION: (‘Harmateusas’ means) ‘having cast from the chariot’.
APP. CRIT.: καὶ ἐκ Cr, διἐκ Ox
Or. 995.16 (rec exeg) ⟨ἁρματεύσας⟩: διὰ τοῦ ἅρματος δραμὼν —K
TRANSLATION: (‘Harmateusas’ means) ‘having run along by chariot’.
Or. 995.17 (mosch exeg) ⟨ἁρματεύσας⟩: δραμών —XXaXbXoYYfGrB4
TRANSLATION: (‘Harmateusas’ means) ‘having run along’.
Or. 995.18 (pllgn exeg) ⟨ἁρματεύσας⟩: διαδραμὼν διὰ τοῦ ἅρματος —G
TRANSLATION: (‘Harmateusas’ means) ‘having run across by chariot’.
Or. 995.19 (pllgn exeg) ⟨ἁρματεύσας⟩: καὶ δι’ ἁρμάτων ἀγαγών —Zu
TRANSLATION: (‘Harmateusas’ means) ‘having carried by chariot’.
Or. 996.01 (996–1000) (pllgn exeg) ὁ Ἀτρεὺς καὶ ὁ Θυέστης ἦσαν ἀδελφοι· καὶ ὁ μὲν Ἀτρεὺς εἶλε τὴν Ἀερόπην γυναῖκα, ἥντινα εἶχε καὶ ὁ Θυέστης. —V1
TRANSLATION: Atreus and Thyestes were brothers. And Atreus took Aerope as his wife, whom Thyestes also had (as lover).
PREVIOUS EDITIONS: Schw. I.200,23–24
COMMENT: Schwartz assigns this to 1009 without remark, but the note is added by V1 in the upper margin of 53r (lines 994–1003), above the scholia block written by V, not on 54v (lines 1004–1017), where the same amount of space is available in the upper margin for such an addition.
Or. 996.02 (996–1000) (vet exeg) ὅθεν δόμοισι τοῖς ἐμοῖς: 1ὅθεν δόμοις τοῖς ἐμοῖς ἦλθ’ ἀρὰ πολύστονος, ὅτε ἐγένετο ποιμνίοις Ἀτρέως ἱπποβότα τέρας ὀλοὸν λόχευμα ἀρνὸς χρυσομάλλου Μαιάδος τόκου, 2τουτέστιν ὅθεν, διὰ τὸ φονευθῆναι τὸν Μυρτίλον, συμφορὰ κατέλαβε τοὺς οἴκους τὴν ἀρχὴν λαβοῦσα ἐξ οὗ ἐγένετο τέρας ἐν τοῖς ποιμνίοις τοῦ ἱπποτρόφου Ἀτρέως τὸ ὀλέθριον, 3λέγω δὲ τὴν ἄρνα τὴν χρυσόμαλλον, ἣν ὁ Μαιάδος τόκος Ἑρμῆς ὑπέβαλεν. 4τὸ δὲ λόχευμα πρὸς τὸ ἀρνός, τουτέστι τὸ χρυσόμαλλον λόχευμα ἀρνὸς, περιφραστικῶς τὴν ἄρνα. —MBVCRw
TRANSLATION: (In simpler order) whence upon my house came a curse, cause of many lamentations, when there was born in the flocks of Atreus, horse-raiser, the baneful portent, the birth-product of the golden-fleeced lamb of the offspring of Maia; that is to say, whence, because of Myrtilus’s having been killed, a disaster overtook the house, taking its beginning from the time when a portent was born in the flocks of horse-raising Atreus, the destructive (portent), I mean the golden-fleeced lamb, which Maia’s offspring Hermes inserted. And the word ‘locheuma’ (‘birth-product’, ‘child’) goes with ‘lamb’, that is, ‘the golden-fleeced birth-product of the lamb’, periphrastically for ‘the lamb’.
LEMMA: all (δόμοις B) REF. SYMBOL: MBV
APP. CRIT.: 1 ὅθεν … πολύστονος om. BRw | Ἀτρεως ἱππ. τέρας ὀλοὸν] Schw., τέρας ὀλοὸν ἀτρέως (ἀτρ. om. Rw) ἱππ. transp. all | ἀρνὸς χρυσομάλλου, λόχευμα transp. Schw. | 2 τουτέστιν] τ’εστιν M | καὶ add. before ἐξ V | τέρας om. C | 3 ἀπέβαλλε() a.c., ὑπέβαλλ() p.c. V | 4 τὸ δὲ λόχ. κτλ om. B | τὸ δὲ … χρυσ. λόχευμα ἀρνὸς] λόχευμα δὲ χρυσόμαλον Rw
APP. CRIT. 2: 1 ἦλθεν V | ἱπποβάτα Rw | χρυσομάλου VRw (compend. written with one λ V, as also in 3,4) | 2 μυρτῖλον MV | ἐξοῦ M | 3 χρυσόμαλον VRw | ἢν M | ὑπέβαλε BCRw | 4. χρυσόμαλον VRw
PREVIOUS EDITIONS: Schw. I.197,19–26; Dind. II.250,20–251,2 with app.
COMMENT: Schwartz’s first transposition in sent. 1 is justified by the further explanation, but by the same token the remainder of the note suggests that the order λόχευμα ἀρνὸς should be left as is.
KEYWORDS: περιφραστικῶς/κατὰ περίφρασιν
Or. 996.03 (996–1000) (vet exeg) ἄλλως: 1ἀκολουθεῖν ἂν δόξειε τῷ τὴν Ἀλκμαιωνίδα πεποιηκότι [fr. 6 Bernabé, fr. 5 Davies] εἰς τὰ περὶ τὴν ἄρνα, ὡς καὶ Διονύσιος ὁ κυκλογράφος [FGrHist 15 F 7 Jacoby, BNJ Ceccarelli] φησί. 2Φερεκύδης [EGM fr. 133 Fowler] δὲ οὐ καθ’ Ἑρμοῦ μῆνίν φησι τὴν ἄρνα ὑποβληθῆναι, ἀλλὰ Ἀρτέμιδος. 3ὁ δὲ τὴν Ἀλκμαιωνίδα γράψας τὸν ποιμένα τὸν προσαγαγόντα τὸ ποίμνιον τῷ Ἀτρεῖ Ἀντίοχον καλεῖ. —BVC
TRANSLATION: He would seem to be following the poet of the Alcmaeonis in regard to the business of the lamb, as also Dionysius the cyclic writer says. But Pherecydes says that the lamb was inserted not because of the anger of Hermes, but rather that of Artemis. And the one who wrote the Alcmaeonis calls the shepherd who brought the animal to Atreus Antiochus.
LEMMA: VC, 998 λόχευμα ποινμίοισι B REF. SYMBOL: B (to 998)
APP. CRIT.: 1 ἂν δόξειε] Schw., ἀεὶ δόξειε VC, δοκεῖ B | 2 δέ φησιν V | κατ’ ἐμοῦ VC | μῆνι C | ἐπιβληθῆναι VC | 3 ὁ δὲ κτλ om. V | second τὸν om. B | ἀντίοχον] ἀντ followed by blank space of 3–4 letters B
APP. CRIT. 2: 1 ἀλκμαιονίδα C | φη() B | 2 μῆνιν φη() B | ἀλλ’ B | 3 ἀλκμαιονίδα C
PREVIOUS EDITIONS: Schw. I.197,27–198,4; Dind. II.251,6–10
KEYWORDS: citation of historian or scholar | citation of literature other than Homer | Pherecydes | Dionysius (cyclic writer) | Alcmaeonis | mythography
Or. 996.04 (996–1000) (rec paraphr) ὅθεν δόμοισι: ὅθεν καὶ ἐξ οὗ ἐγένετο τέρας ἐν τοῖς ποιμνίοις τοῦ Ἀτρέως καὶ συμφορὰ κατέλαβε τοὺς οἴκους, ἔνθεν τὴν ἀρχὴν λαβοῦσα. —Sa
TRANSLATION: Whence and from which (time/event) a portent was born in the flocks of Atreus and misfortune overtook the house, having taken its origin from there.
LEMMA: Sa(‑οισιν)
Or. 996.05 (996–997) (thom exeg) ⟨ὅθεν … ἦλθ’ ἀρὰ⟩: κατηράσατο γὰρ οὗτος ἀποπνιγόμενος τῷ Πέλοπι. —ZlZmGu
TRANSLATION: (‘Whence came a curse’,) for this man (Myrtilus) cursed Pelops as he was drowning.
POSITION: s.l. ZlGu, marg. Zm
Or. 996.06 (rec paraphr) ⟨ὅθεν⟩: ἀπὸ τοῦ φονευθῆναι τὸν Μυρτίλον —M2V3
REF. SYMBOL: M2 POSITION: marg. M2, s.l. V3
Or. 996.10 (thom paraphr) ⟨ὅθεν⟩: ἀφ’ ἧς αἰτίας ἤτοι ἀπὸ τοῦ φόνου —ZZaZbZlZmT*Gu
POSITION: s.l. except marg. Zb
APP. CRIT.: ἤτοι ἀπὸ om. Za, at end add. λέγ() | τοῦ μυρτίλου add. ZlZmGu
Or. 997.02 (recMosch gloss) ⟨ἀρὰ⟩: κατάρα —V3MnPrR3SSaXXaXbXoYYfGGrZb2T*B4
COMMENT: The cross above κατάρα in T really applies to sch. 997.04, to which T preposes this word.
Or. 997.04 (moschThom paraphr) ⟨πολύστονος⟩: πολλῶν στεναγμῶν αἰτία —XXaXbXoYYfGGrZZaZbZlZmT*Aa2
POSITION: s.l. except X; cont. from prev. T, app. G
APP. CRIT.: ἀντὶ τοῦ prep Aa2 | αἰτίαν Z
Or. 997.05 (rec gloss) ⟨πολύστονος⟩: πολυστένακτος —M2MnPrSCrOx
APP. CRIT.: καὶ prep. CrOx
Or. 997.06 (pllgn gloss) ⟨πολύστονον⟩: καὶ πολυθρήνητον —Zu
LEMMA: thus in text Zu POSITION: s.l.
APP. CRIT. 2: πολλυ‑ Zu
Or. 998.01 (998–1000) (rec wdord) ⟨λόχευμα … Ἀτρέως ἱπποβότα⟩: (α) ὁπότε), β (ποιμνίοισι), γ (ἀτρέως), δ (μαιάδος τόκου), ε (τὸ χρυσ.), ϛ (λόχευμα), ζ (ἀρνὸς) —Pr
Or. 998.02 (998–1000) (pllgn wdord) ⟨λόχευμα … Ἀτρέως ἱπποβότα⟩: α (ὁπότε), β (γένετο), γ (τέρας), δ (ὀλοὸν), ε (?λόχευμα), ϛ (ἀρνὸς), ζ (χρυσόμαλον), η (ποιμνίοισι), θ (ἀτρέως), ι (ἱπποβ.), ια (τόκου), ιβ (μαιάδος) —V3
Or. 998.03 (998–1000) (pllgn wdord) ⟨λόχευμα … Ἀτρέως ἱπποβότα⟩: α (ὁπότε), β (γένετο), γ (τέρας), δ (ὀλοὸν), ε (ποιμνίοισι), ϛ (ἀτρέως), ζ (τόκου), η (μαιάδος), θ (λόχευμα), ι (χρυσόμαλον), ια (ἀρνὸς) —Ya
Or. 998.04 (998–1000) (pllgn wdord) ⟨λόχευμα … Ἀτρέως ἱπποβότα⟩: α (ὁπότε), β (ἐγένετο), γ (τέρας), δ (ὀλοὸν), ε (ποιμνίοισι), ϛ (ἀτρέως), ζ (not detected), η (μαιάδος τόκου), θ (not detected), ι (χρυσόμαλλον), ια (ἄρνα, s.l. ‑ος) —Aa
Or. 998.05 (998–999) (rec wdord) ⟨λόχευμα … τέρας ὀλοὸν⟩: (α) ὁπότε), β (ἐγένετο), γ (ποιμνίοισι), δ? (μαιάδος τόκου), ε (λόχευμα), ϛ (τὸ χρυσ.) —R
Or. 998.06 (998–999) (pllgn wdord) ⟨λόχευμα … τέρας ὀλοὸν⟩: α (λόχευμα), β (τὸ χρυσ.), γ (ποιμνίοισι), δ (μαιάδος τόκου) —Mn
Or. 998.07 (998–999) (vet exeg) ⟨λόχευμα … ἀρνὸς⟩: τὸ ἑξῆς λόχευμα ἀρνός, ὅ ἐστι περιφραστικῶς ὁ ἀρνός. —MBC, partial O
TRANSLATION: The phrase in simple order is ‘birth-product of the lamb’, which is periphrastically ‘the lamb’.
POSITION: marg. M, intermarg. B, s.l. C; at level of next line (τὸ χρυόμαλλον ἀρνὸς) O
APP. CRIT.: τὸ ἑξῆς … ὅ ἐστι om. O | after λόχ. add. χρυσόμαλλον B | ὅ ἐστι om. B | ἀνρειὸς O
APP. CRIT. 2: ἐξῆς M | περιφραστικὸς M
PREVIOUS EDITIONS: Schw. I.198,5; Dind. II.251,5–6
KEYWORDS: περιφραστικῶς/κατὰ περίφρασιν
Or. 998.08 (vet exeg) ⟨λόχευμα⟩: τὸ λόχευμα τῆς ἀρνὸς —M
TRANSLATION: (Construe as) ‘the birth-product of the lamb’.
Or. 998.09 (thom exeg) ⟨λόχευμα⟩: τὸ γέννημα, ἤγουν ὁ Μυρτίλος. —ZZaZbZlZmTGu
TRANSLATION: (‘Locheuma’, ‘birth-product’, is) the offspring, that is, Myrtilus.
Or. 998.11 (rec gloss) ⟨λόχευμα⟩: γέννημα —OAaMnPrRSSaB3a, a.c. V3
APP. CRIT.: ἤγουν τὸ καὶ γέννημα app. R, τὸ γένημα a.c. V3, τοῦ γενήματος p.c. V3 (with λόχευμα changed to λοχεύματος)
Or. 998.13 (mosch gloss) ⟨λόχευμα⟩: ὁ τόκος —XXaXbXoT+YYfGGr
APP. CRIT.: ὁ om. Gr
Or. 998.14 (pllgn gloss) ⟨λόχευμα⟩: ἤγουν τόκευμα —Zu
LEMMA: λόγχευμα in text Zu POSITION: s.l.
COMMENT: The word is not currently attested in TLG or lexicons. It corresponds to the Byzantine verb τοκεύω (four times in TLG).
KEYWORDS: rare word
Or. 998.18 (vet exeg) ⟨ποινμνίοισι Μαιάδος τόκου⟩: 1Ἑρμοῦ φησι τὰ ποίμνια καθότι ἀποδέδοται τούτῳ ἡ ἐπιμέλεια αὐτῶν. 2Ἑρμοῦ δὲ καὶ μιᾶς τῶν Δαναοῦ θυγατέρων Φαεθούσης ἐγένετο Μυρτίλος. 3οἱ δὲ ἐκ Κλυμένης φασὶν αὐτὸν καὶ Διὸς γεγενῆσθαι. —MBVCRw
TRANSLATION: He says the herds are (those) of Hermes because the oversight of them has been assigned to this (god). And from Hermes and one of Danaus’s daughters, Phaethousa, Myrtilus was born. But some say that he was born of Clymene and Zeus.
LEMMA: 999 τὸ χρυσόμαλλον ἀρνός M(‑μαλον)VC, τὸ χρυσόμαλλον BRw(‑μαλον) REF. SYMBOL: (to 999) MBV
APP. CRIT.: 1 τὸ ποιμνίον V | παραδέδοται V | 2 ένετο μυρτιλος written ιν blank by V1 (and γ of ἐγ rewritten) | 3 ὁ V, οἱ V1 | φασὶ transp. to follow διὸς B | short word erased before αὐτὸν V (final ον or grave legible; perhaps right tip of hor. of tau, so may have had αὐτὸν twice before erasure)
APP. CRIT. 2: 1 φησὶ C | 2 μιὰς M
PREVIOUS EDITIONS: Schw. I.198,7–10; Dind. II.251,12–15
Or. 998.22 (vetThom exeg) ⟨Μαιάδος τόκου⟩: τοῦ Ἑρμοῦ —MOV2AaFRZcZbZmZuZcrB3a
TRANSLATION: (‘Of Maia’s offspring’ means) ‘of Hermes’.
POSITION: s.l. except marg. RZcr
APP. CRIT.: ἢ or ἤγουν prep. R, ἤγουν prep. ZbZmZcrZuB3a | τοῦ Ἑρμοῦ] changed to ἤγουν ὁ ἐρμῆς F3 | τοῦ om. OV2Aa
APP. CRIT. 2: ἐρμοῦ R
Or. 998.23 (rec exeg) ⟨Μαιάδος τόκου⟩: ἤγουν τοῦ Ἑρμοῦ. οὗτος γάρ ἐστι πατὴρ τοῦ Μυρτίλου. —Sa
TRANSLATION: That is, of Hermes. For he is father of Myrtilus.
APP. CRIT.: πατὴρ] νῆσος (sic) Sa
Or. 998.24 (pllgn exeg) ⟨Μαιάδος τόκου⟩: ὁ Ἑρμῆς πατὴρ ἦν τοῦ Μυρτίλου. —B3a
TRANSLATION: Hermes was father of Myrtilus.
Or. 998.25 (rec exeg) ⟨Μαιάδος τόκου⟩: ἀπὸ τοῦ τόκου τῆς Μαιάδος ἤγουν τοῦ Ἑρμοῦ —MnPrS
TRANSLATION: From the offspring of Maia, that is, from Hermes.
Or. 998.26 (mosch exeg) ⟨Μαιάδος τόκου⟩: τοῦ υἱοῦ τῆς Μαίας, ἤγουν τοῦ Ἑρμοῦ —XXaXbXoT+YYfGGr
TRANSLATION: ‘Of the son of Maia’, that is, ‘of Hermes’.
POSITION: s.l. except X
Or. 998.27 (pllgn exeg) ⟨Μαιάδος τόκου⟩: ἀντὶ τοῦ ὁ τόκος λέγω τοῦ υἱοῦ τῆς Μαίας, ἤγουν τοῦ Ἑρμοῦ. —Ox2
TRANSLATION: Equivalent to ‘the offspring, I mean, of the son of Maia’, that is, of Hermes.
Or. 998.29 (pllgn gloss) ⟨Μαιάδος τόκου⟩: ⟦τὴν Πηνελόπην ὀ***οῦ***ου⟧ —V3
COMMENT: Perhaps by association, the scholiast may have been inspired by the thought of ‘son of Hermes’ to recall the claim that Hermes and Penelope were the parents of Pan, but apparently gave up on the notation, and it is now unclear what was to be said.
Or. 998.35 (rec gloss) ⟨Μαιάδος⟩: τοῦ μαγικοῦ(?) —K
LEMMA: app. μαίαδος K POSITION: s.l.
COLLATION NOTES: very tiny script; check original K
Or. 998.36 (pllgn gloss) ⟨Μαιάδος⟩: τῆς Ἀρτέμιδος —MnPrS
COMMENT: For Artemis involved in this myth, cf. sch. 996.03.
Or. 998.37 (pllgn gram) ⟨Μαιάδος⟩: αὕτη καὶ Μαῖα καλεῖται, ἔφορος οὖσα τῆς μαιεύσεως. —Zm
TRANSLATION: This (goddess) is also called Maia, being guardian of childbirth (‘maieusis’).
POSITION: intermarg.
Or. 998.38 (pllgn gram) ⟨Μαιάδος⟩: Μαιὰς Μαιάδος καθ’ ὑποκορισμὸν —F
TRANSLATION: ‘Maias’, (genitive) ‘Maiados’, by diminutive formation (from ‘Maia’).
Or. 999.01 (999–1006) (vet exeg) ⟨τὸ χρυσόμαλλον … Ζεὺς μεταβάλλει⟩: 1ὁπότε τὸν ἀρνειὸν ὑπέβαλε τοῦτον Ἑρμῆς ὀργιζόμενος Ἀτρεῖ, ἐπειδὴ ὁ πρόγονος αὐτοῦ Πέλοψ τὸν Μυρτίλον αὐτοῦ υἱὸν εἰς τὸ ἐξ αὐτοῦ Μυρτῷον κληθὲν πέλαγος ἔρριψε συναγωνισάμενον αὐτῷ καὶ ποιήσαντα ἀπὸ κηροῦ τοὺς τροχοὺς, ἤτοι τοὺς σφῆνας τῶν τροχῶν. 2ὁ δὲ Ἀτρεὺς βουλόμενος δεῖξαι ὅτι αὐτοῦ ἐστιν ἡ βασιλεία, ἔφη δείξειν ὅτι χρυσόμαλλος ἀρνειὸς αὐτῷ ἐτέχθη. 3τούτου δὲ ὑπονοθεύσας τὴν γυναῖκα Θυέστης ἔκλεψε τὸν ἀρνειόν. 4μὴ δυνηθεὶς οὖν κατὰ τὴν ὑπόσχεσιν δεῖξαι ὁ Ἀτρεὺς ἔμελλεν ἀφαιρεῖσθαι τὴν βασιλείαν ἐκείνου τὸ ὑπ’ αὐτοῦ ὑποσχεθὲν δεικνύντος, 5εἰ μὴ ὡς ὢν φιλόσοφος ἀπέδειξεν αὐτοὺς ἀσεβοῦντας εἰ Θυέστην βασιλέα ἕλωνται, τεκμήριον δὲ τῆς ἀσεβείας τὸν ἥλιον καὶ τὰς Πλειάδας ἐκ δύσεως ἀνίσχοντας. 6καὶ οὕτως ἐβασίλευσε καὶ τὸν ἀδελφὸν σφόδρα ἐτιμωρήσατο. 7τινὲς δέ φασι τὸν Δία πρὸς χάριν Ἀτρέως ποιῆσαι τὸν ἥλιον καὶ τὰς Πλειάδας ἐκ δύσεως ἀνατεῖλαι μεταστρέψαντα τὴν τάξιν ἐν μιᾷ ἡμέρᾳ. —MBOVCRwSa
TRANSLATION: When Hermes inserted this lamb, being angry at Atreus because his forebear Pelops threw his (Hermes’) son Myrtilus into the sea that was named Myrtoan after him, after Myrtilus had helped him in the contest and made the wheels out of wax, that is, the wedges of the wheels. And Atreus, wanting to show that the kingship belongs to him, said he would show that a golden-fleeced lamb had been born for him. Thyestes, having seduced this man’s wife, stole the lamb. Not being able, therefore, to show it according to his promise, Atreus was about to be deprived of the kingship because that man was displaying what had been promised by him, if it had not been that, as being a learned man, he demonstrated they were committing impiety if they choose Thyestes as king, and as evidence of the impiety (he showed) the sun and the Pleiades rising from the west. Thus he became king and he mightily punished his brother. And some say that Zeus as a favor to Atreus caused the sun and the Pleiades to rise from the west by reversing the (usual) arrangement on a single day.
LEMMA: ἄλλως MBCRw (because sch. 998.18 had lemma 999 τὸ χρυόμαλλον ἀρνὸς), ἄλλως· τὸ χρυσομα() ἀρνός V, τὸ χρυσόμαλον Sa (not sep. from note)
APP. CRIT.: 1 ὁπότε om. Sa | τὸν ἀρνεῖον om. V | τούτου Rw | ὁ ἑρμῆς O | ἐπεὶ O | υἱὸν αὐτοῦ transp. BSa | ἐξ αὐτ. μυρτ. κληθὲν om. O | κληθὲν μυρτῶον transp. Sa | κληθεὶς Rw | συναγωνισάμενος Sa | αὐτῷ] αὐτὸν MVCSa | ἀπὸ κηροῦ add in blank space V1, transp. before ποιήσαντα O | τοὺς τροχοὺς ἤτοι om. O | τὰς σφῆνας Sa | 2 first ὅτι] ὅτι / ὅτι B | δείξειν] Mastr., om. O, δεῖξαι others | αὐτῶ ἀρνειὸς transp. Rw | ἐτέχθη] ἐδείχθη O, ἐδειδείχθη app. Sa | 3 δὲ om. M | 4 κατὰ … ἀτρεύς] ἀτρεὺς τὸν ἀρνειὸν κατὰ τὴν ὑπόσχεσιν δεῖξαι O | ἔμελλε τῆς βασ. ἀφαιρεῖσθαι transp. O | τὴν βασιλείαν] τῆς βασιλείας Sa, washed out and rewritten by later hand as πᾶσιν Rw | ἐπιδεικνῦντος Sa, δεικνύοντος O | 5–7 εἰ μὴ κτλ written by V1 | 5 first εἰ] ἢ Rw | ὢν] V1, om. OSa, ἂν others | ἀπέδειξεν om. Sa | εὐσεβοῦντας Rw | εἰ θυέστην] εἰς τὸν αὐτὸν V1 | second εἰ] ἢ Rw | βασιλεύειν ἑλόντα Rw | δὲ] om. Rw, δὲ ἔστι O | ἀσεβείας] OSa, βασιλείας MBVC, τῆς μὲν σ(ωτ)ηρίας Rw | τὸν ἥλιον … ἀνίσχοντας] ἕλκοντα τὰς πληϊάδας τὸν ἥλιον ἐκ δύσεων ἀνίσχοντα Sa | ἀνίσχοντα B, ἀνίσκονται app. O | 7 τὸν δία] διὰ το[ O | καὶ add before μεταστρ. V1 | τῆ τάξει O (τῆ perhaps changed from τ(ην)) | at end add. μόνον κατὰ χάριν διός O
APP. CRIT. 2: 1 ὑπέβαλλ() V | μυρτῖλον V, μυρτίλλον Sa | μυρτώϊον Rw | συνἀγωνισάμενον M | σφήνας MBVC | 2 βασιλεῖα a.c. M | χρυσόμαλος RwSa | 4 δυνηθῆς V | ὑπαυτοῦ M | ἔλονται M, ἕλονται BVC | 5 ἥλιον written as astrological symbol V | πληϊάδας C, p.c. M | 6 ἐβασίλευσεν MO | 7 δὲ φασὶ OCRw, δὲ φα() B, δὲ φασὶ Sa | πληϊάδας Sa
PREVIOUS EDITIONS: Schw. I.198,11–24; Dind. II.251,15–252,5
COMMENT: This and the next scholion are the only surviving sources (other than Tzetzes and the Euripidean passage at hand) that mention an abnormal movement of the Pleiades in connection with the quarrel of Atreus and Thyestes. It seems likely enough that this detail is an inference from Euripides’ lyric made by commentators on the passage and not an element of the scientific speculations that they believed Euripides was following. See further the comment on the next. In a narrative heavily dependent on mythographic scholia on Orestes, Tzetzes, Chiliades 1.18,428–454, especially 433–454, includes two astral phenomena: first (447–449), the sun goes on a backwards course for one day in reaction to Thyestes’ theft of the golden lamb and the kingship, with the Pleiades joining the sun in this; second (454), the sun turns back at the Thyestean banquet (ὑπέστρεψε δ’ ὁ Ἥλιος ὡς μυσαχθεὶς τὰ δεῖπνα).
KEYWORDS: Tzetzes | mythography
Or. 999.02 (999–1006) (vet exeg) ἄλλως· τὸ χρυσόμαλλον ἀρνός: 1καὶ τοῦτο προεκτιθέμεθα οὕτως. 2φιλονεικίας γὰρ οὔσης αὐτοῖς περὶ τῆς βασιλείας παρελθὼν ὁ Ἀτρεὺς ἐπηγγέλλετο δεῖξαι πρὸς τὸ βεβαιωθῆναι αὐτῷ τὴν βασιλείαν χρυσόμαλλον ἐν τοῖς ποιμνίοις αὐτοῦ ἄρνα· 3ἣν ὁ Θυέστης λάθρα παρὰ τῆς Ἀερόπης αἰτήσας ἔλαβεν. 4ὅθεν Ἀτρεὺς ὡς ἀπατήσας τοὺς Ἕλληνας ἐξεβλήθη τῆς ἀρχῆς, Θυέστης δὲ ἐκράτησεν. 5ἀλλ’ ὕστερον πάλιν ὁ Ἀτρεὺς φιλονεικίᾳ τῇ πρὸς τοῦτον προελθὼν ἐπηγγέλλετο δεῖξαι τὸν μὲν ἥλιον ἐκ δυσμῶν εἰς ἀνατολὰς τὴν πορείαν ποιούμενον καὶ τὴν Πλειάδα ὁμοίως εἰς ἀνατολὴν ὁρῶσαν. 6τοῦτο οὖν νῦν λέγει ὅτι μετὰ τὸ φανῆναι τὴν ἄρνα ἡ ἔρις τοῦ Ἀτρέως πεποίηκεν ἐπιδειχθῆναι τοῖς Ἕλλησι τὸν ἥλιον τὴν ἐναντίαν ἢ ὡς ὑπείληπται πορευόμενον καὶ τὴν Πλειάδα μηκέτι πρὸς δύσιν, ἀλλὰ πρὸς ἀνατολὰς. 7πιθανῶς δὲ ὁ Εὐριπίδης τὸν μῦθον προσήρμοσεν· 8ὁ γὰρ φυσικὸς λόγος τὸν ἥλιον ἀποδείκνυσι τὴν ἐναντίαν ἰόντα πορείαν τῷ οὐρανῷ. 9φασὶ γὰρ ὅτι πρότερον μὲν ἐκ Καρκίνου εἰς Διδύμους ἐποιεῖτο τὴν πορείαν, ὥστε τὸν σωματοειδῆ Ἥλιον ἀπεστροφέναι πρὸς τὴν δύσιν τὸ πρόσωπον, νῦν δὲ διὰ τὴν Ἀτρέως καὶ Θυέστου ἀδικίαν ἀποστραφέντα πρὸς ἀνατολὴν φέρεσθαι ἔχοντα φαινόμενον ἡμῖν τὸν νῶτον. 10διόπερ τὴν μὲν δύσιν αὐτῷ γενέσθαι ἀνατολὴν, τὴν δὲ ἀνατολὴν δύσιν. 11πιθανῶς δὲ τὸ κατὰ τὰς Πλειάδας εἴληπται. 12τὰ μὲν γὰρ ἄλλα ζῴδια πρώτην φαίνει τὴν κεφαλὴν κατὰ ἀνατολὰς, ὁ δὲ Ταῦρος τὸ στῆθος προφαίνει, καθ’ ὅ εἰσιν αἱ Πλειάδες, ὥστε ἀνεστραμμένην καὶ τούτοις τὴν ἀνατολὴν γίνεσθαι. 13 ἔρις δὲ ἀντὶ τοῦ διὰ τὴν ἔριν Ἀτρέως τὴν πρὸς τὸν Θυέστην. —BVCRw
TRANSLATION: This (story) too we present in advance as follows. When there was rivalry between them over the kingship, Atreus came forward and undertook to show, for the securing of the kingship for himself, a golden-fleeced lamb in his flocks. This (lamb) Thyestes secretly asked for and received from Aerope. Consequently Atreus was cast out of the rule for having deceived the Greeks, and Thyestes gained control (of it). But later again, in his rivalry with this man, Atreus came forward and undertook to show the sun making its journey from the settings toward the risings, and the Pleias similarly facing (or: moving?) to the rising. So then, the poet (or the chorus) now says this because after the appearance of the lamb the strife of Atreus caused the Greeks to be shown the sun traveling the opposite path of what had been assumed, and the Pleias no longer toward the setting, but toward the risings. And Euripides has adapted the myth in a plausible way. For the scientific account shows that the sun goes along its path in the direction opposite to that of the heavens. For they say that previously (before the event described) it used to make its journey from Cancer to Gemini, so that the corporeal (personified) Sun had its face turned toward the west, but now (ever since that event), having turned himself to the rising (what had formerly been the rising?) because of the injustice of Atreus and Thyestes, he is carried along with his back showing itself to us. For this reason (they say) the place of setting changed into the place of rising for him, and the place of rising (changed into) the place of setting. Plausibly too has the detail about the Pleiades been used. For the other signs of the Zodiac show their heads first in the east, and Taurus shows forth his chest, amidst which are the Pleiades, so that the rising becomes reversed for them too. And strife (is used) in the sense ‘because of the strife of Atreus with Thyestes’.
LEMMA: C, add. in blank space V1, 1001 ἔρις Rw
APP. CRIT.: 1 καὶ … οὕτως om. Rw, om. V, add. (with lemma) in blank space V1 | προεκτιθέμεθα] BC, πάντως ἐκτιθέμεθα V1 (printed by Dind.), perhaps πᾶν ἐκτιθέμεθα Mastr., προεξεθέμεθα Schw. | 2 φιλονεικίαν οὖσαν Rw, γὰρ om. | γὰρ om. B(Rw) | τὴν βασιλ()(ας) Rw | 2–5 παρελθὼν … προελθῶν] περὶ τοῦ τὴν χρυσόμαλον ἄρνα δεῖται τὸν θυέστην Rw | 3 περὶ C | 5 προσελθὼν BVC | ἐπηγγέλλετο δεῖξαι] ἐπηγγείλατο ὁ ἀτρεὺς Rw | ὁρῶσαν] perhaps ὁρμῶσαν Mastr. | 6 νῦν] οὐ B, app. V(damaged but no room for νῦν) | τὴν ἄρνα] Dindorf, τὸν ἄρνα all | before τοῦ ἀτρ. add. ἡ V | τοῖς om. B | ἢ ὡς] Dindorf, πῶς BC, πως VRw | ὑπείληπται om. BRw | ἀνατολὰς ⟨ὁρῶσαν⟩ Schw. | 8 γὰρ] δὲ C | after γὰρ add. μῦθος Rw, but deleted | ἀποδείκνυσι om. Rw | ἐναντ΄() ἰδόντα V | 9 φασὶ] Schw., φησὶ all (φη() B) | ὅτι om. Rw | ἀπεστρ. πρὸς τὴν δύσιν] πρὸς δύσιν ἀποστραφῆναι Rw | ἀπεστρ.] ἐπεστροφέναι V | ἐπιστραφέντα V | φαινόμενον] φερόμενον Rw | 12 φαίνει] φέρ()V (read by autopsy; image unclear) | τούτοις] τούτων V, ταύτην BRw | 13 ἀντὶ τοῦ] ἀντ’ αὐτοῦ C, om. Rw | ἀτρέως] ὁ ἀτρεὺς VC | πρὸς] παρὰ V | τὸν om. B
APP. CRIT. 2: 2 ἐπηγγέλετο VC | 5 ἐπηγγέλετο VC | 6 ἤλιον] sun symbol V | 12 καθὸ εἰσὶν BC, καθό εἰσιν app. Rw (obscured by blotch)
PREVIOUS EDITIONS: Schw. I.198,25–199,21; Dind. II.252,6–253,4
COMMENT: The note first offers a summary of the mythical events assumed to lie behind the poetic description in Electra’s lyric, one in which there is not just one contest of display to decide the kingship, but two: after being swindled out of victory in the first, Atreus triumphs in the second, however exactly that second demonstration is to be understood. Later in the note the commentator is at pains to defend the poetic representation, using πιθανῶς twice and insisting that the mythical element is an appropriate counterpart of the scientific account (ὁ φυσικὸς λόγος). Either the commentator is reacting to some more negative assessment of Euripides’ poetic mythical version of the theory he follows (such as the comment of the astronomer Achilles Tatius quoted below), or he is one who delights in showing the wisdom of the ancient poet by proving a correspondence of his version to a realistic account. | The astronomical phenomenon described by the commentator (or commentators, if different comments have been conflated in the extant note) is not entirely clear. In my view, the text of Euripides in this passage is too uncertain for us to understand with confidence what he intended his audience to understand, and the speculations of later commentators are not necessarily a reliable guide to how we should explicate the passage. Morrison 1970 offers an analysis of several passages in Euripides describing changes in the heavens in somewhat obscure language and argues that Euripides had in mind contemporary scientific understanding of the annual motion of the sun in relation to the stars (the sun moving west to east through the constellations of the Zodiac on the ecliptic), and theories that held that the arrangement of these motions had once been different. That is, Euripides is not referring to a temporary single-day reversal of the sun’s diurnal path, which was later the most familiar version of the spectacular alteration brought about in connection with the rivalry of Atreus and Thyestes. Sentences 5–6 and 8 of this scholion could be understood in this way as far as the reference to the sun goes. Note in particular 6 τὴν ἐναντίαν ἢ ὡς ὑπείληπται, ‘the opposite path of what had been assumed’, and 8 τὴν ἐναντίαν ἰόντα πορείαν τῷ οὐρανῷ, ‘going along its path in the direction opposite to that of the heavens’. It remains entirely unclear, to me at least, how a reversal by the Pleiades fits into this scenario, since on the scientific theory the Pleiades should go along with the Zodiac and the rest of the heavens, which are assumed not to change when the sun changes its direction. The commentator’s μηκέτι … ἀλλὰ in 6 surely points to a change for the Pleiades. Thus, my suggestion in the comment on the previous that mention of the Pleiades is not derived from ‘scientific’ sources, but simply by inference, from the commentator’s compulsion to explain why Euripides mentions the Pleiades here at all. Similarly, the commentator cannot here be referring to the theory that Atreus simply showed his unusual insight by demonstrating an existing natural phenomenon: this is what Morrison 1970: 89 suggests lies behind a rationalized account in Eur. Thyestes TrGF 397b Kannicht δείξας γὰρ ἄστρων τὴν ἐναντίαν ὁδὸν / δόμους τ’ ἔσωσα καὶ τύραννος ἱζόμην). There is also less than the desirable clarity in sentences 9–10. What is described with πρότερον is the speculated previous annual path of the sun through the signs of the Zodiac: from Cancer to Gemini refers very tersely to the opposite of the known sequence of the sun’s movement through the Zodiac, in which it moves from Cancer to Gemini by traversing all the other signs from Leo and Virgo and so on to Taurus and finally back to Gemini: see, e.g., the chart and description in Evans 1998: 54–55). Consequently, here in 9–10, the words ἀνατολή and δύσις apparently have to be understood (without any assistance from the commentator, such as ἡ τότε ἀνατολή or ἡ πρότερον ἀνατολή) as referring to the previous positions of rising and setting, so that ἀνατολή is the current west and δύσις the current east. Finally, it is not clear, to me at least, why the sun in its current state of motion is showing its back to mortals, while before the change it showed its face. | For more speculations on Euripides’ adaptation of cosmic theories in this passage, see Willink’s extensive notes. For a source on Oenopides that uses language similar to our scholion, cf. Achilles Tatius, Isagoga excerpta 24,10–17 (after mythical aetiologies of the Milky Way) ἄλλοι δὲ ἐκ τῆς συμβολῆς τῶν δύο ἡμισφαιρίων λέγουσιν αὐτὸν [scil. τὸν γαλαξίαν] γεγονέναι. ἕτεροι δέ φασιν, ὧν ἐστιν καὶ Οἰνοπίδης ὁ Χῖος, ὅτι πρότερον διὰ τούτου ἐφέρετο ὁ ἥλιος, διὰ δὲ τὰ Θυέστεια δεῖπνα ἀπεστράφη καὶ τὴν ἐναντίαν τούτωι πεποίηται περιφοράν, ἣν νῦν περιγράφει ὁ ζωιδιακός. ἔστι δὲ μυθῶδες τοῦτο καὶ ψεῦδος· τί γὰρ ἐροῦσιν οἱ ταῦτα λέγοντες περὶ τῆς σελήνης καὶ τῶν πέντε ἀστέρων; οὐ γὰρ δὴ καὶ οὗτοι διὰ τὰ Θυέστεια δεῖπνα ἀπεστράφησαν. For a shorter reference to Euripides’ adaptation of ὁ φυσικὸς λόγος, see Sch. Arat. Phaen. 300 Martin προτέρῳ: πρότερος γάρ ἐστιν ὁ Τοξότης τοῦ Αἰγοκέρωτος. ὁ γὰρ ἥλιος ἐπὶ ἀνατολὰς τὰ ζῴδια διαπορεύεται, ὁ μέντοι οὐρανὸς ἐπὶ δυσμὰς καταφέρεται κινούμενος καὶ ἑκάστην μοῖραν τοῦ ζῳδιακοῦ ἀνύει. διὸ Εὐριπίδης τὸ φυσικὸν ὡς μυθικὸν παρείληφε λέγων (Or. 1006)· ‘εἰς ὁδὸν ἄλλην Ζεὺς μεταβάλλει’. | προεκτιθέμεθα in 1 is perhaps problematic. The compound is elsewhere used in scholia of setting out some narrative details in advance of a later incident in the narrative. Compare Schwartz’s προεξεθέμεθα ‘I have previously presented (in an earlier part of the commentary)’ (like the use of προεθέμεθα in sch. 988.02). For this sense cf. Sch. Arat. Phaen. 383 Martin δι’ ἣν δὲ αἰτίαν μέμνηται μόνον αὐτῶν προεξεθέμεθα; Sopater, Sch. ad Hermog. liber περὶ στάσεων, Rhet.Gr. IV.586,1–587,5 Walz καθάπερ ἐν στοχασμῷ καὶ ἐν ὅρῳ πρὸ τῆς τῶν κεφαλαίων ἐξετάσεως καὶ τῆς περὶ ἐκείνας τὰς στάσεις πραγματείας τὰ ἴδια ἑκάστης στάσεως ἀφ’ ὧν τὴν ἐπίγνωσιν αὐτῶν ποιησόμεθα προεξεθέμεθα, οὕτως ἀναγκαῖον κἀνταῦθα περὶ τῆς ἀντιλήψεως εἰπεῖν, τίνα μὲν κοινὰ πρὸς ἐκείνας ἐστὶν αὐτῇ, τίνα δὲ ἴδια, ἵνα καὶ ταύτης ῥᾳδίαν ἔχωμεν τὴν ἐπίγνωσιν. Schwartz’s change, however, should not be accepted, because this meaning does not go well with οὕτως or with the elaborate narrative that follows. The present προεκτίθεται is used of the poet in Sch. bT Hom. Il. 21.39–48 Ersbe, and in Eust. in Od. 1.1 (I.6,4). The double compound in προεκ‑ is used in many authors of setting out details in advance, which must be the sense here. Given the alternative reading of V, however, it is possible that προεκ‑ resulted here from a conflation of variants in προ‑ and ἐκ‑. V’s πάντως ἐκτιθέμεθα suggests, e.g., πᾶν ἐκτιθέμεθα.
KEYWORDS: Euripides, Thyestes | scientific explanation | πιθανόν/πιθανῶς | mythography
Or. 999.03 (pllgn exeg) ⟨τὸ χρυσόμαλλον ἀρνὸς⟩: 1τὸν ἀρνὸν τοῦτον μετέβαλεν ὁ Ἑρμῆς, ὀργιζόμενος Ἀτρεῖ ἐπεὶ ὁ πρόγονος αὐτοῦ Πέλοψ τὸν Μυρτίλον, φασὶν, υἱὸν αὐτοῦ εἰς τὸ ἐξ αὐτοῦ Μυρτῶον κληθὲν πέλαγος ἔρριψε. 2τὸν γὰρ Μυρτίλον φασὶν υἱὸν Ἑρμοῦ καὶ Φαεθούσης ἢ Κλυμένης. 3τὸν δὲ τοιοῦτον ἀρνὸν ἔλαβεν ὁ Θυέστης ἀπὸ τῶν ποιμνίων τοῦ Ἀτρέως διὰ τῆς γυναικὸς τοῦ Ἀτρέως τῆς Ἀερόπης μοιχευθείσης παρ’ αὐτοῦ. —CrOx
TRANSLATION: Hermes transformed this lamb (into a golden-fleeced one?), being angry at Atreus because his forebear Pelops threw his (Hermes’) son Myrtilus, they say, into the sea that was named Myrtoan after him. For they say that Myrtilus is the son of Hermes and Phaëthousa or Clymene. And Thyestes took the lamb of this type from the flocks of Atreus through the wife of Atreus, Aerope, who had been seduced by him.
APP. CRIT.: 1 μετέβαλεν] perhaps read ὑπέβαλεν (or κατέβαλεν?) | first υἱὸν] ὡς Ox | 2 κλυμένην Ox
APP. CRIT. 2: 1 ἁρνὸν Ox
COLLATION NOTES: Note that as written in Cr, υἱ(ὸν) in 1 is easily mistaken for ὡς if one ignores the sign and grave, and in 2 the combined accent and (ης) on κλυμένης is also confusingly like the ην sign.
KEYWORDS: mythography
Or. 999.04 (rec exeg) ⟨τὸ χρυσόμαλλον⟩: ἱστορία διάκειται ὧδε. —V1
TRANSLATION: The(?) mythical account is disposed like this(?).
APP. CRIT. 2: ὦδε V1
COMMENT: See on sch. 986.01. Here ὧδε could perhaps mean ‘here, on this page’, since fol. 53r does contain sch. 999.01–02; but the difficulty of διάκειται remains an obstacle.
KEYWORDS: ἱστορία
Or. 999.05 (thom exeg) ⟨τὸ χρυσόμαλλον⟩: δέον χρυσομάλλου εἰπεῖν πρὸς τὸ ἀρνὸς, χρυσόμαλλον εἶπε πρὸς τὸ τέρας. —ZZaZbZlZmTGu
TRANSLATION: Although he should have said ‘of golden-fleeced’ to agree with ‘of lamb’, he said ‘golden-fleeced’ (nominative) to agree with (nominative) ‘portent’.
LEMMA: χρυσίμαλον in text all except T, p.c. Zm POSITION: s.l.
APP. CRIT.: χρυσομάλλου] χρυσόμαλον Zb
APP. CRIT. 2: χρυσομάλου ZZaZlGu | χρυσόμαλον ZZaZbZlGu
Or. 999.06 (mosch gloss) ⟨τὸ χρυσόμαλλον⟩: τοῦ χρυσομάλλου —XXaXbXoYYfGGrOx2
LEMMA: χρυσίμαλον in text XaXoYYfGrOx2 POSITION: s.l.
APP. CRIT. 2: (χρυσομάλ)ου (i.e., ου above end of χρυσομαλον in text) XaXoYYfGrOx2
Or. 999.11 (rec gloss) ⟨τέρας⟩: σημεῖον —V1F2Zb2ZcrCrOx
APP. CRIT.: καὶ prep. ZcrCrOx
Or. 999.12 (recMoschThom gloss) ⟨ὀλοὸν⟩: ὀλέθριον —M2V1F2MnPrR3SSaXXaXbXoYYfGGrZcZZaZbZlZmT*CrOx
POSITION: s.l. except marg. X
APP. CRIT.: καὶ prep. Zc, καὶ τὸ prep. CrOx
Or. 1000.01 (vet exeg) ⟨Ἀτρέως ἱπποβότα⟩: τὸ ἑξῆς ποιμνίοισιν Ἀτρέως ἱπποβότα. —MC
TRANSLATION: The syntactic connection is ‘in flocks of horse-raiser Atreus’.
REF. SYMBOL: M POSITION: intermarg. M, s.l. C
APP. CRIT.: ποιμνίοις C
APP. CRIT. 2: ἐξῆς M | ποιμνήοισιν M
Or. 1000.02 (pllgn exeg) ⟨Ἀτρέως⟩: ὁ Ἀτρεὺς καὶ ὁ Θυέστης ἦσαν δύο ἀδελφοί. —B3a
TRANSLATION: Atreus and Thyestes were two brothers.
Or. 1000.04 (vet exeg) ⟨ἱπποβότα⟩: τοῦ ἵππους τρέφοντος. ἢ ἐπιβαίνοντος ἵπποις —MB, partial CCrOx
TRANSLATION: (‘Hippobotā’ means) ‘the one who raises horses’; or ‘(who) mounts on horses’.
POSITION: s.l. except intermarg. B
APP. CRIT.: καὶ prep. CrOx | τοῦ] Münzel, τοὺς MCCrOx, om. B | τρέφοντα Ox | ἢ κτλ om. CCrOx | ἐπιβ. τοὺς ἵππους M, ἵπποις ἐπιβ. transp. B
PREVIOUS EDITIONS: Schw. I.199,23; Dind. II.253,6
COMMENT: The second paraphrase may point to an unattested variant ἱπποβῶτα (conjectured by Dindorf for the text) or to the attested variant ἱπποβάτα, but it is also possible that it assumes a fanciful alternative etymology of βο‑ as derived from shortening of the o-vowel in βεβῶτος.
Or. 1000.05 (rec exeg) ⟨ἱπποβότα⟩: †τὸν ἵππους τρέφοντα ἢ φονεύοντα† —Sa
POSITION: under line, last of page
COMMENT: The first part can be corrected to τοῦ … τρέφοντος, but it is hard to understand what could lie behind the appearance of φονευ‑ here.
Or. 1000.06 (pllgn exeg) ⟨ἱπποβότα⟩: ἢ τοῦ ἱπποτρόφου ἢ τοῦ ἐν τοῖς ἱπποις βαίνοντος —V3
TRANSLATION: (‘Hippobotā’ means) either ‘the horse-raiser’, or ‘the one who goes on/with horses’.
Or. 1000.08 (pllgn gloss) ⟨ἱπποβότα⟩: ἤγουν τοῦ ἔχοντος καὶ τρέφοντος —Zu
APP. CRIT.: τρέφοντας Zu
Or. 1000.11 (mosch gloss) ⟨ἱπποβότα⟩: ἱπποτρόφου —XXaXbXoT+YYfGGrAa2/3Ox2
LEMMA: ‑βατα in text XOx, a.c. Aa POSITION: s.l. except marg. X
Or. 1000.13 (thom gloss) ⟨ἱπποβότα⟩: ἱππικωτάτου —ZZaZbZlZmTGu
LEMMA: ‑βατα in text Zb POSITION: s.l.