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"The Discipline of Organizing" for Kids book cover

"The Discipline of Organizing" for Kids

CC BY-NC (Attribution NonCommercial)  38 H5P Activities    English

Author(s): Robert J Glushko

Last updated: 28/05/2023

“The Discipline of Organizing for Kids” is an adaptation of an award-winning college/professional book called “The Discipline of Organizing” (also available in open-access Pressbooks format). That book defines organizing as a new discipline that combines concepts and methods from many fields, especially library science and computer science, with some help from psychology, philosophy, economics, law, and other areas of study. This book for kids is aimed at children in late elementary or early middle school because at this age kids face many organizing challenges as they transition from one teacher in elementary school to different teachers for each subject. This significant change requires students to organize their time, their schoolwork and supplies, and their study habits with much less help from their teachers. That’s why they need the organizing concepts and skills that this book will teach them.

Interpreting Love Narratives in East Asian Literature and Film book cover

Interpreting Love Narratives in East Asian Literature and Film

CC BY-NC (Attribution NonCommercial)   English

Author(s): John R. Wallace

Subject(s): Literature: history and criticism, Film history, theory or criticism

Publisher: berkeley.pressbooks.pub

Last updated: 07/12/2022

This book explores the role of traditional East Asian worldviews, ethical values, and common practices in the shaping of East Asian narratives in literature and film. It offers a specific method for this analysis. The interpretive goal is to arrive at interpretations that more accurately engage cultural information so that narratives are understood more closely in terms of their native cultural rather than that of the reader/interpreter. Current neuroscience related to processes of perception and the attribution of meaning form the basis for the theory of interpretation offered in the first half of the volume.
The Discipline of Organizing: 4th Professional Edition book cover

The Discipline of Organizing: 4th Professional Edition

CC BY-NC (Attribution NonCommercial)   English

Author(s): Robert J. Glushko

Editor(s): Robert J. Glushko

Subject(s): Information theory

Publisher: Robert J. Glushko

Last updated: 14/04/2022

Euripides Scholia: Scholia on Orestes 1–500 book cover

Euripides Scholia: Scholia on Orestes 1–500

CC BY-NC-SA (Attribution NonCommercial ShareAlike)   English

Author(s): Donald J. Mastronarde

Editor(s): Donald J. Mastronarde

Subject(s): Ancient, classical and medieval texts

Last updated: 10/09/2020

Scholia are the annotations found in medieval manuscripts of Greek authors. They are found in the margins and between the lines of a primary text, or occasionally gathered in a separate codex or section of a codex. The annotations represent an amalgamation of commentary and glosses made over a long period of time, from the 2nd century BCE to the Renaissance, and designed for a wide spectrum of users, from professional scholars and advanced teachers to learners using the primary text as a means of learning classical Greek vocabulary, grammar, and style.
This edition is part of a long-term, open-ended project to provide a more extensive accounting of the annotations on the tragedies of Euripides than ever before. This book provides an edition of the prefatory material (argumenta) and scholia on the first 500 lines of Orestes: about 9000 items drawn from over 30 manuscripts.
This is eBook version of the online edition of scholia at EuripidesScholia.org, covering Release 1 (2020) with the annotations on Euripides, Orestes 1–500. This version is intended for digital preservation purposes. Updates and greater functionality are available at the online site.