
Manuscripts with Scholia on Euripides

See also the online Sigla Table for Euripidean manuscripts, which also contains the sigla for several dozen Euripidean manuscripts not described here. Note, however, that neither the present page nor the Sigla Table contains all the manuscripts of Euripides containing scholia, since many copies later than 1350 are not included.

Click on a siglum to go to the description:

A  Aa  Ab  Ad  Af  At  B  Br  C  Cr  D  Dr  F  Fp  G  gB  Gr Gu H Hl Hn J K L La Lb Le Lp  Lr  Lw  M  Mb  Mc  Ml  Mn  Mp  Mt  Mu  N  Ne  O  Ox  P  Pa  Pb  Pc  Pg  Ph  Pk  Pl  Pp  Pr  P.Oslo  P.Würzb.  Q  R  Rf  Rv  Rw  Ry  S  Sa  Sb  T  Ta  Tb  Tc  Th  Tu  U  V  Va  Vd  Vn  Vo  Vr  W  X  Xa  Xb  Xc  Xd  Xe  Xf  Xg  Xh  Xm  Xn  Xo  Y  Yf  Yn  Yv  Z  Za  Zb  Zc  Zd  Zl  Zm  Zu  Zv  Zx

Fragments of bookrolls or codices earlier than 800 CE



CITY: Louvain

COLLECTION: Université de Louvain, Library (purchase of Msgr. R. De Langhe)

SHELFMARK: P. de Langhe (fragments disintegrated = Louaniensis deperditus)

DATE: 6th-7th c.

NUMÉRO DIKTYON: see instead Trismegistos 1005    or CEDOPAL MP3 382   

EURIPIDEAN CONTENTS: parts of Andr. 1082–1102; 1113–1133; 1280–1288, with trace of annotation on Andr. 1089 in top margin of fr. I

IMAGES USED: poor photograph in Mossay (below)

SELECT BIBLIOGRAPHY: Mossay 1972: 500–518; Wouters 1973: 516–518


It is believed that P.Ross.Georg. 1.8 contains fragments from the same codex, but no annotations are reported from those pieces; see Crisci 2000: 9 n.24; Savignago 2008: 147–149 no. 25.

SIGLUM: P.Würzb.

CITY: Würzburg

COLLECTION: Universitätsbibliothek

SHELFMARK: P.Würzb. 1 (inv. 18)

DATE: 6th c.

NUMÉRO DIKTYON: see instead Trismegistos 1002    or CEDOPAL MP3 419   

EURIPIDEAN CONTENTS: Scholia on various lines within Phoen. 24–1108

IMAGES USED: various images, including multispectral

ONLINE IMAGES: https://papyri-collection.dl.uni-leipzig.de/receive/WrzPapyri_schrift_00000040   

SELECT BIBLIOGRAPHY: Essler et al. 2013; McNamee 2023: 68–98


This may be a loose sheet of papyrus rather a page from a codex; what was formerly read as a possible folio number is actually a cross.


CITY: Oslo

COLLECTION: University of Oslo Library

SHELFMARK: P.Oslo inv. 1662

DATE: 5th or 6th c.

NUMÉRO DIKTYON: see instead Trismegistos 987    or CEDOPAL MP3 429   

EURIPIDEAN CONTENTS: Scholion/commentary on Tro. 9–10


ONLINE IMAGES: http://ub-prod01-imgs.uio.no/OPES/jpg/1662r.jpg   

SELECT BIBLIOGRAPHY: McNamee 2023: 99–105


The editio princeps suggested the 5th c., but recent discussions assign this to the 6th.

Manuscripts written before 1250


PREVIOUS OR OTHER SIGLA: h in Prinz-Wecklein

CITY: Jerusalem

COLLECTION: Patriarchike Bibliotheke

SHELFMARK: Panaghiou Taphou 36

DATE: 10th-11th cent.


EURIPIDEAN CONTENTS: Some pages of this palimpsest contained as the original text select plays of Euripides. The surviving pages contain Hec. 869–920, 1125–1173, Ph. 730–750, 753–777, 811–899, 952–974, 977–992,1600–1700 [in Ph. only 811–899 and 1600–1700 were known to Daitz; the other passages were recently identified by Albrecht: see below], Or. 105–213, 313–412, 565–588, 592–614, 718–766, 897–946, 1152–1200, 1356–1556, Andr. 80–169, 777–830, 887–986, 1042–1091, Hipp. 320–368, 469–518, 1136–1186, 1290–1336, Med. 51–255, 1278–1376.


The layout of the original pages had scholia in a side block (not completely full on many pages), and on some pages with fuller annotation there were relatively small blocks in the top margin and bottom margin. Shorter notes may be intermarginal or marginal, and sometimes there are supralinear glosses. I classify the scholia by H, H2, and H3 as old and those by the hands H4 through H8 as recent. H3 is given the vet designation on the possibility that it is close in time to H and H2 (see next section).


I follow Daitz 1970 and Daitz 1979 in his identification of hands for the scholia. Most of the annotation is by the same two scribes who wrote the poetic text. These two hands are dated by Daitz to around 1000. The third hand wrote some pages which are apparently replacement pages and added some scholia on other pages. In his second publication, correcting the date offered in the first, Daitz dates the third hand to 1050–1150; but Wilson 1973: 224–225 suggested this hand may be of the 11th century and not so distant in date from the others (wherefore I treat its notes as old). A few additions to the annotation were made by five additional hands of later date. I use the siglum H to indicate the first hand; other hands are indicated by a superscript number.

IMAGES USED: Plates in the facsimile, and scans from those plates for magnification. Impressive new images obtained through multispectral imaging were created by the Palamedes project (http://www.palamedes.uni-goettingen.de), and will eventually be accessible to the public. A sample image of Phoen. 878–899, 812–829 was formerly downloadable from the press release of 11/11/2013 at the project site but can still be found posted elsewhere on the internet. The project is supposed to publish a new facsimile and full report, but the publication has been repeatedly delayed. It has been reported by Felix Albrecht that a considerable number of new scholia can be read on the new images

ONLINE IMAGES: http://www.palamedes.uni-goettingen.de/en/project.html    : a looping GIF of Phoen. 878–899, 812–829; https://www.loc.gov/item/00279389517-jo/    : digitized microfilm showing the top text, not Euripides, from the Library of Congress Collection of Manuscripts in the Greek Orthodox Patriarchate of Jerusalem

SELECT BIBLIOGRAPHY: facsimile: Daitz 1970; edition: Daitz 1979; see also Turyn 1957: 86–87; Matthiessen 1974: 41–42; Mastronarde–Bremer 1982: 2; Diggle 1991: 5; Cavarzeran 2016: 29–30; Cavarzeran 2023: 12–13; (preliminary report of new information) Albrecht 2012


Partially collated from the facsimile with the help of the reports in Daitz’s edition. Awaiting the new publication for further study of H.


CITY: Venice

COLLECTION: Biblioteca Nazionale Marciana

SHELFMARK: greco Z. 471 (=765)

DATE: 11th cent.


CATALOGUE (later than Turyn 1957): E. Mioni, Bibliothecae divi Marci Venetiarum codices Graeci manuscripti. 1:2. Thesaurus antiquus, codices 300–625 (Rome 1985) 260–262.

EURIPIDEAN CONTENTS: 20r–42v: Hec.; 42v–43v: arg. Or.; 44r–75r: Or.; 75v–76v: arg. Ph.; 76v–109r: Ph.; 109r–109v: arg. Andr.; 109v–132v: Andr.; 133r–133v: arg. Hipp.; 133v–154v: Hipp. 1–1254


Large set of old scholia by first hand, but those on Hipp. are often truncated. The number of lines of poetic text on each page is regular: 29 lines in the first quire or Hec. (20r–27v), but 28 lines from 28r to the end, except 27 on 99r–v. On pages with dense annotation, the scholia are positioned in top, outer, and lower margin, with reference symbols. When the annotation is less dense, the top and bottom and the beginning and ending of the outer margin may be used, normally with reference symbols. On the least dense pages scholia may be only in the side block. If scholia are sparsely placed in the side block, they are usually positioned at the level of the lemma in the text and in that case usually have neither reference symbol nor lemma.


All the scholia and almost all the supralinear and intermarginal annotations are from the original writing of the manuscript and are referred to as M; the light brown ink of M has a distinctly yellowish tinge and in some of the interlinear and intermarginal notes is written with an exceptionally fine stroke. Later annotations are relatively few and are written in a more grayish ink, usually with a broader or fuzzier stroke, and often extremely faint. On the new digital images it seems possible to distinguish two later hands. The more neatly written glosses (sometimes fainter) are designated as M2 and are classified as recent (there is frequent overlap with glosses in the recentiores), whereas M3 is used to refer to those that are written larger and more informally (and usually darker) and are treated as Palaeologan. But in some cases it is unclear whether notes that appear somewhat different may not represent the same scribe in modes of writing that vary in formality, or whether more than one scribe is responsible for the notes recorded as M2.

IMAGES USED: Initially, digitized images from a recent microfilm; from August 2014 new color digital images (made available online 2018; the online viewer now allows useful magnification). Facsimile: Euripidis quae in codice Veneto marciano 471 inveniuntur, phototypice expressa Florentiae, Arte fratrum Alinari, typis opificii “La stampa” cura et impensis J. A. Spranger, 1935 (to which I do not have access except when visiting libraries that own it). The manuscript has been restored since the 1935 facsimile, and some letters then concealed by folds in the parchment are visible now

ONLINE IMAGES: http://www.internetculturale.it/it/16/search?q=Z.+471   

SELECT BIBLIOGRAPHY: Turyn 1957: 84–85; Matthiessen 1974: 48; Mastronarde–Bremer 1982: 2; Diggle 1991: 5; Cavarzeran 2016: 30–31; Mastronarde 2017: Chapter 4.


Like other old parchment manuscripts, M has suffered fading and damage in the margins of some pages, and the writing is in places unrecoverable.

Autopsy inspection of problematic passages (using UV lamp) March 2015, which allowed at some places more accurate and more complete reading than Schwartz was able to perform. The scholia on the triad plays and Andromache are extensive, and the same applies to lines 1–350 of Hippolytus. For Hipp. 350–800, however, the scholia become sparser (a few folios have only a couple of interlinear glosses) and are in an abridged form relative to those of similar content in BVN (the abridgement is somewhat like that of the scholia on Orestes in O compared to the fuller versions in MBV). After Hipp. 850 there are only four short glosses, and most folios have no annotation at all.

In Mastronarde 2017, Chapter 4, I have discussed the features of the script and the dating of M as well as some other palaeographic and codicological details.


PREVIOUS OR OTHER SIGLA: Par. B in Matthiae, b in Prinz-Wecklein

CITY: Paris

COLLECTION: Biblothèque Nationale

SHELFMARK: grec 2713

DATE: 11th (or late 10th?) cent.


CATALOGUE (later than Turyn 1957): See the detailed description dated 2012 provided online at the gallica.bnf.fr site. (URL below)

EURIPIDEAN CONTENTS: (original parts) 17r–28r: Hec. 523–1295; 28r–v: arg. Or.; 28v–56r: Or.; 56r–v: arg. Phoen.; 56v–82r: Phoen.; 82r–v: arg. Hipp.; 82v–108r: Hipp.; 108r–v: arg. Med.; 108v–129v: Medea; 129v: arg. Alc.; 129v–145v: Alc.; 145v: arg. Androm.; 146r–159v: Androm. 1–956, 1212–1235, 1250–1271


Glosses above the line (many not reported by Schwartz) or beside the line. Mainly in the triad, later hands add younger glosses, including some Moschopulean ones. The number of lines of poetic text per page is often 32 or 34, but pages can be found with as few as 23 or as many as 37. Like M, B uses top, side, and bottom block on pages with dense annotation, and sometimes the intermarginal space and the inner margin of the page. Reference symbols and lemmata are normal on such pages. When annotation is less dense, the scholia may be in an upper bracket (top block and a variable number of lines in the side), with the bottom block blank; or less often a bracket at the bottom, with a few lines in the end of the side block continuing into a few in the bottom block. When the annotation is sparse, scholia may be confined to the side block and spaced at intervals, usually without reference symbols or lemmata.


The following remarks on the hands of the scholia in B are based on study of the online color images for Orestes 1–1100. It should be emphasized that attributions among the later hands is sometimes quite uncertain, and that the results do not necessarily apply to other sections of the manuscript. The situation is simpler in Phoen., and even more so in the non-triad plays.

The scholia blocks are in the main hand (B, or occasionally B1 for extra clarity), a regular minuscule with some majuscule letters, constrained to normal size with few exceptions (I noted some extra wide upsilons in ligature with pi); breathings rectilinear. Few if any supralinear notes can be assigned with certainty to this hand. After some of the original writing became faint, it was written over. I report rewritten passages as B unless there is a reason to believe that the later hand altered the original reading. (It is probably true that the original codex “est entièrement copié par un seul et même copiste,” as the online description states. But in the scholia this scribe’s style can vary in minor details such as proportion of majuscule letters, space between letters, treatment of epsilon in ligatures and suspension, and use or avoidance of certain abbreviations.)

B2 is a light brown ink, which sometimes can be very faint; this hand tends to be smaller and more regular than B3 hands, uses more old minuscule abbreviations and letter forms, but perhaps in a deliberate effort to imitate the style of B. For examples, see the variant ἐκδικῶν over the first line of the hypothesis (Arg. 1), and the fainter of the two additions made to Arg. 2c. I formerly opined that this hand is probably pre-Palaeologan (that is, to be tagged as rec), but I now retract that judgment and classify all the hands other the first as Palaeologan.

B3 hands show more irregularity, cursiveness, and similarities to Palaeologan hands or even later scripts.

I use B3a for the majority of these later glosses; the ink varies from dark brown, or almost black when the pen is freshly dipped, to medium brown; the hand is fairly cursive and sometimes mannered. This hand appears at many places to be rewriting a very faint underlying annotation: perhaps this same hand rewrote some faded text and scholia, but in those cases the scribe usually followed more carefully the size of original letters; in interlinear instances, this scribe seems to freely use more space than the obscured gloss. Thus it is possible that some B3a glosses are actually older, but we can no longer detect the earlier writing or confirm that traces represent the same annotation.

B3b is in a lighter ink, with separated letters and fairly neat, as in the gloss λάβοι on line 3.

B3c is very light, irregular, and sloppy; examples at lines 4 and line 5.

B3d is a very black ink, usually written with sharper strokes, but like B3a sometimes seems to be rewriting previous annotations; when B3a is at its darkest, it is hard to distinguish from B3d. Examples of B3d are the correction of middle letters of αἴγισθον in the first sentence of Arg. 1 or the note with the names of Erinyes at 37.

B4 has largish letters, light ink, late mannered letter forms, adds marginal labels to some scholia to highlight content and also adds marginal notations drawn from lexica or the Suda.

IMAGES USED: Collated from online images and sometimes from scanned images made by me from photographs from the collection of Alexander Turyn. The latter sometimes show more clearly words in the curve of the binding that are obscure on the online images. Facsimile: Euripidis quae in Cod. Par. Gr. 2713 servantur, phototypice expressa cura et impensis J.A. Spranger. Lutetiae Parisiorum: R. de Longneval 1938 (to which I do not have access except when visiting libraries that own it)

ONLINE IMAGES: http://gallica.bnf.fr/ark:/12148/btv1b84526627   

SELECT BIBLIOGRAPHY: Turyn 1957: 87–88; Matthiessen 1974: 44; Mastronarde–Bremer 1982: 1–2; Diggle 1991: 5–6; Cavarzeran 2016: 23–26; Cavarzeran 2023: 2–3. See also the detailed description dated 2012 provided online at the gallica.bnf.fr site. Two fifteenth-century scribes have been identified on the replacement pages 1r–8v (Georgios Baiophoros, RGK II 74) and 9r–16v (Theodoros Gazes, RGK II 165).


Outside of Orestes 1–1100, collation has been completed for the first hand only, since it is much easier to collate the later entries after glosses and other notes have been recorded from all the recentiores and the select Moschopulean witnesses.


PREVIOUS OR OTHER SIGLA: Flor. 10 in Matthiae, Dindorf; c in Prinz-Wecklein; K in editions of Sophocles

CITY: Florence

COLLECTION: Biblioteca Medicea Laurenziana

SHELFMARK: plut. 31.10

DATE: ca. 1175 (or somewhat earlier?)


EURIPIDEAN CONTENTS: 1r–19v: Hec.; 19v–20v: arg. Or.; 20v–45v Or.; 45v–46r: arg. Med.; 46r–64v: Med.; 64v: arg. Ph.; 64v–87r: Ph.: 87r: arg. Alc.; 87v–99v: Alc.; 99v: arg. Andr.; 99v–115v: Andr.; 116r: arg Hipp.; 116r–133v: Hipp.; 134r–141v: Rhes. dram. pers., 1–714


A very limited selection based on the old scholia (tagged as rec when a note is exclusive to O or first attested in O), often abbreviated in an idiosyncratic way are present, along with some glosses, for the first three plays (Hec., Or., Med.) of the Euripidean part of the codex, and even in these plays are absent for long stretches of the text. Marking of long vowels with a macron, however, is present in all the plays. After having no scholia on the last four Euripidean plays, sporadic scholia return again in the Sophoclean portion of the codex. The scholia are usually in the side margins, but sometimes the top margin is used. O sometimes requires what may be termed ‘up and down reading’ of glosses: that is, glosses above the line that are spaced from each other are actually to be read as a continuous paraphrase with a word or words from the line below to be incorporated into the paraphrase.


While the poetic text is in the hand of Ioannikios (see discussion below), the scholia are in the hand of an anonymous collaborator of his, whom Wilson 1983 recognized and whom Degni 2008 designates as B, an individual who also wrote the scholia in other manuscripts of Ioannikios.

IMAGES USED: microfilm, scanned images made by me from photographs from the collection of Alexander Turyn, and (most effectively) online images; some autopsy checking May 2013, April 2019

ONLINE IMAGES: http://mss.bmlonline.it    Older viewer:http://teca.bmlonline.it/    search for “plut.31.10”

SELECT BIBLIOGRAPHY: Turyn 1957: 333–335; Matthiessen 1974: 39; Mastronarde–Bremer 1982: 3; Diggle 1991: 6; Irigoin 1982; Degni 2008; Baldi 2011; Nesseris 2014; Cavarzeran 2016: 55–56; Cavarzeran 2023: 30.


Because of the quality of the paper, there has been much bleedthrough as well as absorption of ink, creating dark patches around text, reducing contrast in images. Repair tissue also apparently makes the script less sharp in some places. In addition, the poetic text of the first portion of Hecuba (lines 1–466 on fols. 1r to 7r) is crowded by word-for-word Latin glossing added by Leonzio Pilato in 1360–1362. When this glossing is dense, the tiny Greek glosses are hard to spot. Marginal Greek is easier to see, but still very small and full of abbreviations, and on both rectos and versos marginal writing may be cut off by trimming of the paper. The same occurs at the top of the page sometimes, when this space is used. The online images are better than the Turyn photographs, especially after the improvement of the BML online viewer in 2017, which allows greater magnification; but the BML images do not show letters close to the binding on verso pages.

The BML information still shows the date of this manuscript as 1301–1400, but on the dating of Ioannikios’ activity to the 12th century, see Wilson 1978: 336 and Wilson 1983 (who notes on 163 that “The book is interesting in one other respect: it belonged to Leonzio Pilato, who wrote between the lines his version of Euripides’ Hecuba 1–466.”). See also Degni and Baldi as cited above. A fuller discussion of Ioannikios is to be found in Nesseris 2014 (which I have consulted through the kindness of the author), and he speculates that with further knowledge of Ioannikios’ career, the date of O may need to be adjusted downward by a few decades.


PREVIOUS OR OTHER SIGLA: D in Prinz-Wecklein, Ambros. in Murray, W for Andr. (but Af for Rhes.) in Diggle

CITY: Milan

COLLECTION: Biblioteca Ambrosiana

SHELFMARK: F 205sottolineato- inf. (S.P. 10/26c; gr. 1020)

DATE: 12th cent.


EURIPIDEAN CONTENTS: Sheets No. 19 and No. 20 (online image 026_F205 … fragm.19-20-r) contain Andr. 1–102 with dramatis personae and a few scholia; sheet No. 24 (online image 030_F205 … fragm.23-24-r) contains Rhes. 856–884 and 985–990 (or 992, but only illegible traces for last two lines).


Some brief notes on Andr.; none on Rhes.

IMAGES USED: online from 2021


SELECT BIBLIOGRAPHY: Turyn 1957: 341–342; Palla 2004, Castelli 2013


These sheets of paper (of Arabic type, according to Palla) were separated by Angelo Mai from the famous late-antique (parchment) illustrations of the Iliad in Ambros. F 205 inf. The illustrations had been attached to them in a repair operation in the 12th century, according to the dating of the paper and the script (from the region of Calabria and Sicily) advocated by Palla (330–337). Most of the annotation written on the paper backing consists of Homeric commentary (D-scholia and the like), and extracts from Eur. Andr. and Rhes. were also written to serve as comments on the Homeric story being illustrated. The lines from Andr. accompany illustrations from Book 6, and Palla has made it likely that those from Rhesus do as well (the point being their information about Hector, not about Rhesus). The article of Palla contains a number of inaccuracies, as revealed by the inspection undertaken at my request by Luigi Battezzato (December 2009), to whom I owe reports of what is readable. There are apparently no annotations on Rhes., but several damaged ones survive for Andr., both written with the text excerpt and as part of the notes added in black or red on the images themselves. See now Castelli.

Manuscripts written after 1250


PREVIOUS OR OTHER SIGLA: Rom. A in Matthiae, A in Dindorf and Schwartz; B in Prinz-Wecklein; R in Cobet apud Geel

CITY: Vatican City

COLLECTION: Biblioteca Apostolica Vaticana

SHELFMARK: Vaticanus graecus 909

DATE: ca. 1250–1280


CATALOGUE (later than Turyn 1957): P. Schreiner, Codices Vaticani Graeci. Codices 867–932 (1988) 106–109

EURIPIDEAN CONTENTS: 2r–v: Hec. 1–31 with scholia, a replacement for the lost original; 3r–16v: Hec. 32–211, 257–711 (a page has been lost between 6v and 7r); 17r–18v replacement pages with Hec. 712–783 and some scholia on 17r only (2/3 of 18r and all of 18v are blank: λείπει by a diff. hand on 18v); 19v–23v: Hec. 1069–1295 Hec.; 24r–v: arg. Or.; 25r–64v: Or. 1–1204 and 1505–1693; 64v–66r: arg. Ph.; 66v–117v: Ph. (the play actually ends on 117r, but the long Peisander-scholion continues onto 117v); 117v–118r: arg. Med.; 118r–156v: Med.; 157r–v: arg. Hipp.; 157v–196v: Hipp.; 197r: arg. Alc.; 197v–228r: Alc.; 228r–v: arg. Andr.; 228v–261r: Andr.; 261v: arg. Tro.; 261v–295r: Tro.; 295v: Hyp. Rhes.; 296r–298v: -315v: Rhes. 1–111; 299r–308v: Rhes. 152–550; 309r–312v Rhes. 631–791; 313r–v: 836–855 and 812–835 (folio bound in backwards: but see discussion below); fol. 314r–315v: Rhes. 856–940. Note that fol. 315r–v, with lines 899–940, was not with the manuscript when it was used by Schwartz, but rediscovered by Rabe 1908.


Old scholia with some additions apparently from the 11th-12th centuries; along with glosses comparable to those in MB, many additional glosses and short paraphrases interlinearly. Annotations that are attested only in V or first in V are tagged as rec. The number of lines of poetic text per page varies greatly, usually from 18–21 lines, but occasionally as few as 10 or as many as 27. The fullest pages have scholia on three sides, with the top and bottom blocks of variable length; pages with fewer scholia usually have no bottom block, and may have scholia in the side block only. Reference symbols are used regularly and lemmata not quite as regularly.


The text and marginal scholia and some interlinear glosses were written by a pair of scribes working closely together (probably 1250–1280). Later, other hands added corrections of the text and additional annotations between the lines and in the margins (and rarely made corrections or changes to the marginal scholia written by the original pair). I have discussed the sharing of the work by the partner scribes in Mastronarde 2017: Chapter 5. Here I confine myself to briefer comments. I use V for one of the partners and V1 for the other, modernizing Schwartz’s use of A and A1. Note that Dindorf sometimes described as “manus recentissima in V” notes actually written by V1 and thus part of the original work on the codex. The hand referred to as V2 in Diggle’s OCT and in my collations made corrections in the text and more rarely in the block of scholia, but added few annotations on the triad. The hand referred to as V3 in Diggle’s OCT and in my collations (probably active active around 1300 or the decade or so after 1300) is a more cursive and informal hand; its notes are tagged as pllgn. (Cavarzeran uses for this cursive hand V with the subscript 2.) The infrequent notes that are by even later hands are referred to with the siglum Vrec. The hand that copied the replacement on 17r–18v is apparently not by the same hand as for the replacement 2r–2v, but it is similar: this one employs enlarged letters, especially at line–end to make lines appear approximately equal in length. It seems that this scribe copied as much as could be read or as much as survived from 712–1069 in the original. Schwartz reported the scholia on Hec. 1–31 from the replacement page 2r–2v without remarking that these pages are not by the original hands; I use the siglum Vv for these scholia: they were apparently copied from the damaged original before it was discarded (note that in this copying any visual distinction between annotations by the various hands on Hec. 1–31 has been lost). I use the same siglum for the few scholia on fol. 17r, which have every appearance of being copied from the original (note the version of the sch. 741, slightly longer than in B, and the confusion in sch. 736, which is paralleled elsewhere in V’s scholia on Hecuba).

IMAGES USED: Prints for Orestes (scanned to allow magnification); for all plays images digitized from microfilm from the library, of mediocre quality for reading anything obscure; some autopsy checking May 2012. New high-resolution grayscale images of the pages of Hecuba were obtained in 2015, making it possible to decipher many scholia that were unreadable on other images. Finally, the whole has been collated from the new online images, with further autopsy checking in 2016 and 2017.

ONLINE IMAGES: Through the kindness of the Vatican Library and the Polonsky Foundation Digitization Project, excellent images of V have now been made available at: http://digi.vatlib.it/view/MSS_Vat.gr.909/   

SELECT BIBLIOGRAPHY: Turyn 1957: 90–91; Matthiessen 1974: 46–47; Mastronarde–Bremer 1982: 3–4; Diggle 1991: 6; Cavarzeran 2016: 37–40; Mastronarde 2017: Chapter 5


The pages have suffered damage to varying extents; some pages have been trimmed, sometimes even irregularly to preserve additions in the outer margin. The original material has been incorporated into fresh larger pages: this sometimes causes obscuring of the writing by the overlapping paper or attachment strip.

About folios 313r–v Turyn 1957: 90 wrote “the leaf 313 was reversed in the binding, the text on fol. 313v was later canceled.” The cancelling is done by a grid of diagonal lines in red ink, and I detect no difference between this red and the rubricator’s ink on the adjacent pages. Furthermore, Turyn’s hypothesis leaves only 20 lines, 792–811, to fill both sides of the leaf that is now lost between 312 and 313, whereas the leaf should have had about 40 lines, 20 per side. I think a better hypothesis is that the missing sheet already contained 812–835 and that for some reason 812–835 were copied again in error, and the crossing out of the version on 313v occurred when this was noticed. Perhaps one page of the original was skipped (omitting 792–811), and when this was very soon noticed, a folio with 792–835 was prepared and added in, and the present leaf 313 reversed and the unneeded (and now out of order) repetition cancelled by the rubricator.


PREVIOUS OR OTHER SIGLA: T (in Dindorf, Schwartz; Taurin. or Cod. Taur. in Matthiae, the first of the two codices Academiae Taurinensis whose readings where reported to him by Amadeus Peyron)

CITY: Turin

COLLECTION: Biblioteca Nazionale


DATE: 1300–1350


EURIPIDEAN CONTENTS: Fol. 9r–v: arg. Or; 10r–66r: Or.; 66v–67r: arg. Ph.; 67v–111v: Ph. 1–64, 83–1164 (the folio lost between 71 and 72 contained lines 65–82 of the play and scholia on lines 54 to 74)


Despite its date, C contains a very complete set of old scholia on Orestes and part of Phoenissae in a form closely related to M, B, and V. Items that are solely in C or in C along with any recentiores are tagged as rec. The script for the scholia is of the same size as the script of the text. As a result, the number of lines of the play on each page is relatively small, and there are pages that are entirely scholia or that have most of the page devoted to a top block. The layout is extremely inconsistent from page to page, and some pages have the scholia on three sides of text, others on two sides (top and side margin), and others two separate small blocks of text with a block of scholia between them.


The scholia and the accompanying glosses are in the same dark ink and same hand as the main text. There are additional glosses and a few short notes written later in much lighter and often faded ink, by a different hand (C2); these become much more sparse after about line 413 of Orestes. These could not be reliably detected and deciphered on the microfilm, but are legible on the new images. In Release 2 the annotations of C2 on lines 26–1100 have been added, although not exhaustively. I have not reported any article glosses not attested elsewhere, items too faint or damaged to decipher, and the very numerous indications of the word order. The annotations of C2 quite often coincide with those of CrOx and Zu.

IMAGES USED: microfilms; since 2014, very fine color digital images

SELECT BIBLIOGRAPHY: Turyn 1957: 85; Matthiessen 1974: 60; Mastronarde–Bremer 1982: 5; Diggle 1991: 7


Schwartz’s edition gives an incomplete view both of the inventory of scholia in C (through neglect of most supralinear and marginal notes) and of its readings. The manuscript was burned around the edges in the fire that damaged the library in 1904; but the scholia have suffered almost no loss on the surviving pages.

The missing folio in Phoen. is correctly mentioned by Schwartz in the app. crit. at I.257, 19, but is not noted in Turyn. I made a note of the omission in my collation of the poetic text made in 1980, but somehow I neglected to include this information at Mastronarde–Bremer 5, so that my own Teubner edition and the OCT of Phoen. also fail to record that lines 65–82 are missing from C.


PREVIOUS OR OTHER SIGLA: Par. A in Matthiae, E in Prinz-Wecklein

CITY: Paris

COLLECTION: Bibliothèque Nationale

SHELFMARK: grec 2712

DATE: ca. 1300


CATALOGUE (later than Turyn 1957): See online description accompanying images.

EURIPIDEAN CONTENTS: This manuscript is numbered by pages, not by recto and verso of each folio. The Euripidean contents are as follows: p. 3: Moschopulean vita, and arg. Hec.; 4–17: Hec.; 18–19: arg. Or.; 19–38: Or.; 38–39: arg. Ph.; 39–59: Ph.; 59–60: arg. Andr.; 60–74: Andr.; 74: arg. Med.; 75–91: Med.; 91–92: arg. Hipp.; 92–106: Hipp. 1–1214; 111–114: Hipp. 1215–end. Pp. 107–110 contain part of Aristophanes, Plutus, out of order, and the remainder of the codex from p. 115 contains Sophocles and Aristophanes.


The poetic text is written in three columns read across the page, leaving very small inercolumnar space and relatively small outer margins (bottom margin somewhat more generous than top and side). Sparse glossing and a few short notes in margins.


The rubricator who supplied personarum notae (Ar), apparently the scribe of the text, adds a few glosses; a later hand (A2) uses an ink somewhat lighter than that of the main text. Rarely, a late hand (Arec) adds a note in faint brown ink.

IMAGES USED: downloaded images

ONLINE IMAGES: http://gallica.bnf.fr/ark:/12148/btv1b8458260w   

SELECT BIBLIOGRAPHY: Turyn 1957: 89–90; Matthiessen 1974: 43–44; Mastronarde–Bremer 1982 4; Diggle 7; Cavarzeran 2016: 48; Cavarzeran 2023: 30. See the description dated 2012 that accompanies the online images. See also http://archivesetmanuscrits.bnf.fr/ead.html?id=FRBNFEAD000089144&cFRBNFEAD000089144_e0000015   


Apart from the argumenta, this manuscript contributes little annotation. Glosses (with a few short scholia) are very sparse on the triad plays, somewhat more abundant on Andromache, Medea, and Hippolytus. In Or. 1–1100, Ar has a few independent glosses (one noting a variant reading), and a few shared with recentiores and Moschopulus; A2 has some items from Suda or other lexicographic sources and a few simple glosses shared with other sources (recentiores and Thoman).


CITY: Milan

COLLECTION: Biblioteca Ambrosiana

SHELFMARK: C 44 sup.

DATE: 14th cent.


EURIPIDEAN CONTENTS: fol. 27r–37r: Hec. 773–1295; 37v–38v: arg. Or. (with some scholia: between arg. 2a ending near the bottom of 37v and the προλογίζει sentence that appears as the last line of 38r before the dram. pers. at the top of 38v, there is a block of scholia from the first 25 lines: first on lines 15–25, with sch. 22.02 out of order between two sch. on 25, then a few scholia on lines 5–10); 38v–71v: Or.; 72r: Or. arg. 3 (ἡ κατάληξις τῆς τραγωδίας…); 72r–72v: arg. Ph., 72v–104v: Ph. 1–1650


The text is in a single column, usually of 24 lines with generous side margin, although there are few marginal scholia. The annotation is an eclectic blend usually matching recentiores, Moschopulus, Thomas, or other later sources.


The main glossation and annotations is by the original hand of the text but using the rubrication ink employed for the personarum notae, either bright red or (from fol. 51v) purplish ink (Aa). Sometimes apparently the same hand uses the brownish ink of the text and is also recorded as Aa. A second set of glosses are in a cruder script and black ink (Aa2). On a few pages where the main annotation is in purplish ink, there are corrections to the text and additional glosses by a hand using bright red ink, Aar. Further glosses appear in a brownish ink, sometimes fairly dark, but at other times extremely faint (the pale brown ink described in Mastronarde–Bremer): this is here called Aa3, since at Or. 132, for example, it can be seen that the darker gloss of Aa2 has been modified by Aa3. It is possible that Aa3 refers to two or more later hands. [The designation of the second and third hands was the opposite in Mastronarde–Bremer 1982: 4–5.]

IMAGES USED: new digital images (grayscale); online (color) images from 2021; some autopsy checking March 2015


SELECT BIBLIOGRAPHY: Turyn 1957: 340, Matthiessen 1974: 42, Mastronarde–Bremer 1982: 4–5


The hands are unskilled, as are the use of diacritics and the orthography, so that one may suspect this is a student copy.


CITY: Milan

COLLECTION: Biblioteca Ambrosiana

SHELFMARK: F 74 sup.

DATE: ca. 1300; (watermarks) 1305–1315 according to Irigoin 1982: 135 [=540]


EURIPIDEAN CONTENTS: (original part) fol. 29r–37r: Hec. 913–1295; 37v–38r: arg. Or.; 38v–40v: Or. 1–109; 43r–54r: Or. 110–635; 57r–64v: Or. 636–959; 65r–66v: 1087–1169; 67r–73v: Or. 1283–1600, 74r: Or. 1682–1693; 75r–76r: arg. Ph.; 76r–90v: Ph. 1–702


Text in a single column of irregular length (usually 19–24 lines), with almost all annotation placed supralinearly. Ab belongs to the group classified as rec in this edition, and on the present evidence I have considered it justified to treat Ab2 in the same way.


Many glosses are in the same ink as the main text, Ab. Other glosses in a different ink (lighter on pages where Ab is darker, and darker on pages were Ab is lighter) and usually written with a finer stroke, Ab2, and in Hec. and Ph. the glossation is almost all by Ab2. The hands are South Italian.

IMAGES USED: new digital images (unfortunately, grayscale); color images online from 2021; some autopsy checking March 2015


SELECT BIBLIOGRAPHY: Turyn 1957: 341, Matthiessen 1974: 42, Mastronarde–Bremer 1982: 5; Irigoin 1982


It may be noted that Ab contains occasional glosses in Italian (such as Or. 238 ἐῶσιν] lassanno). At least one Italian gloss is written in Greek letters (Or. 313 ἀποδέχου] ασπεττάρε). These are not included in this edition.

Recent bibliography on this manuscript has concerned the scribe of replacement pages (e.g. 91r of Phoen. 703–710), a Gabriel who worked in the late 15th and early 16th century in the Salentine circle of Sergio Stiso: Jacob 2000: 149; Speranzi 2007: 103 with note 66; Manzano 2021: 459.


CITY: Cremona

COLLECTION: Biblioteca Governativa


DATE: ca. 1350, or 1330–40 according to Günther 1995, 1330–1350 according to Harlfinger 2000


EURIPIDEAN CONTENTS: (original pages) 10r–19r: Hec. 644–1295;19v: arg. Or.; 19v–42v: Or. 1–1693; 42v–43r: arg. Ph.; 43v–55v, 58r–61v: Ph. 1–1065, 1231–1586; (replacement pages, 15th century) 1r: vita Eur.; 1r–v: arg. Hec.; 2r–9v: Hec. 1–643; 56r–57v: Ph. 1066–1230; 62r–64r: Ph. 1587–1763


Cr has two columns of text (with continuity across the columns), usually with 16 or 17 lines per column and wide space between the lines for most of the annotation; only rarely is the text in the right column interrupted for a discursive scholion within the column. Cr has a few old scholia and an extremely eclectic collection of glosses, matching recentiores as well as Moschopulus and Thomas and other Palaeologan witnesses.


The original annotation of Cr uses the same hand and dark brown ink as the main text, red ink is used only for the personarum notae. For later hands that add some notes on the original pages I use Cr2 to designate an upright, relatively neat, but clumsy hand writing with a very fine stroke in black ink; Cr3 to designate a more cursive, irregular, and sloppy hand, also in black ink.

IMAGES USED: digital mages from library (digitized from B&W microfilm); for a few pages of Or. color cellphone photos taken at my request by Mario Telò, from which I have been able to describe the hands more accurately

SELECT BIBLIOGRAPHY: Turyn 1957: 333, Matthiessen 1974: 38, Mastronarde–Bremer 1982: 5, Günther 1995: 225, Harlfinger 2000: 764–765


Cr is very closely related in its scholia to Ox; indeed in some places where Ox differs slightly from Cr, it appears that the error in Ox could be due to a misreading of ambiguous letters or compendia in Cr; elsewhere, both manuscripts have the same glosses misplaced by a line or two. Günther believes that Cr and Ox were both copied from the same source, and there are slight differences that suggest Ox may not have been copied from Cr; the errors based on misreading would then imply that this source was in a hand very similar to that of Cr.

The replacement pages of the 15th century contain heavy glossation and short marginal notes (mostly etymological) in several hands different from that of the replacement text. Some of these later hands have also added a few annotations to the original pages, especially for the first few surviving pages of Hec. and then more sporadically in Or. A more refined classification of the later hands may be needed when the scholia to Hec. are collated.


PREVIOUS OR OTHER SIGLA: d in Prinz-Wecklein

CITY: Florence

COLLECTION: Biblioteca Medicea Laurenziana

SHELFMARK: plut. 31.15

DATE: 14th c.


EURIPIDEAN CONTENTS: 1r: arg. Hipp; 1r–19r: Hipp.; 19r: arg. Med.; 19v–38r: Med.; 38v: arg. Alc.; 39r–52v: Alc.; 52 v: arg. Andr.; 52v–66v: Andr. 1–1128, 1220–end


The poetic text is in two columns (usually 19 or 21 lines each), with generous margins at top and bottom and a narrower column in the outer margin to accommodate scholia. Old scholia, derived from the main body of scholia in B, leaving out the supralinear and intermarginal annotation. At the beginning of the codex, however, in Hipp. 1–380, there are some supralinear notes and glosses and the source is different (see Cavarzeran’s edition).


ONLINE IMAGES: http://mss.bmlonline.it    ; (old viewer, with download) http://teca.bmlonline.it/    search for “plut.31.15”

SELECT BIBLIOGRAPHY: Turyn 1957: 335–337, Cavarzeran 2016: 33–37; Cavarzeran 2023: 4–5


Sporadically checked while reviewing editions or draft editions of scholia of the four select plays it contains.


PREVIOUS OR OTHER SIGLA: Y in Schwartz for hyp. Hec.

CITY: Venice

COLLECTION: Biblioteca Nazionale Marciana

SHELFMARK: greco Z. 468 (=653)

DATE: late 13th cent.


CATALOGUE (later than Turyn 1957): E. Mioni, Bibliothecae divi Marci Venetiarum codices Graeci manuscripti. Thesaurus antiquus, 2: Codices 300–625. (Roma 1985) 255–257

EURIPIDEAN CONTENTS: 146v: arg. Hec; 147r–157v: Hec.; 157v–158r: arg. Or.; 158r–173r: Or.; 173r–v: arg. Ph.; 173v–190r: Ph.; 190r–v: arg. Med.; 190v: Med. 1–42


Written in two columns (read horizontally), normally of 27 lines each, and an ample side margin only occasionally provided with discursive scholia. F’s annotation is eclectic, sometimes sharing items with recentiores, sometimes matching other types, including Moschopulean and Thoman, with which the later hands in F share even more.


The main scribe F wrote the argumenta; the same scribe added some glosses and the personarum notae in a flat brown ink (which can appear medium dark when the pen is freshly re-inked, but is more often rather light). Many more glosses were at some later time added in a very faint pinkish ink and are recorded as F2. Least common are the additions of F3, a more regular, but not very elegant hand plausibly dated ca. 1500 by Turyn. F3 is responsible for the Moschopulean scholia added occasionally in the margins on the pages containing Phoen. 499–1613 (there are also a few gloss and interlinear paraphrases due to F3).

IMAGES USED: new color digital images (made available online 2018); some autopsy checking March 2015

ONLINE IMAGES: http://www.internetculturale.it/it/16/search?q=Z.+468+653   

SELECT BIBLIOGRAPHY: Turyn 1957: 360, Matthiessen 1974: 47–8, Mastronarde–Bremer 1982: 5–6, Diggle 1991: 7


Despite its sharing a good number of notes with the recentiores (and even a few with MB), I have judged that notes found only in F or in F with witnesses classified as pllgn or mosch or thom do not qualify for the label rec.


PREVIOUS OR OTHER SIGLA: Tp in Mastronarde–Bremer, Diggle

CITY: Parma

COLLECTION: Biblioteca Palatina

SHELFMARK: Fondo Parmese 154

DATE: 1350–1375


CATALOGUE (later than Turyn 1957): P. Eleuteri, I manoscritti greci della Biblioteca Palatina de Parma [Documenti sulle arti del libro, 17] (Milano 1993) 39–41

EURIPIDEAN CONTENTS: 2v: vita, arg. Hec.; 3r–32v: Hec.; 33r: arg. Or.; 33r–73r: Or.; 73v: arg. Ph.; 74r–114: Ph.


Written in a single column of 19–20 lines leaving ample outer margins for scholia. Glosses are frequent throughout, but discursive scholia are dense mainly the first section of Hecuba and then near the lyrics, where the metrical scholia and sometimes long paraphrases are present. The non-metrical annotation appears to be of various types, with many being Moschopulean.


The codex is all by one hand, using brownish ink, somewhat lighter for the annotation than for the text. Red ink is used for personae notae, initial letters of scholia, and reference symbols.

IMAGES USED: downloaded digital images

ONLINE IMAGES: http://www.internetculturale.it/jmms/iccuviewer/iccu.jsp?id=oai%3Awww.internetculturale.sbn.it%2FTeca%3A20%3ANT0000%3AN%3ACNMD0000242830&mode=all&teca=MagTeca+-+ICCU   

SELECT BIBLIOGRAPHY: Turyn 1957: 149–150; Mastronarde–Bremer 1982: 15; Diggle 1991: 10; Günther 1995: 133–134 with further references


The metrical scholia were published by Smith 1977. The hypothesis that these scholia are directly related to Triclinius (at an early stage of his metrical studies) has been refuted by Günther 1995: 176–198. Not included in Release 1 or 2 of this edition.



CITY: Vatican

COLLECTION: Biblioteca Apostolica Vaticana

SHELFMARK: Barberin. gr. 4

DATE: ca. 1300


CATALOGUE (later than Turyn 1957): V. Capocci, Codices Barberiniani Graeci I (Vatican City 1958) 2–6

EURIPIDEAN CONTENTS: 9r: 10 glosses on words in Hec. 16–177; 9v–18r: gnomology of extracts from the non-triad select plays (9v–11r: Andr. with glosses on 639, 683, 729, scholion fragment on 985);11r–12v: Alc. with gloss on 982; 12v–13r : Tro.; 13r–14r: Rhes. with glosses on 405, 509; 14r–16r: Hipp.; 16r–17v: Med. with gloss on 127; 17r–18r: Ba. with paraphrase scholion of 344); 26r–32v: gnomology of extracts from the triad plays (26r–27v: Hec. with marginal note κακόζηλον at 568–570; 28r–29v: Or.; 29v–32v: Ph.)


ONLINE IMAGES: https://digi.vatlib.it/view/MSS_Barb.gr.4   

SELECT BIBLIOGRAPHY: Turyn 1957: 93 n. 151; Matthiessen 1974: 45 and Matthiessen 1965; Mastronarde–Bremer 1982: 173; Diggle 1991: 14; Cavarzeran 2023: 31


See the discussion of the glosses on Hecuba (9r) in Mastronarde 2017: 153–160.


CITY: Florence

COLLECTION: Biblioteca Medicea Laurenziana

SHELFMARK: Conventi soppressi 66

DATE: ca. 1291, acc. to Matthiessen 1982


EURIPIDEAN CONTENTS: 50r–59v: Hec.; 59v–60r: arg. Or.; 60r–72v: Or. 1–1681


Text in two columns (read horizontally), with about 26 lines per column, and a rather narrow outer margin that contains some discursive scholia, although there are very sporadic after the first pages of Hec. Occasional notes in the bottom margin, and scattered interlinear notations.


The annotation appears to me to be by the same scribe, although not necessarily entered at the same time as the text. Some items matches those of the recentiores group, some are shared with later witnesses.

IMAGES USED: digital grayscale images from library. Some autopsy checking May 2013, April 2019

SELECT BIBLIOGRAPHY: Turyn 1957: 338; Matthiessen 1974: 40–41; Diggle 1991: 8


If Matthiessen 1982 is correct about the date ca. 1291 (based on the date 1291 entered at the end of the Iliad copied in the same codex in its original state) and if the annotations were entered close in time to the text, then they would be pre-Moschopulean. I have thus counted K as justifying the use of the label rec. But in Or. 1–1100 K differs from the other recentiores in the relatively large number of isolated overlaps with Moschopulean glosses (52 with K as the only one of the recentiores to share with Moschopulus, compared to more than 7 for any other of the group). See further the remarks in the Preface


PREVIOUS OR OTHER SIGLA: C in Schwartz (for Rhes.)

CITY: Florence

COLLECTION: Biblioteca Medicea Laurenziana

SHELFMARK: plut. 32.02

DATE: 1300–1320


EURIPIDEAN CONTENTS: For a thorough description of the Euripidean contents see Turyn 1957: 233–237. The plays of Euripides appear on folios 68r–232r. 68r: arg. Supp. (added in margin); 68r–75v: Supp. 1–1187; 76r–81r: Ba. (with title Πενθεύς) 1–755; 81v–83v: blank; 84r: Supp. 1188–1234, arg. Cycl.; 84r–89r: Cycl.; 89r: arg. Hcld. (added by Triclinius); 89r–96v: Hcld.; 96v: arg. Her.; 96v–105v: Her.; 106r–117r: Hel.; 117v–118v: blank; 119r: arg. Rhes.; 119r–125r: Rhes.; 125r: arg. Ion.; 125r–134r: Ion 1–1423, 1583–1622; 134r: arg. IT; 134v–135v: IT 1–271; 136r–v: Ion 1424–1582; 137r–144r: IT 272–end; 144v–154r: IA; 154v–156v: blank; 157r–166v: Hipp.; 166v–176v: Med.; 176v: arg. Med., arg. Alc. (both added by Triclinius); 177r–183v: Alc.; 184r: arg. Andr.; 184r–191v: Andr.; 192r–200v: El.; 201r–209v: Hec.; 209v–220v: Or. (with title Ἡλέκτρα); 221r–232r: Ph. (Note that for arg. Andr. (184r) the script and ink look like those of Triclinius’ additions, but this arg. was not written by Triclinius himself according to Turyn and Zuntz; the hand is very close to Triclinius’, but, for example, the backward lean of many epsilons is much more extreme than in Triclinius’ hand.)


Written in two columns (with short intrervals of three-column format for some lyric passages), read horizontally, usually 36–38 lines per column. Metrical annotations by Triclinius in the non-triad plays. Very sporadic glossing by other hands, with the many of the glosses shared with recentiores, Moschopulus or Thomas.


There are just under 50 glosses (confined to lines 1–261) by a hand designated here as L2, using a lighter ink than the main scribe. In Orestes, there are very few glosses written by the main scribe L (ἐργασιῶν over 160 ἐργμάτων, and half a dozen glosses in the last 600 lines of the play). In other plays, annotations by Triclinius have the siglum Lt in the OCT and Tr in Cavarzeran (Sch. Alcestis).

IMAGES USED: online images; scans of Turyn photos of a few pages of Euripidean section

ONLINE IMAGES: http://mss.bmlonline.it    ; (old viewer, with download) http://teca.bmlonline.it/    search for “plut.32.02”

SELECT BIBLIOGRAPHY: Turyn 1957: 222–258; Zuntz 1965; Matthiessen 1974: 39–40, Mastronarde–Bremer 1982: 7, Diggle 1991: 8; Cavarzeran 2016: 53; Cavarzeran 2023: 22–24


L will be used mainly for arguments and the lists of dramatis personae, but for non-triad plays there are also sporadic metrical annotations made by Triclinius (cf. Zuntz 1965: 6–13; Matthiae V.595–600; Dindorf IV.210–219). There are also sporadic glosses of other kinds. For Orestes 1–500 these are by a hand designated here as L2, who uses a lighter ink than the the main scribe; but I have found one gloss (160 ἐργασιῶν over ἐργμάτων) written by the original scribe.


CITY: Venice

COLLECTION: Biblioteca Nazionale Marciana

SHELFMARK: Marc. lat. XIV 232 (coll. 4257)

DATE: 1325–1350


CATALOGUE (later than Turyn 1957): P. Zorzanello, Catalogo dei Codici Latini della Biblioteca Nazionale Marciana di Venezia non compresi nel catalogo di G. Valentinelli, III (Trezzano 1985) 364–368; E. Mioni, Bibliothecae divi Marci Venetiarum codices Graeci manuscripti. Volumen III codices qui in nonam, decimam undecimam inclusos et supplementa duo continens (Roma, 1972) 174–176

EURIPIDEAN CONTENTS: (Euripidean portion) 130r–135v: Hec. 960–1295; 135v–136r: arg. Or.; 136r–145v: Or. 1–619


Selection of marginal scholia and glosses in the form usual in recentiores, plus some additional glosses. The text is arranged in a single column of about 30 lines with ample margins on all sides, while the scholia are in a narrow column to the right of the text (on both recto and verso), and occasionally in the bottom margin when annotation is abundant. The scholia and most of the glosses are closely related to those in AbMnRS or a subset of those.


These pages seem to be the work of a single scribe, apparently all in the same ink except for minimal rubrication of initials of some scholia and personarum notae. The scribe makes many blunders of spelling, many for phonetic reasons and others by anagrammatic errors, omission of syllables, and misreading of the signs for endings.

IMAGES USED: new grayscale digital images from library

SELECT BIBLIOGRAPHY: Matthiessen 1974: 48


Note that in this composite volume the Euripidean unit is number 10 in Zorzanello but marked VIII on folio 130r.


PREVIOUS OR OTHER SIGLA: Aug. in Matthiae, C in Dindorf

CITY: Munich

COLLECTION: Bayerische Staatsbibliothek

SHELFMARK: gr. 560

DATE: 14th cent. (early therein?)


EURIPIDEAN CONTENTS: 7r–v: Hec. 1270–1295; 7v: Or. dram. pers. list and Or. 1–3; 8r–v: arg. Or. (including dram. pers. list again); 8v–10v: Or. 4–54; 11r–56v: Or. 102–1693; 56v–58v: arg. Ph.; 58v–99v: Ph. 1–1586; 100r–101v: Ph. 1632–1742


In many secttions, one column per page, usually of 13–14 lines and with ample space between lines, with annotation in the side margin on many pages (although some pages have few or none) as well as between the lines. On some pages, however, the text is instead in two columns, and blocks of scholia occupying the full width of the page are interspersed at intervals. These represent a partial set of scholia recentiora.


The manuscript was written by several hands, but the annotation on each page usually appears to be by the scribe of the text, and all are referred to as Mn. Some pages have two colors of ink, one for the text and another for personarum notae and interlinear notes, with the marginal scholia usually in the text color but on some pages in the same ink as the interlinear notes. Other pages have the same ink used for everything. In some places, when it is sufficiently clear from the different appearance of the ink (in grayscale images) and the reduced size of the script that a second phase of entry is involved, the addition is indicated as Mn2.

IMAGES USED: microfilm; grayscale images from library (digitized from microfilm)

ONLINE IMAGES: (digitized from black and white microfilm) http://daten.digitale-sammlungen.de/bsb00085243/image_15   

SELECT BIBLIOGRAPHY: Turyn 1957: 344; Matthiessen 1974: 129; Mastronarde–Bremer 1982: 7; Diggle 1991: 8


Other than for scholia also found in V, Mn was the most commonly used source of the scholia common in the group of recentiores that were printed in Matthiae and Dindorf.


CITY: Madrid

COLLECTION: Biblioteca Nacional


DATE: ca. 1300 according to N. G. Wilson, JHS 96 (1976) 172


CATALOGUE (later than Turyn 1957): G. de Andres, Catalogo de los Codices Griegos de la Biblioteca Nacional (Madrid 1987), 224–226 (#127)

EURIPIDEAN CONTENTS: (original parts) 33r–41r: Or. 1277–1693; 41r–42r: arg. Ph.; 42r–73v: Ph. 1–1708; (replacement pages) 2r–v: vita, arg. Hec.; 3r–20r: Hec.; 20v: arg. Or. (τὸ δεύτερον δράμα παρέχει πολλὰ δεινὰ καὶ πένθη …, a short paragraph of comment apparently not found earlier) and poem ἴωνος εἰς εὐριπίδην; 21r–32v: Or. 1–1276; 74r–v: Ph. 1709-1766


The original pages have the text in one column of 25 lines, with an ample outer margin for scholia, although this space is blank on many pages. There are many interlinear annotations. Taken together the annotation by the various hands consists of a mixture of basic glosses, some Moschopulean notes, and select old scholia. The replacement pages contain no scholia or glosses.


The text is in black ink, sometimes greyer and sometimes brownish. Pers. notae and some annotations are in red ink, termed Mtr (these appear to be old scholia), and a few by the hand of the text (Mt) are in a yellowish brown ink. Other annotations are in black ink (Mt2), more cursive and irregular in appearance and often Moschopulean, and finally some are in lighter ink and smaller script (Mt3). The replacement pages (like the supplements made in the Sophocles section of the codex) are by Constantinus Lascaris.

IMAGES USED: microfilm (Ph.) and microfiche (Or.).; digital images acquired 2016; now online

ONLINE IMAGES: http://bdh-rd.bne.es/viewer.vm?id=0000243129   

SELECT BIBLIOGRAPHY: Turyn 1957: 339–340; Mastronarde–Bremer 1982: 7–8; Diggle 1991: 8


I examined the original briefly in Madrid in 2011.


CITY: Oxford

COLLECTION: Bodleian Library

SHELFMARK: Auct. T.4.10

DATE: older part 1438 (subscription fol. 130v), later part late 15th cent.


CATALOGUE (later than Turyn 1957): H. Coxe, Greek Manuscripts, repr. with corrections, Oxford 1969 [Bodleian Libraries, Quarto Catalogues, 1]

EURIPIDEAN CONTENTS: (older part) 28r: dram. pers. list for Hec.; 27r–73v: Hec.; 73v–74r: arg. Or.; 74v–130v: Or.; (later part) 1r: arg. Hipp.; 1v–27v: Hipp.; 131r–133r: arg. Thom. Ph.; 133v–140v: Ph. 1–425



The older part is by a scribe Ioannes, who wrote, in a gray ink, the text and abundant interlinear annotation, but only a few marginal scholia; most of the interlinear notes are in a lighter gray ink. Additional glosses and marginal scholia are added by a later Western hand, Ox2; some of these are in red ink. The later part is written entirely by Georgios Alexandru, RGK I 54, who uses rubrication only for pers. notae, headings, and a few γνώ(μη) marks.

IMAGES USED: new digital images (grayscale) from library; autopsy May 2010

SELECT BIBLIOGRAPHY: Turyn 1957: 351–2; Matthiessen 1974: 43; Günther 1995: 226–227


Ox is closely related to Cr (see discussion there), but also contains additional material shared with recentiores and other types of witness. Ox2 has Moschopulean and Thoman scholia, and it is the only witness outside the Thoman group to carry some discursive Thoman notes (9 concentrated in the first 600 lines of Orestes).


PREVIOUS OR OTHER SIGLA: (Vatican part) Rom. C in Matthiae; (Florence part) once classified as Abbatiae Florentinae 2664, G in Prinz-Wecklein, Fl. 18 in Matthiae, Dindorf (incorrectly; once—correctly?—as 18 Abbat. Flor.; see Discussion)

CITY: Vatican, Florence

COLLECTION: Biblioteca Apostolica Vaticana, Biblioteca Medicea Laurenziana

SHELFMARK: Palatinus graecus 287, Conventi soppressi 172

DATE: 1320–1325

NUMÉRO DIKTYON: (Vatican) 66019    or (Florence) 15874   

EURIPIDEAN CONTENTS: (Vatican part) 58r: arg. Andr., Andr.; 70v: arg. Med., Med.; 84r: arg. Su., Su.; 95r: arg. Rh., Rh.; 104v: arg. Ion., Ion; 119r: arg. IT, IT; 133r–147v: IA; 147v–148r: arg. Dan., Danae 1–65; 150v: arg. Hipp., Hipp.; 162v: arg. Alc., Alc.; 173r: arg. Tro., Tro.; 185r: arg. Ba., Ba; 197v: arg. Cycl., Cycl.; 203r: arg.Hcld.; 203r–211v: Hcld. 1–1002; (Florence part) 1r: Hcld. 1003–1055; 1v–13v: arg. Her., Her.; 13v–28r: arg. Hel., Hel.; 28r–40r: dram. pers. El, El.; 40r–51v: hyp. Hec., Hec.; 51v–67r: arg. Or., Or.; 67r–83v: arg. Ph., Ph.


The text is in two columns of 27 lines each. Very rarely, there are glosses added in the margin or between the lines.


There are a few metrical marginalia on IT and IA entered by the rubricator (Ioannes Katrares, RGK III 279: Zuntz 1965: 289), and I have found a few glosses on Orestes that appear on Turyn’s photos to be in the same or a similar red ink. These are recorded as P2.

IMAGES USED: Scans of Turyn photos of the Florence part; microfiche of Vatican part (but modern digital images became available in 2023). I do not have immediate access to the printed facsimile: Euripidis quae in codicibus Palatino Graeco inter Vaticanos 287 et Laurentiano Conv. Soppr. 172 (olim Abbatiae Florentinae 2664) inveniuntur. Arte photografica vero R. Sarsaini, Romae [et] Fratrum Alinari, Florentiae. Phototypice expressa cura et impensis J.A. Spranger. 2 vols. 1939–1946

ONLINE IMAGES: For Vatican part only: (recently available) https://digi.ub.uni-heidelberg.de/diglit/bav_pal_gr_287/0026/image#col_info    ; (digitized from old microfilm; insufficient resolution for small details) https://digi.vatlib.it/view/MSS_Pal.gr.287   

SELECT BIBLIOGRAPHY: Turyn 1957: 258–264, Zuntz 1965: 1–15 and passim; Matthiessen 1974: 40, Mastronarde–Bremer 1982: 8, Diggle 1991: 8, Cararzeran 2023: 24


Collated for arg. Or. and Or. 1–1100 from Turyn photos.

Some of the P2 items were recorded in Matthiae and Dindorf with the siglum Fl. 18. This designation was earlier used by Beck: III.x. From his description of the contents it is clear that Beck meant Laur. plut.31.18, which contains the Euripidean triad plus some Theocritus. Laur. 31.18 in fact has no scholia on Orestes, but scholia only on the first few pages of Hecuba, with a few glosses later in Hec. and on several pages of Phoen. In Matthiae, however, (and thus in Dindorf too) Fl. 18 is reported as the source of several items for Or., which turn out to be those found in P. Oddly enough, Matthiae IV:386 (his sch. Or. 629 sq.) and Dindorf II.174,3–5 (his sch. Or. 640) record one scholion of P2 as from “18 Abbat. Flor.” Thus either the collation that reported these items to Matthiae was misidentified by him as that of Fl. 18, or 18 was once an alternative number for Abbatiae Florentinae 2664, facilitating the misunderstanding.


CITY: Paris

COLLECTION: Bibliothèque Nationale

SHELFMARK: grec 1087

DATE: ca. 1300; (watermarks] 1305–1315 according to Irigoin 1982 135 [=540]


EURIPIDEAN CONTENTS: 49r–50r: arg. Or., Or. 1–31


The only full page of the play (50r) has 21 lines in one column with the side and bottom margin filled with scholia, and there are some interlinear glosses. The layout of 49v is similar, except that the upper third of the page is taken up with the remainder of the argumenta. Pc is clearly related in its glosses and discursive scholia (and in the variants of the argumenta) to the main recentiores, especially with MnPrRSSa.


The hand is South Italian as Turyn 1957 noted and Irigoin 1982 confirmed.

IMAGES USED: scans of Turyn photos; digitized microfilm online

ONLINE IMAGES: https://gallica.bnf.fr/ark:/12148/btv1b10721774w/   

SELECT BIBLIOGRAPHY: Turyn 1957: 353; Irigoin 1982


This is an odd extract. The codex contains a miscellany of texts by various hands. Perhaps 49r is the beginning of a new quire. Ths preceding pages are by different scribes, and on 50v there begins another miscellaneous extract, again by a different scribe. I do not detect any other contribution by the scribe of 49r–50r in the codex, and this scribe seems to have the most mannered hand of any represented herein.


PREVIOUS OR OTHER SIGLA: G for vita in Schw. (using old shelfmark S. Gen. 36)

CITY: Paris

COLLECTION: Bibliothèque Sainte-Geneviève


DATE: 14th c. (early)


EURIPIDEAN CONTENTS: (original parts) 1v–3v: vita; 4r–5v: Hec. 1–36; 8r–14v: Hec. 104–292; 20r–51v: Hec. 444–1225; 53r–55r: Hec. 1245–end; 55v: arg. Or.; 56r–122r: Or.; 122v–123v: arg. Ph.


Mixture of scholia.

IMAGES USED: microfiche for part only

SELECT BIBLIOGRAPHY: Turyn 1957: 353–354; Matthiessen 1974: 45; Günther 1995: 227


Not yet studied.



CITY: Heidelberg

COLLECTION: Universitätsbibliothek

SHELFMARK: Palatinus graecus 18

DATE: ca. 1300


CATALOGUE (later than Turyn 1957): See the very detailed description accompanying the online images.

EURIPIDEAN CONTENTS: 240r: arg. Hec.; 240r–244v: Hec. 1–274 (scholia up to line 291)


The first three pages have text in one column and an equal column of scholia, but thereafter the verses are in two columns (read horizontally) with only a few scholia crammed in the narrow margins and a large continuous block of scholia from the bottom quarter of 243r to the top quarter of 244r, and another from the bottom quarter of 244r to the top half of 244v. A few glosses are added by a different hand on lines 1–25 only. The discursive scholia are of the sort carried by the main recentiores.


There is a remarkable difference in style between the hand of the poetic text (an unusually formal mixed minuscule) and the hand of the marginal scholia (a very mannered scholarly hand). In the the last lines of the block of scholia only on 244v the appearance of the script is altered, first by the use of a sharper pen and then by adopting a larger size (the rest of 244v is blank and there was thus no reason to crowd the last notes). These lines are perhaps by the same scribe, and in any case seem to draw from the same source, so Pl applies to them as well. The few glosses are recorded as Pl2.

IMAGES USED: scans of Turyn photos and color digital images online

ONLINE IMAGES: https://digi.ub.uni-heidelberg.de/diglit/cpgraec18_v2   

SELECT BIBLIOGRAPHY: Turyn 1957: 338; Matthiessen 1974: 41


Pl’s scholia have many overlaps with one or more of RPrSSa, but there are also some unique notes or modifications of wording.


CITY: Reims

COLLECTION: Bibliothèque Carnegie (formerly Bibliothèque de la Ville)

SHELFMARK: 1306 (J 733)

DATE: ca. 1290–1300


EURIPIDEAN CONTENTS: 1r–12v: Hec. 81–end; 12v–13r: arg. Or.; 13r–32r: Or.; 32r: arg. Ph.; 32v–45v: Ph. 1–123 and 879–end (but the pages are now bound out of order as follows: 32v (1–26), 41r–v (1383–1470), 33r–34v (27–123), 35r–36v (879–1046), 39r–40v (1200–1382), 37r–v (1046–1127), 42r–45v (1471–1766), 38r–v (1128–1198), then 12 later pages numbered i-xii, with Ph. 273–808


Scholia typical of the recentiores, with many teachers’ scholia intermingled.


The text and annotation (and pers. notae and ornaments) by the original hand are in brownish black ink. A later hand writing in a more regular and widely-spaced script (Pr2) writes some notes in Hec. in an ink that appears red or reddish brown depending on the thickness of the stroke; in Or. the same hand’s additions are in a brown ink with hardly any tinge of red, sometimes yellowish brown. Some tiny cursive glosses are assigned to Prrec when I feel enough confidence they are not just Pr adding something on a second pass (but the decision is uncertain in many places). Prrec is also used for a hand that adds a few scattered glosses in dark ink with larger letters than seen in the glosses of Pr.

IMAGES USED: digitized images from microfilm. Autopsy checking June 2019

ONLINE IMAGES: (digitized images from black and white microfilm) https://bvmm.irht.cnrs.fr/mirador/index.php?manifest=https://bvmm.irht.cnrs.fr/iiif/4890/manifest   

SELECT BIBLIOGRAPHY: Turyn 1957: 354, Matthiessen 1974: 45, Mastronarde–Bremer 1982: 8, Diggle 1991: 8–9


Pr also contains occasional Latin glosses in a very light yellowish-brown ink. The hand Pr2, in addition to glosses and some grammatical scholia relevant to Or., has added at the bottom of 21v nine iambic trimeters that are a version of part of an extract ascribed to Nicephoros Philosophos (9–10 cent.) in Dositheos II Patriarcha (17–18th cent.), Dodecabiblos Book 8, p. 369,16–24 (Deledemos); also on 45v, five epigrams of Gregorius Nazianzenus, Anth. Gr. 8.134–138 Beckby).


CITY: Vatican

COLLECTION: Biblioteca Apostolica Vaticana

SHELFMARK: Vaticanus graecus 1135

DATE: very late 13th cent.


EURIPIDEAN CONTENTS: 1r–10v: sch. on Hec. in continuous block; 11r–v: arg. Hec.; 11v–43v: Hec.; 43v–44v: arg. Or.; 44v–87r: Or.; 87r–101v: sch. on Or. 1–1130 in continuous block; 102v–103r: arg. Ph.; 104r–148r: Ph.


Text in a single column of various length (the most common ranges are 18–21 lines). Old scholia in the modified form found in the recentiores, with some teachers’ scholia; glosses by original hand and additional hand(s). Most scholia are in separate sections before Hec. and after Or., but others are in the margins, sometimes duplicating those in the continuous block.


For Hecuba and Orestes I use Ra to indicate the scholia that are in the marginal scholia block beside the text and Rb to indicate those in the continuous scholia on fols. 1r–10v and 87v–101v. For the supralinear glosses and marginal glosses of Hecuba and Orestes and for all the annotations of Phoenissae I use R.

IMAGES USED: online images since 2015; prints for Orestes, microfilm for Phoenissae, prints from microfilm for Hecuba; some autopsy inspection conducted in May 2012 and April 2016

ONLINE IMAGES: http://digi.vatlib.it/view/MSS_Vat.gr.1135/   

SELECT BIBLIOGRAPHY: Turyn 1957: 94–96; Matthiessen 1974: 47; Mastronarde–Bremer 1982: 8–9; Diggle 1991: 9


Written in South Italy. Both the material and the script are poor, and this is a palimpsest with the Euripides text on top. For Hecuba the scholia through line 981 plus a few on lines 1076, 1200, 1213 are written in a block on fols. 1r–10v, before the text of the play. In the blank space in the lower half of 10v a later hand has added a brief narrative of Orion’s blinding by Oinopion and the cure of his blindness, which may be considered a scholion on Hec. 1102. On the first few folios for the text of Hecuba, there are interlinear glosses and some marginal scholia in lighter ink and a smaller and fuzzy script; after a few pages one can see in addition some glosses in a very fine black script, and a larger sloppier hand e.g. on 17r in margin; from 18r to 33v many pages have no annotation at all. Marginal notes resume on 34r and continue to the end of Hecuba: these marginal notes cover the last 350 lines of the play, for which there are only a couple of scholia in the block on 1r–10v. For Orestes some marginal scholia appear from the beginning to 53r, with very few thereafter; the poor legibility of these notes is apparently due to damage and not deliberate erasure (the pages have also been trimmed, losing words in the top margin). The glosses are either fuzzy and similar in tint to the main text or in a sharper and blacker script. These glosses seem to be by the same hand, but entered at different times, although often the writing is too faint or damaged to be sure. A fuller set of scholia (covering Or. 1–1130) is written after the end of Orestes, on fols. 87v–101v, with reference numbers keyed back to the text. For Phoenissae there are glosses and a few marginal notes, but the glosses become sparse later in the play.

Between the last scholion on Orestes (one-third of the way down on fol. 101v) and the arg. Ph. (on fol. 102v), there are vocabulary notes, a narrative on Daidalus and Icarus, and a quotation of Arist. Nub. 37. This material is described in more detail in Mastronarde 2017: 149–152.


PREVIOUS OR OTHER SIGLA: Fl. 33 in Matthiae and Dindorf

CITY: Florence

COLLECTION: Biblioteca Medicea Laurenziana

SHELFMARK: plut. 32.33

DATE: ca. 1290–1300


EURIPIDEAN CONTENTS: (original parts, using folio numbers in lower right) 105v–114r: Hec. 572–end; 114r–115v: arg Or.; 115v–134v: Or.; 134v: arg. Ph.; 135r–150v: Ph. 1–1726. The last legible scholion on Phoen. is on 150r (sch. Ph. 1668), but it seems on the images that there was a full column in the left margin of 150v, now obscured by a repair strip.


Normally two columns of poetic text with a somewhat narrower third column on the outer margin containing scholia (on a few pages there are three columns of poetic text and no scholia); on denser pages, scholia may also appear in top and bottom margin, or just in the bottom (less often just in the top) margin. Incomplete set of scholia matching the old scholia or typical of the recentiores. Marginal scholia has been entered on all the surviving pages of Hecuba and Phoenissae, except that on fol. 150v, containing Phoen. 1662–1726, a strip of paper has been glued on for repair, covering the scholia, if any were written there. For Orestes, the scholia column is filled for lines 1–89 (on 116r the scholia block ends in the middle of sch. Or. 89) and lines 1037–end, with only a few on the intervening lines (fols. 116v–129r; but there is a full column of scholia on 126v). The order of the scholia is frequently disturbed, lemmata are often not clearly demarcated as separate from the note (rubrication is not a reliable criterion for what is a lemma and what is part of the note itself), and lemmata are often inexact or from the wrong line.


The same scribe has used a variety of inks. Some annotations are in dark ink, occasionally shading toward light brown when the ink on the pen is running out (Rf), some in red ink (Rfr, also used for extremely faint ink that may appear yellowish), and a few are in a light yellowish brown ink, recorded as Rf2. The chronological relationship of Rf and Rf2 is not consistent: on some pages entries with the ink identified with Rf2 may be earlier than those entered in the ink of Rf. The red ink is used inconsistently for some glosses, initials of scholia, first words of scholia, almost the entire scholia, or rarely an entire scholion. Scholia that are partly red and partly black are normally recorded simply as Rf.

IMAGES USED: scans of Turyn photos; online images; some autopsy inspection May 2013, April March 2019

ONLINE IMAGES: http://mss.bmlonline.it    ; (old viewer, with download) http://teca.bmlonline.it/    search for “plut.32.33”

SELECT BIBLIOGRAPHY: Turyn 1957: 337–338; Matthiessen 1974: 40; Mastronarde–Bremer 1982: 9; Diggle 1991: 9


Note that between 123r and123v Or. 537–626 were originally omitted by the scribe. These lines were then added in the outer margin on the five pages 123v–125v, in a column to be read downward, with a reference symbol at beginning of the column on 123v and on 124r and the same at end of the sequence on 125v; the scribe also writes τοῦτο ἕως τέλους above the first column (123v), and ζήτει ὀπίσω· (627) τοσαῦτ’ ἀκούσας at the end of the last column (125v). A different reference symbol link the end of the added column in 123v to the begining of the column on 124r. The label λάθος (‘error’) is also added above lines 627–628, the first lines of the original form of 123v.


CITY: Vatican

COLLECTION: Biblioteca Apostolica Vaticana

SHELFMARK: Vaticanus graecus 1332

DATE: 14th cent.


EURIPIDEAN CONTENTS: 1r–8r: Ph. 1001–1766


Old scholia or modifications typical of recentiores, arranged in blocks on three sides of the two columns of poetic text. As with Rw, there are a few noteworthy instances of items shared with H. Glosses added by the rubricator in a more cursive script.


The glosses are designated as Rvr.

IMAGES USED: new digital grayscale images; autopsy collation of the most damaged parts March 2019

SELECT BIBLIOGRAPHY: Turyn 1957: 359, Matthiessen 1974: 68, Mastronarde–Bremer 1982: 9; Mastronarde 1985: 108


The edges of the pages are damaged, especially at the top, leading to some loss in the scholia blocks.


PREVIOUS OR OTHER SIGLA: W in Schwartz for vita Euripidis

CITY: Vienna

COLLECTION: Oesterreichische Nationalbibliothek

SHELFMARK: Phil. gr. 119

DATE: ca. 1300


CATALOGUE (later than Turyn 1957): H. Hunger, Katalog der griechischen Handschriften der Österreichischen Nationalbibliothek 1: Codices historici, codices philosophici et philologici, 1961: 230

EURIPIDEAN CONTENTS: 1r–v: arg. Hec.; 1v–13v: Hec; 13v: arg. Or.; 14r–31v: Or.; 32r–v: arg. Ph.; 32v–45v: Phoen. 1–1271; 46r–53v: later replacement for Ph. 1272–1766 (no scholia)


Old scholia and also some of the form characteristic of recentiores, including some teachers’ scholia, especially at the beginning of Hecuba. The annotation is mostly arranged in blocks on three sides of the two columns of poetic text, but on some pages on two sides or just in the side column. Interlinear annotation is rare and is found mostly in the first pages of Hecuba.


The interlinear annotations are partly by the main hand (Rw) in the same ink as the text and marginal scholia, partly in the red ink of the the rubricator, Rwr. One or more crude and later hands (often omitting diacritics) are designated Rwrec: they appears mainly in the first 200 lines or so of Hecuba, where they have drawn heavily on Moschopulean and Thoman glosses. Not all the glosses of Rwrec were deciperable, and I have not been exhaustive in recording their apparent errors of spelling and accentuation.

IMAGES USED: digital images from library

ONLINE IMAGES: http://data.onb.ac.at/rep/10027013   

SELECT BIBLIOGRAPHY: Turyn 1957: 361–362, Matthiessen 1974: 48, Mastronarde–Bremer 1982: 9, Diggle 1991: 9


The scholia for Phoenissae cover only lines 1–1028 (sporadic glosses continue thereafter).


CITY: Salamanca

COLLECTION: Biblioteca Universitaria


DATE: dated 1326 by the scribe Ioannes Kalliandros


CATALOGUE (later than Turyn 1957): Antonio Tovar, Catalogue Codicum Graecorum Universitatis Salamantinae. I. Collection Universitatis Antiquae [Acta Salamanticensia, Filosofia y Letras, XV.4 (1963)] 11, 12, 21–25, 88; but see now T. Martínez Manzano, Historia del Fondo Manuscrito Griego de la Universidad de Salamanca (Salamanca 2015) 131–132

EURIPIDEAN CONTENTS: 114v–115v: etymologies and other notes (ἐτυμολογίαι καὶ ἄλλἄττα τοῦ πρώτου δράματος τοῦ εὐριπίδους τοῦ περὶ τῆς ἑκάβης); 115v–116r: metrical definitions; 116r–117r: short treatise on tragedy (ἰσαακίου τοῦ τζέτζου ἐξήγησις εἰς τὸν εὐριπίδην); 117r–119r: vitae Eur. and other material; 119r–v: arg. Hec.; 119v–143r (143v blank): Hec.; 144r–v: arg. Or.; 144v–169r: Or.; 169r–170v: arg. Ph; 170v–206r: Ph. (Ph. 1–4 and the initial sch. appear on 169v, but then the long Peisander sch. occurs, and on 170v play text begins again from line 1)


Partial set of scholia in the form typical of recentiores, mixed with teachers’ scholia. Blocks of scholia occur at irregular intervals, and there are many supralinear annotations and a few in margins of the text (which is sometimes in one column and sometimes in two columns). The scribe also at times neglects the line divisions of the iambic trimeters, and this may have contributed to some instances in which glosses are misplaced. Rubrication is sparingly used and hard to see except on the newest color images: red ink is used for marking off most individual scholia with a corner bracket, or sometimes a vertical red stroke through the enlarged capital initial (in black); also on some pages a red vertical stroke is placed to the left of lines of Eur. so the reader can detect them in the disordered arrangement of text and scholia. The interlinear annotation ceases at Phoen. 871, except for seven glosses at 1650–1657.


Ioannes Kalliandros, PLP 10352

IMAGES USED: scans from microfiche (partial); microfilm; new digital images; some autopsy inspection in June 2011

ONLINE IMAGES: https://gredos.usal.es/bitstream/handle/10366/143246/BG~Ms.31.pdf   

SELECT BIBLIOGRAPHY: Turyn 1957: 96, Matthiessen 1974: 45, Mastronarde–Bremer 1982: 9, Diggle 1991: 9; see also Manzano 2016


The whole codex is the work of one scribe, although his hand is variable in spacing and size and features a great variety in the forms of individual letters. The scribe’s practice of writing small letters with a thick stroke leads to many ambiguities.

On the miscellany of material that appears before the triad in S (partly copied from Sb, partly shared with Sa), see Mastronarde 2017: 107–148. Another apparent connection to Tzetzes in S is found on fol. 139r (Hec. 983–1017, scholia on 968–984), in the top margin of which the scribe has written upside-down this anecdote about Homer: ‘ἄνδρες ἀπὸ Ἀρκαδίης ἁλιήτορες, ἦ ῥ’ ἔχομέν τοι [τι s.l.];’ οἱ δὲ εἶπον· ‘οὓς μὲν εἵλομεν, οὐκ ἔχομεν· οἶς δ’ οὐχ’ εἵλομεν, φερόμεθα’· καὶ τοῦτο μὴ δυνηθεὶς ὁ ποιητὴς εὑρεῖν ὀλισθήσας ἐτελεύτησεν. This is very similar to Tzetzes, Exeg. in Il., Prologue 960–969 θνῄσκει δὲ οὑτωσί· ὡς περινοστῶν τὰς πόλεις καὶ περὶ τὴν Ἀρκαδίαν ἐγένετο, περὶ τὴν παραλίαν ταύτης βαδίζων, ἁλιεῦσι φθειριζομένοις ἐντετύχηκε, τυφλός, ὡς ἔμοιγε δοκεῖ, τῷ γήρᾳ τυγχάνων· ἄλλοις δέ, ἐκ φαντάσματος Ἀχιλέως· πρὸς οὓς εἰρήκει ταδί· ‘ἄνδρες ἀπ’ Ἀρκαδίης ἁλιήτορες, ἦ ῥ’ ἔχομέν τι;’ οἱ δὲ τούτῳ ἀπεκρίναντο· ‘οὓς μὲν εἵλομεν, οὐκ ἔχομεν· οὓς δ’ οὐχ εἵλομεν, φερόμεσθα’· ὃ μὴ νοήσας Ὅμηρος ὅτι περὶ φθειρῶν ἔλεγον, ἐτεθνήκει τῇ λύπῃ, ἐκ χρησμοῦ τοῦτο πάλαι ἀκηκοώς.


PREVIOUS OR OTHER SIGLA: V in Schwartz, for vita Euripidis, hyp. Hec.

CITY: Vatican

COLLECTION: Biblioteca Apostolica Vaticana

SHELFMARK: Vaticanus graecus 1345

DATE: ca. 1300


EURIPIDEAN CONTENTS: 95r–97r: (in jumbled order) vita Eur., arg. Hec., poems on Eur., misc. scholia on Hec.; 97r–123r: Hec; 123r–v: arg. Or.; 123v–153v: Or; 154r–v: arg. Ph.; 155v–178v: Ph.; 179r–v: sch. on final lines of Ph., and Peisander sch.; 180r: etymologies and other notes (opening lines of the same miscellany found in S and in Sb)


Partial set of scholia with modicifications typical of the recentiores, mixed with teachers’ scholia; there are also supralinear glosses and a few short marginal annotations. The scholia are disposed in blocks at irregular points, sometimes above and below the two columns of poetic text, sometimes in a single block at top or bottom or filling the whole page. Sometimes scholia end up on pages after the lemma, and for some sections after a particular block of poetic lines, the discursive scholia on those lines are written in one block before the next section of text begins. See, for instance, the blocks of scholia on Hecuba on folios 115r to 117r, where the scholia are also numbered in sequence in the margin, continuing from one block to the next, although no corresponding reference numbers are visible in the poetic text. In the first part of Orestes the scholia block runs beyond the page on which the corresponding text occurs, and in order to get back into closer alignment of scholia and text the scribe seems to have omitted scholia on a stretch of lines.


Theodoros, RGK III 224; PLP 7404.

IMAGES USED: prints for Or., Ph.; print from microfilm for Hec.; some autopsy inspection in May 2012, April 2016, March 2019

ONLINE IMAGES: (digitized images from black and white microfilm) https://digi.vatlib.it/view/MSS_Vat.gr.1345   

SELECT BIBLIOGRAPHY: Turyn 1957: 96, Matthiessen 1974: 47, Mastronarde–Bremer 1982: 10, Diggle 1991: 9–10


The scribe uses black ink for the text and scholia; a dark brown ink for some of the interlinear glosses; a brown ink for most personarum notae; and an extremely faint reddish gray ink for a few personarum notae and for initials of scholia, or starting at fol. 128r for whole lemmata. This light ink has often faded almost to invisibility and sometimes cannot be detected on images; even on the original it is at times hard to discern whether an initial was omitted or has faded out.


CITY: Florence

COLLECTION: Biblioteca Medicea Laurenziana

SHELFMARK: plut. 31.03

DATE: 1287, as dated by the scribe


EURIPIDEAN CONTENTS: fol. 145v–146r: miscellany of etymologies and other notes on Hecuba (the codex at present contains no plays of Euripides)


Written by Manuel Spheneas, PLP 27256


ONLINE IMAGES: http://mss.bmlonline.it    ; (old viewer, with download) http://teca.bmlonline.it/    search for “plut.31.03”

SELECT BIBLIOGRAPHY: Turyn 1943: 54–55; Turyn 1972: I.55–56; Manzano 2016


This codex has the siglum B for the Aeschylean portion. The Salamanca ms S copied the miscellany of notes from Sb. See Mastronarde 2017: 115–116.



CITY: Vatican

COLLECTION: Biblioteca Apostolica Vaticana

SHELFMARK: Vaticanus graecus 1824

DATE: 14th cent.


CATALOGUE (later than Turyn 1957): P. Canart, Codices Vaticani Graeci 1745–1962 (Vatican City 1970) 240–250

EURIPIDEAN CONTENTS: 81r–85v: Or. 1385–1557; 86r–v: Ph. 802–842, 87r–v: Or. 1558–1591


Text in a single column of 17 lines, with ample outer margins. that are mostly unused. the annotation being mainly interlinear except for a few longer notes in the margin. The selection reflects an eclectic mixture of annotations shared with recentiores as well as with with Moschopulean and Thoman manuscripts. While the overlaps are often in obvious and standard glosses, on some pages (esp. the last few containing Orestes, there is a clear dependency on a Thoman source. In particular, Vd shares a set of comments otherwise found in ZmGu (sometimes joined by T).

IMAGES USED: photographs; autopsy inspection May 2012

ONLINE IMAGES: (new color images as of 2021) https://digi.vatlib.it/view/MSS_Vat.gr.1824   

SELECT BIBLIOGRAPHY: Turyn 1957: 359–60; Mastronarde 1985: 99; Diggle 1991: 13, 92 n. 38, 106, 149


Vat. gr. 1824 and 1825 are two parts of a composite collection of texts, among which the Euripidean part (Thoman witness Zv, fols. 31r–53r) preserves part of Phoenissae. But unrelated folios are also bound in, as is the case with 81r–87v in Vat. gr. 1824, here called Vd (Diggle used Zv for both parts in the OCT). All the elements of these pages may be the work of the same scribe, but the script is sometimes remarkably poorly written (usually enlarged and darker) and sometimes more disciplined (usually smaller and lighter). The ink has various appearances: that of the text is consistently dark brown; many annotations appear lighter, in a slightly yellowish brown ink (but this ink too can appear darker when the pen is freshly inked), but notes apparently added at a later stage are more consistently dark.


PREVIOUS OR OTHER SIGLA: Vc in Matthiessen, C in Diggle OCT for Hipp., Med.

CITY: Vatican

COLLECTION: Biblioteca Apostolica Vaticana

SHELFMARK: Vaticanus graecus 910

DATE: 14th cent.


EURIPIDEAN CONTENTS: 137r–v: arg. Hipp.; 137v–166v: Hipp. 1–659, 688–1123, 1365–1466; 166v–167r: arg. Med.; 167r–189v: Medea 1–1049 (om. 880–884)


Text in a single column of 20–22 lines with ample side margin. A selection of old scholia on Hipp., but only minimal annotation, mostly internlinear, on Medea.


ONLINE IMAGES: (digitized from microfilm) https://digi.vatlib.it/view/MSS_Vat.gr.910   

SELECT BIBLIOGRAPHY: Turyn 1957: 358, Cavarzeran 2016: 31–32


Not relevant to triad plays.



CITY: Mt. Athos


SHELFMARK: 161 (Lambros; old shelfmark 209)

DATE: ca. 1275–1300


CATALOGUE (later than Turyn 1957): New catalogue for Iveron mss 101–200 in preparation. In the meantime, see Constantinides 2017–2019.

EURIPIDEAN CONTENTS: 1r–6v: Ph. 1150–1766; 6v: arg. Hipp.; 7r–18r: Hipp.; 18v–30v: Medea 1–1338


The poetic text is in two columns of about 32 lines each, read horizontally. Most annotation is supralinear, but on a few pages of Hipp. there are some scholia in the narrow outer margin. The scholia and glosses are usually related to those found in the recentiores.


Fols. 1–16 are written by one scribe, and 17–30 by another (changeover at Hipp. 1352–1353). For Ph. some of the annotation appears to be by the first hand (W), but there are other notes that are written more crudely, in larger script, and darker ink (W2). Because of the poor state of the manuscript, however, the darkness of the ink on the image appears not always to be a reliable criterion; moreover, it is possible that in some places the darker ink represents W2 rewriting what W had entered in lighter ink.

IMAGES USED: microfilm for 1r–11r only; scans of Turyn photos for all; newer (grayscale) digital images received from National Bank Cultural Foundation: Center for History and Palaeography, Athens, with the permission of Monk Theologos

SELECT BIBLIOGRAPHY: Turyn 1957: 325, Mastronarde–Bremer 1982: 10, Constantanides 2017–2019


Some items are difficult to decipher because of the poor state of the manuscript, especially on the first folio of Ph. Glosses and a few scholia on Ph. and the first 500 lines or so of Hipp.; thereafter scholia only on Hipp. 1464, 1465, Med. 1181, 1333 (this last is illegible on the image). The Hipp. scholia from W were not included in Cavarzeran 2016: see Mastronarde 2018: 197.

Constantanides 2017–2019 speculates that this codex of classical poetry originated in the circle of Planudes, but admits there is little positive evidence for this.


CITY: Naples

COLLECTION: Biblioteca Nazionale Vittorio Emanuele III


DATE: 14th cent. (ca. 1300–1310 acc. to Günther for the earlier hands)


CATALOGUE (later than Turyn 1957): M. Formentin, Catalogus Codicum Graecorum Bibliothecae Nationalis Neapolitanae, 2 (Roma 1995) 42

EURIPIDEAN CONTENTS: 4r–8v: Hec. 217–437; 9r: unidentified Christian text, upside down; 9v–14v: Hec. 438–698 (438–439 originally omitted, but added by main hand in lighter ink); 15r–16v: Hec. 749–end; 27r: arg. Or.; 27v–62r: Or.; 62v: arg. Ph.; 63r–92v: Ph. (omitting 396–447) [The pages of Hecuba were placed in the correct textual order after Turyn saw the manuscript.]


A mixture of scholia, including old scholia and those found in the recentiores and, added by a second hand, Moschopulean and those alleged by Turyn to be Planudean. Mostly formatted in one column of about 22 lines with the scholia either in two narrow columns (for most of Hec. and some of the beginning of Or.) or as one wider column; and sometimes the text is written in two columns read horizontally (all of part of the pages 60v–62r, again 84v–92v). There are many supralinear glosses.


More than one hand wrote the text (although one scribe did the lion’s share), and the annotation is in several colors and several hands that will be complicated to discriminate. For details see Formentin and Günther.

IMAGES USED: new digital images from library; older microfilms (incomplete)

SELECT BIBLIOGRAPHY: Turyn 1957: 60; Matthiessen 1974: 50; Günther 1995: 29–30


Not yet collated.


CITY: Copenhagen

COLLECTION: Det Kongelige Bibliotek

SHELFMARK: Gamle Kongelig Samling [GKS] 3549 oktav

DATE: 1300–1325


CATALOGUE (later than Turyn 1957): B. Schartau, Codices Graeci Haunienses. Ein deskriptiver Katalog des griechischen Handschriftenbestandes der Königlichen Bibliothek Kopenhagen, Copenhagen 1994, 231–232

EURIPIDEAN CONTENTS: 1r–2v: vita; 2v–3v: arg. Hec.; 4r–15v, Hec. 1–322; 16r–48r, Hec. 353–end; 48r–49v, arg. Or.; 50r–103v, Or. 1–1657; 104r, Or. 1688–1693; 104r–106v, arg. Phoen.; 106v–158v, Phoen. 1–1658


Text in one column, normally of 15 lines. Some marginal scholia of mixed origin on Hecuba and rarely elsewhere, except for Thoman scholia on Phoen. 1–102. Interlinear glosses of mixed origin, but for Orestes 1–500 most glosses are Moschopulean. Glossing is abundant in some sections, and very sparse or completely absent in others.


In Or. 1–500 the vast majority of the glosses are by Zc, but the same hand has added a few in red, Zcr. There also are a few designated Zc2 that have been added separately in a lighter ink, probably still by the same scribe. Zcr also found in much of Hecuba, but rarely in Phoenissae. The distinction between Zc and Zc2 becomes very difficult in parts of Hecuba and Phoenissae.

IMAGES USED: online digital images, replacing old microfilms and microfiche

ONLINE IMAGES: http://www5.kb.dk/manus/vmanus/2011/dec/ha/object261984/da   

SELECT BIBLIOGRAPHY: Turyn 1957: 180, Matthiessen 1974: 51, Mastronarde–Bremer 1982: 12, Günther 1995: 55. See Schartau’s catalogue entry.

Manuscripts with Moschopulean scholia


CITY: Oxford

COLLECTION: Bodleian Library

SHELFMARK: Auct. F.3.25

DATE: ca. 1330–1340


CATALOGUE (later than Turyn 1957): H. Coxe, Greek Manuscripts, repr. with corrections, Oxford 1969 [Bodleian Libraries, Quarto Catalogues, 1]

EURIPIDEAN CONTENTS: 98r–v: vita Eur.; 98v: arg. Hec.; 99r–126v: Hec.; 126v–127r: arg Or; 127v–159r: Or.; 159r–v: arg. Ph.; 159v–194r: Ph.


Moschopulean annotation, with the side block (and rarely a few lines at top and/or bottom of text when more space is required) reserved for scholia (including many that are supralinear in the other main witnesses), and some glosses and short notes above the line, or intermarginally on rectos.


The text and scholia are by the same hand, X, although the scholia are written in a lighter brownish ink (and with finer strokes) and the text in a brownish black ink (in thickish strokes). A few scholia are additions made by a corrector in black ink (X2), and the same hand made some minor corrections in the scholia and in the text. The rubricator supplied ornamentation, initials, pers. notae, and the γνωμικόν abbreviations, but no glosses.

IMAGES USED: digitized images from microfilm (also prints for Or., microfilm for Hec. and Ph.); some autopsy May 2010

SELECT BIBLIOGRAPHY: Turyn 1957: 42, Matthiessen 1974: 49, Mastronarde–Bremer 1982: 10, Diggle 1991:10; Günther 1995: 38


CITY: Oxford

COLLECTION: Bodleian Library

SHELFMARK: Barocci 120

DATE: ca. 1320–1330


CATALOGUE (later than Turyn 1957): H. Coxe, Greek Manuscripts, repr. with corrections, Oxford 1969 [Bodleian Libraries, Quarto Catalogues, 1] [no addenda for this ms, same as cited by Turyn]

EURIPIDEAN CONTENTS: 1r: vita Eur.; 1r–v: hyp. Hec.; 2r–31r: Hec.; 31r–v: arg. Or.; 32r–68v: Or.; 69r blank; 69v: arg. Ph.; 70r–109v: Ph.


Text in one column varying from 20 to about 26 lines, usually 22 to 24, with scholia in the ample side margin and on a few pages also the bottom margin. Moschopulean annotation, longer notes in side block, others above the line.


Ioannes, RGK II 271; known to have worked with Planudes and Nikephoros Moschopoulos ca. 1300

IMAGES USED: prints for Or., microfilm for Hec. and Ph.; some autopsy May 2010; excellent online images available as of 2014

ONLINE IMAGES: https://digital.bodleian.ox.ac.uk/objects/20a9aadb-54b3-45e6-80ed-fec79a8c540e/   

SELECT BIBLIOGRAPHY: Turyn 1957: 98, Matthiessen 1974: 49, Mastronarde–Bremer 1982: 11, Diggle 1991: 10, Günther 1995: 39


The manuscript as a whole consists of sections written by several scribes, as described by Günther 1995; and the annotation is sometimes entered by the main scribe and sometimes supplied by a different scribe (see Günther). The main text is in light brown ink on fols. 1r–9v, 17v (part of Hec.) and 69v–87v (part of Phoen.); in black ink on fols. 10r–68v (rest of Hec., all Or.), 88r–109v (rest of Phoen.); red is used for initials and for notae personarum. The scholia are sometimes in the same ink as the text and sometimes in a contrasting color (black on brown-ink pages, or brown on black-ink pages). On some pages of Hecuba some notes are in black while others are in light gray. Occasionally I use Xa2 to distinguish what seems to be a different hand adding a gloss on a page already glossed by the main hand (e.g., for Hec. on fol. 2v, the glosses on line 40). Water damage has affected the marginal scholia on many pages (and any above the top line or reaching into the inner margin). Sometimes the online images when viewed at greater magnification provide glimpses of white ghosts of some washed-out letters, confirming the original presence of a scholion that is now essentially invisible.

Xa shares a number of errors or alternative phrasings with Y.


PREVIOUS OR OTHER SIGLA: Flor. 76 in Matthiae and Dinforf

CITY: Florence

COLLECTION: Biblioteca Medicea Laurenziana

SHELFMARK: Conventi soppressi 71

DATE: early 14th cent., perhaps 1310–1320


EURIPIDEAN CONTENTS: [using numbers in lower left of each recto] 124r: vita Eur.; 124r–v: hyp. Hec.; 124v–154v: Hec.; 154v: arg. Or.; 155r–197r: Or.; 197v: arg. Ph.; 198r–244v: Ph.1–1687; [using numbers in the upper right] 117r: vita Eur.; 117r–v: arg. Hec.; 117v–147v: Hec.; 147v: arg. Or.; 148r–190r: Or.; 190v: arg. Ph.; 191r–237v: Ph. 1–1687


Text in one column, usually of 21–22 lines, with scholia in the side margin and only rarely with a few lines in the top or bottom margin. Moschopulean annotation, with some of the longer notes confined to side column but others starting over the line and finishing with lines in the side column.


Text, scholia, and glosses are in the same ink by the same hand. There are a few corrections by a later hand, Xb2.

IMAGES USED: digitized images from microfilm (also old microfilm, some prints, scans from select pages in Turyn photographs); some autopsy May 2013, April 2019

SELECT BIBLIOGRAPHY: Turyn 1957: 98, Matthiessen 1974: 49, Mastronarde–Bremer 1982: 12, Diggle 1991: 10, Günther 1995: 40; Pérez Martín 1997: 77–80


PREVIOUS OR OTHER SIGLA: Flor. 56 in Matthiae, Dindorf

CITY: Florence

COLLECTION: Biblioteca Medicea Laurenziana

SHELFMARK: Conventi soppressi 11

DATE: 1320–1330


EURIPIDEAN CONTENTS: 1r–25r: Hec.; 25v: arg. Or.; 26r–58r: Or.; 58v: arg. Ph.; 59r–93r: Ph.




SELECT BIBLIOGRAPHY: Turyn 1957: 127–128, Günther 1995: 42–43


Not yet examined.



CITY: Paris

COLLECTION: Bibliothèque Nationale

SHELFMARK: grec 2795

DATE: ca. 1340


EURIPIDEAN CONTENTS: 123r–v: vita; 123v–124r: arg. Hec.; 124r–160v: Hec.; 160v–161r: arg. Or.; 161r–206r: Or.; 206r–v: arg. Ph.; 206v–254v: Ph.


Partial set of Moschopulean scholia and glosses, with some other material added.


ONLINE IMAGES: http://gallica.bnf.fr/ark:/12148/btv1b84704434   

SELECT BIBLIOGRAPHY: Turyn 1957: 141; Diggle 1991: 10; Günther 1995: 45–46


Not yet studied.


CITY: Modena

COLLECTION: Biblioteca Estense


DATE: 1310–1320


EURIPIDEAN CONTENTS: (original part) 178v: vita, arg. Hec.; 179r–195v: Hec. 1–795; 207r–212v: Hec. 897–1223; 196r: Hec. 1275–end; 196v: arg. Or; 196v–205v: Or. 1–494; 214r–237v: Or. 495–end; 238r: arg. Ph.; 238r–283r: Ph. 1–1763


Moschopulean scholia and glosses, with some additional glosses by a second hand.

IMAGES USED: microfiche and scans from microfiche (partial: only Or. 1–494, Hec. 897–1197)

SELECT BIBLIOGRAPHY: Turyn 1957: 133; Günther 1995: 43–44


Not yet studied.


CITY: Paris

COLLECTION: Bibliothèque Nationale

SHELFMARK: grec 2820

DATE: 1320–1330


EURIPIDEAN CONTENTS: 186r–209v: Hec. 310–end; 210r–v: arg.Or.; 211r–219v: Or. 1–343; 220r–227v: Or. 607–896; 228r–231v: Or. 377–531 (duplicate lines); 232r–237v: Or. 343–570; 238r–257v: Or. 897–end


Moschopulean scholia and glosses.


For the multiple hands see Günther.

IMAGES USED: microfilm and online

ONLINE IMAGES: http://gallica.bnf.fr/ark:/12148/btv1b107229295   

SELECT BIBLIOGRAPHY: Turyn 1957: 147; Günther 1995: 47


Not yet studied, apart from collation for Or. arg. 3 ἡ κατάληξις and the subscription. For the confusion causing some duplication and some missed lines (Or. 571–606) see Günther 1995.


CITY: Paris

COLLECTION: Bibliothèque Nationale

SHELFMARK: grec 2794 and 2800

DATE: ca. 1340

NUMÉRO DIKTYON: 52431    , 52437   

EURIPIDEAN CONTENTS: (2794) 126r–138v: Or. 503–947 out of order (correct sequence fol. 137–138, 126–129, 131, 130, 132–136); (2800 original part) 17r–45v: Hec. 306–end; 45v–46r: arg. Or.; 46v–59v: Or. 1–17, 52–502; 60r–81v: Or. 948–end; 81v–82r: arg. Ph.; 82r–134r: Ph.


Moschopulean scholia and glosses.


ONLINE IMAGES: http://gallica.bnf.fr/ark:/12148/btv1b10722925c    http://gallica.bnf.fr/ark:/12148/btv1b10721688q   

SELECT BIBLIOGRAPHY: Turyn 1957: 140–142; Günther 1995: 44–45


These two manuscripts together with Par. gr. 2795 were originally one codex with all three tragic triads. Not yet studied.


CITY: Milan

COLLECTION: Biblioteca Ambrosiana

SHELFMARK: B 97 sup. (gr. 119)

DATE: 1320–1330


EURIPIDEAN CONTENTS: 108r: vita; 108r–v: arg. Hec.; 109r–140v: Hec.; 140v–141r: arg. Or.; 141r–182v: Or.; 183r–v: arg. Ph.; 183v–226v: Ph.


Moschopulean scholia and glosses.


SELECT BIBLIOGRAPHY: Turyn 1957: 132; Günther 1995: 43


Very briefly examined by autopsy in March 2015.


CITY: Milan

COLLECTION: Biblioteca Ambrosiana

SHELFMARK: G 43 sup.

DATE: ca. 1310–1320


EURIPIDEAN CONTENTS: (later replacement) 3r–v: vita; 4r: arg. Hec.; 4v–9v: Hec. 1–239; (original part) 10r–41r: Hec. 240–end; 41r–v: arg. Or.; 42r–91r: Or.; 91r–v: arg. Ph.; 92r–143v: Ph.


Moschopulean scholia and glosses (both in the original and in the replacement).


SELECT BIBLIOGRAPHY: Turyn 1957: 132–133; Günther 1995: 43


Very briefly examined by autopsy in March 2015.


CITY: Oxford

COLLECTION: Bodleian Library

SHELFMARK: Laud gr. 54

DATE: 14th cent., perhaps ca. 1330


CATALOGUE (later than Turyn 1957): H. Coxe, Greek Manuscripts, repr. with corrections, Oxford 1969 [Bodleian Libraries, Quarto Catalogues, 1]

EURIPIDEAN CONTENTS: 1r–6v: Hec. 1–284; 7r–38r: Or. 165–1693; 38v blank; 39r: arg. Ph.; 39r–77r: Ph.

IMAGES USED: grayscale digital images; some autopsy May 2010

SELECT BIBLIOGRAPHY: Turyn 1957: 139–140; Günther 1995: 41


Black ink for text, red for adornment, pers. notae, initials of marginal sch.; the interlinear scholia are partly in red, partly in dark ink, and partly in a light grayish brown ink (Xo2), some of which are marked with πγ (Günther 1995 speculates that this is for Πεπαγωμένος); the relative proportions of the different colors of the glosses varies from page to page. Inks can sometimes be difficult to distinguish on the grayscale digital images, but the first hand also writes in a neater script, while the later hand (or hands?) writes more irregularly and casually. The first hand offers mainly pure Moscholopulean annotation, while the later hand draws on other sources.


PREVIOUS OR OTHER SIGLA: Q in Schwartz, for vita Euripidis, hyp. Hec.

CITY: Milan

COLLECTION: Biblioteca Ambrosiana

SHELFMARK: L 39 sup.

DATE: ca. 1320


EURIPIDEAN CONTENTS: unnumbered damaged folio before fol. 1 (called I by Turyn, IV by Günther): vita Eur. (recto and top of verso), arg. Hec. (rest of verso); 1r–24v: Hec.; 24v–25r: arg. Or.; 25r–54r: Or.;54v: arg. Ph.; 55r–87v: Ph.


A rather full set of Moschopulean marginal scholia and supralinear glossation, with some variations in wording, and a few additional annotations, possibly of the scribe’s own composition; but in some sections the glosses and notes from other sources (esp. the recentiores) are more frequent.


The scholar/scribe is probably Georgios Phrankopulos, PLP 30135, RGK III 242 (see Discussion below).

IMAGES USED: microfilm, then grayscale digital images; online images from 2021


SELECT BIBLIOGRAPHY: Turyn 1957: 342, 164; Matthiessen 1974: 42–43; Mastronarde–Bremer 1982: 6–7; Diggle 1991: 8; Günther 1995: 57–59


The marginal scholia are in the same blackish brown ink as the main text, while the interlinear glossation by the same hand is (with a very few exceptions) in red (like the lemmata and personarum notae). At Or. 527 there is a later addition made by the same scribe in different-colored ink (G2). A significantly later addition in faint ink at Or. 234 is designated as Grec. At the end of Hec. G has in the right margin ὁμοῦ στίχοι ͵ασλγʹ: +εὐριπίδου ὀρέστης:

The identification of the scribe is persuasively made by Gaul 2008: 178–182 (following Turyn 1964, 108–109): in Vat. gr. 7 (around 1310) the same scribe copied a large etymological dictionary compiled by Georgios Phrankopoulos, and the evidence of the manner of correction and addition suggests that the scribe is also the compiler.


PREVIOUS OR OTHER SIGLA: a in Schwartz, N in Cobet, Prinz-Wecklein, Neap. in Diggle

CITY: Naples

COLLECTION: Biblioteca Nazionale Vittorio Emanuele III


DATE: 14th cent. (original copying 1320–1330 acc. to Günther)


CATALOGUE (later than Turyn 1957): M. Formentin, Catalogus Codicum Graecorum Bibliothecae Nationalis Neapolitanae, 2 (Roma 1995) 124–131

EURIPIDEAN CONTENTS: 93r: vita Eur., arg. Hec.; 93v–104r: Hec.; 104r–v: arg. Or.; 104v–118r: Or.; 118r: arg. Ph.; 118v–133r: Ph; 133r: arg. Tro.; 133r–140v: Tro.


The pages are laid out in three columns, with the text in the two inner columns (sequence of lines across the columns) and scholia in the outer column, with occasional use of the upper and/or lower margins, even by the first hand. Argumenta are written in one wide column. The second hand squeezes in notes in free space in all the margins and sometimes between the columns. There is ample glossation by the first hand, with additions by the second. The first hand records a fairly full set of Moschopulean scholia and a few labeled as Planudean. The second hand adds scholia of other origin, some old and some teachers’ scholia and at least one Thoman note.


In the triad the main text and Moschopoulean glosses and scholia are written by the first hand in a careful style. The ink used is sometimes a medium brown and sometimes a blacker tone. On a few pages some annotation is written in red, Yr, in some places darker than the red of the initial rubrication of personarum notae, and in other places brighter (tending to red-orange), but probably both types of red are used by the main scribe. Subsequently (about a decade later, 1330–1340 acc. to Günther), another hand replaced some of the Sophocles pages of this manuscript and also added some notes to the Euripides portion. I follow Günther in calling this hand Ya (it appears very rarely in Or. 1–500, somewhat more often in Or. 501-1100), but I suspect it is still the same scribe working at a later stage. Another hand, Y2 (or is it the same scribe deliberately using a more cursive hand when adding material from other sources?), has added in a more cursive style additional notes from a variety of sources; this hand uses a contrasting color of ink, darker when the first phase is in light ink, and lighter when the first phase is in darker ink. The distinction between Ya and Y2 is sometimes difficult.

IMAGES USED: color digital images

SELECT BIBLIOGRAPHY: Turyn 1957: 54, Matthiessen 1974: 49, Mastronarde–Bremer 1982: 15, Günther 1995: 25


The text and scholia of Tro. were said by Schwartz and Turyn to be copied from V; and my collation has confirmed this. For more about the hands, see Mastronarde 2017: 89–92.

Y is of special interest because it has scholia labeled with μαξ for Maximus Planudes. For discussion of this label and a commented edition of the scholia that are so marked see Mastronarde 2017: 89–103.

My plan to inspect Y in person in March 2020 was forestalled by the COVID-19 crisis.


PREVIOUS OR OTHER SIGLA: Fl. 59 in Matthiae and Dindorf.

CITY: Florence

COLLECTION: Biblioteca Medicea Laurenziana

SHELFMARK: Conventi soppressi 98 [once Abbatia Florentina 2872, then 59]

DATE: 14th cent.


EURIPIDEAN CONTENTS: 3r: vita Eur.; 3r–v: arg. Hec.; 4r–34r: Hec.; 34r–v: arg. Or.; 35r–42v: an unrelated quire; 43r–80r: Or.; 80v–81v: arg. Ph.; 82v–124v: Ph.; 124v: arg. Andr.; 125r–v: Andr. 1–40 (no scholia); 211r, 212r: additional scholia on Orestes (see Discussion)


Text in a single column, usually 21 or 22 lines in length, with an ample outer margin for scholia, which occupy the narrower top or bottom margin only on very crowded pages. Partial set of Moschopulean annotation on the triad, and additional notes of various kinds, including teachers’ scholia. These additions are especially frequent in Hecuba and seem to be more frequent in the Orestes 1-500 than later in that play, but again in Phoenissae there are passages with significant non-Moschopulean annotation. There are interesting overlaps with notes uniquely in Pr and some others with V and Rv.


The text and glosses are in an ink that varies in appearance from dark brown to black. Marginal annotation is often added in two stages. On some pages, the first stage (essentially Mosch. scholia) is in a slightly lighter ink than the main text, in finer strokes; at a second stage (Yf2, which seems to me to be the same scribe), in a somewhat darker ink in thicker strokes, other notes are worked into the margin around the existing ones, often with a border drawn around the previous note, and glosses are added beside or above or below those of the first stage. On other pages, the appearances are reversed for distinguishing between the two stages, and on still others one cannot reliably make the distinction with the images available to me (there being no modern color images yet provided at the BML site). Thus the designations Yf and Yf2 must be viewed as tentative and in need of verification. Usually, wherever one is able to detect priority from the positioning, it is clear that the Moschopulean material was entered before the non-Moschopulean material. But in Phoenissae there are pages where the non-Moschopulean takes primary position over the lemma and the Moschopulean follows it, apparently often entered at the same time.

IMAGES USED: microfilm; scans of Turyn photographs; images digitized from microfilm for Sophocles portion; some autopsy study in 2013

SELECT BIBLIOGRAPHY: Turyn 1957: 56–57, Matthiessen 1974: 50, Mastronarde–Bremer 1982: 15, Günther 1995: 28


Turyn 1957: 57–60, notes that Yf2 has added the scholion on Hec. 87 that is marked with μαξ in Y, and he speculates that many other of the added scholia in Yf may be Planudean, but mischaracterizes what should be regarded as Planudean. See Mastronarde 2017: 105–106.

Between the front matter of Ajax (life of Sophocles and argumenta of the play, 207r–209v) and the opening of the tragedy (213r), a variety of extraneous material (grammatical, mythological, etc.) has been added. On these pages we find Yf2 adding some scholia on Orestes, namely, 812.06 on fol. 211r (there is a reference to this in sch. 812.05 on fol. 60v), and 4.01, 10.11, 7.01, 12.01 (partial), 12.04, 14.09, 17.08 on fol. 212r.


PREVIOUS OR OTHER SIGLA: Ge in Cavarzeran for Sch. Andr.

CITY: Wolfenbüttel

COLLECTION: Herzog August Bibliothek

SHELFMARK: Gudianus gr. 15

DATE: 1320–1330 (or somewhat later for second hand?)


CATALOGUE (later than Turyn 1957): D. Harlfinger, Griechische Handschriften und Aldinen: eine Ausstellung anlässlich der XV. Tagung der Mommsen-Gesellschaft in der Herzog August Bibliothek Wolfenbüttel, Wolfenbüttel 1978, 42–45.

EURIPIDEAN CONTENTS: the first 3 folios are later replacements; 4r–27r: Hec. 91–1295; 27r: Thom. synopsis to Or.; 27v: arg. Or.; 28r–62v: Or.; 63r: arg. Ph., Thom. synopsis to Ph.; 63v–98r: Ph.


The poetic text is in one column of 24 lines, except on a few pages of Phoenissae where there are stretches of two-column text (88r, 97r–v). Scholia in a column on the outer edge of the page, and rarely across the top or bottom margin. The additions made by a different scribe (if it is not the same scribe deliberately using a contrasting script) are added in spaces in the scholia block and other free spaces, sometimes in additional very narrow columns in the outer or inner margin of the page.


See under Discussion.

IMAGES USED: microfiche and scans from microfiche; new color digital images (2014)

SELECT BIBLIOGRAPHY: Turyn 1957: 61, 164, Matthiessen 1974: 50, Mastronarde–Bremer 1982: 15, Günther 1995: 54–55


The first hand, known as Gr since Dindorf, added, for much of the triad, but not all, a set of Moschopulean annotation; this stage of annotation is in red ink for Hec. and Or. and Ph. 1–323 (through 69v), but in the same brown ink as the text for Ph. 324–end (70v–98r); occasionally Gr has written Thoman notes instead. A second hand has been given the separate siglum Gu since the time of Dindorf. For this hand a date ca. 1350 or somewhat later is proposed by Harlfinger 1978, but Günther 1995 supports Turyn’s view that Gu’s work is closer in date to the work of Gr. Gu has added scholia in a smaller script, in brown ink, crowded around the previous annotation, and the majority of these additions are Thoman, though sometimes in a slightly different wording than found in other witnesses, or in agreement with Zm or ZmT against ZZa. But Gu also drew from old scholia and scholia unique to recentiores (showing occasional connections to the versions also present in M, B, O, V, and, a little more often, Rf or Rw), and some Gu notes have not yet been found in other witnesses. Gu also paid close attention to the Moschopulean annotation entered by Gr, sometimes correcting errors or omissions within Gr’s notes or adding entire notes neglected by Gr (as sometimes in early parts of Hecuba). Another peculiarity is that some of the shorter notes that Gr placed in the marginal block (in the manner of X) are also entered above the line by Gu, who may have been looking at a Moschopulean manuscript that had most notes written there (in the manner of XaXb). On some pages (with magnification of the color image), it seems clear that at least some Gu notes were added in a separate phase, as the ink appears to be slightly lighter or darker and the sharpness of the strokes different than for other Gu notes on the page. Occasionally it seems that Gu added the non-Thoman material in a second phase. But in many places where both Thoman and non-Thoman notes are present, one cannot reliably detect any difference in the ink or sharpness of the strokes. When a distinction is possible, I use Gu2 to indicate the same scribe working over the same page at a later time.

It has become apparent as collations of the Moschopulean and Thoman witnesses have expanded to cover all of the triad that Dindorf’s edition omits quite a number of glosses by both scholars, so that between these omissions and the instances in which Gr’s gloss is Thoman or Gu’s is Moschopulean, Gr/Gu entries in Dindorf give only an approximate and uncertain idea of these two commentaries. The problem is exacerbated by the fact that some elements added by Gu are not from either source.

Like the subsequent hands in a few other manuscripts, the scribe Gu often allows a word already written by Gr to serve as part of the Thoman scholion he is adding. For example, above εἰ μὴ at Or. 272 the Moschopulean gloss written by Gr is ναὶ τοξευθήσεται, supplying a main clause because the mss generally treated 271 as spoken by Electra and 272 as Orestes’ reply to her; the Thoman gloss on the same place is ναὶ βεβλήσεται, but Gu writes only the verb βεβλήσεται above τοξευθήσεται and expects Gr’s ναὶ to be read with it.

In a few places there are additions or corrections in an extremely faint red ink that seem to be later than Gr and Gu, and these are recorded as Grrec, unless they are legible enough to be identifiable as strongly similar to Gu, in which case they are designated Gur.



CITY: Moscow (previously Dresden)

COLLECTION: Rossijskij Gosudarstvennyj Archiv Drevnich Aktov (RGADA)

SHELFMARK: Φ.1607, Dresden Da 22

DATE: 14th c.


CATALOGUE (later than Turyn 1957): Katalog der Handschriften der Sächsischen Landesbibliothek zu Dresden, Band I (Dresden 1979), iv (hand-numbered page added as preface), with reprint of the old catalogue F. Schnorr von Carolsfeld, Katalog der Handschriften der Königl. Öffentlichen Bibliothek zu Dresden (Leipzig 1882) [p. 288 for this codex]; for Moscow see http://rgada.info/poisk/index.php?fund_number=1607&fund_name=&list_number=&list_name=&Sk=30&B1

EURIPIDEAN CONTENTS: 1r–132r: Euripidean triad; 132v–134r: Triclinian treatise on meters; (134v?): Moschopulus περὶ τοῦ εἰδώλου; (135r?)-246v: Sophoclean triad (OT 1356–end lost).


Moschopulean glosses and marginal notes. See under Discussion.


SELECT BIBLIOGRAPHY: Turyn 1957: 124; Günther 1995: 83 [where ‘dyads’ is a slip for ‘triads’]; see also the discussion of another damaged Dresden codex from the Matthaei group in Gentry and Albrecht 2011


This was one of a group of mss known as the Matthaei mss in the Dresden collection. In the 18th century Christian Friedrich Matthaei purchased them without knowing (according to the Dresden catalogue preface) they had been taken illicitly from Moscow libraries. Turyn 1957, however, had written that they were “purloined” by Matthaei himself. [The discussion of Gentry and Albrecht also treats Matthaei’s acquisition as illegal.] Those not destroyed in the World War II bombing of Dresden were taken back to Moscow in 1947 and are now in the State Archive.

Readings (mostly of the text) were first reported in Beck III.1019–1063. In reply to my inquiry to the staff at the RGADA, I was told: “The manuscript with the works of Euripides has 278 folios. … We want to warn you that many folios have unreadable or hardly readable text.” [Note the discrepancy in the count of folios vs. the catalogue.]

In 2019, through the kind offices of Boris Nikolsky, Dr. Andrey Vinogradov of HSE, School of History, Moscow, examined this codex and reported it has 245 folios and has suffered severe water damage, so that the text is mostly illegible. On a first inspection he succeeded in locating the beginning and ends of the three plays (1r-37v: Hec.; 38r: notes; 38v-83v: Or.; 84r-132e: Phoen.). He detected watermarks, which are all Briquet 9017, suggesting a mid-14th cent. date rather than the 15th cent. as in earlier sources, including Tyurina: 44. A further examination with a better-quality ultraviolet lamp allowed him to confirm the presence of many Moschopulean glosses and marginal scholia. I conclude that this is a manuscript with a fairly full set of Moschopulean annotation, but not worth further investigation since there are many other more legible witnesses for such scholia.


PREVIOUS OR OTHER SIGLA: Fl. 6 in Matthiae, Dindorf (but the same sometimes refers instead to La)

CITY: Florence

COLLECTION: Biblioteca Medica Laurenziana

SHELFMARK: plut. 31.06

DATE: end of 15th c.


EURIPIDEAN CONTENTS: 1r–46v: Hec. (with dramatis personae at beginning); 47r–v: arg. Or.; 48r–107r: Or.; 107v–108v: arg. Ph.; 108r–170v: Ph.


Moschopulean scholia, with a few of other types.


ONLINE IMAGES: http://mss.bmlonline.it    ; (old viewer, with download) http://teca.bmlonline.it/    search for “plut.31.06″

SELECT BIBLIOGRAPHY: Turyn 1957: 125; Günther 1995: 83


Collated so far only for a few scholia, mainly the ones that were published from Fl. 6 alone in Matthiae and Dindorf.


CITY: Florence

COLLECTION: Biblioteca Medica Laurenziana

SHELFMARK: plut.31.17

DATE: 1431


EURIPIDEAN CONTENTS: 1v: later hand’s supplement of Hec. 1–24; (original hand) 2r–47v: Hec. 25–end; 49r–v: arg. Or.; 50r–111v: Or. (but 80r–v with Or. 803–830 is a later replacement)


Partial set of Moschopulean annotation.


Scribe Ioannes (RGK I 201 = II 278), according to subscription on 111v.


ONLINE IMAGES: http://mss.bmlonline.it    ; (old viewer, with download) http://teca.bmlonline.it/    search for “plut.31.17″

SELECT BIBLIOGRAPHY: Turyn 1957: 125–126; Günther 1995: 83


Not yet studied.



CITY: Paris

COLLECTION: Bibliothèque Nationale

SHELFMARK: grec 2801

DATE: 1350–1400


EURIPIDEAN CONTENTS: 1r: notes on Hec. (not by main hand); 1v: arg. Hec.; 2r–36v: Hec.; 37r–v: arg. Or.; 38r–83v: Or.; 84r–v: arg. Ph.; 85r–132v: Ph.


Moschopulean scholia, modified.


ONLINE IMAGES: http://gallica.bnf.fr/ark:/12148/btv1b10722983z   

SELECT BIBLIOGRAPHY: Turyn 1957: 142; Matthiessen 1974: 44; Günther 1995: 46


Not yet studied.


PREVIOUS OR OTHER SIGLA: Xc in Diggle for Or.; C.C.C. in Matthiae, C in Porson, Cant. in Dindorf

CITY: Cambridge

COLLECTION: Corpus Christi College, Parker Library


DATE: end of 15th c.


EURIPIDEAN CONTENTS: 1r–30r: Hec.; 30r–v: arg. Or.; 31r–72v: Or.; 73r: arg. Ph.; 73v–118r: Ph.


Moschopulean with some others.


ONLINE IMAGES: https://parker.stanford.edu/parker/catalog/zx044gq7026   

SELECT BIBLIOGRAPHY: Turyn 1957: 123; Matthiessen 1974: 22 n. 16 and 17; Diggle 1991: 10; Günther 1995: 82


So far investigated and cited only sporadically, for Or. arg. 3, sch. the subscription sch. Or. 1693.01, and for inclusion of items previously published in Matthiae and Dindorf. In Matthiae C.C.C. or in Dindorf Cant. is cited for a paraphrase of several lines that does not correspond to what is in Pk, although Pk contains some parts of it as separate annotations: e.g., Dind. II.260,24–28, II.264,24–26. These expansions are not in Arsenius, and are perhaps the work of a collator of Pk who filled out a paraphrase by reading up and down from the gloss to text to gloss etc. Or some other confusion may have been involved.

Manuscripts with Thoman scholia


CITY: Cambridge

COLLECTION: University Library

SHELFMARK: Nn 3.14 (first half, preceding Zd)

DATE: probably 1320–1330 (see under Discussion)


EURIPIDEAN CONTENTS: 1r–v: vita Eur.; 1v–2r: Thoman synopsis to Hec.; 2v–14v, 16r–32v: Hec. 1–552, 593–1295 (15r–v with Hec. 553–592 is a 15th-century replacement); 32v–33r: Thoman synopsis to Or.; 33v–77r: Or.; 77r–v: Thoman synopsis to Ph., and dram. pers.; 78r–121v: Ph.


Thoman annotation. The text is in a single column of various lengths (often 20–21 lines). The discursive scholia are in the side margin block, occasionally extending for a few lines in the bottom block when scholia are dense, much more rarely using a few lines in the top margin. On 92r–v (Ph. 617–656) there is exceptionally a very narrow column of scholia in the inner margin.


The text and annotation on the triad are the product of several scribes working in tandem (see Günther’s description), one of whom was the possessor of the manuscript, Ioannes Zeianos. The marginal scholia were written in black by Zeianos (noteworthy for especially exuberant upsilons, omegas, and deltas in litagure), and the supralinear notes are almost all by the rubricator (who also did the initials of the marginal notes), and as is often the case these interlinear notes were written before the marginal notes were added. Both of these are referred to as Z, as they represent the main work of entering the Thoman commentary. The red ink sometimes appears quite faint on images and has entirely disappeared over the top line of some pages, where water damage has apparently occurred (sometimes these can be made out by autopsy). A few supralinear notes are added in dark ink, which I record as Zc (Günther uses Za). These are added later than the rubricator’s glosses. At Or. 362 Zc added the abbreviation for the ending -ων on πλησιάζων and ἐλλιμενίζων, which the rubricator had left without ending; at 421 the gloss was first ἐφθάρη in red, but Zc added σαν in black. There is also a later hand, Z2, who uses a light brown ink; my notes from autopsy indicate that Z2 occurs sporadically in Hec. up to line 414, and a few instances have detected in Or. 1–500. Günther reports that Z2sometimes rewrites faded glosses of Z. With Zrec I record the annotations of the later placement for Hec. 553–592, where several of the glosses are Thoman, but the discursive notes are not.

IMAGES USED: new online images available only late in the preparation of Release 2, but have been useful to remove some uncertainties; collations originally done from microfilm and later digitized images from black and white microfilm; some autopsy June 2010

ONLINE IMAGES: https://cudl.lib.cam.ac.uk/view/MS-NN-00003-00014/9   

SELECT BIBLIOGRAPHY: Turyn 1957: 44–47, Matthiessen 1974: 50, Mastronarde–Bremer 1982: 11, Diggle 1991: 11–12, Günther 1995: 95–96; Smith 1992: 223–225; Gaul 2011: 389–392; Pérez Martín 1998: 320–323


On the dating see Gaul 2011: 391–392, detailing the controversy and disputing the dating 1330–1350 advocated by Wilson (whence Mastronarde–Bremer) on the basis of style of script and by Günther on the basis of his reading of a watermark that Gaul has identified differently.


CITY: London

COLLECTION: British Library

SHELFMARK: Arundel 540

DATE: 15th cent. (ca. 1450–1475 according to Günther, based on watermarks)


CATALOGUE (later than Turyn 1957): T. Pattie, S. McKendrick, The British Library Summary Catalogue of Greek Manuscripts, vol. I, London 1999: 20

EURIPIDEAN CONTENTS: 3r–5v, 8r–37v: Hec. 35–151, 233–1295; 37v: (fragment of) arg. Or.; 38r–v: Thoman synopsis to Or.; 39r–88r: Or.; 88r–90r: Thoman synopsis to Ph. and dram. pers.; 90r–135v: Ph. 1–1563


Mostly Thoman annotation, but in most of the second half of Hecuba Moschopulean glosses and glosses shared with recentiores or Ya outnumber Thoman glosses, and there are also a few Moschopulean discursive notes and exegetic notes not seen in the other Thoman witnesses used here. The text is in a single column of 17 lines. The discursive scholia are in narrow column in the side margin block, occasionally extending for a few lines in the bottom block when scholia are dense, much more rarely using a few lines in the top margin.


Text and annotation are the work of a single hand. As with some other late hands, there is in this scribe’s work often very little difference between the appearance of acute and grave accents, and it is not useful to record all the cases of ambiguity or of definite acutes in place of graves.

IMAGES USED: digitized images from black and white microfilm; better color images now available online

ONLINE IMAGES: http://www.bl.uk/manuscripts/FullDisplay.aspx?ref=Arundel_MS_540   

SELECT BIBLIOGRAPHY: Turyn 1957: 99–100, Matthiessen 1974: 50–51, Diggle 1991: 12, Günther 1995: 97–98


This witness is a twin of Z in the scholia as in the text, and the occasional differences in the scholia between ZZa and ZmGu were interpreted by Turyn as evidence for two Thoman recensions. Günther regards ZZaT as representative of a pure Thoman collection and ZmGu as adding non-Thoman elements, reflecting a different location (Thessalonica for the version of ZZaT and Constantinople for the additional material in ZmGu). There are, however, many agreements of T with ZmGu against ZZa, so a full evaluation of the nature and origin of the distinctive scholia of ZmGu (or TZmGu) will have to await investigation based on the whole triad. Moreover, a good number of the isolated readings of ZZa may be errors due to carelessness.


CITY: Vatican City

COLLECTION: Biblioteca Apostolica Vaticana

SHELFMARK: Vaticanus graecus 51

DATE: 1320–1330


EURIPIDEAN CONTENTS: 1r–32v: Hec. 28–1295; 32v: arg. Or.; 33r–38v: Or. 1–274a; 39r–47v: Or. 368–809; 48r–66r: Or. 863–1693; 66r–67v: Thoman synopsis to Ph.; 67v–103v: Ph.


Thoman annotation, fairly complete for some stretches of the triad but almost completely absent in other portions. In some sections of the triad, the hand Zb2 adds many Moschopulean glosses, but also glosses of different origin. The text is in one column, the length of which varies greatly in different sections. The scholia occupy either the side margin alone or both the side margin and a few lines in the bottom block. Very rarely, a few lines of the top margin are used.


The inks used vary considerably throughout the manuscript. The text and marginal scholia are in grayish brown ink in Hec., in a dark brown ink in Or.; in Ph. the text is in dark ink but the marginal scholia in red (Zb); similarly the initial glossation is light grayish brown for the first dozen pages of Hec., but thereafter is in red or faint purple for Hec. and in red for Or. and Ph. All of these are recorded as Zb as being the initial entry of the annotation. In some parts there are supralinear additions and corrections in dark ink (Zb1), but on pages where everything is in dark ink, this distinction cannot be made. In Hecuba Zbr desginates contributions to the annotation by the rubricator who added (not always in red) pers. notae and many of the reference symbols are. Finally, Zb2 designates additions made in various light-colored inks; because the main scribe has an inconsistent and amateurish hand, it is not certain that this is not the same scribe working on various occasions later.

IMAGES USED: digital images from library for 2018; earlier partial microfilm, prints and scans from prints; some autopsy May 2012, thorugh autopsy checking March 2019

SELECT BIBLIOGRAPHY: Turyn 1957: 100–101, Matthiessen 1974: 51, Mastronarde–Bremer 1982: 11–12, Diggle 1991: 12, Günther 1995: 99–100


In the Or. section, the marginal scholia are abundant through line 809 on fol. 47v; thereafter the margins are blank, except for very few pages where one or two scholia are added by the rubricator in the side margin or bottom margin.


CITY: London

COLLECTION: British Library

SHELFMARK: Additional 10057

DATE: 1340–1350 for original part, ca. 1350–1375 for most replacement pages (16th cent. for fols. 1–7 and 50r–52v)


EURIPIDEAN CONTENTS: (original part) 53r–58v: Or. 18–264; 60r–66v: Or. 303–575; 68r–v: Or. 612–647, 70r–73v: Or. 684–824; 75r–90v: Or. 870–1508 (some folios in wrong order); 92r–95v: Or. 1545–1693; 96r–v: arg. Ph.; 97r–138v: Ph.


Thoman annotation, sometimes with a slight variation in wording. The text is in a single column of different length in different sections. The scholia are in the side margin, with occasional extension into a line or two to form a shallow bottom block. In some places, e.g. in the final pages of Phoen., glosses have a cross prefixed, indicating that Zl descends in part from T. Zl uses a prefixed cross even when T has the cross above (marking it as Moschopulean and Thoman), so it may have had access to Ta or a manuscript like it. The close relationship to T is also indicated by some items shared only with T, including one of Triclinius’s συνίζησις notes (Ph. 1466).


See Günther for a full description of the hands and of the replacement pages. The scholia on the original pages are added in red by the original hand, but very few annotations are present from Ph. 199 to the end. Occasionally Günther’s hand D has added some annotation (Zl2) in red ink. There are a few notes in a brown ink (Zl3), perhaps also by hand D. Other hands are recorded as Zlrec.

IMAGES USED: online (an old black and white microfilm is useless for reading the scholia)

ONLINE IMAGES: http://www.bl.uk/manuscripts/FullDisplay.aspx?ref=Add_MS_10057   

SELECT BIBLIOGRAPHY: Turyn 1957: 130–131; Mastronarde–Bremer 1982: 171; Günther 1995: 96–97


The red ink is faded and often washed out, and it is frequently impossible to make out on microfilm, but on the online images many glosses become, with magnification, partially visible, at least enough to confirm that a Thoman gloss is present.

The 16th-century replacements pages (fols. 1–7) contain epigrams on Euripides, a life, and the Thoman synopsis for Hecuba; the same hand provided later (fols. 50–52) some argumenta to Orestes and lines 1–17. Fols. 8–49 contain a copy of Hecuba with mainly Moschopulean glossing, but also Thoman and other glosses, as typical of many copies after 1350.


CITY: Milan

COLLECTION: Biblioteca Ambrosiana

SHELFMARK: I 47 sup.

DATE: 14th cent. (as early as ca. 1310–1320 acc. to Günther on the basis of watermarks)


EURIPIDEAN CONTENTS: 72r–v: vita Eur.; 72v–73r: Thoman synopsis to Hec.; 73r–v: short metrical treatise; 74r–97r: Hec.; 97r–v: Thoman synopsis to Or.; 98r–125v: Or.; 125v–126r: Thoman synopsis to Ph.; 126v–152v: Ph.


Thoman annotation. The text is in a column varying usually from 28 to 34 lines in length. For the discursive scholia, in order of frequency, one can find pages using only the side block for scholia, others using the side and bottom, and fewer using top and side, and very few using all three positions. Occasionally some shorter notes are positioned in the inner margin or a gap between the side block and the text (intermarginally).

IMAGES USED: microfilm; digital images from library (unfortunately, grayscale); some autopsy checking 2015; onlinbe images from 2021


SELECT BIBLIOGRAPHY: Turyn 1957: 182, Matthiessen 1974: 51, Mastronarde–Bremer 1982: 12, Diggle 1991: 12–13, Günther 1995: 98–9, Gaul 2011: 393–394


See Günther for description of the hands involved in writing this codex and for remarks on the ink. The annotation has often been entered in two phases, with slightly different shades of ink: in one phase many interlinear notes are entered, and in another the marginal scholia and sometimes additional glosses in the same ink. These two phases are not in general distinguished, but both treated as Z. I have made a distinction, however, when in the second phase an alteration or addition is made to the gloss of the first stage, using Zm2) for the second effort, or when the added gloss is obviously squeezed secondarily into the limited space left by the pre-existing Thoman gloss. Many, but not all, entries made in the second phase are derived from non-Thoman sources or are among those shared exclusively (or nearly exclusively) with Gu. In Hecuba 1–500 I have found some glosses that lack diacritics and have very frequent errors of ε/αι, ι/ευ, and ο/ω, and this hand is termed Zmrec. Zmrec is also used for a hand that adds a couple of Moschopulean notes on Or. (sch. 1082.02, 1086.01). In the second half of Hecuba I have found some notes added in a light ink, and a proper designation for this hand is still pending.


CITY: Uppsala

COLLECTION: Universitetsbibliotek

SHELFMARK: graec. 15

DATE: first half of 14th cent.


EURIPIDEAN CONTENTS: 9r–44r: Hec. 28–1295; 44v–45r: arg. Or.; 45v–85r: Or.; 85r–86v: Thom. synposis to Ph., dram. pers.; 86v: Ph. 1–16; 87r–v: Ph. 101–149; 88r–v: Ph. 17–58; 89r–v: Ph. 341–385; 90r–93v: Ph. 150–340; 94r–119v: Ph. 386–1593. Note that there is a separate copy of Hecuba 1–174 on fols. 1v–3v and 5r–7v that will have a different siglum if it is collated.


The text is in a single column normally of 21–22 lines, with scholia (when present) in the side margin or side and bottom, rarely also in the top margin. Marginal scholia (Thoman, Moschopulean, those shared with recentiores), including a few metrical scholia) are found up to 29r (sch. Hec. 676), but thereafter on only a few pages of the remainder of Hec. and of Orestes (although the supralinear notes may be fairly long); then Phoen. again features fuller marginal scholia. Some Thoman glosses, but also glosses of other origins (Moschopulean and shared with recentiores), although for most of Phoen. the annotations are entirely Thoman.


While the text of the triad seems to be all by one scribe, the annotation is varied. The original annotation by the same scribe as the text is recorded as Zu; almost all the annotation of Orestes and Phoenissae is by this hand. For Hecuba, especially at the beginning of the play, the situation is complicated. Zu2 refers to a hand (or hands?) generally using a lighter ink and writing larger and less carefully; only a few glosses in the other plays are due to Zu2. Zu3is used for the hand that added the marginal annotation in the first half of Hecuba, along with some supralinear notes on a few pages. In at least one place Zu3 is detected correcting a gloss of Zu2. Zu3 does not appear in the other two plays. A very few annotations are added by the rubricator, Zur, on 10v–11v, 14v–15v.

IMAGES USED: online color images (became available in 2019); previously, images digitized from black and white microfilm

ONLINE IMAGES: https://www.manuscripta.se/ms/100015   

SELECT BIBLIOGRAPHY: Turyn 1957: 185–186, 164, Matthiessen 1974: 52, Mastronarde–Bremer 1982: 12, Diggle 1991: 13, Günther 1995: 223–224


For Orestes 1–1100, Zu has few or none of the longer marginal Thoman scholia, but they do occur for some other parts of the triad. The glosses are of mixed origins. Zu seems to have had at hand a copy related to H, since there are some striking coincidences with versions attested only in H (or H with a few others). At Or. 1551, in fact, Zu has a more correct reading than H and includes the phrase ὅ ἐστι (not in H), which is typical of the older scholia and usually omitted or replaced by ἤγουν.ἤτοι/ἀντὶ τοῦ in more recent adaptations.


CITY: Vatican City

COLLECTION: Biblioteca Apostolica Vaticana

SHELFMARK: Vaticanus graecus 1824

DATE: early 14th cent. (perhaps ca. 1315: Bianconi 117)


EURIPIDEAN CONTENTS: 31r–37v: Ph. 296–673; 38r–53v: Ph. 937–1766


Thoman annotation. For marginal scholia, all three areas, top, side, and bottom, are used, in various combinations.

IMAGES USED: prints from the 1980s, and digitized versions of those prints; from 2021 modern color images online

ONLINE IMAGES: https://digi.vatlib.it/view/MSS_Vat.gr.1824   

SELECT BIBLIOGRAPHY: Mastronarde 1985: 99–102; Gaul 2011: 307


Closely related to Zm in its text. The discursive scholia are of two types: the Thoman notes and annotations of the teacher’s scholia type similar to those in several recentiores. The glossing is similarly twofold, including both glosses typically found in the Thoman manuscripts and others that match those in other sources or are (at present) unique. With the color images recently made available online, it can be seen that the Thoman elements are written darker and larger (Zv), and the non-Thoman elements are usually written smaller and lighter (Zv2). But the distinctions of size and color of ink are not consistent in all parts of the surviving codex.

The other fragment of a Euripidean codex bound in this same composite volume is Vd. See the Discussion there.


PREVIOUS OR OTHER SIGLA: Mm in Diggle OCT (Phoen.), Cant in Porson (perhaps Cant. in Dindorf, but this is also used for Pk)

CITY: Cambridge

COLLECTION: University Library


DATE: middle of 14th cent. (by watermarks)


CATALOGUE (later than Turyn 1957): See the detailed description online by Matteo di Franco.

EURIPIDEAN CONTENTS: 1r–2v (later replacement): arg. Hec., Hec. 1–54; 3r–7v: Hec. 55–298; 8r–v (later replacement): Hec.. 299–340); 9r–30r: Hec. 341–1295; 30r–v: arg. Or.; 30v–32v: Or. 1–103; 33r–v (later replacement): Or. 104–133; 34r–39v: Or. 134–378; 40r–v (later replacement): Or. 379–413; 41r–52v: Or. 1046–1600; 53r–v (later replacement): Or. 738–773; 54r–59v: Or. 774–1009; 60r–v (later replacement): Or. 1009–1045); 61r–68v: Or. 414–737; 69r–70v: Or. 1601–1693; 70v–71v: arg. Ph.; 71v–107v: Ph. (The replacements are of the late 15th cent. or 16th cent.)


This manuscript has not yet been studied in any detail. Turyn and Günther report Moschopulean annotation in Hec. and Or. 1–133 and Thoman for the rest of Or. and for Phoen. Günther also reports Thoman items added to the beginning of Or., and I have noticed at least one scholion shared with recentiores in Hec.

IMAGES USED: online images (only recently available)

ONLINE IMAGES: https://cudl.lib.cam.ac.uk/view/MS-MM-00001-00011/11   

SELECT BIBLIOGRAPHY: Turyn 1957: 123–124, Mastronarde–Bremer 1982: 169, Günther 1995: 94–95


CITY: Wolfenbüttel

COLLECTION: Herzog August Bibliothek

SHELFMARK: Gudianus gr. 15

DATE: 1320–1330 (or somewhat later for second hand?)




See under Gr.

IMAGES USED: digital images



See under Gr.

Manuscripts with Triclinian scholia


CITY: Rome

COLLECTION: Biblioteca Angelica

SHELFMARK: greco 14

DATE: 1300–1325


EURIPIDEAN CONTENTS: The following are the pages written by Triklinius, in brownish ink, with angular breathings; unless otherwise noted: 1r–2r: epitome of Hephaestion; 2v–3r: Triclinian treatise ἰστέον ὅτι κτλ; 3r–v: περὶ σημείων τῆς κοινῆς συλλαβῆς; 4r: Mosch. vita; 4v: Mosch. περὶ τοῦ ειδώλου; 5r–v: Thoman vita; 5v–6r: Thoman synopsis to Hec., dram. pers.; 6v–21v: Hec. 1–490 [black ink on 5–7, 13–18, 21; also on 4 Mosch. life and Mosch. on eidolon are in black but with angular breathings, like the brownish ink pages]; 25r–26v: Hec. 629–670; 33r–34v: Hec. 897–935; 37r–41v: Hec. 1010–1124; 46v (bottom of page only)-47v: Thoman synopsis to Or., dram. pers. (with some Mosch. sch. added bottom 47v in Triclinius’ final stage) [black ink for arg. Or., brownish ink Mosch. sch. on 47v]; 52r–54v: Or. 145–224; 57r–59v: Or. 297–373; 71r–73v: Or. 772–840 [black ink 71]; 77r–79v: Or. 952–1022; 86r–100v: Or. 1240–1575; 104r: Or. 1682–1693; 104v–105v: Thoman synopsis to Phoen., dram. pers. [black ink]; 109r–120v: Ph. 103–384; 127r–131v: Ph. 601–712 [127 in black ink]; 134r–136v: Ph. 784–850; 141r–144v: Ph. 994–1081; 149r–154v: Ph. 1227–1375; 158r–162v: Ph. 1485–1602; 166r–167v: Ph. 1710–1760. The following are the pages by the scribe who copied originally the text (the scholia on these pages are virtually all by Triclinius: see below): 22r–24v: Hec. 491–628; 27r–32r: Hec. 671–896; 35r–36v: Hec. 936–1009; 42r–46v: Hec. 1125–1295; 48r–51v: Or. 1–144; 55r–56v: Or. 225–296; 60r–70v: Or. 374–771; 74r–76v: Or. 841–951; 80r–85v: Or. 1023–1239; 101r–103v: Or. 1576–1681; 106r–108v: Ph. 1–102; 121r–126v: Ph. 385–600; 132r–133v: Ph. 713–783; 137r–140v: Ph. 851–993; 145r–148v: Ph. 1082–1226; 155r–157v: Ph. 1376–1484; 163r–165v: Ph. 1603–1709. Folio 168r is a later replacement page with Ph. 1761–1766.


Moschopulean and Thoman glosses and scholia, metrical scholia of Triclinius and a few additional glosses and also some marginal scholia in which he justifies a variant or emendation. In addition to using the side, top and bottom blocks as needed according to the density of annotation, Triclinius sometimes has, on the pages with his long scholia describing lyric cola, an additional column: usually the side block contains two columns instead of one, but on a few pages with short cola in the text, one column is placed on each side of the relatively narrow text column. More rarely he writes scholia in a very narrow column in the inner margin.


Demetrius Triclinius for many whole pages and for most of the annotation on other pages. See RGK I 104, II 136, III 170.

IMAGES USED: new digital images (color for Hec. 1179–end and Orestes, grayscale for the remainder); some autopsy checking 2012, 2017, 2019; color digital images only recently online (unfortunately, these images not as sharply focussed as they might be)

ONLINE IMAGES: https://www.internetculturale.it/jmms/iccuviewer/iccu.jsp?id=oai%3Awww.internetculturale.sbn.it%2FTeca%3A20%3ANT0000%3ACNMD%5C%5C0000116593   

SELECT BIBLIOGRAPHY: Turyn 1957: 23–41, Matthiessen 1974: 52–53, Mastronarde–Bremer 1982: 13, Diggle 1991: 13, Günther 1995: 36–38, Acerbi and Bianconi 2022: 70–71


T is the working copy of Demetrius Triclinius. Triclinius’ working method has been described in detail by Turyn and Günther and may be summarized here. He began with a manuscript of the triad plays written by someone else ca. 1300–1310; this scribe, generally referred to as Tz, wrote a few Thoman annotations on some folios of Phoenissae, according to Turyn (I have detected a few in Orestes and used the same modified siglum for them). In a first stage ca. 1315 Triclinius, using black ink and rounded breathing signs, added Thoman prefatory material and Thoman scholia and glosses, replacing or adding some pages (to contain the life and Thoman prefatory material). In a second stage ca. 1319–1325, using black ink and angular breathings, he added the Moschopulean life, Moschopulus’ short text περὶ τοῦ εἰδώλου that precedes Hecuba, the Moschopulean scholia and glosses, and some of his own scholia. In a third phase ca. 1325, now using brown ink and angular breathings, Triclinius added a few more of his own notes to the surviving original pages and also replaced almost all the pages containing lyric passages. He used these new pages to rewrite neatly those pages on which he had presumably added the working versions of his metrical scholia and made changes to the colon divisions. At this stage he also added the first three pages of the codex containing his version of an epitome of Hephaestion’s ‘Handbook of the Nine Meters’ and two short metrical texts of his own composition (available on this site). In the current edition I use the siglum T unmodified when a whole page is written by T at any stage and I use T3 only in places where Triclinius has added something in brown ink to a page previously annotated in black ink. Note that the substantial metrical scholia are all from the third phase, in brown ink. In her edition De Faveri marks most of the other Triclinian notation she recorded (long marks and the like) as T1/2.

Moschopulean scholia and glosses are marked with a cross before the item (I show this by using the modified siglum T+), or else a cross immediately above the first word of a gloss if the word was already present as a Thoman gloss (this is indicated by T*). (Note, however, that there are here and there a few Moschopulean glosses to which he has failed to add a cross at all or Moschopulean-Thoman glosses with which he has used a cross before instead of a cross above. There are other anomalies as well, normally noted in a comment on the relevant scholion.) Thoman marginal scholia have an enlarged initial. Triclinius’ own scholia are also preceded by a cross, but he also adds ἡμέτερον in the margin beside or above the note (converted to τρικλινίου in the copy Ta).

Although Triclinius tells us explicitly that the two sets of scholia he adds are by Manuel Moschopulos and Thomas Magister, it should be noted that he felt free to make minor changes in wording. For instance, when he changes a reading in the text of a play, he may alter the wording of the Thoman or Moschopulean scholion to match, as in Phoen. 1041, where he changes transmitted ὁπότε to ὅτε for metrical reasons and he also substitutes ὅτε for ὁπότε in both long paraphrasing scholia on this part of the stanza.

One peculiarity of Tz’s writing that can be deceptive is that the the diaeresis on iota or upsilon is sometimes written without lifting the pen between the two dots, resulting in a stroke that looks very like the macron. This trait of the scribe misled De Faveri in one or two places and also misled a student of mine who did a preliminary collation of some of T.


CITY: Vatican City

COLLECTION: Biblioteca Apostolica Vaticana

SHELFMARK: Urbinas graecus 142

DATE: second quarter of 14th cent. (watermarks are reported to suggest 1340–1350; notes on the added pages 4r and 5r and on 187r indicate the book was being read and studied in 1442/3, 1446, and 1451)


EURIPIDEAN CONTENTS: 1r–2r: epitome of Hephaestion; 2v–3r: Triclinian treatise ἰστέον ὅτι κτλ; 3r–v: περὶ σημείων τῆς κοινῆς συλλαβῆς; 4r–7v: slightly later insertions (described by Turyn 195); 8r–v: Mosch. vita; 8v–9r: Mosch. περὶ τοῦ ειδώλου; 9r–10r: Thoman vita; 10r–v: Thoman synopsis to Hec., dram. pers.; 11r–55v: Hec.; 56r–57r: Thom. synopsis to Or., dram. pers.; two sch. on Or. 1–2; 57v–120v: Or.; 121r–122r: Thom. synopsis to Ph., dram. pers.; 122v–186v: Ph.


Moschopuleanm, Thoman, and Triclinian commentaries copied from T. The layout shows the same variety of formats as T, but Ta does not match T’s pagination, and Ta sometimes moves scholia to a different position (e.g., placing some glosses in the margin rather than crowded above the line as in T, or vice versa).


The scribe has been identified with the scribe who wrote folios 24r–34r of Gr/Gu.

IMAGES USED: images digitized from microfilm; some autopsy checking 2017; new color images online only recently

ONLINE IMAGES: (color images as of 2021) https://digi.vatlib.it/view/MSS_Urb.gr.142   

SELECT BIBLIOGRAPHY: Turyn 1957: 194–196, 164, Matthiessen 1974: 53, Mastronarde–Bremer 1982: 13, Mastronarde 1985: 104–106, Diggle 1991: 13, Günther 1995: 124–125, Gaul 2011: 397


A very faithful copy, or perhaps a copy of a copy of, T, useful for places where T is lost or difficult to read (some pages of T have extensive marginal damage, for instance, fol. 81r–v, where the poetic text is intact, but the outer margin with several scholia is lost). Collation reveals that Ta omits a few notes and a little more often omits the cross that T has in front of a Moschopulean gloss. In addition, Ta did not understand the distinction between Triclinius’ placement of some crosses in front as opposed to above the beginning of the gloss; therefore, Ta usually places his crosses in front: that is, when T is too damaged to read, Ta may give a misleading impression that a gloss is purely Moschopoulean when Triklinios marked it as a shared Thoman and Moschopoulean gloss. When Ta is used because T is lost, the siglum Ta+ indicates that Ta has a cross before the item. One or two annotations not in T have been added in Ta by a later hand, Ta2.


CITY: Oxford

COLLECTION: Bodleian Library

SHELFMARK: Barocci 74

DATE: 1530–1540


EURIPIDEAN CONTENTS: 1r–5r: Triclinian metrical treatises; 5v–6r: Mosch. vita; 6r–7r: Mosch. περὶ τοῦ εἰδώλου; 7r–8r: Thomam vita; 8v–10r: Thoman synopsis to Hecuba; 10v: dram. pers., epigram τὸ δρᾶμα τοῦτο … εὗρεν ἀντιμισθίαν; 11r–58v: Mosch., Thom., and Tricl. scholia on Hec.; 59r–61v: Thoman synopsis to Orestes, dram. pers.; 61v–130v: Mosch., Thom., and Tricl. scholia on Or.; 130ar: epigram on Soph. OT; 130av–134r: Thoman synopsis to Phoenissae, dram. pers.; 134v–209v: Mosch., Thom., and Tricl. scholia on Ph. 1–1539; 210r–217v: blank; 218r–224v: sch. on Aesch. Prom.


prefatory material and marginal scholia descended from T

IMAGES USED: downloaded from online

ONLINE IMAGES: https://digital.bodleian.ox.ac.uk/objects/a4d6f17b-7d14-4d93-a774-1dd4e7ca83e0/   

SELECT BIBLIOGRAPHY: Turyn 1957: 197, Günther 1995: 122


In at least one scholion (on Hecuba 225, Dindorf II.242,6–11), the unusual readings in Arsenius are close to what is in Tb rather than what is in T, Ta, or other descendants of T I have been able to check.

Other Triclinian witnesses available online: Paris grec 2077: https://gallica.bnf.fr/ark:/12148/btv1b107227925 ; Paris grec 2812: https://gallica.bnf.fr/ark:/12148/btv1b107230454 ; Vatican, Pal. gr. 223: https://digi.ub.uni-heidelberg.de/diglit/bav_pal_gr_223 ; Vatican, Pal. gr. 236: https://digi.ub.uni-heidelberg.de/diglit/bav_pal_gr_236 ; Vatican, Pal. gr. 354: https://digi.ub.uni-heidelberg.de/diglit/bav_pal_gr_354 .


CITY: London

COLLECTION: British Library

SHELFMARK: Arundel 522

DATE: 1489

NUMÉRO DIKTYON: 39273https://pinakes.irht.cnrs.fr/notices/cote/id/39273   

CATALOGUE (later than Turyn 1957): T. Pattie, S. McKendrick, The British Library Summary Catalogue of Greek Manuscripts, vol. I, London 1999: 7

EURIPIDEAN CONTENTS: 62v–64v: Mosch. life and περὶ τοῦ εἰδώλου; 64v–65v: Thoman life; 65v–67r: Thoman synopsis Hec.; 67r–101r: Hecuba; 101r–104r: Thoman synopsis Or.; 104r–149v: Orestes; 149v–153r: Thoman synopsis Phoen.; 153r–200r: Phoen.


The text hand has entered a single scholion on the triad (fol. 104r), sch. Or. 1.01 labeled τρικλινίου. Here and there, the rubricator has copied Triclinian rhetorical labels (especially in Hecuba), some metrical labels for the lyrics (with colon count or without colon count), and a few glosses.


ONLINE IMAGES: https://www.bl.uk/manuscripts/FullDisplay.aspx?ref=Arundel_MS_522   

SELECT BIBLIOGRAPHY: Turyn 1957: 196; Matthiessen 1974: 22 n. 17a; Mastronarde–Bremer 1982: 171; Mastronarde 1985: 104–106


The text of the plays is Triclinian, copied from Ta or from another early copy of T. Earlier in the codex there are Triclinian scholia on Hesiod and the treatises. treatises.

Miscellaneous later manuscripts with scholia


CITY: Mt. Athos

COLLECTION: Μονὴ Διονυσίου

SHELFMARK: 334 (Lambros 3868)

DATE: 15th c.


EURIPIDEAN CONTENTS: 32r: Vita; 32v: arg. Hec.; 33r–: Hec.; 78v–: arg. Or.; 79v–: Or.; 136v–137r: arg. Ph.; 137v–185v, 202r–208r, 209r–209v: Ph.


Sparse Moschopulean annotation is reported by others.

IMAGES USED: microfilm and microfiche (not complete for Hec.)

SELECT BIBLIOGRAPHY: Turyn 1957: 121–122; Matthiessen 1974: 37, Mastronarde–Bremer 1982: 13


Collated only for arg. and Or. 1–500 so far.


CITY: Mt. Athos

COLLECTION: Μονὴ Βατοπεδίου


DATE: 1420–1443


CATALOGUE (later than Turyn 1957): Cf. R. S. Stefec, Mitteilungen aus Athos-Handschriften, Wiener Studien 127 (2014) 121–150 (132–137 on At)

EURIPIDEAN CONTENTS: fol. 93r: vita; 93r–v: arg. Hec.; 93v–120v: Hec.; 120v–121r: arg. Or.; 121r–155r: Or; 155r–156v: arg. Ph.; 156v–190v: Ph.


Gerard (or Girard) of Old Patras: RGK I 80 = II 107 = III 144; PLP 4142; Wilson 1974: 139–142.

IMAGES USED: microfiches and prints for various parts

SELECT BIBLIOGRAPHY: Turyn 1957: 121, Mastronarde–Bremer 1982: 14, Diggle 1991: 11, Günther 1995: 81


The date is assigned because of the known period of activity of the scribe. Not yet explored or included in collations. According to old notes, in Ph. there are a very few old scholia by Gerard in the ink of the main text; some Moschopulean glosses in lighter ink (red, according to Steffec’s description). See Günther for description of scholia on Orestes by Gerard and by a later hand.



CITY: Vatican

COLLECTION: Biblioteca Apostolica Vaticana

SHELFMARK: Barberinianus gr. 90

DATE: 16th cent.

NUMÉRO DIKTYON: 6463864638   

CATALOGUE (later than Turyn 1957): V. Capocci, Codices Barberiniani Graeci I (Vatican City 1958) 122–124

EURIPIDEAN CONTENTS: 1r–80r: scholia on Hipp.; 80v: blank; 81r–135r: scholia on Med.; 135v–136v: blank; 137r–145v: scholia on Alc.; 146r–160v: scholia on Andr.; 161r–178v: scholia on Hipp.; 179r–187r: scholia on Med.; 187v–197r: scholia on Alc.; ff. 197v–204r: scholia on Andr.


Scholia only on the four select plays, copied from Mu.


ONLINE IMAGES: https://digi.vatlib.it/view/MSS_Barb.gr.90   

SELECT BIBLIOGRAPHY: Turyn 1957: 373–374; Cavarzeran 2023: ; Dovico: 87–88


Not relevant to the triad plays.



CITY: London

COLLECTION: British Library

SHELFMARK: Harley 6300

DATE: 1500–1525


CATALOGUE (later than Turyn 1957): T. Pattie, S. McKendrick, The British Library Summary Catalogue of Greek Manuscripts, vol. I, London 1999: 200–201

EURIPIDEAN CONTENTS: 1r–v: vita; 1v–2r: arg. Hec.; 2r–43r: Hec.; 43v–44r: arg. Or.; 44v–96v: Or.; 97r–v: arg. Ph.; 98r–164r: Ph.


A few Moschopulean scholia on Hec. and Or.; on Phoen., the scholia are old, related to those found in Rf.


ONLINE IMAGES: http://www.bl.uk/manuscripts/FullDisplay.aspx?ref=Harley_MS_6300   

SELECT BIBLIOGRAPHY: Turyn 1957: 131; Mastronarde–Bremer 1982: 171; Günther 1995: 84


Not yet studied.


PREVIOUS OR OTHER SIGLA: Haun in Diggle, C in Prinz-Wecklein

CITY: Copenhagen

COLLECTION: Det Kongelige Bibliotek

SHELFMARK: Gamle Kongelig Samling [GKS] 417

DATE: ca. 1475


CATALOGUE (later than Turyn 1957): B. Schartau, Codices Graeci Haunienses. Ein deskriptiver Katalog des griechischen Handschriftenbestandes der Königlichen Bibliothek Kopenhagen, Copenhagen 1994, 99–100

EURIPIDEAN CONTENTS: 1r–v: arg. Med.; 2r–29r: Med.; 29v–30r: arg. Hec.; 30r–55r: Hec; 55v–56r: arg. Or.; 56v–89v: Or.; 90r–91r: arg. Ph.; 91v–124v: Ph.; 125r–139v: sch. on Ph. 1–267; 140r–v: arg. Hipp.; 141r–168v: Hipp.; 169r–v: arg. Alc.; 170r–190v: Alc.; 190v–191r: arg. Andr.; 191v–217r: Andr.; 217r–v: arg. Tro.; 217v–243r; 243r–v: arg. Rh.; 244r–263r: Rh.


There is a single brief annotation on Medea 500, but otherwise the only scholia in Hn are found in a single extensive block following Phoen., on fol. 125r-139v: arg. Phoen. 11 (Peisander scholion) and 10 (Mastronarde 1988) are followed by old scholia on Phoen. 1–267.


Schartau identifies the scribe as Demetrius Moschus, RGK I 97.

IMAGES USED: scans of Turyn photos (all non-triad plays, and a few folios of Hec. and Ph., including the scholia block); microfilm for arg. and text of Ph.; no images yet for arg. Or.

SELECT BIBLIOGRAPHY: Turyn 1957: 329, Matthiessen 1974: 42, Mastronarde 1985: 102–104. See also Schartau’s catalogue entry.


Scholia not yet studied in detail. Turyn 1957: 331 states that the scholia of Hn are transcribed from Vr, but this is probably incorrect. It has been shown that Hn is a gemellus, not an apograph of Vr in the text of Phoenissae (Mastronarde 1985) and Hippolytus (Diggle 1983: 37). The same is probably the case for the scholia; at any rate, in a brief exploration of a few scholia, the relationship to the group MnSVr is obvious and no evidence that Hn derives from Vr has been detected.


CITY: Cambridge

COLLECTION: University Library


DATE: ca. 1480


EURIPIDEAN CONTENTS: 9r: vita; 9v: Hec.; 69r–138r: Or.; 165r–186v: another copy of Hec. 715–end; 187r: arg. Or.


In the first part, a mixture of Moschopulean and Thoman annotations with some old and other notes; in the second copy of Hec., Thoman notes.

IMAGES USED: microfilm; color digital images only recently online

ONLINE IMAGES: https://cudl.lib.cam.ac.uk/view/MS-NN-00003-00013/25   

SELECT BIBLIOGRAPHY: Turyn 1957: 208–208; Matthiessen 1974: 50; Diggle 1991: 11; Günther 1995: 244


Not yet explored by me. See the discussion of Günther 1995: 244–254.


PREVIOUS OR OTHER SIGLA: Fl. 6 in Matthiae, Dindorf (but the same sometimes refers to Lb)

CITY: Florence

COLLECTION: Biblioteca Medica Laurenziana

SHELFMARK: plut. 91sup.06

DATE: ca. 1495


EURIPIDEAN CONTENTS: 1r–v: arg. Hipp.; 2r–52v: sch. Hipp.; 53r: arg. Alc.; 53v–64v: sch. Alc.; 65r: arg. Med.; 65r–96v: sch. Med.; 97r–109r: sch. Andr.


Old scholia on the three plays it contains, copied from B, without the poetic text. This manuscript is not relevant to the triad plays.


Written mostly by Aristobulus Apostolis = Arsenius (RGK I 27), with some parts written by Marcus Musurus (RGK I 265) and Michael Suliardus (RGK I 286 = II 392).


ONLINE IMAGES: http://mss.bmlonline.it    ; (old viewer, with download)http://teca.bmlonline.it/    search for “plut.91sup.06″

SELECT BIBLIOGRAPHY: Turyn 1957: 365–366; Cavarzeran 2016: 26; Cavarzeran 2023: 5–6


The date is estimated from the watermark, as reported by Cataldi Palau 2004: 305. For the non-triad select plays thus is one of the sources of B-scholia in Arsenius’s edition, as Cavarzeran has shown.


CITY: Leiden

COLLECTION: Bibliotheek der Rijks-Universiteit

SHELFMARK: Vossianus gr. Q 33

DATE: 1475–1500


EURIPIDEAN CONTENTS: 1r–3r: versions of vita, and Mosch. περὶ τοῦ εἰδώλου; 3r: arg. Hec.; 3v–31r: Hec. 1–395, 743–end; 33r–35v: arg. Or.; 36r–89r: Or.; 92r–96v: arg. Ph.; 97r–163v: Ph.


Mixture of old and younger scholia.


Written by Michael Suliardus (RGK I 286 = II 392).


ONLINE IMAGES: (may be behind paywall for some) https://primarysources.brillonline.com/browse/codices-vossiani-graeci-et-miscellanei-online/vgq-33-euripidis-hecuba-orestes-phoenissae   

SELECT BIBLIOGRAPHY: Turyn 1957: 339; Günther 1995: 120


Scholia in Le were used by Valckenaer 1755, who transcribed them (Mastronarde 2017: 2–3 with n. 8).


CITY: Florence

COLLECTION: Biblioteca Medica Laurenziana

SHELFMARK: plut.31.21

DATE: 1450–1475


EURIPIDEAN CONTENTS: 1v–2r: vita; 2r–v: arg. Hec.; 3r–36r: Hec.; 36v–38r: arg. Or.; 38v–82v: Or.; 83r–84r: arg. Ph.; 84v–130v: Ph.


Moschopulean by the main scribe, with some Thoman and old added by another hand .

IMAGES USED: online; microfilm of Or., parts of Hec. and Ph

ONLINE IMAGES: http://mss.bmlonline.it    ; (old viewer, with download) http://teca.bmlonline.it/    search for “plut.31.21″

SELECT BIBLIOGRAPHY: Turyn 1957: 126, Günther 1995: 154


Not yet studied by me, checked only for a few scholia where cited in Dindorf.


CITY: Venice

COLLECTION: Biblioteca Nazionale Marciana

SHELFMARK: greco 620 (coll. 890)

DATE: ca. 1325


CATALOGUE (later than Turyn 1957): E. Mioni, Bibliothecae divi Marci Venetiarum codices Graeci manuscripti. Thesaurus antiquus, 2: Codices 300–625. (Roma 1985) 545–546

EURIPIDEAN CONTENTS: 1r–32r: Hipp. 63–291, 345–end; 32v–33r: arg. Andr.; 33r–v: arg. Med.


A few scholia on Hipp. This manuscript is not relevant to the triad plays.


SELECT BIBLIOGRAPHY: Turyn 1957: 375; Cavarzeran 2016: 48; Cavarzeran 2023: 30


Copied from A, according to Turyn and Cavarzeran.


CITY: Munich

COLLECTION: Bayerische Staatsbibliothek

SHELFMARK: gr. 258

DATE: first half of 16th cent.


CATALOGUE (later than Turyn 1957): K. Hajdú, Katalog der griechischen Handschriften der Bayerischen Staatsbibliothek München, Band 4: Codices graeci Monacenses 181-265, Wiesbaden 2012: 380–383

EURIPIDEAN CONTENTS: 1r–57v: Ph.; 58r–106r: arg. Med. and Med.; 106v: blank; 107r–156v: arg. Hipp. and Hipp; 157r–176v: sch. Ph.; 177r–192v: sch. Med/; 193r–230v: sch. Hipp.; 230Ar–230Bv: blank; 231r–237r: sch. Andr.; 237v: blank; 238r–242v: sch. Alc.


Partly plays with scholia in the margins, and partly pages with scholia only.

IMAGES USED: digitized black and white images

SELECT BIBLIOGRAPHY: Turyn 1957: 380–381; Cavarzeran 2016: 53–55; Cavarzeran 2023: 10–11; Dovico 89–91


The plays were copied from the Aldine edition, and Turyn reports that the scholia and glosses added to the text of Ph. are Moschopulean (my check of a small sample confirms this). The pages with scholia only are copied mainly from Mu, but for Hipp. there are also paraphrases of lyrics that are not known from elsewhere.


CITY: Venice

COLLECTION: Biblioteca Nazionale Marciana

SHELFMARK: gr. 470 (coll. 824)

DATE: 1469–1472


CATALOGUE (later than Turyn 1957): Mioni, Bibliothecae divi Marci Venetiarum codices Graeci manuscripti. 1:2. Thesaurus antiquus, codices 300–625 (Rome 1985) 258–260

EURIPIDEAN CONTENTS: 1r: vita, arg. Hec.; 1v–18v: Hec.; 18v: arg. Or.; 19r–40v: Or.; 41r: arg. Ph.; 41v–64r: Ph.; 64v–80v: Andr.; 80v: arg. Hipp.; 81r–99v: Hipp.; 99v: arg. Med.; 100r–114r: Med. 1–730, 825–1028, 1134–1338


Moschopulean annotation on the triad, according to Turyn; a limited selection of old scholia on Andr. copied from M, according to Cavarzeran.


The scribe is Georgios Trivizias, RGK I 73.


SELECT BIBLIOGRAPHY: Turyn 1957: 158–159, 374–375; Günther 1995: 155; Cavarzeran 2023: 14–15


Not yet studied.


CITY: Venice

COLLECTION: Biblioteca Nazionale Marciana

SHELFMARK: Marc. gr. IX 10 (coll. 1160)

DATE: ca. 1494–1500


CATALOGUE (later than Turyn 1957): E. Mioni, Bibliothecae divi Marci Venetiarum codices Graeci manuscripti. Volumen III codices qui in nonam, decimam undecimam inclusos et supplementa duo continens (Roma, 1972) 12–13

EURIPIDEAN CONTENTS: 1r–32v: Hec.; 33r–v: arg. Or.; 34r–85v: Or.; 86r–v: arg. Ph.; 87r–134v: Ph.; 135r–v: arg. Hipp.; 136r–179v: Hipp.; 181r: arg. Med.; 181v–214v: Med.; 215r: arg. Alc.; 215v–241v: Alc.; 242r: arg. Andr.; 242v–272r: Andr.


Text written in a single column (often of 20 lines, but sometimes of fewer) with ample margins. Old scholia (copied from B, except for rare exceptions drawing on L) for Hec. 533–end and the other plays; Palaeologan scholia on Hec. 1–532.


Written by Marcus Musurus RGK I 265.

IMAGES USED: digital images acquired 2022

SELECT BIBLIOGRAPHY: Turyn 1957: 375–376; Cavarzeran 2014; Cavarzeran 2016: 27; Cavarzeran 2023: 6


The scholia throughout are copied from B. For the triad, as for the non-triad select plays, Mu is among the possible sources of readings in which Arsenius’s edition differs from B itself. So far, checked by only in places were the origin of Arsenius’s reading needs to be investigated. The manuscripts Br and Mc are copies of Mu.


CITY: Naples

COLLECTION: Biblioteca Nazionale


DATE: early 16th cent. (later than Aldine edition)


CATALOGUE (later than Turyn 1957): M. Formentin, Catalogus Codicum Graecorum Bibliothecae Nationalis Neapolitanae, 2 (Roma 1995) 169–172

EURIPIDEAN CONTENTS: 25r–v: Tricl. Life; 26r–27r: arg. Hec.; 27v–65r: Hec.; 66r–v: arg Or.; 67r–107r: Or. 1–1151; 110r–v: arg. Andr.; 111r–143r: Andr.; 144r–v: arg. Hipp.; 144v–182v: Hipp.; 184r–205r: block of scholia on Hipp.; 206r–207r: arg Ph.; 207v–249r: Ph.

IMAGES USED: scans of Turyn photos (no images of Or. 1152–1693 and Ph. 956–1766)

SELECT BIBLIOGRAPHY: Turyn 1957: 345–346, Matthiessen 1974: 129, Cavarzeran 2016: 34–35, Cavarzeran 2023: 17–18


Not yet explored much; probably of little importance for the triad.


CITY: Naples

COLLECTION: Biblioteca Nazionale

SHELFMARK: Vindobonensis graecus 17

DATE: ca. 1500


EURIPIDEAN CONTENTS: 1r: arg. Hec.; 1v–38r: Hec.; 39r–v: arg. Or.; 39v–84r: Or.; 84v–85v: arg. Ph.; 85v–138v: Ph.;139r–v: arg. Hipp.; 139v–183v: Hipp.; 184r–v: arg. Med.; 184v–228r: Med.; 228r–v: arg Andr.; 228v–263r: Andr.


For the triad section, the text is in a single column of 19 (occasionally 20) lines, with an ample side margin for scholia (blank or mostly blank on some pages). The scholia are apparently similar to those in the main recentiores MnPrRSSa. Latin glosses on Hec. 1–58 and Ph. 1–364.


Written by an anonymous scribe from Terra d’Otranto associated with the circle of Sergio Sisto.

IMAGES USED: digital images from library

SELECT BIBLIOGRAPHY: Turyn 1957: 348–351; Matthiessen 1974: 129; Grimaldi 1999; Cavarzeran 2016: 49–40; Manzano 2021: 459; Cavarzeran 2023: 18


Not yet explored very much. Matthiessen doubts Turyn’s claim that the triad was transcribed directly from R. A very brief check of some scholia that appear only in R and a few other recentiores located one that matched R’s peculiar readings (sch. 652.01) but others that could not be copied from R directly (e.g., sch. 813.01 has a phrase omitted from R). So Matthiessen’s doubts are justified as far as the annotation goes.


CITY: Paris

COLLECTION: Bibliothèque Nationale

SHELFMARK: grec 2810

DATE: late 15th c.


EURIPIDEAN CONTENTS: 1r–47r: Hec.; 47r–48r: arg. Or.; 48r–99v: Or.


Many glosses and some discursive scholia, mostly in side margin, occasionally with a few lines in top or bottom margins.


ONLINE IMAGES: (digitized from black and white microfilm) http://gallica.bnf.fr/ark:/12148/btv1b107229278/   

SELECT BIBLIOGRAPHY: Turyn 1957: 353; Matthiessen 1974: 44; Günther 1995: 241


Collated for sch. 991.02 (edited here from MlMnRaRbSSaPb) because this manuscript was cited for this scholion in Schwartz. A very brief examination revealed that at least some other marginal scholia match those in the recentiores, including some that are not widely attested, such as sch. 991.02 and sch. 165.01 (edited here from MnPrRaS).


PREVIOUS OR OTHER SIGLA: Pr (and Pn) in Cavarzeran; Par. D in Matthiae; P. or Par. 2818 in Dindorf

CITY: Paris

COLLECTION: Bibliothèque Nationale

SHELFMARK: grec 2818

DATE: ca. 1500


EURIPIDEAN CONTENTS: 1r–2v: arg. Hipp. not by the main hand; 3r–25v: sch. Hipp. (marginal sch. from B); 26r–48r: sch. Ph.; 48v–75v: sch. Or.; 76r–85v: sch. Hec.; 86r–94v are blank; 95r: arg. Hipp.; 95r–125v: Hipp. text and interlinear annotations from B; 127r–156r: arg. Med, Med. text and sch.; 161r–186v: arg. Andr., Andr. text and sch.; 189r–212r: arg. Alc., Alc. text and sch.


Old scholia copied mainly from B, with some material taken from L or from a different source (family φ in Cavarzeran). Blocks of scholia only for Hipp. and triad plays, then the text of Hipp. with glosses and a few scholia, followed by the remaining plays with both glosses and scholia. The Euripidean text is laid out in a single column of 20 lines.


Written by Michael Suliardus, RGK I 286 = II 392.


ONLINE IMAGES: (digitized from black and white microfilm) http://gallica.bnf.fr/ark:/12148/btv1b107237289   

SELECT BIBLIOGRAPHY: Turyn 1957: 369–370; Cavarzeran 2016: 27–28; Cavarzeran 2023: 6–8


Sporadically consulted for comparison with Arsenius’ edition. In the non-triad select plays it has been shown that Ph is a gemellus of Mu.


CITY: Paris

COLLECTION: Bibliothèque Nationale

SHELFMARK: grec 2815

DATE: 1400–1450


EURIPIDEAN CONTENTS: 1v: Hec. 446–481; 2r–11v: Hec. 21–467;12r–v: Hec. 482–523; 14r–19v: Hec. 566–830; 20r–30r: Hec. 831–end; 30v: arg. Or.; 31r–35v: Or. 1–227; 36r–v: Or. 923–964; 37r–44v: Or. 1325–1681; 45r–v: Or. 1225–1274; 46r–53v: Or. 572–922; 54r–58v: Or. 228–444; 59r–61v: Or. 445–571; 62r–v: Or. 1275–1324; 63r–68v: Or. 965–1224; 69r: Or. 1682–end; 69r–v: arg. Ph.


Mixture of various types, many Moschopulean, also some metrical notes (see below).


One scribe is Athanasios, RGK II 11.


ONLINE IMAGES: (digitized from black and white microfilm) http://gallica.bnf.fr/ark:/12148/btv1b10722529n   

SELECT BIBLIOGRAPHY: Turyn 1957: 146; Günther 1995: 139–140


According to Günther, probably a copy of Fp, including metrical notes; Pp has very faded notes in some places.


PREVIOUS OR OTHER SIGLA: q in Diggle for Tro. 611–1332; H in Prinz-Wecklein

CITY: London

COLLECTION: British Library

SHELFMARK: Harley 5743

DATE: ca. 1475


CATALOGUE (later than Turyn 1957): T. Pattie, S. McKendrick, The British Library Summary Catalogue of Greek Manuscripts, vol. I, London 1999: 187

EURIPIDEAN CONTENTS: 63r–65v: Alc. 1029–end; 65v–66v: arg. Rh.; 67r–86v: Rh.; 86v–87r: hyp. Tro.; 87r–113r: Tro.

IMAGES USED: scans of Turyn photos, and online images

ONLINE IMAGES: http://www.bl.uk/manuscripts/FullDisplay.aspx?ref=Harley_MS_5743   

SELECT BIBLIOGRAPHY: Turyn 1957: 288–289


Contains brief scholia on Rhes. 826, 920, Tro. 396.


CITY: Manchester

COLLECTION: Rylands Library

SHELFMARK: Gaster 1689

DATE: 14th c. (end)


EURIPIDEAN CONTENTS: (the leaves are bound in a scrambled order) 12r–v: Thoman synopsis for Or.; 2r–11v, 13r–15v: Or. 13–156, 206–375


Moschopulean and Thoman glosses, some marginal scholia.


SELECT BIBLIOGRAPHY: Matthiessen 1974: 100 n.38; Diggle 1991: 9, 99–103; Günther 1995: 56–57; Zuntz 1967: 497–517


Zuntz 1967: 511–514 reports some of the scholia and says that some marginalia and many glosses are illegible. As far as the text of Ry is concerned, Zuntz proposed and Diggle confirmed that Ry descends from a manuscript that was a protoTriclinian work, that is, it contained some of Triclinius’ metrical conjectures and the combination of Moschopulean and Thoman annotation characteristic of him. I do not list it above with T because it is not a source for Triclinius’ own scholia.


PREVIOUS OR OTHER SIGLA: t in Prinz-Wecklein

CITY: Thessalonica


SHELFMARK: unnumbered, destroyed in fire in 1890

DATE: 16th c.


EURIPIDEAN CONTENTS: (from Papageorgiou) Hec. 1046–end, arg. Or., Or., arg. Ph., Ph. 1–1014, 1058–1519, 1581–1693




SELECT BIBLIOGRAPHY: Turyn 1957: 151–152; Mastronarde–Bremer 1982: 172–173; Diggle 1991: 11; Papageorgiou 1881: 286–309


Papageorgiou (whose collations are the basis of what is known about the readings of Th for the incomplete text of the triad) noted that there were annotations in this manuscript, but he did not report any (306: Μὴ δυνάμενος δι’ ἔλλειψιν χρόνου νὰ εἴπω τι καὶ περὶ τῶν σχολίων τοῦ κώδικος ἀναβάλλομαι τὸν περὶ αὐτῶν λόγον εἰς ἄλλον καιρόν. “Not being able because of lack of time to say something about the scholia of the codex, I postpone to another time discussion about them.”).


PREVIOUS OR OTHER SIGLA: Taur. in Matthiae, T in Dindorf

CITY: Turin

COLLECTION: Biblioteca Nazionale

SHELFMARK: C.V.3 (destroyed in fire of 1904)

DATE: 16th cent.


EURIPIDEAN CONTENTS: 141–163: Andr. with arg. and scholia


The annotation is closely related to that in Gr/Gu, according to Cavarzeran.


SELECT BIBLIOGRAPHY: Turyn 1957: 61 n. 101, Cavarzeran 2023: 25–29


Cavarzeran suggests that Tu descended from the same subarchetype as Gr/Gu rather than being copies from the latter, as Turyn speculated.


CITY: London

COLLECTION: British Library

SHELFMARK: Harley 5725

DATE: ca. 1500


CATALOGUE (later than Turyn 1957): T. Pattie, S. McKendrick, The British Library Summary Catalogue of Greek Manuscripts, vol. I, London 1999: 178

EURIPIDEAN CONTENTS: 140r–v: vita; 140v: arg. Hec.; 141r–211v: Hec.; 211v: sch. Mosch. Or. 2; 212r–v: arg. Or.; 213r–304v: Or.


mixture of scholia, including modified Moschopulean and Thoman material


The scribe is Andreas Donus, RGK I 14 = II 22.

IMAGES USED: microfilm and online images

ONLINE IMAGES: http://www.bl.uk/manuscripts/Viewer.aspx?ref=harley_ms_5725   

SELECT BIBLIOGRAPHY: Turyn 1957: 208, Matthiessen 1974: 50, Günther 1995: 255–258


Günther lists a number of other late manuscripts that appear to have the same collection of scholia, many of which are also written by Andreas Donus.



CITY: Vatican City

COLLECTION: Biblioteca Apostolica Vaticana

SHELFMARK: Palatinus graecus 98

DATE: 14th c.


EURIPIDEAN CONTENTS: 4r: vita; 4v: Hec.; 28v: arg. Or.; 29v–62r: Or.; 62v blank; 63r: arg. Ph.; 64r–97r: Ph.; 97v blank; 98r: arg. Med.; 98v: Med.; 125r: arg. Hipp.; 125v: Hipp.; 152v: arg. Alc.; 153r: Alc.; 174v: arg. Andr.; 175v: Andr.; 199v: arg. Tro., Tro.; 224r: arg. Rh.; 224r–242r: Rh. 1–940 (242r blank after only 6 lines); 242v–243v: Rh. 941–966.


Only a few annotations.

IMAGES USED: autopsy examination May 2012, May 2017, March 2019; excellent images now available online

ONLINE IMAGES: https://digi.ub.uni-heidelberg.de/diglit/bav_pal_gr_98   

SELECT BIBLIOGRAPHY: Turyn 1957: 91–92, Matthiessen 1974: 45–46, Diggle 1991: 10, Cavarzeran 2023: 30


This manuscript has been used by editors for the text in some passages because the text is copied from V (except that Rh. 941–966 appear to be from another source), and V is damaged in places or has lost pages. V’s annotations were mostly ignored in copying (only three or four items on the non-triad plays may derive from V). A few of the glosses on non-triad plays may be due to the first hand of Va, but most are by later hands. I noted sporadic glosses and very few short marginal scholia on Hecuba; of these, one scholion can be identified as Thoman, while a few others appear in Dindorf as attested in Arsenius’ edition (I). There are similar sporadic glosses on Orestes and fewer on Phoenissae. I noted a few dozen glosses or scholia on the non-triad plays.


PREVIOUS OR OTHER SIGLA: O in Schw., Y in Diggle for Andr.

CITY: Vatican

COLLECTION: Biblioteca Apostolica Vaticana

SHELFMARK: Ottobonianus graecus 339

DATE: 16th cent.


EURIPIDEAN CONTENTS: 158r–176v: sch. on Andr.; 177r–186r: sch. on Hec.


Old scholia with no text.

IMAGES USED: print from microfilm for 158r–177r; (color) digital images now online

ONLINE IMAGES: https://digi.vatlib.it/view/MSS_Ott.gr.339   

SELECT BIBLIOGRAPHY: Turyn 1957: 355; Schwartz 1884


Vo is a main witness for the scholia on Andr.; Schwartz 1884 showed that the Hecuba scholia are copied page for page from fols. 1r–10v of R.


PREVIOUS OR OTHER SIGLA: Pv in Diggle for Hipp.

CITY: Vatican

COLLECTION: Biblioteca Apostolica Vaticana

SHELFMARK: Palatinus graecus 343

DATE: ca. 1500


CATALOGUE (later than Turyn 1957): See the detailed description by Anne-Elisabeth Beron (2020) accompanying the Heidelberg images.

EURIPIDEAN CONTENTS: 1r–39r: Ph. 63–1766; 41r–54v: Hipp. 20–386, 447–939


Old scholia in the modified form found in MnS and other recentiores. The layout of the pages varies widely, from the common format with scholia blocks on three sides of a group of verses to a page will only scholia or one with almost all scholia and a few verses with a column of scholia beside them.


Written by (Ioannes) Gregoropoulos.

IMAGES USED: microfilm, and online

ONLINE IMAGES: (excellent color images) https://digi.ub.uni-heidelberg.de/diglit/bav_pal_gr_343    ; (from black and white microfilm) https://digi.vatlib.it/view/MSS_Pal.gr.343   

SELECT BIBLIOGRAPHY: Turyn 1957: 357, Mastronarde–Bremer 1982: 14, Cavarzeran 2016: 50


Reading the scholia was too inefficient with the microfilm or Vatican images digitized from microfilm, but the Heidelberg images now make collation practical. An examination of a small sample of scholia from the new images shows that, just as for the text, Vr is closely related to MnS in respect to the selection and wording of its scholia.


CITY: Paris

COLLECTION: Bibliothèque Nationale

SHELFMARK: grec 2803

DATE: ca. 1450


EURIPIDEAN CONTENTS: 1r–v: vita; 1v–2r: arg. Hec.; 3r–60r: Hec.; 60v–61v: arg. Or.; 62r–137r: Or.; 137r–138v: arg. Ph.; 139r–220r: Ph.


A few Moschopulean scholia, and a few old scholia.


ONLINE IMAGES: http://gallica.bnf.fr/ark:/12148/btv1b107222337   

SELECT BIBLIOGRAPHY: Turyn 1957: 142–143; Günther 1995: 86


Not yet studied.


PREVIOUS OR OTHER SIGLA: H in Schwartz for Vita

CITY: Venice

COLLECTION: Biblioteca Nazionale Marciana

SHELFMARK: greco 469 (col. 799)

DATE: 1413


CATALOGUE (later than Turyn 1957): E. Mioni, Bibliothecae divi Marci Venetiarum codices Graeci manuscripti. Thesaurus antiquus, 2: Codices 300–625. (Roma 1985) 257–258

EURIPIDEAN CONTENTS: 2r: abortive versions of arg. Hec. (heading and two lines crossed out: ἀγαμέμνων ὁ βασιλεὺς ἀπερχόμενος εἰς τὸν πόλεμον κατέλοιπε φύλακα τῆς αὐτοῦ; heading repeated, then only first lines μετὰ τὴν τῆς ἰλίου πολιορκίαν … μͅίαν τῶν θυγατέρων πριάμου) (2v:blank); 3r–v: arg. Hec. (in full, with new heading); 4r–v: dram. pers.; sch. on first lines of Hec.; (no folio labeled as 5) 6r–51r: Hec.; 51r–v: arg. Or.; 52r–110v: Or.; 110v–111r: arg. Ph.; 111r–169v: Ph.

IMAGES USED: microfilms; new color digital images

ONLINE IMAGES: http://www.internetculturale.it/it/16/search?q=Z.+469   

SELECT BIBLIOGRAPHY: Turyn 1957: 68–73, 158; Matthiessen 1974: 50; Mastronarde–Bremer 1982: 15, 26–28; Günther 1995: 147–148


This manuscript is noteworthy in that it appears to be the source of some paraphrasing scholia found in Arsenius’ edition (he appears to have shortened Yv’s paraphrases by omitting the constant repetition of each word of the text before its paraphrasing synonym). Collating these paraphrases is not yet a high priority. For a sample see Mastronarde 2017: 44–59.


CITY: Cambridge

COLLECTION: University Library

SHELFMARK: Nn 3.14 (second half, following Z)

DATE: second half 15th cent.


EURIPIDEAN CONTENTS: 122r–151v: Hec.; 152r–v: blank; 153r–v: arg. Or.; 154r–207v: Or.

IMAGES USED: microfilm; very brief autopsy June 2010; new digital images recently online

ONLINE IMAGES: https://cudl.lib.cam.ac.uk/view/MS-NN-00003-00014/251   

SELECT BIBLIOGRAPHY: Turyn 1957: 180, Matthiessen 1974: 51, Diggle 1991: 12, Günther 1995: 223


Not yet collated. If we ignore the 16th cent. glosses that occur in the first pages of Hec., there are, by the main scribe, sporadic supralinear notes and very few marginal notes in Hec., almost all late in the play; glosses and a few marginal notes on Or. These are said to be of mixed nature, with a few Thoman elements.



Manuscripts Copyright © 2024 by Donald J. Mastronarde. All Rights Reserved.