Book Title: Development Policies: Local Opportunities and Local Development

Book Description: The Local Development and Local Opportunities book is one of the first of its kind, in particular in the context of development of the small Anatolian cities. The book, on one hand, discusses opportunities offered by the small Anatolian cities; and on the other hand, shares new proposals for potential development programs.
Book Information
Book Description
The Local Development and Local Opportunities book is one of the first of its kind, in particular in the context of development of the small Anatolian cities. The book, on one hand, discusses opportunities offered by the small Anatolian cities; and on the other hand, shares new proposals for potential development programs. The book, as the last in a series of new academic activities between 2016-2018, is related to development concerns in a self-organized small city in the Eastern Anatolia.
Development Policies: Local Opportunities and Local Development Copyright © 2019 by Bilal Bagis is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.